Nazi backs Nazis shocker.


Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )
I admit, I do not read Globalist propaganda regardless of typesetting. War crimes are always determined by the victor. Yes there were problems with human rights violations but Eisenhower starved to death countless POW-s also. Nobody mentions that.
Rheinwiesenlager - Wikipedia
Prime example of war crimes. Nobody talks about that. Eisenhower purposefully starved and froze them to death. Reclassifying the status gave him the means to do just that. That's why surrendering is a risky decision. It is the biggest bullshit that the Allies didn't have food and water and shelter. Patton was a soldier and respected the enemy soldier what was a professional soldiers' honor. Maybe he objected the treatment of POW-s and that was one of the reasons he was assassinated among others of course. Fighting to death and taking as many with you as you possibly can maybe a better option considering starvation to death.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.

It needs to end, people are tired of listening to this shit, why don't we beat the British across the ears instead and get them to PERMANENTLY have to gibber about the Crimes Against Humanity they did to the Boers and also the Indians.

Or doesn't that fit into your ilk's sordid 70 Year Extortion Racket?

Let us face it your ilk won't be happy under ALL Ethnic Germans are dead, that's your ONLY accepted Atonement for this crap, well it's NOT going to happen so your ilk can just go and fuck yourselves.

Mind your own fucking business and stop masturbating at the thought you can continue to try and destroy entire nations.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.

Thank you for admitting you are anti American and pro FASCIST.
AfD is not far right. It is for the survival of ethnic Germanic people.
It is not more stained that your underwear is Mr. Tainted.

Merkel badly wants the press to portray AfD as far right (next step will be to call them fascists) because she badly wants to win the elections this fall and AfD becomes more and more popular especially since Germany flooded with refugees/terrorists .

Multiculturalism ... Good for Germany.


Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.
How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.

Thank you for admitting you are anti American and pro FASCIST.

Fuck you, I am NOT Anti-American you piece of Commie loving crap.

You STFU about my peoples who have NOTHING to APOLOGISE OR ATONE FOR 72 years later you pathetic piece of garbage.

Go and do your Extortion Racket on someone else.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.
How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.
Did you know Germany declared war on the US a few days after Pearl Harbor? We fought back, your side LOST.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.

It needs to end, people are tired of listening to this shit, why don't we beat the British across the ears instead and get them to PERMANENTLY have to gibber about the Crimes Against Humanity they did to the Boers and also the Indians.

Or doesn't that fit into your ilk's sordid 70 Year Extortion Racket?
I am not part of an "ilk" or your Arbeitnehmerschaft.

Mind your own business Commie.

You expect my peoples to what keep fucking apologising for something that ENDED 72 YEARS AGO? You and your ilk can fuck off and crawl under your slime rock.
How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.

Guess you guys shouldn't have invaded Poland then, huh? It's gonna be really hard to drum up sympathy for World War II Germans in my neighbourhood.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.

Thank you for admitting you are anti American and pro FASCIST.
Anti American? Pro fascist? What are you talking about? You are the anti American trying to suppress the flow and exchange of information. You are the fucking censor applying the usual method of name calling to shut people up with throwing epithets at them.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.
How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.
Did you know Germany declared war on the US a few days after Pearl Harbor? We fought back, your side LOST.

Answer the below you sack of human garbage:

How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.

Guess you guys shouldn't have invaded Poland then, huh? It's gonna be really hard to drum up sympathy for World War II Germans in my neighbourhood.

What about Stalin he invaded Poland from the other side on the SAME DAY.

"It's gonna be really hard to drum up sympathy for World War II Germans in my neighbourhood."

I'm amazed you haven't demanded they be arrested on horsecrap charges, you know like they are guilty of 6 GAZILLION deaths because they were a cook or a secretary, you know the usual crap.
How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.

