Nato Opens door to Sweden/Finland-How will this play in US Politics?

You clearly know nothing. Stop posting.

Learn the history of NATO.

Do you think we would allow the Warsaw Pact to put their military on our borders with Canada and Mexico?


If a Warsaw Pact country bordered Canada or the US, we would have no choice.

But Putin isn't invading the Ukraine because of NATO, he's invade Ukraine to stop the "westernization" of the Ukraine. If the Russian people get wind of how much better life was in the Ukraine before the invasion, they'd want the same things in Russia.

As it is, Russian soldiers are looting Ukrainians homes and sending the TV's, laptops, and other high end consumer goods back to Russia.

Putin and his oligarchs have been stealing billions from the Russian people who don't have all of the modern conveniences of western society.
If a Warsaw Pact country bordered Canada or the US, we would have no choice.

But Putin isn't invading the Ukraine because of NATO, he's invade Ukraine to stop the "westernization" of the Ukraine. If the Russian people get wind of how much better life was in the Ukraine before the invasion, they'd want the same things in Russia.

As it is, Russian soldiers are looting Ukrainians homes and sending the TV's, laptops, and other high end consumer goods back to Russia.

Putin and his oligarchs have been stealing billions from the Russian people who don't have all of the modern conveniences of western society.

Putin made it clear he won’t accept NATO in the Ukraine. Sort of like JFK not accepting Soviet missiles 90 miles from our nation. And he stopped the Nazi Ukes from killing Russians in the Donbas.
Yeah let’s keep provoking Russia because why not?
How is it you always find some way to shill for Putin?

Putin got himself knee deep in Ukraine and has nothing but threats. Sweeden and Finland would be smart to join given how fucking unstable their neighbor is.

Putin made it clear he won’t accept NATO in the Ukraine.
He also made it clear that he doesn't consider Ukraine a real country. So he's getting a crash course over there in accepting what he can actually get.
NATO's chief has publicly stated that if Sweden and Finland wish to Join they will be welcomed with open arms.

It's about time. Stupid nations had to see what is happening in Ukraine to figure this out? Good for you Sweden and Finland, you didn't want the Mighty Us of A coming to your aid until now. Guese what, azzholes, America always knew Russia sucked. We told you to join NATO but that was cash. Russia is a bunch of Marxists, what did you think was gonna happen?
How is it you always find some way to shill for Putin?

Putin got himself knee deep in Ukraine and has nothing but threats. Sweeden and Finland would be smart to join given how fucking unstable their neighbor is.

Funny how you always side with the corrupt establishment.
Dragonlady AntonToo

This condemnation of anyone who isn’t fully onboard with the government and establishment media in every war, is something as old as the hills. You’d think all would recognize war hysteria ginned up by corrupt government and media sources.
Dragonlady AntonToo

This condemnation of anyone who isn’t fully onboard with the government and establishment media in every war, is something as old as the hills. You’d think all would recognize war hysteria ginned up by corrupt government and media sources.

Horsecrap, you are onboard with government alright - Russian government who's propaganda you seem to like to peddle.
Horsecrap, you are onboard with government alright - Russian government who's propaganda you seem to like to peddle.
Yeah right. I’m a traitor.

if only you could learn from history, rather than be a dupe for the oligarchy.
Yeah right. I’m a traitor.

if only you could learn from history, rather than be a dupe for the oligarchy.

Traitor? I doubt that, I consider you a dupe who likes to read fringe rightwing sources that are easy prey to Russian propaganda reach.

But enough about you - fact of the matter Russia can't do shit currently about Finland and Swiss joining NATO because they are knee deep in Ukraine and there is no way they can threaten second front.
end of the day, you either have to back it, or scrap it. NATO that is.

you can't form an alliance then not guard it with all you pledged to guard it with. yes, over the years NATO got watered down and we got complacent. we all did. the war machine is gearing up now and we need to dust this off and decide if it still applies today. if so, let them in if this is where they want to be and be prepared to back it up with force if required.

no, this is not the course of action i *want*. i'd like to think NONE of us WANT war. but you have to draw a line and defend it or be someone's bitch. the bluff only goes so far and right now it's being tested. sanctions can work if you want to drag it out. but with china not playing that game, they can feed russia like we're feed the ukraine and keep at this for quite some time.

seems like we're back to picking sides for this war and if these (2) countries want in, let 'em in. you're not going to piss off russia any more than they already claim to be.
Traitor? I doubt that, I consider you a dupe who likes to read fringe rightwing sources that are easy prey to Russian propaganda reach.

But enough about you - fact of the matter Russia can't do shit currently about Finland and Swiss joining NATO because they are knee deep in Ukraine and there is no way they can threaten second front.
Lol. You’re the one believing the establishment, not me. An establishment that has lied about every war the nation has been in. Yet I’m the dupe?
Lol. You’re the one believing the establishment, not me. An establishment that has lied about every war the nation has been in. Yet I’m the dupe?
Yes yes, sure. Come back when you can actually discuss something about the topic.

Putin made it clear he won’t accept NATO in the Ukraine. Sort of like JFK not accepting Soviet missiles 90 miles from our nation. And he stopped the Nazi Ukes from killing Russians in the Donbas.

I forget! When did we invade Cuba and how many civilians did we kill in the process?

You like comparing apples and watermelons?
Yeah let’s keep provoking Russia because why not?
Actually there's no reason why Russia would find this to be the provocation that breaks the stalemate.

There's a careful balance being juggled in which the US will not cause great injury to Russia's war effort, and the same exists with Russia not causing great injury to America/Ukraine and surrounding nato members.

All of that can be said with great confidence because in fact it's being experienced on the ground right now.

Scott Ritter's theory on why Russia didn't flatten Kiev has been verified correct.
This war between America and Russia has negated any value Nato could have had for Finland and Sweden.

In fact, it makes them targets because of the fact that:

An aggression by one Nato member is an aggression by all Nato members.

Americans need to start to reject the propping up by the propaganda blitz. It only brings them false security and perhaps great danger.

Nato can increase its strength as much as it possibly can and that will have no effect on Russia or on Russia's decisions.

If a Nato member attacks Russia .....................................
I forget! When did we invade Cuba and how many civilians did we kill in the process?

You like comparing apples and watermelons?
It's an apt comparison in that Kruschev's resolve was rock solid and he prevailed. I'm pretty well convinced that Russia's/Putin's resolve is equal to Kruschev's.

America's confidence propaganda for the people's sake can evaporate completely if subjected to the facts. People ignorant of the facts surprisingly leave themselves wide open!

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