Nazis were Catholic?

I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
There is no clergy or religion which doesn't align itself with with any despot or tyrant.

Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.
As far as you know since you have not lived during the entire time of humans on the planet..

As far as historians know, you mean: it's especially true today. Just because some homo pedo-friendlies can't admit to it doesn't mean it isn't true. Red China, Indonesia, Africa, the ME, all are major persecutors, all day every day. The media only snivels about the Muslim invaders in Burma for some reason, probably because most of them as well as academia are sicko homosexual deviants and their fans who want to rewrite history to fit their sick agendas and fantasies.

almost all true-------it is true that Christians are probably the most
persecuted ------is one LUMPS all Christians together and attempts
to do volumetrics on persecution. The VOLUME of persecution is,
of course, related to the VOLUME of Christians in the world. But, it
is also true that as a religion if one VOLUMIZES ideologic persecution
over the past several millennia-------Christianity wins that contest too
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.

Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.

Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.

Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Nazi collaborator Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Actually the Round-Ups were largely done by Jewish Ghetto Police, Nazi collaborators of an Jewish extraction.

Absolutely, I'm still waiting for the source of an 1875 Pogrom against Jews in Krakow.

You're a very bad liar & a very big anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

If the clergy pedophile problem was more common in the Jewish clergy we would let you know about it. I've seen a lot more anti semitism than anti catholocism?

See, you participate in anti-Catholic bigotry.

From your Catholic Nazi accusations, right down to your Catholic clergy pedophile accusations.

Like pedophile ritual Metzitzah B'Peh?
Like the fundraiser dinner for Pedo Rabbi Weberman?
Like the bleach thrown on muck-raker anti-Pedophile Nuchem Rosenberg?

When did Catholics behave in such a manner, exactly?

It's a pure nitpicking exaggeration to blame Catholics as the main Nazis, the main Pedophiles, etc. etc.

It's an anti-Catholic bigotry, at it's finest.

Gee, you mean those poor misunderstood faggots also infiltrate other denominations to get access to little boys to rape? Go figure.
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.

Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.

Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Nobody cares about your idiot whitewashes. Jews could not go back to Poland after the war, either, so we know full well how most Poles behaved; they killed those who tried to go back home, period. Nobody need care about Poles and their problems with Nazis, period.
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.

Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.

Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Nobody cares about your idiot whitewashes. Jews could not go back to Poland after the war, either, so we know full well how most Poles behaved; they killed those who tried to go back home, period. Nobody need care about Poles and their problems with Nazis, period.

You're the idiot who White-Washes history, because of your strong ignorance, and anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigotry.

During the mid - late 1940's AKA post WW2.

Compare 40, or so Jews killed in Kielce Pogrom.
the 6,000 or so Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Jakub Berman, and he's not the only one, there's Jews like Roman Romkowski, Piotr Smetanski, Jozef Rozanski, Helena Wolinska Brus, Pawel Finder, Maria Gurowska, Hillary Minc, Roman Zambrowski & of course
thousands of Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Salomon Morel.
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.

Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.

Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Nobody cares about your idiot whitewashes. Jews could not go back to Poland after the war, either, so we know full well how most Poles behaved; they killed those who tried to go back home, period. Nobody need care about Poles and their problems with Nazis, period.

The Catholic Poles WERE NOT in the Jewish Ghettoes, where the Round-Ups took place.

Jews WERE, and while the Nazi Germans ordered & participated in the Round-Ups, a lot of it was also done by Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police.

Jewish Historian Emanuel Ringelblum, one of the most important sources on the Holocaust, because he lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto, SPECIFICALLY said the Jewish Ghetto Police, Jewish Nazi collaborators were not only worse than the Polish Blue Police, but at times worse than Nazi Germans themselves, or their Ukrainian & Latvian collaborators.

But, I guess everybody else is wrong but Jews, keep blaming Catholics, Poles, and anything else you can muster.
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.

Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.

Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Nobody cares about your idiot whitewashes. Jews could not go back to Poland after the war, either, so we know full well how most Poles behaved; they killed those who tried to go back home, period. Nobody need care about Poles and their problems with Nazis, period.

You're the idiot who White-Washes history, because of your strong ignorance, and anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigotry.

During the mid - late 1940's AKA post WW2.

Compare 40, or so Jews killed in Kielce Pogrom.
the 6,000 or so Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Jakub Berman, and he's not the only one, there's Jews like Roman Romkowski, Piotr Smetanski, Jozef Rozanski, Helena Wolinska Brus, Pawel Finder, Maria Gurowska, Hillary Minc, Roman Zambrowski & of course
thousands of Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Salomon Morel.

The question here is, "Is the Catholic church getting an undeserved bad rap?"

Is the Catholic Church as a whole getting an underserved bad rap?

600 years of inqusitions, shuffling pedophile priests from unknowing parish to unknowing parish, hell, putting poor Galileo under house arrest for having the audacity to say that the sun does not revolve around the Earth. There is an incredible list torture and cruelty from an organization that is supposed to be grounded in the word of a fella who was all about kindness, charity and caring. If you made up this level of hypocrisy in a story no one would believe you. I know there are good folks that put a lot of faith into the Church that do a lot of good things, but as we have seen with the giant banks, things have a way of unraveling when the left tentacle has no idea what the other twelve are up to.
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.

Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.

Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Nobody cares about your idiot whitewashes. Jews could not go back to Poland after the war, either, so we know full well how most Poles behaved; they killed those who tried to go back home, period. Nobody need care about Poles and their problems with Nazis, period.

You're the idiot who White-Washes history, because of your strong ignorance, and anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigotry.

During the mid - late 1940's AKA post WW2.

Compare 40, or so Jews killed in Kielce Pogrom.
the 6,000 or so Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Jakub Berman, and he's not the only one, there's Jews like Roman Romkowski, Piotr Smetanski, Jozef Rozanski, Helena Wolinska Brus, Pawel Finder, Maria Gurowska, Hillary Minc, Roman Zambrowski & of course
thousands of Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Salomon Morel.

The question here is, "Is the Catholic church getting an undeserved bad rap?"

Is the Catholic Church as a whole getting an underserved bad rap?

600 years of inqusitions, shuffling pedophile priests from unknowing parish to unknowing parish, hell, putting poor Galileo under house arrest for having the audacity to say that the sun does not revolve around the Earth. There is an incredible list torture and cruelty from an organization that is supposed to be grounded in the word of a fella who was all about kindness, charity and caring. If you made up this level of hypocrisy in a story no one would believe you. I know there are good folks that put a lot of faith into the Church that do a lot of good things, but as we have seen with the giant banks, things have a way of unraveling when the left tentacle has no idea what the other twelve are up to.

Ignore that Nazi Germany was majority Lutheran, and the #1 killers of Jews.

Ignore that Cossacks were Orthodox Christians, and the #2 killers of Jews.

Ultimately both Nazi Germany & Cossacks in these attacks also killed loads of Polish Catholics.
Ignore that too.

Ignore that Jews are worse pedophiles & perverts than Catholics, like Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Jared Fogel, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, Tobacker, and then they even have a Pedophile tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.

Ignore that Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians continue to mass murder, where Catholics aren't.

Millions killed by the Protestant USA war in terror.
Now Orthodox Russia is killing a bunch in Syria.
As well as Jewish Israel.

What about Catholics?????

Oh let's attack Catholics, just because it's part of the status quo.
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.

Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.

Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Nobody cares about your idiot whitewashes. Jews could not go back to Poland after the war, either, so we know full well how most Poles behaved; they killed those who tried to go back home, period. Nobody need care about Poles and their problems with Nazis, period.

You're the idiot who White-Washes history, because of your strong ignorance, and anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigotry.

During the mid - late 1940's AKA post WW2.

Compare 40, or so Jews killed in Kielce Pogrom.
the 6,000 or so Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Jakub Berman, and he's not the only one, there's Jews like Roman Romkowski, Piotr Smetanski, Jozef Rozanski, Helena Wolinska Brus, Pawel Finder, Maria Gurowska, Hillary Minc, Roman Zambrowski & of course
thousands of Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Salomon Morel.

^^^^^^ a very typical polish catholic blood libel
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.

Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.

Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Nobody cares about your idiot whitewashes. Jews could not go back to Poland after the war, either, so we know full well how most Poles behaved; they killed those who tried to go back home, period. Nobody need care about Poles and their problems with Nazis, period.

You're the idiot who White-Washes history, because of your strong ignorance, and anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigotry.

During the mid - late 1940's AKA post WW2.

Compare 40, or so Jews killed in Kielce Pogrom.
the 6,000 or so Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Jakub Berman, and he's not the only one, there's Jews like Roman Romkowski, Piotr Smetanski, Jozef Rozanski, Helena Wolinska Brus, Pawel Finder, Maria Gurowska, Hillary Minc, Roman Zambrowski & of course
thousands of Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Salomon Morel.

^^^^^^ a very typical polish catholic blood libel

Many historians believe the Kielce Pogrom was instigated by Soviet authorities a sort of falseflag to crack down on anti-Semitism.
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.

Hmm, yet the biggest voting regions for Nazis were Lutheran Prussia, Pomerania & Brandenberg.

The least voting regions were the Westphalian regions & Hessian regions.
by Bavaria.


So what? Bavaria was where the Party effectively got started after WW I, including the main rival faction, the one who stashed all the guns the Party used. Hitler killed them later as well. They were in majority Catholic areas first. Whether you like it or not doesn't mean anything. Their organizing gimmick at the time wasn't religion, it was the lie they were 'cheated' by the Versailles Treaty and weren't defeated.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
There is no clergy or religion which doesn't align itself with with any despot or tyrant.

Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.
As far as you know since you have not lived during the entire time of humans on the planet..