Guess you guys shouldn't have invaded Poland then, huh? It's gonna be really hard to drum up sympathy for World War II Germans in my neighbourhood.
Invading Poland was a pact between Germany and the USSR. Why don't you talk about the communists also. Ah...maybe you think you shouldn't...hahaha...wonder why? Don't answer that, everybody knows it.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.

Thank you for admitting you are anti American and pro FASCIST.

Fuck you, I am NOT Anti-American you piece of Commie loving crap.

You STFU about my peoples who have NOTHING to APOLOGISE OR ATONE FOR 72 years later you pathetic piece of garbage.

Go and do your Extortion Racket on someone else.

The Germans can never atone for the 50 million to 70 million deaths they caused. But Americans will not forget; it did not start with Hitler, back to Bismark, and before, Germany started wars with civilized countries. Now go sing Deutschland Uber Alles in a "SHOWER" and stop pretending loyalty to the USA. Both my father AND my German uncle fought your kind, and the atomic bomb was ready in time to really take out Berlin. Your great leader killed his own people for losing 'his' war. A loathsome heritage.
because they were a cook or a secretary, you know the usual crap.

I've always thought it was amazing that the day after Germany surrendered no German had ever heard of the Nazis. War? What war? I have to admire the efficiency of the German people when I hear that a few dozen top officials were able to kill six million Jews all by themselves.

Björn Höcke, called in a speech in a Dresden beer hallfor a “180-degree turn” in Germany’s culture of commemorating and atoning for its crimes in the second world war.

When asked whether he condoned Höcke’s comments, Farage refused to comment, insisting that he was attending the rally on a “personal level” as a friend of Von Storch and had “no formal ties with the AfD”, even though the podium he was speaking on was adorned with the party’s logo.
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.
How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.
Did you know Germany declared war on the US a few days after Pearl Harbor? We fought back, your side LOST.
Hahaha... your side lost. The usual horseshit. The U.S. was supplying the war before any war declaration. It was an act of war itself. Technicalities give you the "moral high ground" and look what we here in the U.S.became? Not even a nation anymore thanks to the Globalists who orchestrate every war there is, was or will be.
AfD is not far right. It is for the survival of ethnic Germanic people.
It is not more stained that your underwear is Mr. Tainted.

Merkel badly wants the press to portray AfD as far right (next step will be to call them fascists) because she badly wants to win the elections this fall and AfD becomes more and more popular especially since Germany flooded with refugees/terrorists .

Multiculturalism ... Good for Germany.


Yes because it removes Germans from Germany, something your ILK masturbate about on a daily basis you sick fuck.

You should go back to Israel and lead the charge for Open Borders For Israel considering you seem to like Western nations opening their borders, Israel could benefit from having I don't know say 8 MILLION Sub-Saharan Africans in there to outbreed and replace the Ethnic Population....Multiculturalism you know :thup:
Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.
How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.
Did you know Germany declared war on the US a few days after Pearl Harbor? We fought back, your side LOST.
Hahaha... your side lost. The usual horseshit. The U.S. was supplying the war before any war declaration. It was an act of war itself. Technicalities give you the "moral high ground" and look what we here in the U.S.became? Not even a nation anymore thanks to the Globalists who orchestrate every war there is, was or will be.

Fascists attacked the US, the US destroyed the Fascists; a happy ending. But then we had to create a society out of the savages, at OUR expense.
AfD is not far right. It is for the survival of ethnic Germanic people.
It is not more stained that your underwear is Mr. Tainted.

Merkel badly wants the press to portray AfD as far right (next step will be to call them fascists) because she badly wants to win the elections this fall and AfD becomes more and more popular especially since Germany flooded with refugees/terrorists .

Multiculturalism ... Good for Germany.


Yes because it removes Germans from Germany, something your ILK masturbate about on a daily basis you sick fuck.

You should go back to Israel and lead the charge for Open Borders For Israel considering you seem to like Western nations opening their borders, Israel could benefit from having I don't know say 8 MILLION Sub-Saharan Africans in there to outbreed and replace the Ethnic Population....Multiculturalism you know :thup:



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