Nazis were Catholic?

I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
There is no clergy or religion which doesn't align itself with with any despot or tyrant.

Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.
[QUOTE="Crepitus, post: 21457489, member: 69759"
Hitler & Himmler seemed to favor Islam over Catholicism, regardless of them being raised as "Catholics".[/QUOTE]
Gonna hafta link that, 'cause I've never heard anything like it.

It's in either Canaris's diary or the diary of Hitler's secretary, whose name I don't recall at the moment, Martin something or other, iirc. Bormann?
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.
The Party's original regional base of political strength was Bavaria, a predominately Catholic area of the German confederacy; that's about as close as you'll get to linking Nazism with Christian sects; the Hitler Youth Handbook is available to all at, for any who care to read directly what the Nazi Party's stance on Christianity was, and still is for its assorted modern incarnations. No need to pretend its something debatable or in doubt.

Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.

Hmm, yet the biggest voting regions for Nazis were Lutheran Prussia, Pomerania & Brandenberg.

The least voting regions were the Westphalian regions & Hessian regions.
by Bavaria.

I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
There is no clergy or religion which doesn't align itself with with any despot or tyrant.

Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.
As far as you know since you have not lived during the entire time of humans on the planet..
I don't know how you can buy into any organized religion. You seem like an intelligent person. It must be wishful thinking and years of brainwashing. Plus guilt.

Why should organized Atheist Communist butchers be treated any differently?

Many high ranking Nazis weren't Catholic believers, either.
Many were. There were more Catholics than Protestants in Germany 1940s. I showed you that. They were involved.

And I could see Catholics who support trump today or supported bush going along with cops shooting young black men, with supporting white supremacists, with rounding up Hispanic refuges and putting their kids in cages, torturing suspects, wrongfully invading other countries,

No, there were more Protestants in Germany back then.
It’s 38% for one and 37% for the other. Basically split down the middle. Maybe there were more Protestants but not many and you’d have to prove that.

Are you suggesting Catholic Germans were the resistance?

No, Nazi Germany was 67% Protestant, before annexing Austria.
Who are American Protestants? They seem to keep a low profile here in America. Are they a nutty bunch?
Today there are more Catholics in Germany than Protestants. I bet that was true back in the 1940's too.

Germany was 67% Protestant before annexing Austria.

On top of that, the most Protestant regions of Germany voted more for Hitler too, in regions of the North & East of Germany.

nice of the Protestants to vote for catholic boy Adolf and all his catholic friends----like Josef Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, "Dr" Josef Mengele and the
philosophies and agendas that they presented. No wonder the pope liked

Goebbels ran an anti-Church campaign.

Himmler & Hitler were involved in Mystic & Pagan Thule society & supported Islam too.

Goebbels was the PROPAGANDA WRITER of the Nazi party. Can you cite some of his "ANTI CHURCH" writings?


Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia
Why should organized Atheist Communist butchers be treated any differently?

Many high ranking Nazis weren't Catholic believers, either.
Many were. There were more Catholics than Protestants in Germany 1940s. I showed you that. They were involved.

And I could see Catholics who support trump today or supported bush going along with cops shooting young black men, with supporting white supremacists, with rounding up Hispanic refuges and putting their kids in cages, torturing suspects, wrongfully invading other countries,

No, there were more Protestants in Germany back then.
It’s 38% for one and 37% for the other. Basically split down the middle. Maybe there were more Protestants but not many and you’d have to prove that.

Are you suggesting Catholic Germans were the resistance?

No, Nazi Germany was 67% Protestant, before annexing Austria.
Who are American Protestants? They seem to keep a low profile here in America. Are they a nutty bunch?

Hmm, because there's a lot of anti-Catholic prejudices in America.

Protestant Lutherans in Nazi Germany outnumbered German Catholics by about 2, and yet 9 times out of 10 all you hear about is anti-Catholic rhetoric.

