Nazis were Catholic?

A far higher amount of my Anti-Jewish statements are facts than your anti-Catholic & anti-Polish rhetoric.


Absolutely, I'm still waiting for the source of an 1875 Pogrom against Jews in Krakow.

You're a very bad liar & a very big anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

your moronically thin skinned paranoia is shining thru

It's a fact, a fact your small mind can't comprehend.

Because there was no Catholic civil rights movement, it was never a group that became protected under Politiical Correctness, despite a long history of anti-Catholic violence & actions in the U.S.A.
Fact is Several Catholic countries and populations fell under Nazi domination during the period of the Second World War (1939–1945), and ordinary Catholics fought on both sides of the conflict.

A far higher amount of my Anti-Jewish statements are facts than your anti-Catholic & anti-Polish rhetoric.


Absolutely, I'm still waiting for the source of an 1875 Pogrom against Jews in Krakow.

You're a very bad liar & a very big anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

specifically----the persons reluctant to vote for a catholic -----were
lots of protestants-------is it SURPRISING to ANYONE?

Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels were all apparent anti-Catholics, and Pagan/ Mystic / Occultists.
I'd love to see when Catholics have ever had a monopoly on Nazism?

Not during the actual Paleo-Nazis.
Not with the Neo-Nazis.

True Neo-Nazis as in those who revere Hitler, tend to be rare in Europe.

None the less, some of the most Nazi regions of Europe, aren't Catholic.

Ukraine's Greek & Orthodox Chirstians seem to be Europe's #1 Nazi hotspot, today at least in percentages.

While, in total numbers, Probably Russia's Orthodox population.

Other high contenders, are Germany's Eastern parts, with a lot of Lutherans & Atheists.

Yes, some Catholics too, like Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, and Hungary have a high level of Nazi supporters.

So do Protestants in Latvia, and Estonia.
well as Orthodox Christians of Bulgaria & Belarus.

There's also a lot of Muslim countries with a lot of Nazis too, including Iran, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, Syria, Afghanistan etc. etc.

Yet, there's a lot of Catholic nations with very few Nazis, like Poland, Czech Rep, France, Belgium, Ireland, etc.

Yeah, also some Protestant nations also have very few Nazis, like Norway, Denmark, UK, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

So, at least in today's European Christians, it seems Eastern Orthodox Christians are the worst Nazi supporters, and NOT Catholics.

has anyone in the whole wide world claimed that Catholics have a
monopoly on Nazism? Your statement is evidence of Paranoia.

Hmm, and yet you've mostly blame Catholics, and Poles for such on this forum.

It's pretty funny, that you tend to treat Austrians, Germans, and Ukrainians better than Poles, even though each of these countries WERE & ARE more responsible for Nazism, both Paleo & Neo.

you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

There was no offical Poland in 1939 - 1945.... It was Annexed Nazi German land.

It's been proven by everybody's sources, be it American, German, Polish, Jewish, Russian, Austrian, British, etc. etc. etc., that the Nazi concentration camp guards & staff, SS, and SA were all overwhelmingly Germans, and the worst of the non-Germans, were actually Ukrainian Orthodox & Latvian Protestants.

While, there were Catholics behind the killings of Jews, a lot of them were also Protestants, Pagans, Muslims, Mystics & Occultists.

Jews also were killing Jews in Poland.

One of the biggest people involved in Jewish round-ups were none other than Jewish Nazi collaborators, the Jewish Ghetto Police.

you are getting into really murky waters------which goes ALL THE WAY
BACK to the BIG PILE OF SHIT-------Constantine-----and Justinian
BY THE BIG POOP. But your catechism whore forgot to tell you so much-----
you never even heard of the NICEAN COUNCIL------and probably have no
idea what JUSTINIAN LAW was. If you are over the age of 30----by not
it is hopeless
Catholics were underrepresented in Nazism, and also Communism.

German Protestants formulated both Nazi & also Communist theories.

Alfred Rosenberg the German founder of Nazism of a Protestant upbringing, was anti-Catholic, and pro-Paganism.

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels the German founders of Communism were of a Protestant upbrigning, were Atheists, but in the case of Marx he came from a long line of Jewish Rabbis.

