Native Americans

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you miss the point entirely because you only think alone one avenue.
White european settlers stole the land from Native (indigenous)
Americans and then lied and tricked them and broke the treaty they expected the native americans to live by.

Generally not true.

To begin with, pretty much universally the Natives who were already here did not have any kind of concept of "Land Ownership". To them, you could no more own land then you could own the sky or the clouds. So when the crazy foreigners showed up and wanted to buy it, they simply shrugged and took the tokens from the crazy white people.

And the natives were not even opposed to cheating the whites in the first place. Many people look at Peter Minuet who purchased Manhattan for $1,000 worth of trinkets. However, most do not realize that the tribe that he paid did not even live on Manhattan in the first place!

The tribe native to Manhattan were the Lenape's. However, he bought the land from the Canarsee, who lived on Long Island.

And a great many tribes have had good relations with the US for centuries. Generally the only major problems were from those of the Plaines, who were more warlike and nomadic then those on the coastal regions.
I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.
The right-wing doesn't have a culture or a nation, as was just proven when the right-wing took up arms against the laws of the United States of America in defense of a rich racist criminal.

The right-wing has lost any and all claims to be an American of any sort.

Were you born this damn dumb, or have you had to work at it? Can you even imagine how dull and boring this nation would be if everyone thought like you do? You are the poster child for left wing sheeple.
No, technically you are not native american.
Your ancestors is from another country. Not this one.

I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.

No one was here originally. How far back are you willing to try to search to find the first people?

We have this gross arrogance which claims that history begins when we say it does. Garbage.
Look up "Kennewick Man" has the Native Americans in a tizzy. Imagine...a European decedent found along the Columbia River long before Europeans were supposed to be in North America.
The time to "band together" was long ago. Maybe someone knows the numbers, but how many Native American tribes were there at the time of colonization? How many did they number in total? Tens of thousands... millions? Tribes warred amongst themselves so it probably wasn't possible to join forces en mass. But think about it- if they did, and held the line at say the Missississississississippi river... they might could have succeeded.
American Indians have spent tens of thousands of years fighting one another over minor things. What makes you think they can - or will - band together now!!! :mad:

If they had banded together when Europeans first made their way to the Americas, things would not be as they are today.

Example is Cortez' invasion of Majica. If the other tribes had banded together with the Aztecs, do you think that small group of adventurers would've lasted a week?
The time to "band together" was long ago. Maybe someone knows the numbers, but how many Native American tribes were there at the time of colonization? How many did they number in total? Tens of thousands... millions?

Most estimate somewhere between 50-75 million.

American Colonies - Alan Taylor - Google Books

But numbers are hard to accurately figure, because so many died in the first contact with Europeans because of disease. That was by far the biggest killer.

Tribes warred amongst themselves so it probably wasn't possible to join forces en mass. But think about it- if they did, and held the line at say the Missississississississippi river... they might could have succeeded.

This is very true. In fact, a lot of the names we know of the tribes by are not their own names, but given to us by their enemies.

We know the Lakota as the Sioux, a Chippewa word for rattlesnake.
We know the Apsaalooke as the Crow, a name given by the Lakota.
We know the Dine as the Apache, a Zuni word meaning "Enemy".

However, their "wars" would barely be skirmishes to most Europeans. It was not for elimination or conquest, simply to push them off of one area of land that they wanted.

And there had been many times where they did form larger organizations. The Mississippian Culture rivaled that of the Aztecs for sophistication, but it broke up for unknown reasons at the end of the 15th century. Archaeologists are still unsure if this was due to internal pressure, or the diseases where were then sweeping through North America. And the Algonquin peoples largely kept their culture intact once the worst of the diseases passed.
5 million(tops) Native American against 310 million others. Keep on whining as it will just turn you blue in the face and you will pass out. First tell me who didn't war against other people? Who didn't land grab! What tribe, nation or creed... The Romans took the better part of the UK, France, etc. The natives that lived in the UK had their land stolen. They're nearly a completely different people(Saxons) today compared to 1,500 years ago. I'd bet good money that one of those "advance" central American civilizations would of want north and done it by now. This is human nature... You call yourself intelligent but you don't understand reality.

Hell, look today, the Hispanics and the rest of the fucking world is doing the same thing to us. Sadly, at least we used the land to feed humanity, create cures for diseases and make the world what it is. I'll ask the native American what has he done? Next to nothing but whine.

Now back to the question at hand: 5 vs 310 million. This means you can whine all you effin want and the Natives WILL NEVER GET their land back. EVER.
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There are some amazing stories about American Indian cultures if one wishes to do the research.

A couple of good ones deal with the Anasazi of the southwest who were forced to migrate south when a long drought dried up the rivers and springs they depended upon. Where they went and who they became is something we never hear about in history classes.

A couple of centuries later, the Paiute who moved into their territory also faced a long drought and they too migrated south. The results were astonishing.
Band all your nations together and take your rightful land holdings back.
Back to the time before any state any government lied and broke your treaties.
Band and gather the support of the right wingers.

LOL! Are you on crack? Or is this a joke? This needs to be moved to the satire section.

You need to read the rules regarding posting in the political section. It needs to be a real story with a link to the story
Band all your nations together and take your rightful land holdings back.
Back to the time before any state any government lied and broke your treaties.
Band and gather the support of the right wingers.
can't break a treaty that's faulty in the first place
you miss the point entirely because you only think alone one avenue.
White european settlers stole the land from Native (indigenous)
Americans and then lied and tricked them and broke the treaty they expected the native americans to live by.

I'm a Native American. I was born in the US. I'm of European heritage but it has little to do with who I am culturally and nothing to do with who I am nationally. I'm a Native American. You're probably talking about Indians or indigenous Americans.
The right-wing doesn't have a culture or a nation, as was just proven when the right-wing took up arms against the laws of the United States of America in defense of a rich racist criminal.

The right-wing has lost any and all claims to be an American of any sort.

Do you realize that's how Americans became the U.S.A.?
It was called the American Revolution. :D
they didn't own the land
Why are you resurrecting a thread that died 5 years ago?

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