NATO forms new war size

Europe needs less soldiers – but more European ones

The numbers speak for themselves. Some 25 per cent of NATO members do not have an air force, 30 per cent have no naval force or maintain a navy with less than 600 sailors, and 50 per cent are fielding an active army of less than 20,000 soldiers. NATO is an Alliance of unequals, but it does not have to be.
he first step to solve NATO’s underlying problem is to recognise that the continuous failure to create and deploy NATO’s Response Forces (NRF) and the EU Battlegroups is political in nature. Both rapid-response forces, as well as the current Framework Nations Concept advocated by Berlin, struggle with the uneven distribution of political risks, due to their internal rotational setup, unequal financial burden-sharing, and the issue of reacting to a military crisis rather than preventing one in the first place.

The United States has significantly reduced forces in Europe...............Europe for a very long time has not put money into their military, dependent on a large Presence of U.S. forces.............With that decline they are finally realizing they need to improve their own military's capability............which for many countries is near non-existent.....................

Time for them to step up..........we are busy now............
Medvedev, Russian PM : Russia-NATO relations have fallen to new Cold War level , he said just last week in Munich:
"We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.
Speaking bluntly, we are rapidly rolling into a period of a new cold war. Russia has been presented as well-nigh the biggest threat to NATO, or to Europe, America and other countries (and Mr Stoltenberg has just demonstrated that). They show frightening films about Russians starting a nuclear war. I am sometimes confused: is this 2016 or 1962?

I’d like to quote from John F. Kennedy, who used very simple but the most appropriate words, “Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.” In the early 1960s the world stood at the door of a nuclear apocalypse, but the two rivaling powers found the courage to admit that no political confrontation was worth the human lives."
Medvedev’s Speech at the Munich Security Conference Panel Discussion

We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
stop invading russian neighbors first.
Europe needs less soldiers – but more European ones

The numbers speak for themselves. Some 25 per cent of NATO members do not have an air force, 30 per cent have no naval force or maintain a navy with less than 600 sailors, and 50 per cent are fielding an active army of less than 20,000 soldiers. NATO is an Alliance of unequals, but it does not have to be.
he first step to solve NATO’s underlying problem is to recognise that the continuous failure to create and deploy NATO’s Response Forces (NRF) and the EU Battlegroups is political in nature. Both rapid-response forces, as well as the current Framework Nations Concept advocated by Berlin, struggle with the uneven distribution of political risks, due to their internal rotational setup, unequal financial burden-sharing, and the issue of reacting to a military crisis rather than preventing one in the first place.

The United States has significantly reduced forces in Europe...............Europe for a very long time has not put money into their military, dependent on a large Presence of U.S. forces.............With that decline they are finally realizing they need to improve their own military's capability............which for many countries is near non-existent.....................

Time for them to step up..........we are busy now............
However this year Pentagon claimed 4 times more money than last year!

The Pentagon’s claims that Russia and China are among the top challenges for the US is a justification to continue the flow of taxpayer’s money into major weapon systems and their corporate sponsors, Karen Kwiatkowski, retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel said.

US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced that the Pentagon will request a $582.7 billion defense budget in order to maintain security . According to Carter, there are five main challenges for the US to focus on Russia, Iran, China, North Korea and ISIS.
‘Acts of aggression come from Pentagon, not Russia or China’

It's very clear who benefits from making Russia and China look like enemies and alleging their threat.

We Westerners are just lucky! We know that Russia is the evil empire and that, therefore, nothing can come from Russia that it be a lie.Think what a mess if it were not so.
Luckily there is the evil empire! – Third War World – Today, people of good will may change history ….
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We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
Toddster, your son is getting old, more and more people in EU&US start realizing that Ukraine [which I am from, BTW] is invaded by Washington and by lots of local nationalists: new French documentary is proving it one more time for those like yourself.

Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
By Gilbert Doctorow
A new French documentary "Ukraine: Masks of Revolution""depicts a long-denied truth – that Ukraine is in the grip of extreme right-wing nationalists who seek to impose what the British scholar Richard Sakwa has called a monist view of nationhood, one which does not accept minorities or heterogeneity. Rainbow politics is not what the Maidan uprising was all about.
A Look at Ukraine’s Dark Side | Consortiumnews

(english subtitles)

In February 2014, paramilitary groups fought against the police in the streets of Kyev and ousted President Yanukovych. They settled a new government.
According to western media, they were the revolution heroes. They fought on the right side.
But they are actually extreme-right militias. And they are now heavily armed.
The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.
How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?
Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.
In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution

For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.
Since then, predictably, things have not gone too well for Ukraine as tends to happen for countries touched by Washington's kiss of death.

The Russian speaking more-than-half of the country took none too kindly to their country being taken over by neo-Nazi yobs and American-backed (or just plain American) bankster oligarchs and swiftly rose in a revolt that has been tearing the country apart ever since.

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.

If you say so, comrade.

How's that $30 oil working out for your economy? LOL!

The guy is from Ukraine you moron. Ukraine imports oil, so it is probably working out well.
We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
Toddster, your son is getting old, more and more people in EU&US start realizing that Ukraine [which I am from, BTW] is invaded by Washington and by lots of local nationalists: new French documentary is proving it one more time for those like yourself.

Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
By Gilbert Doctorow
A new French documentary "Ukraine: Masks of Revolution""depicts a long-denied truth – that Ukraine is in the grip of extreme right-wing nationalists who seek to impose what the British scholar Richard Sakwa has called a monist view of nationhood, one which does not accept minorities or heterogeneity. Rainbow politics is not what the Maidan uprising was all about.
A Look at Ukraine’s Dark Side | Consortiumnews

(english subtitles)

In February 2014, paramilitary groups fought against the police in the streets of Kyev and ousted President Yanukovych. They settled a new government.
According to western media, they were the revolution heroes. They fought on the right side.
But they are actually extreme-right militias. And they are now heavily armed.
The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.
How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?
Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.
In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution

For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.
Since then, predictably, things have not gone too well for Ukraine as tends to happen for countries touched by Washington's kiss of death.

The Russian speaking more-than-half of the country took none too kindly to their country being taken over by neo-Nazi yobs and American-backed (or just plain American) bankster oligarchs and swiftly rose in a revolt that has been tearing the country apart ever since.

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.

If you say so, comrade.

How's that $30 oil working out for your economy? LOL!

The guy is from Ukraine you moron. Ukraine imports oil, so it is probably working out well.

He's a Russian, you moron.
He wants Russia to invade all of Ukraine, you idiot.
He defends Putin's attacks on all his neighbors, you cretin.
Medvedev, Russian PM : Russia-NATO relations have fallen to new Cold War level , he said just last week in Munich:
"We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.
Speaking bluntly, we are rapidly rolling into a period of a new cold war. Russia has been presented as well-nigh the biggest threat to NATO, or to Europe, America and other countries (and Mr Stoltenberg has just demonstrated that). They show frightening films about Russians starting a nuclear war. I am sometimes confused: is this 2016 or 1962?

I’d like to quote from John F. Kennedy, who used very simple but the most appropriate words, “Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.” In the early 1960s the world stood at the door of a nuclear apocalypse, but the two rivaling powers found the courage to admit that no political confrontation was worth the human lives."
Medvedev’s Speech at the Munich Security Conference Panel Discussion

We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
stop invading russian neighbors first.

When the US does that, you let me know, comrade.
Medvedev, Russian PM : Russia-NATO relations have fallen to new Cold War level , he said just last week in Munich:
"We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.
Speaking bluntly, we are rapidly rolling into a period of a new cold war. Russia has been presented as well-nigh the biggest threat to NATO, or to Europe, America and other countries (and Mr Stoltenberg has just demonstrated that). They show frightening films about Russians starting a nuclear war. I am sometimes confused: is this 2016 or 1962?

I’d like to quote from John F. Kennedy, who used very simple but the most appropriate words, “Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.” In the early 1960s the world stood at the door of a nuclear apocalypse, but the two rivaling powers found the courage to admit that no political confrontation was worth the human lives."
Medvedev’s Speech at the Munich Security Conference Panel Discussion

We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
stop invading russian neighbors first.