Absolutely, I'm still waiting for the source of an 1875 Pogrom against Jews in Krakow.

You're a very bad liar & a very big anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

your moronically thin skinned paranoia is shining thru

It's a fact, a fact your small mind can't comprehend.

Because there was no Catholic civil rights movement, it was never a group that became protected under Politiical Correctness, despite a long history of anti-Catholic violence & actions in the U.S.A.

you are falling into psychosis. How many catholics have been murdered
in Williamsburg Brooklyn for the crime of being catholic? -------thousands?
Try to learn some real history. Cromwell murdered tens of thousands of
catholics--------he was working for the PROTESTANT CAUSE.
Catholics murdered hundreds of thousands for the GLORY OF THE
CROSS-----actually more like millions. There has been a feud going on
between catholics and break-off cults for more than 1000 years
I'd love to see when Catholics have ever had a monopoly on Nazism?

Not during the actual Paleo-Nazis.
Not with the Neo-Nazis.

True Neo-Nazis as in those who revere Hitler, tend to be rare in Europe.

None the less, some of the most Nazi regions of Europe, aren't Catholic.

Ukraine's Greek & Orthodox Chirstians seem to be Europe's #1 Nazi hotspot, today at least in percentages.

While, in total numbers, Probably Russia's Orthodox population.

Other high contenders, are Germany's Eastern parts, with a lot of Lutherans & Atheists.

Yes, some Catholics too, like Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, and Hungary have a high level of Nazi supporters.

So do Protestants in Latvia, and Estonia.
well as Orthodox Christians of Bulgaria & Belarus.

There's also a lot of Muslim countries with a lot of Nazis too, including Iran, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, Syria, Afghanistan etc. etc.

Yet, there's a lot of Catholic nations with very few Nazis, like Poland, Czech Rep, France, Belgium, Ireland, etc.

Yeah, also some Protestant nations also have very few Nazis, like Norway, Denmark, UK, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

So, at least in today's European Christians, it seems Eastern Orthodox Christians are the worst Nazi supporters, and NOT Catholics.

has anyone in the whole wide world claimed that Catholics have a
monopoly on Nazism? Your statement is evidence of Paranoia.

Hmm, and yet you've mostly blame Catholics, and Poles for such on this forum.

It's pretty funny, that you tend to treat Austrians, Germans, and Ukrainians better than Poles, even though each of these countries WERE & ARE more responsible for Nazism, both Paleo & Neo.

you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

There was no offical Poland in 1939 - 1945.... It was Annexed Nazi German land.

It's been proven by everybody's sources, be it American, German, Polish, Jewish, Russian, Austrian, British, etc. etc. etc., that the Nazi concentration camp guards & staff, SS, and SA were all overwhelmingly Germans, and the worst of the non-Germans, were actually Ukrainian Orthodox & Latvian Protestants.

While, there were Catholics behind the killings of Jews, a lot of them were also Protestants, Pagans, Muslims, Mystics & Occultists.

Jews also were killing Jews in Poland.

One of the biggest people involved in Jewish round-ups were none other than Jewish Nazi collaborators, the Jewish Ghetto Police.

you are getting into really murky waters------which goes ALL THE WAY
BACK to the BIG PILE OF SHIT-------Constantine-----and Justinian
BY THE BIG POOP. But your catechism whore forgot to tell you so much-----
you never even heard of the NICEAN COUNCIL------and probably have no
idea what JUSTINIAN LAW was. If you are over the age of 30----by not
it is hopeless

Catholic Poland went by the Jewish Civil Rights of the Statute of Kalisz, and then the Warsaw Confederation

Warsaw Confederation - Wikipedia

Statute of Kalisz - Wikipedia

Yet, you've made bold claims which you NEVER seem to bring forward sources for, about Poland following Justinian Law.

You're a MAJOR, anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.
Catholics were underrepresented in Nazism, and also Communism.

German Protestants formulated both Nazi & also Communist theories.

Alfred Rosenberg the German founder of Nazism of a Protestant upbringing, was anti-Catholic, and pro-Paganism.