Like Protestant Evangelical Pastor Robert Jefress who said Jews are going to Hell?

Like Protestant Methodist W. Bush who killed a ton of people over Iraq?

Why isn't this bigger news?
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
There is no clergy or religion which doesn't align itself with with any despot or tyrant.

Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.
Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.

- have been since their inception ...

it's amazing how dishonest practitioners of the desert religions misconstrue recorded history - and that by the institutions below responsible for the narrative they were themselves responsible for ...

Christians are the world's most-persecuted religion -- here's how they react under fire

to a study released this year by University of Notre Dame's Center for Ethics and Culture, the Religious Freedom Institute, and Georgetown University's Religious Freedom Research Project.

While Christians are certainly not the only community in the world facing violent persecution today, they are the leading community being targeted for their faith. According to the International Society for Human Rights, a secular NGO, in 2009 Christians were the victims of 80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination in the world. Historically, the Christian church has at different times been responsible for dealing out persecution on other communities, but that is not our current reality. It is reasonable to give some special attention to the research coming from Notre Dame and Georgetown on how Christian communities are responding to this crisis.

- as far as wwII it's only a matter of which desert religion was more or less responsible for a particular event as all three were the primary cause for all the events including the war itself.

I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
There is no clergy or religion which doesn't align itself with with any despot or tyrant.

Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.
Rubbish. Christians are by far the most persecuted religious believers on the planet, have been since their inception. They didn't get that way merely because of bad haircuts and smelly feet.

- have been since their inception ...

it's amazing how dishonest practitioners of the desert religions misconstrue recorded history - and that by the institutions below responsible for the narrative they were themselves responsible for ...

Christians are the world's most-persecuted religion -- here's how they react under fire

to a study released this year by University of Notre Dame's Center for Ethics and Culture, the Religious Freedom Institute, and Georgetown University's Religious Freedom Research Project.

While Christians are certainly not the only community in the world facing violent persecution today, they are the leading community being targeted for their faith. According to the International Society for Human Rights, a secular NGO, in 2009 Christians were the victims of 80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination in the world. Historically, the Christian church has at different times been responsible for dealing out persecution on other communities, but that is not our current reality. It is reasonable to give some special attention to the research coming from Notre Dame and Georgetown on how Christian communities are responding to this crisis.

- as far as wwII it's only a matter of which desert religion was more or less responsible for a particular event as all three were the primary cause for all the events including the war itself.

The biggest victims in the past 30 years (Give or take) are clearly Muslims, and the perps are mostly other Muslims, Protestant USA, Orthodox Russia, Orthodox Serbia, Buddhist Myanmar, and Jewish Israel.

Not a heck of a lot of Catholics are responsible for killing Muslims, or well much of anybody today.

Yet, bashing Catholics is rampant in the USA, this includes for the Nazi German atrocities.

Even though many Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany, and millions of Catholic civilians were butchered by Nazi Germany.

The Catholic faith has become villified, and kicked to the curb.

This includes Polish Catholics, the first to fight the Nazis, and the first victims of Auschwitz were Polish Catholics.

It's become an increasing ideal, that Poland & it's Catholics did the Holocaust.

Meanwhile, millions of Polish Catholics were killed by Nazi Germany, and Poland had the highest rescuers of Jews AKA Righteous Among the Nations.
I'd love to read a list of all of the Lutheran Protestants who were killed by Nazi Germany directly, like can be done for Catholics of different ethnicities, like Poles, Germans, Czechs, French, Belgians etc. etc.

Yes, ultimately Lutheran Protestants were killed by the millilons because of INDIRECT ACTIONS, such as Soviet, British, American etc. etc. actions of dismantling the Nazi German state.

None the less, I can't really find, much, if any information about Lutherans butchered directly by Nazi Germany.

Yet, all we hear almost always is Nazis were Catholic, and so little about them being Lutheran.

