Nazis were Catholic?

Are you talking about this guy? Because a 2 minute search turns up that he hated Christianity and rejected it… Instead choosing a new type of religion rooted in racist ideas.

So it sounds like what you’re saying is BS, unless you’re talking about a different person?

I soecifically stated Alfred Rosenberg supported Pagan Mystic Thule society, he was however brought up from a Lutheran background & preferred Lutherans over Catholics.

Yes, I realized what you meant after I posted. But still, it can be misleading to say someone came from a particular background without clarifying that they not only don’t follow that religion but strongly reject it in favor of something antithetical to it.
Doesn’t cherry picking make you no different than a pagan mystic?

I have no idea what you’re talking about or how that had anything to do with what I posted to Sobie.
What did you prefer in favor of the religion you rejected?
God/truth. Why do you ask?
Hahaha, 1,000,000 Poles in the Polish army fought the Nazis , then when many were killed, captured & maimed, 400,000 Poles fought Nazis AGAIN as Armia Krajowa.

Meanwhile 8 - 16 thousand Poles were in the Blue Police, and were bullied into it, if they missed work they could be killed.

You're a massive anti-Polish Catholic bigot & a monstrous Idiot.

Nobody cares about your idiot whitewashes. Jews could not go back to Poland after the war, either, so we know full well how most Poles behaved; they killed those who tried to go back home, period. Nobody need care about Poles and their problems with Nazis, period.

You're the idiot who White-Washes history, because of your strong ignorance, and anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigotry.

During the mid - late 1940's AKA post WW2.

Compare 40, or so Jews killed in Kielce Pogrom.
the 6,000 or so Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Jakub Berman, and he's not the only one, there's Jews like Roman Romkowski, Piotr Smetanski, Jozef Rozanski, Helena Wolinska Brus, Pawel Finder, Maria Gurowska, Hillary Minc, Roman Zambrowski & of course
thousands of Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Salomon Morel.

The question here is, "Is the Catholic church getting an undeserved bad rap?"

Is the Catholic Church as a whole getting an underserved bad rap?

600 years of inqusitions, shuffling pedophile priests from unknowing parish to unknowing parish, hell, putting poor Galileo under house arrest for having the audacity to say that the sun does not revolve around the Earth. There is an incredible list torture and cruelty from an organization that is supposed to be grounded in the word of a fella who was all about kindness, charity and caring. If you made up this level of hypocrisy in a story no one would believe you. I know there are good folks that put a lot of faith into the Church that do a lot of good things, but as we have seen with the giant banks, things have a way of unraveling when the left tentacle has no idea what the other twelve are up to.

Ignore that Nazi Germany was majority Lutheran, and the #1 killers of Jews.

Ignore that Cossacks were Orthodox Christians, and the #2 killers of Jews.

Ultimately both Nazi Germany & Cossacks in these attacks also killed loads of Polish Catholics.
Ignore that too.

Ignore that Jews are worse pedophiles & perverts than Catholics, like Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Jared Fogel, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, Tobacker, and then they even have a Pedophile tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.

Ignore that Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians continue to mass murder, where Catholics aren't.

Millions killed by the Protestant USA war in terror.
Now Orthodox Russia is killing a bunch in Syria.
As well as Jewish Israel.

What about Catholics?????

Oh let's attack Catholics, just because it's part of the status quo.
You Catholics lost your authority from god during the dark ages.

I never said I'm a devout Catholic, but rather a Skeptic.

I was brought up Catholic, and of a long line of Catholic heritage... So I still defend my Catholic origins, just like many Secular, Skeptical, Agnostic, Atheist & other kinds of Jews also defend their Jewish origins.

None the less, Just about anything is a possibility for the Universe... Even Nothing, even if unlikely.

Some kind of creator is presumable, some questions can be asked like, how DNA needs Protein to replicate & Protein needs DNA to replicate.

Other questions are, how unlikely is Life to happen by chance?

Then there's some arguments a lot of Liberals make, like the Eco-Systems are so delicate, and easily destroyed by Man, but somehow came to be in such a delicate manner?

It's all so unlikely.

None the less, other questions can be asked, like if God was created, who created God, and the God who created the God??????