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels the German founders of Communism were of a Protestant upbrigning, were Atheists, but in the case of Marx he came from a long line of Jewish Rabbis.

Karl Marx was born to jews who had converted to Protestantism before he was born-----wrote books on ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL THEORY and never
killed anyone. Your statement is just as idiotic as those who blame DARWIN
for Nazism. Darwin was a biologist and studied and wrote in that field. The
catholic church liked him as much as they liked Galileo------who was not
executed-------the Inquisition people were too busy murdering jewish babies and
brainwashing polish kids into the DEICIDE MYTH
Absolutely, I'm still waiting for the source of an 1875 Pogrom against Jews in Krakow.

You're a very bad liar & a very big anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

your moronically thin skinned paranoia is shining thru

It's a fact, a fact your small mind can't comprehend.

Because there was no Catholic civil rights movement, it was never a group that became protected under Politiical Correctness, despite a long history of anti-Catholic violence & actions in the U.S.A.

you are falling into psychosis. How many catholics have been murdered
in Williamsburg Brooklyn for the crime of being catholic? -------thousands?
Try to learn some real history. Cromwell murdered tens of thousands of
catholics--------he was working for the PROTESTANT CAUSE.
Catholics murdered hundreds of thousands for the GLORY OF THE
CROSS-----actually more like millions. There has been a feud going on
between catholics and break-off cults for more than 1000 years

A lot of different groups have been involved in anti-Catholic murders, including Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Jews, and even Shamanist Mongols.

The interesting thing is, that all the dead Catholics tend to be ignored.

Instead, Catholics tend to be villified, and dehumanized.

Just like the OP, in blaming Nazis as a Catholic idealogy, it's a simple anti-Catholic propaganda piece, a gross exaggeration.
has anyone in the whole wide world claimed that Catholics have a
monopoly on Nazism? Your statement is evidence of Paranoia.

Hmm, and yet you've mostly blame Catholics, and Poles for such on this forum.

It's pretty funny, that you tend to treat Austrians, Germans, and Ukrainians better than Poles, even though each of these countries WERE & ARE more responsible for Nazism, both Paleo & Neo.

you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

There was no offical Poland in 1939 - 1945.... It was Annexed Nazi German land.

It's been proven by everybody's sources, be it American, German, Polish, Jewish, Russian, Austrian, British, etc. etc. etc., that the Nazi concentration camp guards & staff, SS, and SA were all overwhelmingly Germans, and the worst of the non-Germans, were actually Ukrainian Orthodox & Latvian Protestants.

While, there were Catholics behind the killings of Jews, a lot of them were also Protestants, Pagans, Muslims, Mystics & Occultists.

Jews also were killing Jews in Poland.

One of the biggest people involved in Jewish round-ups were none other than Jewish Nazi collaborators, the Jewish Ghetto Police.

you are getting into really murky waters------which goes ALL THE WAY
BACK to the BIG PILE OF SHIT-------Constantine-----and Justinian
BY THE BIG POOP. But your catechism whore forgot to tell you so much-----
you never even heard of the NICEAN COUNCIL------and probably have no
idea what JUSTINIAN LAW was. If you are over the age of 30----by not
it is hopeless

Catholic Poland went by the Jewish Civil Rights of the Statute of Kalisz, and then the Warsaw Confederation

Warsaw Confederation - Wikipedia

Statute of Kalisz - Wikipedia

Yet, you've made bold claims which you NEVER seem to bring forward sources for, about Poland following Justinian Law.

You're a MAJOR, anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.

it is clear that your catechism whore never taught you that JUSTINIAN LAW IS CANON LAW------ie the law of the CATHOLIC CHURCH
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

your moronically thin skinned paranoia is shining thru

It's a fact, a fact your small mind can't comprehend.

Because there was no Catholic civil rights movement, it was never a group that became protected under Politiical Correctness, despite a long history of anti-Catholic violence & actions in the U.S.A.

you are falling into psychosis. How many catholics have been murdered
in Williamsburg Brooklyn for the crime of being catholic? -------thousands?
Try to learn some real history. Cromwell murdered tens of thousands of
catholics--------he was working for the PROTESTANT CAUSE.
Catholics murdered hundreds of thousands for the GLORY OF THE
CROSS-----actually more like millions. There has been a feud going on
between catholics and break-off cults for more than 1000 years

A lot of different groups have been involved in anti-Catholic murders, including Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Jews, and even Shamanist Mongols.

