Native Americans

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Gold Member
Aug 12, 2011
Band all your nations together and take your rightful land holdings back.
Back to the time before any state any government lied and broke your treaties.
Band and gather the support of the right wingers.
I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.
We are not Indians as that pertains to a place in Asia...We do not have to go by the titles that non-indigenous whites put upon us...
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I'm part Cherokee and I say get over it already. It's impossible to go back to how things were that long ago.
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I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.
The right-wing doesn't have a culture or a nation, as was just proven when the right-wing took up arms against the laws of the United States of America in defense of a rich racist criminal.

The right-wing has lost any and all claims to be an American of any sort.
No, technically you are not native american.
Your ancestors is from another country. Not this one.

I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.
I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.
The right-wing doesn't have a culture or a nation, as was just proven when the right-wing took up arms against the laws of the United States of America in defense of a rich racist criminal.

The right-wing has lost any and all claims to be an American of any sort.

You're full of shit.

I guess you have no problem with the many illegals taking up arms against border patrol so they can enter illegally. And the left has no problem with the radical Muslims who have killed thousands of innocent people.

You're only angry that someone stood up for their rights against tyranny in government. No one was hurt like in the instances mentioned above. This is not a nation of sheep and our founders intended to allow us liberty to fight against government if they became too oppressive. We are not a democracy, we are a Republic and have freedom and liberty. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. That is the American way. It's not the socialist way, like the left wants, so deal with it.

The liberal media was looking for something to change the subject regarding the Bundy matter. They must have been pleased when they found a way to twist words in order to get attention away from Reid's corruption. Now they want to make this about something other than it is.
No, technically you are not native american.
Your ancestors is from another country. Not this one.

I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.

No one was here originally. How far back are you willing to try to search to find the first people?

We have this gross arrogance which claims that history begins when we say it does. Garbage.
Wow. Now you want to be a Native American but your heritage is European.

Good luck with that.
I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.
The right-wing doesn't have a culture or a nation, as was just proven when the right-wing took up arms against the laws of the United States of America in defense of a rich racist criminal.

The right-wing has lost any and all claims to be an American of any sort.

Do you realize that's how Americans became the U.S.A.?
It was called the American Revolution. :D
So the south SHOULD have been ravaged and all land taken from all southern land holders and they should all have been put into some pieced up land they were given by the goodness the North!:lol:
And if the Federal government uses their right of force on government land they get to also have bundy's land.

To the victor goes the with it.
you miss the point entirely because you only think alone one avenue.
White european settlers stole the land from Native (indigenous)
Americans and then lied and tricked them and broke the treaty they expected the native americans to live by.

I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.
The right-wing doesn't have a culture or a nation, as was just proven when the right-wing took up arms against the laws of the United States of America in defense of a rich racist criminal.

The right-wing has lost any and all claims to be an American of any sort.

Do you realize that's how Americans became the U.S.A.?
It was called the American Revolution. :D
you miss the point entirely because you only think alone one avenue.
White european settlers stole the land from Native (indigenous)
Americans and then lied and tricked them and broke the treaty they expected the native Americans to live by.

The right-wing doesn't have a culture or a nation, as was just proven when the right-wing took up arms against the laws of the United States of America in defense of a rich racist criminal.

The right-wing has lost any and all claims to be an American of any sort.

Do you realize that's how Americans became the U.S.A.?
It was called the American Revolution. :D

I wasn't talking about Native Americans.
I was answering KNB statement about right wingers.
We are not Indians as that pertains to a place in Asia...We do not have to go by the titles that non-indigenous whites put upon us...

Actually, I am proud to call myself an "American Indian", and see nothing wrong with it. It is a proud heritage and I actually object to the various Politically Correct words and phrases that have been made up over the years.

But hey, if you prefer NA, that is your right too. But please do not deny me the right to use the name or phrase I prefer.
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