I also tend to believe in a Spiritual World, something all cultures, even modern have picked up & documented, and there's also some compeling cases for Reincarnation, like Kids picking up on past lives, they didn't know.

If anything, I lean towards something more similar to Pan-Diesm & Pan-Theism.

Something of the Universe & it's energy all being Godly & Divine.

We play God ourselves, we Domesticated Dogs, Cats, Cattle, and Horses, we have the ability to create & destroy, we have in fact created Life like Craig Venter had, as well as many manipulations on prolonging Life with Medicine, we also have created Stem-cells, as well we have also Cloned Animals, and have manipulated the Course of the Planet, and History, many of them negatively, including Nukes, Genocide, War, and Pollution.

We all play & pick our own destinies & path for a Better, Worse, or Hardly changed Planet.
Last edited:
You're the idiot who White-Washes history, because of your strong ignorance, and anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigotry.

During the mid - late 1940's AKA post WW2.

Compare 40, or so Jews killed in Kielce Pogrom.
the 6,000 or so Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Jakub Berman, and he's not the only one, there's Jews like Roman Romkowski, Piotr Smetanski, Jozef Rozanski, Helena Wolinska Brus, Pawel Finder, Maria Gurowska, Hillary Minc, Roman Zambrowski & of course
thousands of Poles killed by Jewish Soviet Salomon Morel.

The question here is, "Is the Catholic church getting an undeserved bad rap?"

Is the Catholic Church as a whole getting an underserved bad rap?

600 years of inqusitions, shuffling pedophile priests from unknowing parish to unknowing parish, hell, putting poor Galileo under house arrest for having the audacity to say that the sun does not revolve around the Earth. There is an incredible list torture and cruelty from an organization that is supposed to be grounded in the word of a fella who was all about kindness, charity and caring. If you made up this level of hypocrisy in a story no one would believe you. I know there are good folks that put a lot of faith into the Church that do a lot of good things, but as we have seen with the giant banks, things have a way of unraveling when the left tentacle has no idea what the other twelve are up to.

Ignore that Nazi Germany was majority Lutheran, and the #1 killers of Jews.

Ignore that Cossacks were Orthodox Christians, and the #2 killers of Jews.

Ultimately both Nazi Germany & Cossacks in these attacks also killed loads of Polish Catholics.
Ignore that too.

Ignore that Jews are worse pedophiles & perverts than Catholics, like Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Jared Fogel, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, Tobacker, and then they even have a Pedophile tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.

Ignore that Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians continue to mass murder, where Catholics aren't.

Millions killed by the Protestant USA war in terror.
Now Orthodox Russia is killing a bunch in Syria.
As well as Jewish Israel.

What about Catholics?????

Oh let's attack Catholics, just because it's part of the status quo.
You won’t hear me defend those other religions.

But that doesn’t mean German Catholics didn’t fight for Germany in ww2. Shame.

Atheists have no power. We make up like 5% of the population. You Christians were killing us before you started killing each other.

Do you know what Mormons believe? You Catholics lost your authority from god during the dark ages. So the connection between Jesus and the current pope has been broken. That’s why Jesus visited Joseph Smith and told him to start a new religion.

Joseph asked god which form of Christianity he should join Protestant, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist and god said none of them. Start a new religion.

The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Catholics were a minority in Nazi Germany, that's the bottom-line, a persecuted minority, that is too.

Where did I praise any of this?

I hate to inform you, but since WW2 has ended, Catholicism has been one the least genocidal major Belief systems.

Even Buddhists, Confucius believers & Hindus may have been more genocidal.,

Buddhists in the Rohingya Genocide, Confucius believers in China have been pretty brutal in the recent era towards Muslims & Christians, and some massacres by Hindus against minorities, like Muslims in the Nellie Massacre, or The Anti-Sikh Riots of 1984,

Yes, yes, yes Protestants, Jews, Orthodox Christians, and especially Muslims have killed way more than Catholics in the modern era.

Of course, let's not forget Atheist Communist butchers, either.
Last edited:
Absolutely, I'm still waiting for the source of an 1875 Pogrom against Jews in Krakow.

You're a very bad liar & a very big anti-Catholic & anti-Polish bigot.
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

your moronically thin skinned paranoia is shining thru

It's a fact, a fact your small mind can't comprehend.

