Nazi quotes just for fun!!

Trivializing the atrosities and evil nature of ww2 is beyond the pale. Comparing them to either party is pathetic.

Nazi's were evil killers and rapists of society and their victims spit on this bullshit comparrison.

I have no compassion for the progressive movement but I'm smart enough to know their is a difference between what we perceive as their ill doings and those of the Nazi empire.

The Nazi's learned their techniques from the American progressive movement. Unfortunately, the American progressive movement has been very good and eliminating their history in the US and rebranding themselves as something good again.

Utter nonsense.

Evil empires and lack of compassion for human life existed long before America existed.
Calling nazis a left wing progressive movement, is an insult to 12 million people who died, the second largest group of people murdered were communists, the 3rd socialists. Also the socialist countries of canada, great britian, sweden and others faught againt the right wing nazi party.
Here how about this, it's was released by the Harvard sociology department to counter the "false and blatant attempt to paint the nazi party as a progressive and or socialist movement.

" The nazi parties socialist orientation Was basically a Demagogic gambit designed to attract Support from the working class" " hitler crushed the nazi parties left, or socialist-oriented, wing in 1934, Executing Ernst Rhom and other rebellious sa Leaders at the time"

"Nazi fascism grew With the support of big business circles as a counter to communist Groups in the 1934 years onward"

So kosher and the other foolish poster, are you calling Harvard social scientists wrong, as well a the rest of the recognized academic community?

Am I calling an unknown person wrong? Yes. Yes I am.

See if we are on a left right spectrum, the left being in favor of more government, the right in favor of less, than Nazi's as totalitarians would be on the far left. Anarchists would be far right.

But then, I get the impression that you don't really care for accurate classifications. You just want to say the right is a bunch of nazis to excuse yourself from debating any one on the issues.

Once again your education is off a match box, the statement that Harvard university stands by and stakes it's reputation on as an institution of higher learning, suggests you are utterly and very wrong. By the way, prinston released a statement that backs Harvard. I will digit up give me a moment.

Are you familiar with the "appeal to authority" fallacy? Look it up sometime.
Trivializing the atrosities and evil nature of ww2 is beyond the pale. Comparing them to either party is pathetic.

Nazi's were evil killers and rapists of society and their victims spit on this bullshit comparrison.

I have no compassion for the progressive movement but I'm smart enough to know their is a difference between what we perceive as their ill doings and those of the Nazi empire.

The Nazi's learned their techniques from the American progressive movement. Unfortunately, the American progressive movement has been very good and eliminating their history in the US and rebranding themselves as something good again.

Utter nonsense.

Evil empires and lack of compassion for human life existed long before America existed.

Doesn't change the fact that the Nazi's studied the American progressive movemenet to develop much of their propaganda and ideas.
Is hating and resenting eugenics a bad thing now?

Euginics was all the rage at the beginning of the progressive era, and embraced in mainstream science. In fact, Margret Sanger created Planned Parenthood with the sole purpose of helping blacks stop having babies, a eugenic goal to say the least. However, after Nazi Germany came and went, with all it's horrors, eugenics went out of favor, and with good reason.

I suppose as the memory of those horrific events fade, eugenics may make a come back.


So Planned Parenthood is tantamount to Hitler's Nazi Germany.

Please, please, please keep up that rhetoric all the way to 2016, if for any reason to prove that conservatives will never fucking learn! LOL

You said that, not me.

Interestingly, in Nazi Germany abortion was forbidden for Aryan women but mandatory for those who were racially inferior. Such was the eugenics at that time. I suppose the repugnance for the past evils caused Germany to outlaw abortion, that is until the 1990's.
I don't think the brightest minds in the world are trying to fool anyone, too bad avatar you have fallen pray to the right wing idiot machine.
Calling nazis a left wing progressive movement, is an insult to 12 million people who died, the second largest group of people murdered were communists, the 3rd socialists. Also the socialist countries of canada, great britian, sweden and others faught againt the right wing nazi party.

You realize that the first thing totalitarians do when they usurp power is get rid of the useless idiots, right? The fact that Nazi's killed people on the right and the left isn't really a shocker. All totalitarian regimes have done so.
I don't think the brightest minds in the world are trying to fool anyone, too bad avatar you have fallen pray to the right wing idiot machine.

The brightest minds in the world? You guys are quite hilarious.

But then, that is 100 years of progressive propaganda talking here. There is a reason the Nazi's studied the Progressives. They were good at what they did.
Calling nazis a left wing progressive movement, is an insult to 12 million people who died, the second largest group of people murdered were communists, the 3rd socialists. Also the socialist countries of canada, great britian, sweden and others faught againt the right wing nazi party.

Nazis were collectivists. Progressives are collectivists.

Winston Churchill once wrote, "The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers, is the highest degree of odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian governments whether Nazi or Communist".

Obama just signed the NDAA which gives the American government the power to do just that to it's citizens.
I don't think the brightest minds in the world are trying to fool anyone, too bad avatar you have fallen pray to the right wing idiot machine.

The brightest minds in the world? You guys are quite hilarious.

But then, that is 100 years of progressive propaganda talking here. There is a reason the Nazi's studied the Progressives. They were good at what they did.

How o convince a fool he is a fool, last time I checked all people of credit in the field of social science say your wrong.......let me guess you think the world is 5000 years old too.
There are a million and one threads on this site attempting to compare and attribute the opposing party( both liberals and conservatives have done it) to Nazis. It is a disusting tactic used most often by those who have nothing of value to contribute.

