Nazis killed White Christians mostly, a neglected fact on purpose.

Republicans support the murder of unarmed blacks.
That’s why they hate the NFL protests.

A.) Police brutality is rare, and in many cases shootings are justifed as self defense, except sometimes they're overkill (Literally)

B.) Police brutality knows no color. (Fact more Whites have been killed by cops than Blacks)

C.) The Liberal media made things worse, by not covering cases when Whites were killed by White, or even Black cops. (This caused even more damages with BLM's thuggery)
They sure suffered. But The Jew thing was the worst. The propaganda against them and and they were murdered on an industrial scale. And I have never heard of any such conspiracy against white Christians. The Nazis wanted that land.


Take a hitler speech, change the word "jew" with "rich" and have Mikhail Moore read it, and bed wetters like franco hang on every word.

Our problem is lying thieving Rich GOP assholes who have Taken Over your mind. Rich GOP assholes. Repeat. And change the Channel
I get so tired of the devious Liberal biases in just about everything.

This is another case, and point, a ton of people died who were not Jews, and they don't get recognition like Jews, just because Liberals tend to hate White Christians.

GeneralplanOst proves that they had nasty plans for Eastern European Christians.

In the case of Poland 85% were to be killed, or deported, and the remaining 15% were to be forcibly Germanized.

Generalplan Ost - Wikipedia

Well, Nazis killed about 25 - 30 million Soviet citizens, and about 3 million Polish Catholic citizens, and of course millions more were killed across Europe.

World War II casualties of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Dead Soviet civilians near Minsk, Belarus, 1943

Kiev, June 23, 1941

A victim of starvation in besieged Leningrad suffering from muscle atrophy in 1941
World War II fatalities of the Soviet Union from all related causes numbered more than 20,000,000, both civilian and military, although the exact figures are disputed. The number 20 million was considered official during the Soviet era. The Russian government puts the Soviet war dead at 26.6 million based on a 1993 study by the Russian Academy of Sciences. [1][2][3] this includes 8,668,400 military deaths as calculated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.[4][5][6]

The figures published by Russian Ministry of Defense have been accepted by most historians outside Russia (see table below Western scholars). However, the official figure of 8.7 million military deaths has been disputed by some Russian historians who believe that the number of dead and missing POWs is not correct and new research is necessary to determine actual losses.[7] Officials at the Russian Central Defense Ministry Archive (CDMA) maintain that their database lists the names of roughly 14 million dead and missing service personnel.[8][9] [10] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in 2009 that "data about our losses haven't been revealed yet..We must determine the historical truth." He said that more than 2.4 million people are still officially considered missing in action. Of the 9.5 million buried in mass graves, 6 million are unidentified [11] Some Russian politicians and journalists put the total number of losses in the war, both civilian and military, at over 40 million.[12][13][14][15]
White Christians have spent millenia killing white Christians. Fun fact.
I get so tired of the devious Liberal biases in just about everything.

This is another case, and point, a ton of people died who were not Jews, and they don't get recognition like Jews, just because Liberals tend to hate White Christians.

GeneralplanOst proves that they had nasty plans for Eastern European Christians.

In the case of Poland 85% were to be killed, or deported, and the remaining 15% were to be forcibly Germanized.

Generalplan Ost - Wikipedia

Well, Nazis killed about 25 - 30 million Soviet citizens, and about 3 million Polish Catholic citizens, and of course millions more were killed across Europe.

