Nato ShortChangin Anti-Gadhafi Forces In Libya!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It sure seems like a lot of the leadership countries behind Nato are thinking of their own interests over the interests of ordinary good Libyan people that just want to be free and have what any good people want! It sure appears that Nato leadership isn't fully committed to having the Anti-Gadhafi forces win so they can liberate the Libyan people. It sure appear that these Nato leadership countries strategy is to put enough pressure on Moammar Gadhafi and their family that they permanently step down from power so that the current pro-Gadhafi army is the only strong power left in the country of Libya and thereby hoping this military of sorts will follow the example of the Egyptian military and put their country on the path to a strong and good Democracy. This is a recklass gamble on these Nato countries part. First, it assumes the world will see Gadhafhi step down which is a huge assumption, Moammar has the character of a ruthless, barbaric dictator indications no good judgment would rely on a scenario where he voluntarily steps down. Secondly, the so called Libyan Army (the pro-Gadhafi Army) aren't a credible army, their criminals, they shoot protester, use snipers against innocent civilians and bomb civilian population center with complete disregard for innocent civilian life. This so-called Libyan Army isn't like the Egyptian Army a high quality army whose officers in part were trained in U.S. military officer training schools who have a proven track record of being patriotic and an honorable army by not killing their own innocent citizens! Further, this so-called Libyan Army has select tribal loyalties, the western part of Libya is a police state with government spies pervasive throughout this society. to think this so called Army after Gadhafi steps down is going to hold full and fair elections and let the popularly elected government do as they see fit is a total crap shoot, no responsible leadership would bank on such an outcome. It sure smells like these leadership Nato countries want to avoid a civil war in Libya which could happen if the anti-Gadhafi forces are armed like Nato countries could readily see them armed because a civil war could delay the normal resumption of Libyan oil to the world oil markets, and God forbid you Nato countries and your allies throwing away the legitimate aspirations of the Libyan people so you can get your oil, may history forever hold you accountable!

Leadership Nato countries if they are to do the right thing they should be acting as follows. They should be recognizing that the anti-Gadhafi forces are not the same forces they were even ten days ago. The anti-Gadhafi government put experienced military leaders in charge of the anti-Gadhafi fighting forces. This new military command has gotten rid of a lot of the teenagers that the world saw on the front lines who would retreat at the first sign of an enemy threat, the new military command has set up check points to weed out these unreliable young fighters and they have begun trying to train these anti-Gadhafi fighters to act like real soldiers and a real army. What the anti-Gadhafi forces military command needs is the same military weapons that pro-Gadhafi forces have especially in terms of tanks and artillary weapons. To facilitate fulfilling this need after getting a commitment from the anti-Gadhafi government that they will hold full and fair democratic elections in a timely manner after the security situation in Libya is stabilized the leadlng Nato countries should recognize this anti-Gadhafi government as the only legitimate Libyan government and then release to this government some of the monies currently frozen because of ties to Gadhafi so this anti-Gadhafi government can go buy weapons for its army so it can liberate the entirety of Libya!
Gaddafi usin' banned ordinance...
Libya conflict: Gaddafi 'cluster bombing Misrata'
16 April 2011 - Pro-government forces in Libya have been accused by a human rights campaign group of using cluster bombs, which are banned by more than 100 countries.
Human Rights Watch said one of its photographers saw three mortar-launched projectiles explode over a residential area of Misrata, in western Libya. A government spokesman denied the allegation, calling for more evidence. New attacks by government troops have been reported in Misrata, the only western city still in rebel hands.

One resident, Aous, told the BBC he had seen indiscriminate bombing and shooting from 0630 (0330 GMT) on Saturday. "I listened to bombing and shooting everywhere. And I saw smoke going up just a few metres from my house. "The shooting was random in this area - there are families here. They didn't make a difference between any houses, just shooting."

As well as cluster munitions there have been a number of reports that Libyan forces are using the Soviet-designed Grad rocket system in their bombardment of Misrata. The Grad, which launches multiple rockets from mobile launchers, has been blamed for a number of civilian deaths in recent days, including eight people in a bread queue. Reuters news agency reported large numbers of Grads fired into Misrata on Saturday.

More BBC News - Libya conflict: Gaddafi 'cluster bombing Misrata'
Well there are NATO countries like Germany and Turkey that don't even want to be in Libya, so of course things are going to be fucked up.
You know what is fucked up? Obama okaying 25 million dollars in aid for the Libyan rebels yesterday. 25million dollars from a cash-strapped Gov't to a losing cause, when there are plenty of places here in the good ole' U.S.A. that could benefit.
With 4 more years of Obama at the helm, our country won't just continue to slide, it'll be gone as we knew it! And most of us will be increasingly dissatisfied with what is emerging.
Now a double phuck-up. Just announced Obama allowing the use of two Predator drones in Libya on a 24 hour basis. No mission-creep? U.S. stopped taking the lead?
Are the rebels losing or something?
Bag O' Worms continues. Stay tuned to this Kinetic action.
It sure seems like a lot of the leadership countries behind Nato are thinking of their own interests over the interests of ordinary good Libyan people that just want to be free and have what any good people want!
It sure seems alleged ordinary good Libyan people are a bunch of deranged apes, running around with guns.

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