Why everyone (KG especially) has such an obsession with Hitler, I haven't figured out yet.
And you all wonder why we have no civility in this country. Simply amazing.

Calling each other evil and all other manner of hateful shit then wondering why no one is willing to comprimise.

You know who's like nazi's?


Calling nazis a left wing progressive movement, is an insult to 12 million people who died, the second largest group of people murdered were communists, the 3rd socialists. Also the socialist countries of canada, great britian, sweden and others faught againt the right wing nazi party.

Nazis were collectivists. Progressives are collectivists.

Winston Churchill once wrote, "The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers, is the highest degree of odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian governments whether Nazi or Communist".

Obama just signed the NDAA which gives the American government the power to do just that to it's citizens.

So you quoting a statement that says they are different, your also quoting a socialist, also you anaslsys od the ndaa is laughable
Who do you think the Nazi's learned it from?

I don't really care.

Just keep comparing PP to Nazis and see where that gets you in 2016.

Not terribly surprised. Why would you want to be informed about history? It might change the way you think about something.

BTW Ignorance isnt bliss. That's a lie.

Just know this, that kind of talk cost the GOP the election in 2012 and it'll cost the GOP the election in 2016, mark my words. Wanna keep going with legitimate rape too?

Besides, your idea of history would be completely biased and I don't have time to fact-check.
I don't think the brightest minds in the world are trying to fool anyone, too bad avatar you have fallen pray to the right wing idiot machine.

The brightest minds in the world? You guys are quite hilarious.

But then, that is 100 years of progressive propaganda talking here. There is a reason the Nazi's studied the Progressives. They were good at what they did.

I don't think that the progressives sat down to study them. I honestly think that it is a natural tendency to gravitate toward collectivism. Even since the ancients, like Plato, who wrote "The Republic" that outlined a utopia where the common man was governed by masterminds who dictated every aspect of human interaction we have had a myriad of attempts at utopia. It just so happens that the road to collectivism is a road well travelled. That is why they all appear to be so similar.

There is really nothing new under the sun, rather, there is just ignorance regarding the past. That is why I get a kick out of people presenting progressivism as some kind of new cutting edge philosophy that should replace an old tired US Constitution. Looking at human history, creating a society with relative equality, which is what the Founders accomplished, seems an odd ball experiment of sorts that has over the years been destroyed through progressive steps to centralize power. By in large, looking at the history of man, mankind has enslaved his fellow man on average. It is his nature.
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Hitler's nazis and today's progressives are pretty much the same thing.

They wear different clothes...

And while nazis were after a blonde haired blue eyes populace, today's progressives are for many of the same things...except the blonde/blue combination. They think they can weed out poverty, illness, unhappiness, stupidity by negative eugenics.

It's all SSDD.

Is that why the progressives want to get rid of unions just like Hitler did? Or is it because progressives say guns before butter, just like Hitler? By Guns I mean arming the nation. Or is it because the progressives are anti homosexual just like the Nazis were?
Calling nazis a left wing progressive movement, is an insult to 12 million people who died, the second largest group of people murdered were communists, the 3rd socialists. Also the socialist countries of canada, great britian, sweden and others faught againt the right wing nazi party.

Nazis were collectivists. Progressives are collectivists.

Winston Churchill once wrote, "The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers, is the highest degree of odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian governments whether Nazi or Communist".

Obama just signed the NDAA which gives the American government the power to do just that to it's citizens.

So you quoting a statement that says they are different, your also quoting a socialist, also you anaslsys od the ndaa is laughable

You know Luke, I had suspected you were a little daft, but your interpretation of the NDAA shows that you are completely INSANE!

Good job!!
And you all wonder why we have no civility in this country. Simply amazing.

Calling each other evil and all other manner of hateful shit then wondering why no one is willing to comprimise.

You know who's like nazi's?



Evil? I don't recall calling anyone evil. What I am attempting to do is show how collectivism can lead to great evil. It is simply a warning that I assume will probably go unheeded. In fact, I would not necesarily call all Nazis evil. I'm sure many simply got caught up in something they thought was "good".
I don't think the brightest minds in the world are trying to fool anyone, too bad avatar you have fallen pray to the right wing idiot machine.

The brightest minds in the world? You guys are quite hilarious.

But then, that is 100 years of progressive propaganda talking here. There is a reason the Nazi's studied the Progressives. They were good at what they did.

How o convince a fool he is a fool, last time I checked all people of credit in the field of social science say your wrong.......let me guess you think the world is 5000 years old too.

I don't presume to know how old the world is. Im not that arrogant and I am not that old. So I have no problem waiting to make sure everything is clear. The fact that you've closed your mind off to possibilities doesn't say much about your ability to correct yourself if you are wrong though. It's just never occured to me to take a dogmatic position on how old the world is when it really isn't that important and I have an Eternity to learn it all.

BTW I can see you didn't bother looking up the "Appeal to authority" Fallacy like I recommended. I presume you think Galileo was a fool for not accepting what the "experts" in the field were saying that the world wasn't heliocentric. Or that Columbus was a fool for wanting to sail West since the "experts" all knew the world is flat.

Those who seek the truth often buck what the experts try to claim. Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with challenging the status quo or conventional wisdom.
And you all wonder why we have no civility in this country. Simply amazing.

Calling each other evil and all other manner of hateful shit then wondering why no one is willing to comprimise.

You know who's like nazi's?



Some idealogies are evil. Eugenics, for example, is evil. Calling it evil isn't uncivil. Nor is it unkind. Pretending that it is perfectly alright is what is unkind and uncivil.

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