When the US does that, you let me know, comrade.
You missed something in the life, buddy
We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
Toddster, your son is getting old, more and more people in EU&US start realizing that Ukraine [which I am from, BTW] is invaded by Washington and by lots of local nationalists: new French documentary is proving it one more time for those like yourself.

Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
By Gilbert Doctorow
A new French documentary "Ukraine: Masks of Revolution""depicts a long-denied truth – that Ukraine is in the grip of extreme right-wing nationalists who seek to impose what the British scholar Richard Sakwa has called a monist view of nationhood, one which does not accept minorities or heterogeneity. Rainbow politics is not what the Maidan uprising was all about.
A Look at Ukraine’s Dark Side | Consortiumnews

(english subtitles)

In February 2014, paramilitary groups fought against the police in the streets of Kyev and ousted President Yanukovych. They settled a new government.
According to western media, they were the revolution heroes. They fought on the right side.
But they are actually extreme-right militias. And they are now heavily armed.
The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.
How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?
Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.
In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution

For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.
Since then, predictably, things have not gone too well for Ukraine as tends to happen for countries touched by Washington's kiss of death.

The Russian speaking more-than-half of the country took none too kindly to their country being taken over by neo-Nazi yobs and American-backed (or just plain American) bankster oligarchs and swiftly rose in a revolt that has been tearing the country apart ever since.

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.

If you say so, comrade.

How's that $30 oil working out for your economy? LOL!

The guy is from Ukraine you moron. Ukraine imports oil, so it is probably working out well.

He's a Russian, you moron.
He wants Russia to invade all of Ukraine, you idiot.
He defends Putin's attacks on all his neighbors, you cretin.

He is from Ukraine.

"Toddster, your son is getting old, the time is moving forward and more and more people in EU&US start realizing that Ukraine [which I am from, BTW] is invaded by Washington and by lots of local nationalists: new French documentary is proving it one more time."
We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
Toddster, your son is getting old, more and more people in EU&US start realizing that Ukraine [which I am from, BTW] is invaded by Washington and by lots of local nationalists: new French documentary is proving it one more time for those like yourself.

Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
By Gilbert Doctorow
A new French documentary "Ukraine: Masks of Revolution""depicts a long-denied truth – that Ukraine is in the grip of extreme right-wing nationalists who seek to impose what the British scholar Richard Sakwa has called a monist view of nationhood, one which does not accept minorities or heterogeneity. Rainbow politics is not what the Maidan uprising was all about.
A Look at Ukraine’s Dark Side | Consortiumnews

(english subtitles)

In February 2014, paramilitary groups fought against the police in the streets of Kyev and ousted President Yanukovych. They settled a new government.
According to western media, they were the revolution heroes. They fought on the right side.
But they are actually extreme-right militias. And they are now heavily armed.
The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.
How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?
Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.
In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution

For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.
Since then, predictably, things have not gone too well for Ukraine as tends to happen for countries touched by Washington's kiss of death.

The Russian speaking more-than-half of the country took none too kindly to their country being taken over by neo-Nazi yobs and American-backed (or just plain American) bankster oligarchs and swiftly rose in a revolt that has been tearing the country apart ever since.

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.

If you say so, comrade.

How's that $30 oil working out for your economy? LOL!

The guy is from Ukraine you moron. Ukraine imports oil, so it is probably working out well.

He's a Russian, you moron.
He wants Russia to invade all of Ukraine, you idiot.
He defends Putin's attacks on all his neighbors, you cretin.

He is from Ukraine.

"Toddster, your son is getting old, the time is moving forward and more and more people in EU&US start realizing that Ukraine [which I am from, BTW] is invaded by Washington and by lots of local nationalists: new French documentary is proving it one more time."

Yes, he is a Russian who supposedly lives in Ukraine. A Russian who defends Putin's invasion of neighbors.

If he loves Putin so much, he should go live in Russia.
If he thinks the US invaded Ukraine, he needs to get his head examined.
Medvedev, Russian PM : Russia-NATO relations have fallen to new Cold War level , he said just last week in Munich:
"We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.
Speaking bluntly, we are rapidly rolling into a period of a new cold war. Russia has been presented as well-nigh the biggest threat to NATO, or to Europe, America and other countries (and Mr Stoltenberg has just demonstrated that). They show frightening films about Russians starting a nuclear war. I am sometimes confused: is this 2016 or 1962?