The interesting thing is, that all the dead Catholics tend to be ignored.

Instead, Catholics tend to be villified, and dehumanized.

Just like the OP, in blaming Nazis as a Catholic idealogy, it's a simple anti-Catholic propaganda piece, a gross exaggeration.

NUREMBURG LAWS--------you need a bit of education. Nazism
DRAWS LOTS FROM CANON LAW ----but is not entirely explained by that

Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

your wikki article does not provide any evidence whatsoever for
its "ADOLF PERSECUTED US" whine. It is nothing more than
an APOLOGY for Catholicism and the actions of its leaders during world
war II
Fact is Several Catholic countries and populations fell under Nazi domination during the period of the Second World War (1939–1945), and ordinary Catholics fought on both sides of the conflict.

A far higher amount of my Anti-Jewish statements are facts than your anti-Catholic & anti-Polish rhetoric.


Absolutely, I'm still waiting for the source of an 1875 Pogrom against Jews in Krakow.

You're a very bad liar & a very big anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.

I never claimed an 1875 pogrom ------POLISH LIAR
Hmm, and yet you've mostly blame Catholics, and Poles for such on this forum.

It's pretty funny, that you tend to treat Austrians, Germans, and Ukrainians better than Poles, even though each of these countries WERE & ARE more responsible for Nazism, both Paleo & Neo.

you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

There was no offical Poland in 1939 - 1945.... It was Annexed Nazi German land.

It's been proven by everybody's sources, be it American, German, Polish, Jewish, Russian, Austrian, British, etc. etc. etc., that the Nazi concentration camp guards & staff, SS, and SA were all overwhelmingly Germans, and the worst of the non-Germans, were actually Ukrainian Orthodox & Latvian Protestants.

While, there were Catholics behind the killings of Jews, a lot of them were also Protestants, Pagans, Muslims, Mystics & Occultists.

Jews also were killing Jews in Poland.

One of the biggest people involved in Jewish round-ups were none other than Jewish Nazi collaborators, the Jewish Ghetto Police.

you are getting into really murky waters------which goes ALL THE WAY
BACK to the BIG PILE OF SHIT-------Constantine-----and Justinian
BY THE BIG POOP. But your catechism whore forgot to tell you so much-----
you never even heard of the NICEAN COUNCIL------and probably have no
idea what JUSTINIAN LAW was. If you are over the age of 30----by not
it is hopeless

Catholic Poland went by the Jewish Civil Rights of the Statute of Kalisz, and then the Warsaw Confederation

Warsaw Confederation - Wikipedia

Statute of Kalisz - Wikipedia

Yet, you've made bold claims which you NEVER seem to bring forward sources for, about Poland following Justinian Law.

You're a MAJOR, anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.

it is clear that your catechism whore never taught you that JUSTINIAN LAW IS CANON LAW------ie the law of the CATHOLIC CHURCH

It may have influenced Canon Law, and yet was not the same.

You're a mega-anti-Catholic bigot.

Besides, tell me what's more insulting?
The New Testament blaming Jew Judas Iscariot & Jewish Deicide as a betrayal of Jesus
The Jewish Talmud saying Jews can abuse Christians, and that Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement???

Ultimately, Nazi Catholics were a minority.

More Lutherans were present in the German civilian population.

While more weirdos like Muslim, Pagan, Mystic, and Occultist Nazis existed in the high level Nazis.

Nazis were a minority of Catholics from the civilian population into it's highest ranks.
Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

your moronically thin skinned paranoia is shining thru

It's a fact, a fact your small mind can't comprehend.