World War II casualties of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Dead Soviet civilians near Minsk, Belarus, 1943

Kiev, June 23, 1941

A victim of starvation in besieged Leningrad suffering from muscle atrophy in 1941
World War II fatalities of the Soviet Union from all related causes numbered more than 20,000,000, both civilian and military, although the exact figures are disputed. The number 20 million was considered official during the Soviet era. The Russian government puts the Soviet war dead at 26.6 million based on a 1993 study by the Russian Academy of Sciences. [1][2][3] this includes 8,668,400 military deaths as calculated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.[4][5][6]

The figures published by Russian Ministry of Defense have been accepted by most historians outside Russia (see table below Western scholars). However, the official figure of 8.7 million military deaths has been disputed by some Russian historians who believe that the number of dead and missing POWs is not correct and new research is necessary to determine actual losses.[7] Officials at the Russian Central Defense Ministry Archive (CDMA) maintain that their database lists the names of roughly 14 million dead and missing service personnel.[8][9] [10] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in 2009 that "data about our losses haven't been revealed yet..We must determine the historical truth." He said that more than 2.4 million people are still officially considered missing in action. Of the 9.5 million buried in mass graves, 6 million are unidentified [11] Some Russian politicians and journalists put the total number of losses in the war, both civilian and military, at over 40 million.[12][13][14][15]
They WERE white christians.

The higher leadership of the Nazis had a lot of Pagans, and Islamists.
They didn't practice Islam, and the Pagans had no problems attending church as well.
I get so tired of the devious Liberal biases in just about everything.

This is another case, and point, a ton of people died who were not Jews, and they don't get recognition like Jews, just because Liberals tend to hate White Christians.

GeneralplanOst proves that they had nasty plans for Eastern European Christians.

In the case of Poland 85% were to be killed, or deported, and the remaining 15% were to be forcibly Germanized.

Generalplan Ost - Wikipedia

Well, Nazis killed about 25 - 30 million Soviet citizens, and about 3 million Polish Catholic citizens, and of course millions more were killed across Europe.

World War II casualties of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Dead Soviet civilians near Minsk, Belarus, 1943

Kiev, June 23, 1941

A victim of starvation in besieged Leningrad suffering from muscle atrophy in 1941
World War II fatalities of the Soviet Union from all related causes numbered more than 20,000,000, both civilian and military, although the exact figures are disputed. The number 20 million was considered official during the Soviet era. The Russian government puts the Soviet war dead at 26.6 million based on a 1993 study by the Russian Academy of Sciences. [1][2][3] this includes 8,668,400 military deaths as calculated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.[4][5][6]

The figures published by Russian Ministry of Defense have been accepted by most historians outside Russia (see table below Western scholars). However, the official figure of 8.7 million military deaths has been disputed by some Russian historians who believe that the number of dead and missing POWs is not correct and new research is necessary to determine actual losses.[7] Officials at the Russian Central Defense Ministry Archive (CDMA) maintain that their database lists the names of roughly 14 million dead and missing service personnel.[8][9] [10] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in 2009 that "data about our losses haven't been revealed yet..We must determine the historical truth." He said that more than 2.4 million people are still officially considered missing in action. Of the 9.5 million buried in mass graves, 6 million are unidentified [11] Some Russian politicians and journalists put the total number of losses in the war, both civilian and military, at over 40 million.[12][13][14][15]
They WERE white christians.

The higher leadership of the Nazis had a lot of Pagans, and Islamists.
They didn't practice Islam, and the Pagans had no problems attending church as well.
Heim & Von Leers two Nazis both converted to Islam & moved to Egypt.

Himmler was a pro Muslim fanactic & Hitler had stated Islam was superior to Christianity according to Speer.
I get so tired of the devious Liberal biases in just about everything.

This is another case, and point, a ton of people died who were not Jews, and they don't get recognition like Jews, just because Liberals tend to hate White Christians.

GeneralplanOst proves that they had nasty plans for Eastern European Christians.

In the case of Poland 85% were to be killed, or deported, and the remaining 15% were to be forcibly Germanized.

Generalplan Ost - Wikipedia

Well, Nazis killed about 25 - 30 million Soviet citizens, and about 3 million Polish Catholic citizens, and of course millions more were killed across Europe.