I’d like to quote from John F. Kennedy, who used very simple but the most appropriate words, “Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.” In the early 1960s the world stood at the door of a nuclear apocalypse, but the two rivaling powers found the courage to admit that no political confrontation was worth the human lives."
Medvedev’s Speech at the Munich Security Conference Panel Discussion

We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
stop invading russian neighbors first.

When the US does that, you let me know, comrade.
You missed something in the life, buddy

What's that, Ivan?
Medvedev, Russian PM : Russia-NATO relations have fallen to new Cold War level , he said just last week in Munich:
"We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.
Speaking bluntly, we are rapidly rolling into a period of a new cold war. Russia has been presented as well-nigh the biggest threat to NATO, or to Europe, America and other countries (and Mr Stoltenberg has just demonstrated that). They show frightening films about Russians starting a nuclear war. I am sometimes confused: is this 2016 or 1962?

I’d like to quote from John F. Kennedy, who used very simple but the most appropriate words, “Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.” In the early 1960s the world stood at the door of a nuclear apocalypse, but the two rivaling powers found the courage to admit that no political confrontation was worth the human lives."
Medvedev’s Speech at the Munich Security Conference Panel Discussion

We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
stop invading russian neighbors first.

When the US does that, you let me know, comrade.
You missed something in the life, buddy

What's that, Ivan?
US invasions across russian borders, bully
We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
Toddster, your son is getting old, more and more people in EU&US start realizing that Ukraine [which I am from, BTW] is invaded by Washington and by lots of local nationalists: new French documentary is proving it one more time for those like yourself.

Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
By Gilbert Doctorow
A new French documentary "Ukraine: Masks of Revolution""depicts a long-denied truth – that Ukraine is in the grip of extreme right-wing nationalists who seek to impose what the British scholar Richard Sakwa has called a monist view of nationhood, one which does not accept minorities or heterogeneity. Rainbow politics is not what the Maidan uprising was all about.
A Look at Ukraine’s Dark Side | Consortiumnews

(english subtitles)

In February 2014, paramilitary groups fought against the police in the streets of Kyev and ousted President Yanukovych. They settled a new government.
According to western media, they were the revolution heroes. They fought on the right side.
But they are actually extreme-right militias. And they are now heavily armed.
The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.
How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?
Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.
In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution

For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.
Since then, predictably, things have not gone too well for Ukraine as tends to happen for countries touched by Washington's kiss of death.

The Russian speaking more-than-half of the country took none too kindly to their country being taken over by neo-Nazi yobs and American-backed (or just plain American) bankster oligarchs and swiftly rose in a revolt that has been tearing the country apart ever since.

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.

If you say so, comrade.

How's that $30 oil working out for your economy? LOL!

The guy is from Ukraine you moron. Ukraine imports oil, so it is probably working out well.

He's a Russian, you moron.
He wants Russia to invade all of Ukraine, you idiot.
He defends Putin's attacks on all his neighbors, you cretin.

Toddster, you're not just a moron, you are an uneducated moron. Yes, I'm an ethnic Russian from Eastern Ukraine, one of millions of other ethnic Russians, living on historical Russian lands for more than 10 ages (!), which Ukraine has accidentally got in 1991 after USSR had collapsed. And as soon as we are allowed to have a referendum we'll move to Russia with all our lands, just like Crimea did recently. The problem is: in "democratic" Ukraine the new rulers don't care about opinion of millions, they only care about the opinion of Washington. Before posting your stupid things on USMB, bother yourself to learn some historical facts. (Oh, I missed a letter in post #16 when saying ""your song getting old", did not obviously mean "your son getting old". My fault)

1. Eastern part of Ukraine (half of the country) as well as Belarus were parts of Russia for centuries, many centuries before the world even heard about the USA existence. Russia was called “Kiev Russia” and Kiev was called ”the mother of Russian cities”. In 988 Prince Vladimir has started baptizing the people of Russia in the river Dnepr, city of Kiev. This mass baptism became the iconic inaugural event in the Christianization of the state of Kievan Rus'.
Christianization of Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, for Russia Ukraine basically is the same people, for half of a country Russian is still the first language (in spite of a forced total ukrainization of Russian speaking population, which started as soon as Ukraine became “independent”) . When Junta came to the power after the coup and started genocide of its population (killing the ones who disagree with it, pulling the people into the war and misery), we can understand Russia/Putin’s concerns about it. What we don’t understand: what’s the USA business there. USA have had nothing to do with Ukraine in the past, while our Russian blood obviously is thicker than water.

