Nazi backs Nazis shocker.

Could you post with larger type setting and bold letters please? Anyhow, what's wrong with people remembering their own ancestors? If WWII was right or wrong has nothing to with it.

Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.

Thank you for admitting you are anti American and pro FASCIST.

Fuck you, I am NOT Anti-American you piece of Commie loving crap.

You STFU about my peoples who have NOTHING to APOLOGISE OR ATONE FOR 72 years later you pathetic piece of garbage.

Go and do your Extortion Racket on someone else.

The Germans can never atone for the 50 million to 70 million deaths they caused. But Americans will not forget; it did not start with Hitler, back to Bismark, and before, Germany started wars with civilized countries. Now go sing Deutschland Uber Alles in a "SHOWER" and stop pretending loyalty to the USA. Both my father AND my German uncle fought your kind, and the atomic bomb was ready in time to really take out Berlin. Your great leader killed his own people for losing 'his' war. A loathsome heritage.

"loyalty to the USA"

Why would I have loyalty to the USA? I'm not American.

You as an American you have no loyalty to your nation, if you did you would not be a Leftist Maniac who wants America to fail because of what Muh Slave Trade? Muh Native Indians? Muh Civil War? You know the things that NO American person alive TODAY is in ANY way responsible for and should have NO guilt about.
Nothing about remembering, the article cites a NeoNazi that wants a complete end to atoning for German war crimes. Read, perhaps you need the type larger : )

Isn't 72 FUCKING YEARS enough for your ilk? How long does your ilk want this crap to go on? I bet your one of the ilk who wants 20 million more Kebabs into Germany to finally outbreed Ethnics, what is your ilk going to do THEN? Who is your ilk going to Emotionally Blackmail and continue History's largest Extortion Racket.

Aw poor little cry baby, worried that the Extortion Racket is going to dry up one day?

Here take a hint:

Fuck off.

How about Americans start atoning for dropping Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese you fucking psycho. Go ahead start paying the Japanese for what YOU did to THEIR people.
How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.
Did you know Germany declared war on the US a few days after Pearl Harbor? We fought back, your side LOST.
Hahaha... your side lost. The usual horseshit. The U.S. was supplying the war before any war declaration. It was an act of war itself. Technicalities give you the "moral high ground" and look what we here in the U.S.became? Not even a nation anymore thanks to the Globalists who orchestrate every war there is, was or will be.

Fascists attacked the US, the US destroyed the Fascists; a happy ending. But then we had to create a society out of the savages, at OUR expense.

"Fascists attacked the US"

No the Imperial Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, a situation that Franklin Roosevelt aka Communist Sympathiser and Josef Stalin's Number I fan was informed was going to happen 24 hours before and he didn't alert the American Navy at Pearl Harbour.

Franklin Roosevelt was an American Traitor and Harry Truman was a fucking war criminal for the dropping of Atomic Bombs on the defenceless Japanese, something than MANY in the American Military High Command were 100% against happening because the Japanese were about to surrender.

Truman the war criminal dropped those Atomic bombs because he was a little man who wanted to show off to the Russians the new toy America had added to it's arsenal.
How about American and British bombers annihilated hundreds of thousand civilians in Dresden? There were no troops there, only refugees from escaping the front and locals. Women and children. There were no enemy combatants there, they were on the fronts. All able bodied men were on the fronts. Dresden was an inferno, street paving melted from the special incendiary bombs created for only that purpose. It was not war crime since the victors decide what war crime is.
Did you know Germany declared war on the US a few days after Pearl Harbor? We fought back, your side LOST.
Hahaha... your side lost. The usual horseshit. The U.S. was supplying the war before any war declaration. It was an act of war itself. Technicalities give you the "moral high ground" and look what we here in the U.S.became? Not even a nation anymore thanks to the Globalists who orchestrate every war there is, was or will be.

Fascists attacked the US, the US destroyed the Fascists; a happy ending. But then we had to create a society out of the savages, at OUR expense.
You are nuts, that's for sure. You have a distorted image of the world and a real fucked up image of Germany attacking the U.S. If you were from European stock, you would know that in Europe hardly a decade went by without some kind of war. You know, all the cousins who were the rulers of different countries were fighting each other for some fucking reason. So the savages were all Europeans according to your view what you narrow down to Germany only. You have to be an imbecile talking about savages who put us Americans on the Moon.