Because there was no Catholic civil rights movement, it was never a group that became protected under Politiical Correctness, despite a long history of anti-Catholic violence & actions in the U.S.A.

you are falling into psychosis. How many catholics have been murdered
in Williamsburg Brooklyn for the crime of being catholic? -------thousands?
Try to learn some real history. Cromwell murdered tens of thousands of
catholics--------he was working for the PROTESTANT CAUSE.
Catholics murdered hundreds of thousands for the GLORY OF THE
CROSS-----actually more like millions. There has been a feud going on
between catholics and break-off cults for more than 1000 years

A lot of different groups have been involved in anti-Catholic murders, including Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Jews, and even Shamanist Mongols.

The interesting thing is, that all the dead Catholics tend to be ignored.

Instead, Catholics tend to be villified, and dehumanized.

Just like the OP, in blaming Nazis as a Catholic idealogy, it's a simple anti-Catholic propaganda piece, a gross exaggeration.

NUREMBURG LAWS--------you need a bit of education. Nazism
DRAWS LOTS FROM CANON LAW ----but is not entirely explained by that

Proof that the Nuremberg laws were Entirely Catholic Law?

They also targeted Gyspy (Romani) who are mostly Catholic, doofus.

How do you know Nuremberg laws aren't about Luther & his book on the Jews & their lies, exactly??????

As usual, you're a biased, anti-Catholic bigot.
Catholics were underrepresented in Nazism, and also Communism.

German Protestants formulated both Nazi & also Communist theories.

Alfred Rosenberg the German founder of Nazism of a Protestant upbringing, was anti-Catholic, and pro-Paganism.

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels the German founders of Communism were of a Protestant upbrigning, were Atheists, but in the case of Marx he came from a long line of Jewish Rabbis.

Karl Marx was born to jews who had converted to Protestantism before he was born-----wrote books on ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL THEORY and never
killed anyone. Your statement is just as idiotic as those who blame DARWIN
for Nazism. Darwin was a biologist and studied and wrote in that field. The
catholic church liked him as much as they liked Galileo------who was not
executed-------the Inquisition people were too busy murdering jewish babies and
brainwashing polish kids into the DEICIDE MYTH

Hmm, What a biased hypocrite. LOL!!!!!!!!!

You blame Coughlin who killed nobody just because he was Catholic.
You won't blame Karl Marx, because he's a Protestant of Jewish ethnic heritage.

Even though Marx initiated Communist theories, and Coughlin well he didn't initiate Nazi theories.

You're a complete Gefilte f*ck.

You're 100% proof of why Jews are despised to this very day.

Such an anti-Christ.
Fact is Several Catholic countries and populations fell under Nazi domination during the period of the Second World War (1939–1945), and ordinary Catholics fought on both sides of the conflict.

A far higher amount of my Anti-Jewish statements are facts than your anti-Catholic & anti-Polish rhetoric.


Absolutely, I'm still waiting for the source of an 1875 Pogrom against Jews in Krakow.

You're a very bad liar & a very big anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

If the clergy pedophile problem was more common in the Jewish clergy we would let you know about it. I've seen a lot more anti semitism than anti catholocism?
Catholics were underrepresented in Nazism, and also Communism.

German Protestants formulated both Nazi & also Communist theories.

Alfred Rosenberg the German founder of Nazism of a Protestant upbringing, was anti-Catholic, and pro-Paganism.

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels the German founders of Communism were of a Protestant upbrigning, were Atheists, but in the case of Marx he came from a long line of Jewish Rabbis.

Karl Marx was born to jews who had converted to Protestantism before he was born-----wrote books on ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL THEORY and never
killed anyone. Your statement is just as idiotic as those who blame DARWIN
for Nazism. Darwin was a biologist and studied and wrote in that field. The
catholic church liked him as much as they liked Galileo------who was not
executed-------the Inquisition people were too busy murdering jewish babies and
brainwashing polish kids into the DEICIDE MYTH

Hmm, What a biased hypocrite. LOL!!!!!!!!!

You blame Coughlin who killed nobody just because he was Catholic.
You won't blame Karl Marx, because he's a Protestant of Jewish ethnic heritage.

Even though Marx initiated Communist theories, and Coughlin well he didn't initiate Nazi theories.

You're a complete Gefilte f*ck.

You're 100% proof of why Jews are despised to this very day.