World War II casualties of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Dead Soviet civilians near Minsk, Belarus, 1943

Kiev, June 23, 1941

A victim of starvation in besieged Leningrad suffering from muscle atrophy in 1941
World War II fatalities of the Soviet Union from all related causes numbered more than 20,000,000, both civilian and military, although the exact figures are disputed. The number 20 million was considered official during the Soviet era. The Russian government puts the Soviet war dead at 26.6 million based on a 1993 study by the Russian Academy of Sciences. [1][2][3] this includes 8,668,400 military deaths as calculated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.[4][5][6]

The figures published by Russian Ministry of Defense have been accepted by most historians outside Russia (see table below Western scholars). However, the official figure of 8.7 million military deaths has been disputed by some Russian historians who believe that the number of dead and missing POWs is not correct and new research is necessary to determine actual losses.[7] Officials at the Russian Central Defense Ministry Archive (CDMA) maintain that their database lists the names of roughly 14 million dead and missing service personnel.[8][9] [10] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in 2009 that "data about our losses haven't been revealed yet..We must determine the historical truth." He said that more than 2.4 million people are still officially considered missing in action. Of the 9.5 million buried in mass graves, 6 million are unidentified [11] Some Russian politicians and journalists put the total number of losses in the war, both civilian and military, at over 40 million.[12][13][14][15]
White Christians have spent millenia killing white Christians. Fun fact.
A lot of those are Christian sects fighting.

White Protestant Lutherans were more or less spared. Hint,hint.
I get so tired of the devious Liberal biases in just about everything.

This is another case, and point, a ton of people died who were not Jews, and they don't get recognition like Jews, just because Liberals tend to hate White Christians.

GeneralplanOst proves that they had nasty plans for Eastern European Christians.

In the case of Poland 85% were to be killed, or deported, and the remaining 15% were to be forcibly Germanized.

Generalplan Ost - Wikipedia

Well, Nazis killed about 25 - 30 million Soviet citizens, and about 3 million Polish Catholic citizens, and of course millions more were killed across Europe.

World War II casualties of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Dead Soviet civilians near Minsk, Belarus, 1943

Kiev, June 23, 1941

A victim of starvation in besieged Leningrad suffering from muscle atrophy in 1941
World War II fatalities of the Soviet Union from all related causes numbered more than 20,000,000, both civilian and military, although the exact figures are disputed. The number 20 million was considered official during the Soviet era. The Russian government puts the Soviet war dead at 26.6 million based on a 1993 study by the Russian Academy of Sciences. [1][2][3] this includes 8,668,400 military deaths as calculated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.[4][5][6]

The figures published by Russian Ministry of Defense have been accepted by most historians outside Russia (see table below Western scholars). However, the official figure of 8.7 million military deaths has been disputed by some Russian historians who believe that the number of dead and missing POWs is not correct and new research is necessary to determine actual losses.[7] Officials at the Russian Central Defense Ministry Archive (CDMA) maintain that their database lists the names of roughly 14 million dead and missing service personnel.[8][9] [10] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in 2009 that "data about our losses haven't been revealed yet..We must determine the historical truth." He said that more than 2.4 million people are still officially considered missing in action. Of the 9.5 million buried in mass graves, 6 million are unidentified [11] Some Russian politicians and journalists put the total number of losses in the war, both civilian and military, at over 40 million.[12][13][14][15]
They WERE white christians.

The higher leadership of the Nazis had a lot of Pagans, and Islamists.
They didn't practice Islam, and the Pagans had no problems attending church as well.
Heim & Von Leers two Nazis both converted to Islam & moved to Egypt.

Himmler was a pro Muslim fanactic & Hitler had stated Islam was superior to Christianity according to Speer.
That's interesting, although it seems most converted after the war.

Why Did so Many Wanted Nazis Convert to Islam?
Hitler did think it was superior to Christianity because it allowed for self-defense and didn't make you forgive everyone.
I get so tired of the devious Liberal biases in just about everything.

This is another case, and point, a ton of people died who were not Jews, and they don't get recognition like Jews, just because Liberals tend to hate White Christians.

GeneralplanOst proves that they had nasty plans for Eastern European Christians.

In the case of Poland 85% were to be killed, or deported, and the remaining 15% were to be forcibly Germanized.