2. In 1922 after the October revolution Lenin “gave“ a part of Russia (which is now Eastern Ukraine) to Ukrainian republic ( to raise the percentage of proletariat in Ukrainian republic), however it was within the same country of the USSR. Later in 1954 Khrushchev “gave” Crimean peninsula to Ukrainian republic. So, in 1922 Ukraine joined the USSR without Odessa, Donetsk, Lughansk, Kharkov, Kherson oblast [big city area], without even Lvov oblast [it was belonging to Poland] and without Crimea.
1954 transfer of Crimea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(BTW, the history of Western Ukraine is different).

3. In 1992 three crooks (Yeltsyn, Kravchuk, Shushkevitch) with Washington’s blessing have separated Ukraine and Belarus’ from Russia and declared them separate countries. So, they have been called separate countries for 24 years (can 24 years be compared to centuries?). The people living in Eastern Ukraine (including myself) felt like treir Motherland has been stolen from them and found themselves living in a foreign and not friendly country of Ukraine. However Western Ukrainians were happy. (And since then what makes Western Ukrainians happy is bad for Eastern Ukrainians and vise verse).

P.S. The country of Georgia was part of the Russian Empire between 1801 and 1918. For centuries, the Muslim Ottoman and Persian empires had fought over various fragmented Georgian kingdoms and principalities but by the 18th century, a third imperial power, Russia, had emerged in the region. Since Russia was a Orthodox Christian state like Georgia, the Georgians increasingly sought Russian help.
Georgia within the Russian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And looks like all I've just written ^ was a waste, because you, Toddster, never read or watch the facts you don't like, but prefer to repeat your same BS like a parrot from thread to thread again and again. Time moves forward, but you're stuck in the past.
Last edited:
Ukraine imports oil, so it is probably working out well.

Not exactly. Considering that Ukrainian national currency has plunged threefold in the course of the last two years, the positive impact out of that doesn’t exist.
We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
stop invading russian neighbors first.

When the US does that, you let me know, comrade.
You missed something in the life, buddy

What's that, Ivan?
US invasions across russian borders, bully

Why would the US invade Russia?
We believe that NATO’s policy towards Russia remains unfriendly and generally obdurate.

Stop invading your neighbors. Durr.
Toddster, your son is getting old, more and more people in EU&US start realizing that Ukraine [which I am from, BTW] is invaded by Washington and by lots of local nationalists: new French documentary is proving it one more time for those like yourself.

Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
By Gilbert Doctorow
A new French documentary "Ukraine: Masks of Revolution""depicts a long-denied truth – that Ukraine is in the grip of extreme right-wing nationalists who seek to impose what the British scholar Richard Sakwa has called a monist view of nationhood, one which does not accept minorities or heterogeneity. Rainbow politics is not what the Maidan uprising was all about.
A Look at Ukraine’s Dark Side | Consortiumnews

(english subtitles)

In February 2014, paramilitary groups fought against the police in the streets of Kyev and ousted President Yanukovych. They settled a new government.
According to western media, they were the revolution heroes. They fought on the right side.
But they are actually extreme-right militias. And they are now heavily armed.
The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.
How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?
Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.
In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution

For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.
Since then, predictably, things have not gone too well for Ukraine as tends to happen for countries touched by Washington's kiss of death.

The Russian speaking more-than-half of the country took none too kindly to their country being taken over by neo-Nazi yobs and American-backed (or just plain American) bankster oligarchs and swiftly rose in a revolt that has been tearing the country apart ever since.

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.

If you say so, comrade.

How's that $30 oil working out for your economy? LOL!

