Navy Seals Say False Flag to be Blamed on Iran May Happen at Anytime: Ed Asner

Holy shit.

I just started watching the first video in the opening post. It starts out with Ed Asner doing a 9/11 conspiracy theory video.

Credibility FAIL.

Well it was an inside job, those towers and building 7 where demo'ed they even did a count down for building 7

[ame=]Animal House - Fat, drunk and stupid - YouTube[/ame]

Mr. Asner, I'm a Navy SEAL and I have something very important to tell you!

How about a General!
[ame=]Gen Wesley Clark Reveals US Plan To Invade Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, And Iran - YouTube[/ame]
Well, if Lou Grant says so... that's all I need!

Lots of people are worried about the government doing it again. Just like with 911, just like with Iraq, just like OKC was used, just like they did for Nam, just like they did with pearl Harbor etc.

Wow. All kinds of conspiracy theories packed into that one little sentence!

Anyway, it's a false dichotomy.

"Since the government/science/God lied/was wrong about X, then Y must be true!"

"Science said the Earth was flat and they were wrong, therefore Bigfoot is real."

You are going to have to do a lot better than that.
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Oh for heaven's sake. What total bullcrap.

Our government did it for Iraq! and others see video World Revolution

Bull shit. It took over a years worth of propaganda and still there were massive protests against the invasion of Iraq.

Didn't Infowars (and Alex Jones) predict that President Bush was going to invade Iran too.

The Left predicted the invasion of Iran by Bush about every six months for years.
Oh for heaven's sake. What total bullcrap.

Our government did it for Iraq! and others see video World Revolution

Bull shit. It took over a years worth of propaganda and still there were massive protests against the invasion of Iraq.

Didn't Infowars (and Alex Jones) predict that President Bush was going to invade Iran too.

I think they did, I know Dr Monteith did 5 months before the invasion because I filmed it.

VIDEO IRAQ The Untold Story WIN
"Iraq The UNtold Story" Dr. Stanley Monteith.

Dr. Monteith links the wars of the past with the wars of today. And shows with documentation that there is another side of history most are not aware of, this video helps fill in the gaps of the past and helps you understand what we face today.
Free Video
So the Navy Seals told an admitted communist how this is going down huh? :lol:
Our government did it for Iraq! and others see video World Revolution

Bull shit. It took over a years worth of propaganda and still there were massive protests against the invasion of Iraq.

Didn't Infowars (and Alex Jones) predict that President Bush was going to invade Iran too.

I think they did, I know Dr Monteith did 5 months before the invasion because I filmed it.

VIDEO IRAQ The Untold Story WIN
"Iraq The UNtold Story" Dr. Stanley Monteith.

Dr. Monteith links the wars of the past with the wars of today. And shows with documentation that there is another side of history most are not aware of, this video helps fill in the gaps of the past and helps you understand what we face today.
Free Video

dude... that is the ugliest website I have ever seen. you should fire your webmaster. Dayum.
Navy Seals Say False Flag to be Blamed on Iran May Happen at Anytime: Ed Asner

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show on Monday, Emmy Award-winning actor Ed Asner said Navy Seals have told him military action against Iran is forthcoming and will be preceded by a false flag attack.

Asner told Alex and his nationally syndicated radio show audience that the Seals are attempting to alert the American people about the prospect of a false flag operation and “more foreign escapades” before the establishment media “starts brainwashing us.”

Asner said it is up to the American people to recognize and prevent an imminent false flag operation and stop another disastrous war before it gets started. He said the Navy Seals are now coming forward because they are worried that an Iran false flag attack “runs the danger” of creating a “world-wide conflict if it gets out of hand.”

False flag attacks designed to initiate conflict and war have been used numerous times by governments as a foreign policy tactic. During the Asner interview, Alex mentioned Dick Cheney’s effort to start a war with Iran.

“There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war,” said Pulitzer Prize-winning New Yorker reporter Seymour Hersh in 2008. “The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.”

Read More:
» Navy Seals Say False Flag to be Blamed on Iran May Happen at Anytime: Ed Asner Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Navy Seal Warns False Flag is Coming: Ed Asner Reports 1/2 - YouTube
Navy Seal Warns False Flag is Coming: Ed Asner Reports 2/2 - YouTube
i was just thinking to myself "who's a bigger fuckwit than alex jones?" and you supplied the answer

Yeah, active Navy Seals that are "read-in" told left-wing nut Ed Asner. :cuckoo:

More like they would kick his ass until he could no longer move a muscle would be the encounter.
i was just thinking to myself "who's a bigger fuckwit than alex jones?" and you supplied the answer


Aw come on, lighten up. It's just fellow Americans expressing their opinions on things. Did you really read the post or watch the videos?
Dude, we already shattered this stupid story to pieces earlier today.

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