As far as historians know, you mean: it's especially true today. Just because some homo pedo-friendlies can't admit to it doesn't mean it isn't true. Red China, Indonesia, Africa, the ME, all are major persecutors, all day every day. The media only snivels about the Muslim invaders in Burma for some reason, probably because most of them as well as academia are sicko homosexual deviants and their fans who want to rewrite history to fit their sick agendas and fantasies.

almost all true-------it is true that Christians are probably the most
persecuted ------is one LUMPS all Christians together and attempts
to do volumetrics on persecution. The VOLUME of persecution is,
of course, related to the VOLUME of Christians in the world. But, it
is also true that as a religion if one VOLUMIZES ideologic persecution
over the past several millennia-------Christianity wins that contest too

Rubbish. Counting Christian self-defense responses to animal invasions doens't count as Christians 'persecuting' anybody, it counts as self-defense. All of the Crusades were merely retaking former lost regions, not even remotely the same as your Islamo-Jewish invasions of Christian territories. in the West and Africa.
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.

Hmm, yet the biggest voting regions for Nazis were Lutheran Prussia, Pomerania & Brandenberg.

The least voting regions were the Westphalian regions & Hessian regions.
by Bavaria.


So what? Bavaria was where the Party effectively got started after WW I, including the main rival faction, the one who stashed all the guns the Party used. Hitler killed them later as well. They were in majority Catholic areas first. Whether you like it or not doesn't mean anything. Their organizing gimmick at the time wasn't religion, it was the lie they were 'cheated' by the Versailles Treaty and weren't defeated.

Alfred Rosenberg the Founding Father of Nazism was of a Lutheran background & supported Pagan Mystic Thule society, he was anti-Catholic.
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.

Hmm, yet the biggest voting regions for Nazis were Lutheran Prussia, Pomerania & Brandenberg.

The least voting regions were the Westphalian regions & Hessian regions.
by Bavaria.


So what? Bavaria was where the Party effectively got started after WW I, including the main rival faction, the one who stashed all the guns the Party used. Hitler killed them later as well. They were in majority Catholic areas first. Whether you like it or not doesn't mean anything. Their organizing gimmick at the time wasn't religion, it was the lie they were 'cheated' by the Versailles Treaty and weren't defeated.

Bavaria was briefly a Soviet state run by Jew Eugene Levine, due to the German Revolution led by Jew Rosa Luxemburg.

I certainly don't support the Holocaust.

I can see why some Germans particularly Bavarians of the era would resent Jews & Commies.
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.

Hmm, yet the biggest voting regions for Nazis were Lutheran Prussia, Pomerania & Brandenberg.

The least voting regions were the Westphalian regions & Hessian regions.
by Bavaria.


it was the lie they were 'cheated' by the Versailles Treaty and weren't defeated.

I hate to say it, because I really don't like Germans.

Germany didn't start WW1.

Different Germans had, the Austrians.

But, Germany was treated unfairly.

100's of thousands of Germany's civilians were killed by a British blockade.

Germany forced to pay the allies.
There is no clergy or religion which doesn't align itself with with any despot or tyrant.

Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.
As far as you know since you have not lived during the entire time of humans on the planet..

As far as historians know, you mean: it's especially true today. Just because some homo pedo-friendlies can't admit to it doesn't mean it isn't true. Red China, Indonesia, Africa, the ME, all are major persecutors, all day every day. The media only snivels about the Muslim invaders in Burma for some reason, probably because most of them as well as academia are sicko homosexual deviants and their fans who want to rewrite history to fit their sick agendas and fantasies.

almost all true-------it is true that Christians are probably the most
persecuted ------is one LUMPS all Christians together and attempts
to do volumetrics on persecution. The VOLUME of persecution is,
of course, related to the VOLUME of Christians in the world. But, it
is also true that as a religion if one VOLUMIZES ideologic persecution
over the past several millennia-------Christianity wins that contest too

Rubbish. Counting Christian self-defense responses to animal invasions doens't count as Christians 'persecuting' anybody, it counts as self-defense. All of the Crusades were merely retaking former lost regions, not even remotely the same as your Islamo-Jewish invasions of Christian territories. in the West and Africa.

right-----self defense
Not that you Poles will ever make your textbooks reflect the facts re Poland and its enthusiastic state complicity with the Nazi roundups of Jews, but Detlev Peukert's excellent books on life inside Nazi Germany has many cites of Nazi police arrests for us to learn about, listing arrestees ' religions in their arrest records, dumbass, so we know pretty much everybody's religion who was arrested in Nazi Germany, by the police and the Gestapo both, dumbass.

Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Nobody cares about your idiot whitewashes. Jews could not go back to Poland after the war, either, so we know full well how most Poles behaved; they killed those who tried to go back home, period. Nobody need care about Poles and their problems with Nazis, period.

You're the idiot who White-Washes history, because of your strong ignorance, and anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigotry.

During the mid - late 1940's AKA post WW2.

Compare 40, or so Jews killed in Kielce Pogrom.
the 6,000 or so Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Jakub Berman, and he's not the only one, there's Jews like Roman Romkowski, Piotr Smetanski, Jozef Rozanski, Helena Wolinska Brus, Pawel Finder, Maria Gurowska, Hillary Minc, Roman Zambrowski & of course
thousands of Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Salomon Morel.

^^^^^^ a very typical polish catholic blood libel

Many historians believe the Kielce Pogrom was instigated by Soviet authorities a sort of falseflag to crack down on anti-Semitism.

polish "historians"

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