The guy is from Ukraine you moron. Ukraine imports oil, so it is probably working out well.

He's a Russian, you moron.
He wants Russia to invade all of Ukraine, you idiot.
He defends Putin's attacks on all his neighbors, you cretin.

Toddster, you're not just a moron, you are an uneducated moron. Yes, I'm an ethnic Russian from Eastern Ukraine, one of millions of other ethnic Russians, living on historical Russian lands for more than 10 ages (!), which Ukraine has accidentally got in 1991 after USSR had collapsed. And as soon as we are allowed to have a referendum we'll move to Russia with all our lands, just like Crimea did recently. The problem is: in "democratic" Ukraine the new rulers don't care about opinion of millions, they only care about the opinion of Washington. Before posting your stupid things on USMB, bother yourself to learn some historical facts. (Oh, I missed a letter in post #16 when saying ""your song getting old", did not obviously mean "your son getting old". My fault)

1. Eastern part of Ukraine (half of the country) as well as Belarus were parts of Russia for centuries, many centuries before the world even heard about the USA existence. Russia was called “Kiev Russia” and Kiev was called ”the mother of Russian cities”. In 988 Prince Vladimir has started baptizing the people of Russia in the river Dnepr, city of Kiev. This mass baptism became the iconic inaugural event in the Christianization of the state of Kievan Rus'.
Christianization of Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, for Russia Ukraine basically is the same people, for half of a country Russian is still the first language (in spite of a forced total ukrainization of Russian speaking population, which started as soon as Ukraine became “independent”) . When Junta came to the power after the coup and started genocide of its population (killing the ones who disagree with it, pulling the people into the war and misery), we can understand Russia/Putin’s concerns about it. What we don’t understand: what’s the USA business there. USA have had nothing to do with Ukraine in the past, while our Russian blood obviously is thicker than water.

2. In 1922 after the October revolution Lenin “gave“ a part of Russia (which is now Eastern Ukraine) to Ukrainian republic ( to raise the percentage of proletariat in Ukrainian republic), however it was within the same country of the USSR. Later in 1954 Khrushchev “gave” Crimean peninsula to Ukrainian republic. So, in 1922 Ukraine joined the USSR without Odessa, Donetsk, Lughansk, Kharkov, Kherson oblast [big city area], without even Lvov oblast [it was belonging to Poland] and without Crimea.
1954 transfer of Crimea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(BTW, the history of Western Ukraine is different).

3. In 1992 three crooks (Yeltsyn, Kravchuk, Shushkevitch) with Washington’s blessing have separated Ukraine and Belarus’ from Russia and declared them separate countries. So, they have been called separate countries for 24 years (can 24 years be compared to centuries?). The people living in Eastern Ukraine (including myself) felt like treir Motherland has been stolen from them and found themselves living in a foreign and not friendly country of Ukraine. However Western Ukrainians were happy. (And since then what makes Western Ukrainians happy is bad for Eastern Ukrainians and vise verse).

P.S. The country of Georgia was part of the Russian Empire between 1801 and 1918. For centuries, the Muslim Ottoman and Persian empires had fought over various fragmented Georgian kingdoms and principalities but by the 18th century, a third imperial power, Russia, had emerged in the region. Since Russia was a Orthodox Christian state like Georgia, the Georgians increasingly sought Russian help.
Georgia within the Russian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Move to Russia, now. I hear there is plenty of room.
Move to Russia, now. I hear there is plenty of room.
Since you are so smart, why won't you give the same kind of recommendations to those Ukrainians who want to join EU: tell them to move to EU! We'll be ok with that.

In fact some of Western Ukrainians are already cleaning Poles' toilets, I'm sure there will be enough Polish toilets available to clean for more volunteers.
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Move to Russia, now. I hear there is plenty of room.
Since you are so smart, why won't you give the same kind of recommendations to those Ukrainians who want to join EU: tell them to move to EU! We'll be ok with that.

In fact some of Western Ukrainians are already cleaning Polish toilets, I'm sure there will be enogh Polish toilets available to clean for more volunteers.

Don't you have some vodka you should be swilling? Or do you need a few more posts to get your daily ration?

Sorry your economy sucks.

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