Germany, Japan, and Italy were the AXIS; Germany declared war on the US, after Pearl Harbor(.) Read a history book.

"Germany declared war on the US, after Pearl Harbor(.) Read a history book."

That was because of the 1940 Tripartite Pact.

You need to read the history book, you said in your words "the Fascists attacked the US", no Imperial Japan attacked Pearl Harbour.
It's gonna be really hard to drum up sympathy for World War II Germans in my neighbourhood.

How many World War II Germans are still alive?

Not many, to be sure. But when their descendant start in with the same 'pure Aryan blood' rhetoric, it's going to raise some eyebrows in my part of town.

^^^^ Pot meet kettle:

My family veins contain zero Jewish blood, could members of my family go and live in Israel?

Yes or no?

The answer is no, Israel under Israeli Law only allows those who are Jewish from the female side ie. Mother, Grand Mother, Great Grand Mother etc to have a RIGHT to go and live in Israel.

So you should be careful to label others as racist or whatever when considering Israeli Law itself is racist, how is ONLY allowing Jewish people to live in Israel NOT racist and/or discriminating against non-Jews?

The Israeli-Arabs and the Israeli-Christians are only allowed to live in Israel because they were BORN there, essentially they are treated as Second Class Citizens.

If anyone wants to go and live in Israel they have to submit to a DNA test to affirm they are of Jewish origin. How is that not Racism 101?

Also if any of the Kool-Aid Drinkers want to term the above "Anti-Semitic" you can put that where the sun cannot shine because that crap doesn't work with me.

Actually nobody in this thread has posted anything "Anti-Semitic", that crap is getting to be as much a Broken Record to attempt to shut people up as is the liberal use of "racist" .
Last edited:
It's gonna be really hard to drum up sympathy for World War II Germans in my neighbourhood.

How many World War II Germans are still alive?

Not many, to be sure. But when their descendant start in with the same 'pure Aryan blood' rhetoric, it's going to raise some eyebrows in my part of town.
How about the purity of your nation? You saw the video of "marry jewish girls"...yes? Make sure you marry a Jewish girl. No shiksas. also the plan to destroy nations in Europe,...yes? YouTube - Horrible Jewish woman moves to Europe to destroy western culture.flv

That raises eyebrows in my neighborhood also. Destroying nations> Jewish plan to do it? It is admitted by the woman on the video.
My family veins contain zero Jewish blood

You must be so proud ...

But, I hate to burst your bubble, there is no such thing as 'Jewish Blood'. The concept of Mischlinge or fractional Jews was created by YOUR people, not mine.

According to Jewish Law, if you're mother is a Jew, regardless of race, you're 100% a Jew. If your mother isn't Jewish, you're 0% Jewish.
My family veins contain zero Jewish blood

You must be so proud ...

But, I hate to burst your bubble, there is no such thing as 'Jewish Blood'. The concept of Mischlinge or fractional Jews was created by YOUR people, not mine.

According to Jewish Law, if you're mother is a Jew, regardless of race, you're 100% a Jew. If your mother isn't Jewish, you're 0% Jewish.
Is this true or propaganda?
Israel detains and deports American Jews because they are Black
My family veins contain zero Jewish blood

You must be so proud ...

But, I hate to burst your bubble, there is no such thing as 'Jewish Blood'. The concept of Mischlinge or fractional Jews was created by YOUR people, not mine.

According to Jewish Law, if you're mother is a Jew, regardless of race, you're 100% a Jew. If your mother isn't Jewish, you're 0% Jewish.
Is this true or propaganda?
Israel detains and deports American Jews because they are Black

There are many Black Israelis.


Miss Israel 2013 was a refugee from Ethiopia who immigrated as a child.
My family veins contain zero Jewish blood

You must be so proud ...

But, I hate to burst your bubble, there is no such thing as 'Jewish Blood'. The concept of Mischlinge or fractional Jews was created by YOUR people, not mine.

According to Jewish Law, if you're mother is a Jew, regardless of race, you're 100% a Jew. If your mother isn't Jewish, you're 0% Jewish.