Because there was no Catholic civil rights movement, it was never a group that became protected under Politiical Correctness, despite a long history of anti-Catholic violence & actions in the U.S.A.

you are falling into psychosis. How many catholics have been murdered
in Williamsburg Brooklyn for the crime of being catholic? -------thousands?
Try to learn some real history. Cromwell murdered tens of thousands of
catholics--------he was working for the PROTESTANT CAUSE.
Catholics murdered hundreds of thousands for the GLORY OF THE
CROSS-----actually more like millions. There has been a feud going on
between catholics and break-off cults for more than 1000 years

Hmm, and yet a minority of the Nazi Germany was Catholic.

Protestants not only made up the majority of Germany during the Nazis, the most Protestant regions voted for Hitler more than the most Catholic regions had

You speak of anti-Catholic Cromwell, and fail to mention his financing from Jewish Manasseh Ben Israel & Cromwell's petition to allow Jews back into Britian on his part?

The Ruling Elite
nice of the Protestants to vote for catholic boy Adolf and all his catholic friends----like Josef Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, "Dr" Josef Mengele and the
philosophies and agendas that they presented. No wonder the pope liked

Goebbels ran an anti-Church campaign.

Himmler & Hitler were involved in Mystic & Pagan Thule society & supported Islam too.

Goebbels was the PROPAGANDA WRITER of the Nazi party. Can you cite some of his "ANTI CHURCH" writings?


Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

your wikki article does not provide any evidence whatsoever for
its "ADOLF PERSECUTED US" whine. It is nothing more than
an APOLOGY for Catholicism and the actions of its leaders during world
war II
Fact is Several Catholic countries and populations fell under Nazi domination during the period of the Second World War (1939–1945), and ordinary Catholics fought on both sides of the conflict.

Isn't it odd that Hitler allowed Lutheran Sweden alone, even though it wasn't run by Nationalists with anti-Jewish policies like Catholic Poland had been in the 1930's?

How many Lutherans did Hitler kill????????
Hitler personally admired Islam, and they return the admiration to this day. You can find Hitler coloring books for children in Muslim grocery stores these days, and Mein Kampf sells very well every year in Muslim countries.

How many Muslims did Hitler's Nazis kill?

We know Hitler's Nazis killed millions of Catholics.... But, what about Muslims?

I can ONLY think of pro-Muslim actions by Hitler & his Nazis.

The invitation for Islamic Turkey to join the Axis.

German–Turkish Treaty of Friendship - Wikipedia

The Muslim division the SS Hanschar Division of Bosniak Muslims.

13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) - Wikipedia

The heavily Muslim SS Skanderbeg Mountain Division of Albanians.

21st Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Skanderbeg - Wikipedia

The Kommando Deutsch-Arabische Truppen comprised of Arab Tunisian volunteers.

Google Translate

The Turkestan Legion of Turkic Muslims helping Nazis.

Turkestan Legion - Wikipedia

The pro-Muslim actions by Nazi Germany to prop up Muslim Chechens.

1940–44 insurgency in Chechnya - Wikipedia

Or how Hitler met with the Mufti of Jerusalem.

Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia
Catholics were a minority in Nazi Germany, that's the bottom-line, a persecuted minority, that is too.

you're are a joke ...


your confusion is christianity, polish christianity the desert religions and judea ... were the cause for all the conflict that occurred - composite wwII.
Catholics were a minority in Nazi Germany, that's the bottom-line, a persecuted minority, that is too.

you are a joke ...

View attachment 237148

your confusion is christianity, polish christianity the desert religions and judea ... were the cause for all the conflict that occurred - composite wwII.

Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany - Wikipedia

Of 2,720 clergy imprisoned at Dachau from Germany and occupied territories, the some 2,579 (or 94.88%) were Catholic.
I'd love to see when Catholics have ever had a monopoly on Nazism?

Not during the actual Paleo-Nazis.
Not with the Neo-Nazis.

True Neo-Nazis as in those who revere Hitler, tend to be rare in Europe.

None the less, some of the most Nazi regions of Europe, aren't Catholic.

Ukraine's Greek & Orthodox Chirstians seem to be Europe's #1 Nazi hotspot, today at least in percentages.

While, in total numbers, Probably Russia's Orthodox population.