Generalplan Ost - Wikipedia

Well, Nazis killed about 25 - 30 million Soviet citizens, and about 3 million Polish Catholic citizens, and of course millions more were killed across Europe.

World War II casualties of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Dead Soviet civilians near Minsk, Belarus, 1943

Kiev, June 23, 1941

A victim of starvation in besieged Leningrad suffering from muscle atrophy in 1941
World War II fatalities of the Soviet Union from all related causes numbered more than 20,000,000, both civilian and military, although the exact figures are disputed. The number 20 million was considered official during the Soviet era. The Russian government puts the Soviet war dead at 26.6 million based on a 1993 study by the Russian Academy of Sciences. [1][2][3] this includes 8,668,400 military deaths as calculated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.[4][5][6]

The figures published by Russian Ministry of Defense have been accepted by most historians outside Russia (see table below Western scholars). However, the official figure of 8.7 million military deaths has been disputed by some Russian historians who believe that the number of dead and missing POWs is not correct and new research is necessary to determine actual losses.[7] Officials at the Russian Central Defense Ministry Archive (CDMA) maintain that their database lists the names of roughly 14 million dead and missing service personnel.[8][9] [10] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in 2009 that "data about our losses haven't been revealed yet..We must determine the historical truth." He said that more than 2.4 million people are still officially considered missing in action. Of the 9.5 million buried in mass graves, 6 million are unidentified [11] Some Russian politicians and journalists put the total number of losses in the war, both civilian and military, at over 40 million.[12][13][14][15]
They WERE white christians.

The higher leadership of the Nazis had a lot of Pagans, and Islamists.
They didn't practice Islam, and the Pagans had no problems attending church as well.
Heim & Von Leers two Nazis both converted to Islam & moved to Egypt.

Himmler was a pro Muslim fanactic & Hitler had stated Islam was superior to Christianity according to Speer.
That's interesting, although it seems most converted after the war.

Why Did so Many Wanted Nazis Convert to Islam?
Hitler did think it was superior to Christianity because it allowed for self-defense and didn't make you forgive everyone.

Nazis had some fierce opposition from some Christian clergy particularly Catholic clergy for Nazis pro-Euthansia positions. This includes German clergy too.
They WERE white christians.

The higher leadership of the Nazis had a lot of Pagans, and Islamists.
They didn't practice Islam, and the Pagans had no problems attending church as well.
Heim & Von Leers two Nazis both converted to Islam & moved to Egypt.

Himmler was a pro Muslim fanactic & Hitler had stated Islam was superior to Christianity according to Speer.
That's interesting, although it seems most converted after the war.

Why Did so Many Wanted Nazis Convert to Islam?
Hitler did think it was superior to Christianity because it allowed for self-defense and didn't make you forgive everyone.

Nazis had some fierce opposition from some Christian clergy particularly Catholic clergy for Nazis pro-Euthansia positions. This includes German clergy too.
True, but some Nazis attended Protestant services.
There weren't too many black muslims running around Europe at the time. Had there been Adolph and pals would have exalted the jews, conquered the entire middle east and the new jewish homeland would have Mecca back.

Many of the highest ranking Nazis were pro Islam, seeing them as a superior religion, even if an inferior people.

The oppossite happened to what you are saying. After meeting the king of Palestine Hitler decided to stop deporting Jews there and to begin the final solution.
...they just wanted help from the Arabs--they couldn't not have cared less about them or islam
...most of the deaths you refer to are from battle/war/etc--not the Holocaust
that's the difference
They sure suffered. But The Jew thing was the worst. The propaganda against them and and they were murdered on an industrial scale. And I have never heard of any such conspiracy against white Christians. The Nazis wanted that land.


Take a hitler speech, change the word "jew" with "rich" and have Mikhail Moore read it, and bed wetters like franco hang on every word.