Such an anti-Christ.
You despise Jews? We don't despise Catholics the way you despise Jews. Your true colors are coming out.
A far higher amount of my Anti-Jewish statements are facts than your anti-Catholic & anti-Polish rhetoric.


Absolutely, I'm still waiting for the source of an 1875 Pogrom against Jews in Krakow.

You're a very bad liar & a very big anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

If the clergy pedophile problem was more common in the Jewish clergy we would let you know about it. I've seen a lot more anti semitism than anti catholocism?

See, you participate in anti-Catholic bigotry.

From your Catholic Nazi accusations, right down to your Catholic clergy pedophile accusations.

Like pedophile ritual Metzitzah B'Peh?
Like the fundraiser dinner for Pedo Rabbi Weberman?
Like the bleach thrown on muck-raker anti-Pedophile Nuchem Rosenberg?

When did Catholics behave in such a manner, exactly?

It's a pure nitpicking exaggeration to blame Catholics as the main Nazis, the main Pedophiles, etc. etc.

It's an anti-Catholic bigotry, at it's finest.
Catholics were underrepresented in Nazism, and also Communism.

German Protestants formulated both Nazi & also Communist theories.

Alfred Rosenberg the German founder of Nazism of a Protestant upbringing, was anti-Catholic, and pro-Paganism.

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels the German founders of Communism were of a Protestant upbrigning, were Atheists, but in the case of Marx he came from a long line of Jewish Rabbis.

Karl Marx was born to jews who had converted to Protestantism before he was born-----wrote books on ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL THEORY and never
killed anyone. Your statement is just as idiotic as those who blame DARWIN
for Nazism. Darwin was a biologist and studied and wrote in that field. The
catholic church liked him as much as they liked Galileo------who was not
executed-------the Inquisition people were too busy murdering jewish babies and
brainwashing polish kids into the DEICIDE MYTH

Hmm, What a biased hypocrite. LOL!!!!!!!!!

You blame Coughlin who killed nobody just because he was Catholic.
You won't blame Karl Marx, because he's a Protestant of Jewish ethnic heritage.

Even though Marx initiated Communist theories, and Coughlin well he didn't initiate Nazi theories.

You're a complete Gefilte f*ck.

You're 100% proof of why Jews are despised to this very day.

Such an anti-Christ.
You despise Jews? We don't despise Catholics the way you despise Jews. Your true colors are coming out.

Irosie does despise Catholics & Poles.

If you don't notice that, you must be sleeping your way through the forum.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
There is no clergy or religion which doesn't align itself with with any despot or tyrant.

Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.
As far as you know since you have not lived during the entire time of humans on the planet..

As far as historians know, you mean: it's especially true today. Just because some homo pedo-friendlies can't admit to it doesn't mean it isn't true. Red China, Indonesia, Africa, the ME, all are major persecutors, all day every day. The media only snivels about the Muslim invaders in Burma for some reason, probably because most of them as well as academia are sicko homosexual deviants and their fans who want to rewrite history to fit their sick agendas and fantasies.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
There is no clergy or religion which doesn't align itself with with any despot or tyrant.

Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.
Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.

- have been since their inception ...

it's amazing how dishonest practitioners of the desert religions misconstrue recorded history - and that by the institutions below responsible for the narrative they were themselves responsible for ...

Christians are the world's most-persecuted religion -- here's how they react under fire

to a study released this year by University of Notre Dame's Center for Ethics and Culture, the Religious Freedom Institute, and Georgetown University's Religious Freedom Research Project.

While Christians are certainly not the only community in the world facing violent persecution today, they are the leading community being targeted for their faith. According to the International Society for Human Rights, a secular NGO, in 2009 Christians were the victims of 80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination in the world. Historically, the Christian church has at different times been responsible for dealing out persecution on other communities, but that is not our current reality. It is reasonable to give some special attention to the research coming from Notre Dame and Georgetown on how Christian communities are responding to this crisis.

- as far as wwII it's only a matter of which desert religion was more or less responsible for a particular event as all three were the primary cause for all the events including the war itself.

Gee, you found a liar in academia. How rare .... not. lol

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