Other high contenders, are Germany's Eastern parts, with a lot of Lutherans & Atheists.

Yes, some Catholics too, like Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, and Hungary have a high level of Nazi supporters.

So do Protestants in Latvia, and Estonia.
well as Orthodox Christians of Bulgaria & Belarus.

There's also a lot of Muslim countries with a lot of Nazis too, including Iran, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, Syria, Afghanistan etc. etc.

Yet, there's a lot of Catholic nations with very few Nazis, like Poland, Czech Rep, France, Belgium, Ireland, etc.

Yeah, also some Protestant nations also have very few Nazis, like Norway, Denmark, UK, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

So, at least in today's European Christians, it seems Eastern Orthodox Christians are the worst Nazi supporters, and NOT Catholics.

has anyone in the whole wide world claimed that Catholics have a
monopoly on Nazism? Your statement is evidence of Paranoia.

Hmm, and yet you've mostly blame Catholics, and Poles for such on this forum.

It's pretty funny, that you tend to treat Austrians, Germans, and Ukrainians better than Poles, even though each of these countries WERE & ARE more responsible for Nazism, both Paleo & Neo.

you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

Hmm, and yet I can name more Jewish Nazi collaborators by name, than Polish Catholic ones.

Eliezer Gruenbaum - Wikipedia
Józef Szeryński - Wikipedia
Berthold Epstein - Wikipedia
Miklós Nyiszli - Wikipedia
Abraham Gancwajch - Wikipedia
Chaim Rumkowski - Wikipedia
Alfred Nossig - Wikipedia
Henryk Mandelbaum - Wikipedia
Filip Müller - Wikipedia
Stella Kübler - Wikipedia
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

your moronically thin skinned paranoia is shining thru

It's a fact, a fact your small mind can't comprehend.

Because there was no Catholic civil rights movement, it was never a group that became protected under Politiical Correctness, despite a long history of anti-Catholic violence & actions in the U.S.A.

you are falling into psychosis. How many catholics have been murdered
in Williamsburg Brooklyn for the crime of being catholic? -------thousands?
Try to learn some real history. Cromwell murdered tens of thousands of
catholics--------he was working for the PROTESTANT CAUSE.
Catholics murdered hundreds of thousands for the GLORY OF THE
CROSS-----actually more like millions. There has been a feud going on
between catholics and break-off cults for more than 1000 years

Hmm, and yet a minority of the Nazi Germany was Catholic.

Protestants not only made up the majority of Germany during the Nazis, the most Protestant regions voted for Hitler more than the most Catholic regions had

You speak of anti-Catholic Cromwell, and fail to mention his financing from Jewish Manasseh Ben Israel & Cromwell's petition to allow Jews back into Britian on his part?

The Ruling Elite

Goebbels ran an anti-Church campaign.

Himmler & Hitler were involved in Mystic & Pagan Thule society & supported Islam too.

Goebbels was the PROPAGANDA WRITER of the Nazi party. Can you cite some of his "ANTI CHURCH" writings?


Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals and saw the conflict with the churches as a priority concern.[50] Born to a Catholic family, he became one of the government's most relentless Jew-baiters.[57] On the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved .... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[50] He led the persecution of Catholic clergy.[50]

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

your wikki article does not provide any evidence whatsoever for
its "ADOLF PERSECUTED US" whine. It is nothing more than
an APOLOGY for Catholicism and the actions of its leaders during world
war II
Fact is Several Catholic countries and populations fell under Nazi domination during the period of the Second World War (1939–1945), and ordinary Catholics fought on both sides of the conflict.

Isn't it odd that Hitler allowed Lutheran Sweden alone, even though it wasn't run by Nationalists with anti-Jewish policies like Catholic Poland had been in the 1930's?

How many Lutherans did Hitler kill????????

no ----not odd-----adolf did not have time to do his entire thing
In America we make fun of Polish people. We call them dumb pollocks.

Before JFK won we thought America wouldn't vote for a Catholic. Since then no one looks down on Catholics in America, UNTIL they started molesting children.

Catholics are clearly villified, scapegoated, and dehumanized in America.