Nazis got more right and more wrong than Americans of the modern era.They actually were right on the rich, and Jews pushing Liberalism. Of course they messed up with the Holocaust and invading Poland, and then invading their former Soviet ally.
sure--along with herding dozens in a room and gassing them---over and over --etc
sure--they got it right :rolleyes-41:
There weren't too many black muslims running around Europe at the time. Had there been Adolph and pals would have exalted the jews, conquered the entire middle east and the new jewish homeland would have Mecca back.

Many of the highest ranking Nazis were pro Islam, seeing them as a superior religion, even if an inferior people.

The oppossite happened to what you are saying. After meeting the king of Palestine Hitler decided to stop deporting Jews there and to begin the final solution.
...most of the deaths you refer to are from battle/war/etc--not the Holocaust
that's the difference

Nope, majority of the Soviet deaths were civilian. Apparently Nazis had cut off food to Soviet civilians as a result many USSR Civilians died from famine & disease. Apparently Nazis at times also massacred Soviet civilians too.
They sure suffered. But The Jew thing was the worst. The propaganda against them and and they were murdered on an industrial scale. And I have never heard of any such conspiracy against white Christians. The Nazis wanted that land.


Take a hitler speech, change the word "jew" with "rich" and have Mikhail Moore read it, and bed wetters like franco hang on every word.

Nazis got more right and more wrong than Americans of the modern era.They actually were right on the rich, and Jews pushing Liberalism. Of course they messed up with the Holocaust and invading Poland, and then invading their former Soviet ally.
sure--along with herding dozens in a room and gassing them---over and over --etc
sure--they got it right :rolleyes-41:
The USA. Killed 10's of millions in war too. Then 10's of millions by abortion.
They sure suffered. But The Jew thing was the worst. The propaganda against them and and they were murdered on an industrial scale. And I have never heard of any such conspiracy against white Christians. The Nazis wanted that land.


Take a hitler speech, change the word "jew" with "rich" and have Mikhail Moore read it, and bed wetters like franco hang on every word.

Nazis got more right and more wrong than Americans of the modern era.They actually were right on the rich, and Jews pushing Liberalism. Of course they messed up with the Holocaust and invading Poland, and then invading their former Soviet ally.
sure--along with herding dozens in a room and gassing them---over and over --etc
sure--they got it right :rolleyes-41:
The USA. Killed 10's of millions in war too. Then 10's of millions by abortion.
last I heard, the Geneva Convention says murdering people is not legal
There weren't too many black muslims running around Europe at the time. Had there been Adolph and pals would have exalted the jews, conquered the entire middle east and the new jewish homeland would have Mecca back.

Many of the highest ranking Nazis were pro Islam, seeing them as a superior religion, even if an inferior people.

The oppossite happened to what you are saying. After meeting the king of Palestine Hitler decided to stop deporting Jews there and to begin the final solution.
...most of the deaths you refer to are from battle/war/etc--not the Holocaust
that's the difference

Nope, majority of the Soviet deaths were civilian. Apparently Nazis had cut off food to Soviet civilians as a result many USSR Civilians died from famine & disease. Apparently Nazis at times also massacred Soviet civilians too. shit---anyone who knows anything about WW2 knows the majority of deaths were civilian can comprehend/understand/think/think logically??
cutting off food is part of the WAR/etc
I WAS referring to civilians mostly
don't try to debate WW2 with me
They sure suffered. But The Jew thing was the worst. The propaganda against them and and they were murdered on an industrial scale. And I have never heard of any such conspiracy against white Christians. The Nazis wanted that land.


Take a hitler speech, change the word "jew" with "rich" and have Mikhail Moore read it, and bed wetters like franco hang on every word.

Nazis got more right and more wrong than Americans of the modern era.They actually were right on the rich, and Jews pushing Liberalism. Of course they messed up with the Holocaust and invading Poland, and then invading their former Soviet ally.
sure--along with herding dozens in a room and gassing them---over and over --etc
sure--they got it right :rolleyes-41:
The USA. Killed 10's of millions in war too. Then 10's of millions by abortion.
last I heard, the Geneva Convention says murdering people is not legal
Professor Galtung & GlobalResearch both corroborate similar findings of 13 -30 million killed by USA WARS since WW2.