There's clearly an anti-Catholic sentiment & prejudices at play.
Is this guy one of your heroes, sobieski? : )

A devout Catholic but not a real nazi... just a german patriot.


Captain Wilm Hosenfeld
Is this guy one of your heroes, sobieski? : )

A devout Catholic but not a real nazi... just a german patriot.


Captain Wilm Hosenfeld

Judging by maps, Protestants prob made up 75-80% of the Nazi vote & Catholics 20- 25%.

Judging by the highest ranking Nazis prob 10% were Protestant & 10% were Catholic in beliefs.

The other 80% of high ranking Nazis were prob Pagan, Muslim, Mystic & Occult believers

Germany was 67% Protestant before annexing Austria.

On top of that, the most Protestant regions of Germany voted more for Hitler too, in regions of the North & East of Germany.

nice of the Protestants to vote for catholic boy Adolf and all his catholic friends----like Josef Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, "Dr" Josef Mengele and the
philosophies and agendas that they presented. No wonder the pope liked

Goebbels ran an anti-Church campaign.

Himmler & Hitler were involved in Mystic & Pagan Thule society & supported Islam too.

Goebbels was the PROPAGANDA WRITER of the Nazi party. Can you cite some of his "ANTI CHURCH" writings?


Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

your wikki article does not provide any evidence whatsoever for
its "ADOLF PERSECUTED US" whine. It is nothing more than
an APOLOGY for Catholicism and the actions of its leaders during world
war II
Is this guy one of your heroes, sobieski? : )

A devout Catholic but not a real nazi... just a german patriot.


Captain Wilm Hosenfeld

Judging by maps, Protestants prob made up 75-80% of the Nazi vote & Catholics 20- 25%.

Judging by the highest ranking Nazis prob 10% were Protestant & 10% were Catholic in beliefs.

The other 80% of high ranking Nazis were prob Pagan, Muslim, Mystic & Occult believers

"probably" being the most important word in your statement
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
Nazis were Catholic, and now they’re Republican.
Germany was 67% Protestant before annexing Austria.

On top of that, the most Protestant regions of Germany voted more for Hitler too, in regions of the North & East of Germany.

nice of the Protestants to vote for catholic boy Adolf and all his catholic friends----like Josef Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, "Dr" Josef Mengele and the
philosophies and agendas that they presented. No wonder the pope liked

Goebbels ran an anti-Church campaign.

Himmler & Hitler were involved in Mystic & Pagan Thule society & supported Islam too.

Goebbels was the PROPAGANDA WRITER of the Nazi party. Can you cite some of his "ANTI CHURCH" writings?


Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

your wikki article does not provide any evidence whatsoever for
its "ADOLF PERSECUTED US" whine. It is nothing more than
an APOLOGY for Catholicism and the actions of its leaders during world
war II

Catholics should apologize to the World for Pope Pius helping to facilate 200,000 Jews out of Germany & sheltering thousands of Jews in Vatican facilities.

Because ungrateful anti-Christ, foul propagandist scum Jews like you exist.
nice of the Protestants to vote for catholic boy Adolf and all his catholic friends----like Josef Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, "Dr" Josef Mengele and the
philosophies and agendas that they presented. No wonder the pope liked

Goebbels ran an anti-Church campaign.

Himmler & Hitler were involved in Mystic & Pagan Thule society & supported Islam too.

Goebbels was the PROPAGANDA WRITER of the Nazi party. Can you cite some of his "ANTI CHURCH" writings?


Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

your wikki article does not provide any evidence whatsoever for
its "ADOLF PERSECUTED US" whine. It is nothing more than
an APOLOGY for Catholicism and the actions of its leaders during world
war II

Catholics should apologize to the World for Pope Pius helping to facilate 200,000 Jews out of Germany & sheltering thousands of Jews in Vatican facilities.