"According to Jewish Law, if you're mother is a Jew, regardless of race, you're 100% a Jew. If your mother isn't Jewish, you're 0% Jewish."

Exactly. If your Maternal side is not Jewish you cannot go and live in Israel.

Under Israeli Law only allows those who are Jewish from the female side ie. Mother, Grand Mother, Great Grand Mother etc to have a RIGHT to go and live in Israel.

I repeat:

So you should be careful to label others as racist or whatever when considering Israeli Law itself is racist, how is ONLY allowing Jewish people to live in Israel NOT racist and/or discriminating against non-Jews?

The Israeli-Arabs and the Israeli-Christians are only allowed to live in Israel because they were BORN there, essentially they are treated as Second Class Citizens.

If anyone wants to go and live in Israel they have to submit to a DNA test to affirm they are of Jewish origin. How is that not Racism 101?
My family veins contain zero Jewish blood

You must be so proud ...

But, I hate to burst your bubble, there is no such thing as 'Jewish Blood'. The concept of Mischlinge or fractional Jews was created by YOUR people, not mine.

According to Jewish Law, if you're mother is a Jew, regardless of race, you're 100% a Jew. If your mother isn't Jewish, you're 0% Jewish.
Is this true or propaganda?
Israel detains and deports American Jews because they are Black

There are many Black Israelis.


Miss Israel 2013 was a refugee from Ethiopia who immigrated as a child.

There are a huge number of Ethiopian Jews.

Beta Israel - Wikipedia

If Miss Israel 2013 were not an Ethiopian Jew would she or would she not have been allowed to emigrate from Ethiopia to Israel and live as an Israeli First Class Citizen?
My family veins contain zero Jewish blood

You must be so proud ...

But, I hate to burst your bubble, there is no such thing as 'Jewish Blood'. The concept of Mischlinge or fractional Jews was created by YOUR people, not mine.

According to Jewish Law, if you're mother is a Jew, regardless of race, you're 100% a Jew. If your mother isn't Jewish, you're 0% Jewish.
Is this true or propaganda?
Israel detains and deports American Jews because they are Black

There are many Black Israelis.


Miss Israel 2013 was a refugee from Ethiopia who immigrated as a child.
You did not answer my post # 109. Is it something you want to sweep under the rug? Hypocrisy again?
how is ONLY allowing Jewish people to live in Israel NOT racist and/or discriminating against non-Jews?

Ummm ... because Jews aren't a race?

Israel was created as a secular homeland for Jews. I would be the happiest person on Earth if a Jewish homeland didn't have to exist. But your people and others that believe like them demonstrate on a regular basis just how necessary it is.

Thirty per cent of the Israeli population isn't Jewish, so there are plenty of non-Jews who live in Israel. However, because it was created as a Jewish homeland and haven for Jews suffering persecution around the world, Jews have the right to emigrate to Israel.

When I see you getting apoplectic over non-Japanese not being allowed to emigrate to Japan (and many other examples I could give of preferential immigration policies) then I might actually believe you're concerned with the fairness of the system and not basing your rhetoric on a hatred of Jews.
My family veins contain zero Jewish blood

You must be so proud ...

But, I hate to burst your bubble, there is no such thing as 'Jewish Blood'. The concept of Mischlinge or fractional Jews was created by YOUR people, not mine.

According to Jewish Law, if you're mother is a Jew, regardless of race, you're 100% a Jew. If your mother isn't Jewish, you're 0% Jewish.

So which nation is racist again? You want ALL Western nations to be Open Borders and fanatically pro-Immigration or else we are racist.

The hypocrisy, Pot meet Kettle, take your racist shit somewhere else.

Open Israel's Borders and let the WORLD in, what are you afraid of, getting Culturally Enriched like you enjoy hearing Western nations getting Culturally Enriched?

The below Israel's Racist Immigration Criteria. Racism 101:



Immigration to Israel and Israeli Citizenship - DCLO Law Offices
You want ALL Western nations to be Open Borders

I never said that ... I did say I don't give a fetid dingo's kidney what Germany's (or any other country not my own) immigration policies are.

I just find it highly ironic that once again, Germans are pointing to those among them who aren't Aryan and looking for a 'solution'. Perhaps even a final one. The faces may have changed, but the rhetoric is exactly the same.

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