Take a hitler speech, change the word "jew" with "rich" and have Mikhail Moore read it, and bed wetters like franco hang on every word.

Nazis got more right and more wrong than Americans of the modern era.They actually were right on the rich, and Jews pushing Liberalism. Of course they messed up with the Holocaust and invading Poland, and then invading their former Soviet ally.
sure--along with herding dozens in a room and gassing them---over and over --etc
sure--they got it right :rolleyes-41:
The USA. Killed 10's of millions in war too. Then 10's of millions by abortion.
last I heard, the Geneva Convention says murdering people is not legal
Professor Galtung & GlobalResearch both corroborate similar findings of 13 -30 million killed by USA WARS since WW2.
the US did not herd hundreds of thousands into gas chambers always have your lone wolfs/problems/etc--but as policy, the US did not directly target civilians as policy like the Germans did
..please stop the stupidness
There weren't too many black muslims running around Europe at the time. Had there been Adolph and pals would have exalted the jews, conquered the entire middle east and the new jewish homeland would have Mecca back.

Many of the highest ranking Nazis were pro Islam, seeing them as a superior religion, even if an inferior people.

The oppossite happened to what you are saying. After meeting the king of Palestine Hitler decided to stop deporting Jews there and to begin the final solution.
...most of the deaths you refer to are from battle/war/etc--not the Holocaust
that's the difference

Nope, majority of the Soviet deaths were civilian. Apparently Nazis had cut off food to Soviet civilians as a result many USSR Civilians died from famine & disease. Apparently Nazis at times also massacred Soviet civilians too. shit---anyone who knows anything about WW2 knows the majority of deaths were civilian can comprehend/understand/think/think logically??
cutting off food is part of the WAR/etc
I WAS referring to civilians mostly
don't try to debate WW2 with me

So that means the 15+ million dead Russian civilians are some how less dead or less important than the 6 million Holcaust victim Jews?
They sure suffered. But The Jew thing was the worst. The propaganda against them and and they were murdered on an industrial scale. And I have never heard of any such conspiracy against white Christians. The Nazis wanted that land.


Take a hitler speech, change the word "jew" with "rich" and have Mikhail Moore read it, and bed wetters like franco hang on every word.

Nazis got more right and more wrong than Americans of the modern era.They actually were right on the rich, and Jews pushing Liberalism. Of course they messed up with the Holocaust and invading Poland, and then invading their former Soviet ally.
sure--along with herding dozens in a room and gassing them---over and over --etc
sure--they got it right :rolleyes-41:
The USA. Killed 10's of millions in war too. Then 10's of millions by abortion.
B******, and I'll go with the Supreme Court that says fetuses are not human at least under 4 months.
There weren't too many black muslims running around Europe at the time. Had there been Adolph and pals would have exalted the jews, conquered the entire middle east and the new jewish homeland would have Mecca back.

Many of the highest ranking Nazis were pro Islam, seeing them as a superior religion, even if an inferior people.

The oppossite happened to what you are saying. After meeting the king of Palestine Hitler decided to stop deporting Jews there and to begin the final solution.
...most of the deaths you refer to are from battle/war/etc--not the Holocaust
that's the difference

Nope, majority of the Soviet deaths were civilian. Apparently Nazis had cut off food to Soviet civilians as a result many USSR Civilians died from famine & disease. Apparently Nazis at times also massacred Soviet civilians too. shit---anyone who knows anything about WW2 knows the majority of deaths were civilian can comprehend/understand/think/think logically??
cutting off food is part of the WAR/etc
I WAS referring to civilians mostly
don't try to debate WW2 with me

So that means the 15+ million dead Russian civilians are some how less dead or less important than the 6 million Holcaust victim Jews?
....ok, let's make it that Stalin and hitler were responsible for EVERY death in WW2 as they both STARTED the war
....yes--there's a difference

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