Because ungrateful anti-Christ, foul propagandist scum Jews like you exist.

very good. sobie-----spoken like a true, blue catholic polack during this season when polish jews remained locked in their houses to avoid shit like
you roaming the streets looking for victims
Goebbels ran an anti-Church campaign.

Himmler & Hitler were involved in Mystic & Pagan Thule society & supported Islam too.

Goebbels was the PROPAGANDA WRITER of the Nazi party. Can you cite some of his "ANTI CHURCH" writings?


Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

your wikki article does not provide any evidence whatsoever for
its "ADOLF PERSECUTED US" whine. It is nothing more than
an APOLOGY for Catholicism and the actions of its leaders during world
war II

Catholics should apologize to the World for Pope Pius helping to facilate 200,000 Jews out of Germany & sheltering thousands of Jews in Vatican facilities.

Because ungrateful anti-Christ, foul propagandist scum Jews like you exist.

very good. sobie-----spoken like a true, blue catholic polack during this season when polish jews remained locked in their houses to avoid shit like
you roaming the streets looking for victims

The supposed Polish Catholics here aren't half as anti-Jewish as Jews here are anti-Polish Catholic

Every country with a good sized Jewish percentage has killed Jews.

Polish Catholics one of the least.

Maybe everybody hates Jews because of obnoxious, dumb, unassimilated, anti-Christ, manipulating, pathological liar propagandist Jews such as yourself.
Goebbels was the PROPAGANDA WRITER of the Nazi party. Can you cite some of his "ANTI CHURCH" writings?


Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

your wikki article does not provide any evidence whatsoever for
its "ADOLF PERSECUTED US" whine. It is nothing more than
an APOLOGY for Catholicism and the actions of its leaders during world
war II

Catholics should apologize to the World for Pope Pius helping to facilate 200,000 Jews out of Germany & sheltering thousands of Jews in Vatican facilities.

Because ungrateful anti-Christ, foul propagandist scum Jews like you exist.

very good. sobie-----spoken like a true, blue catholic polack during this season when polish jews remained locked in their houses to avoid shit like
you roaming the streets looking for victims

The supposed Polish Catholics here aren't half as anti-Jewish as Jews here are anti-Polish Catholic

Every country with a good sized Jewish percentage has killed Jews.

Polish Catholics one of the least.

Maybe everybody hates Jews because of obnoxious, dumb, unassimilated, anti-Christ, manipulating, pathological liar propagandist Jews such as yourself.

yet another ALTAR BOY ERUCTATION EX ANO Anyone interested in
more------frequent the alleys behind liquor stores in Greenpoint Brooklyn----
all this week

Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

your wikki article does not provide any evidence whatsoever for
its "ADOLF PERSECUTED US" whine. It is nothing more than
an APOLOGY for Catholicism and the actions of its leaders during world
war II

Catholics should apologize to the World for Pope Pius helping to facilate 200,000 Jews out of Germany & sheltering thousands of Jews in Vatican facilities.

Because ungrateful anti-Christ, foul propagandist scum Jews like you exist.

very good. sobie-----spoken like a true, blue catholic polack during this season when polish jews remained locked in their houses to avoid shit like
you roaming the streets looking for victims

The supposed Polish Catholics here aren't half as anti-Jewish as Jews here are anti-Polish Catholic

Every country with a good sized Jewish percentage has killed Jews.

Polish Catholics one of the least.

Maybe everybody hates Jews because of obnoxious, dumb, unassimilated, anti-Christ, manipulating, pathological liar propagandist Jews such as yourself.

yet another ALTAR BOY ERUCTATION EX ANO Anyone interested in
more------frequent the alleys behind liquor stores in Greenpoint Brooklyn----
all this week

Most Polish Catholic origins people on this forum aren't anti- Jewish at all

In fact most of them praise & defend Jews including Bear, RayfromCleveland, Pete, Polish Prince & Lysistrata.

Meanwhile every Jew here has bashed Polish Catholics.

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