Not just for the Nazis which were more Lutheran, not just for a Clergy pedophile problem that's probably more common in Jewish clergy

But, note that it's mostly Catholic groups like Italians, Poles, French, etc. who tend to be the butt of jokes in the U.S.A.

your moronically thin skinned paranoia is shining thru

It's a fact, a fact your small mind can't comprehend.

Because there was no Catholic civil rights movement, it was never a group that became protected under Politiical Correctness, despite a long history of anti-Catholic violence & actions in the U.S.A.

you are falling into psychosis. How many catholics have been murdered
in Williamsburg Brooklyn for the crime of being catholic? -------thousands?
Try to learn some real history. Cromwell murdered tens of thousands of
catholics--------he was working for the PROTESTANT CAUSE.
Catholics murdered hundreds of thousands for the GLORY OF THE
CROSS-----actually more like millions. There has been a feud going on
between catholics and break-off cults for more than 1000 years

Hmm, and yet a minority of the Nazi Germany was Catholic.

Protestants not only made up the majority of Germany during the Nazis, the most Protestant regions voted for Hitler more than the most Catholic regions had

You speak of anti-Catholic Cromwell, and fail to mention his financing from Jewish Manasseh Ben Israel & Cromwell's petition to allow Jews back into Britian on his part?

The Ruling Elite

? minority" like only 2% ? 4%
I'd love to see when Catholics have ever had a monopoly on Nazism?

Not during the actual Paleo-Nazis.
Not with the Neo-Nazis.

True Neo-Nazis as in those who revere Hitler, tend to be rare in Europe.

None the less, some of the most Nazi regions of Europe, aren't Catholic.

Ukraine's Greek & Orthodox Chirstians seem to be Europe's #1 Nazi hotspot, today at least in percentages.

While, in total numbers, Probably Russia's Orthodox population.

Other high contenders, are Germany's Eastern parts, with a lot of Lutherans & Atheists.

Yes, some Catholics too, like Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, and Hungary have a high level of Nazi supporters.

So do Protestants in Latvia, and Estonia.
well as Orthodox Christians of Bulgaria & Belarus.

There's also a lot of Muslim countries with a lot of Nazis too, including Iran, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, Syria, Afghanistan etc. etc.

Yet, there's a lot of Catholic nations with very few Nazis, like Poland, Czech Rep, France, Belgium, Ireland, etc.

Yeah, also some Protestant nations also have very few Nazis, like Norway, Denmark, UK, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

So, at least in today's European Christians, it seems Eastern Orthodox Christians are the worst Nazi supporters, and NOT Catholics.

has anyone in the whole wide world claimed that Catholics have a
monopoly on Nazism? Your statement is evidence of Paranoia.

Hmm, and yet you've mostly blame Catholics, and Poles for such on this forum.

It's pretty funny, that you tend to treat Austrians, Germans, and Ukrainians better than Poles, even though each of these countries WERE & ARE more responsible for Nazism, both Paleo & Neo.

you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

Hmm, and yet I can name more Jewish Nazi collaborators by name, than Polish Catholic ones.

Eliezer Gruenbaum - Wikipedia
Józef Szeryński - Wikipedia
Berthold Epstein - Wikipedia
Miklós Nyiszli - Wikipedia
Abraham Gancwajch - Wikipedia
Chaim Rumkowski - Wikipedia
Alfred Nossig - Wikipedia
Henryk Mandelbaum - Wikipedia
Filip Müller - Wikipedia
Stella Kübler - Wikipedia

of course you can-----you come pre-armed with polish catholic
cooked up propaganda shit
I'd love to see when Catholics have ever had a monopoly on Nazism?

Not during the actual Paleo-Nazis.
Not with the Neo-Nazis.

True Neo-Nazis as in those who revere Hitler, tend to be rare in Europe.

None the less, some of the most Nazi regions of Europe, aren't Catholic.

Ukraine's Greek & Orthodox Chirstians seem to be Europe's #1 Nazi hotspot, today at least in percentages.

While, in total numbers, Probably Russia's Orthodox population.

Other high contenders, are Germany's Eastern parts, with a lot of Lutherans & Atheists.

Yes, some Catholics too, like Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, and Hungary have a high level of Nazi supporters.

So do Protestants in Latvia, and Estonia.
well as Orthodox Christians of Bulgaria & Belarus.

There's also a lot of Muslim countries with a lot of Nazis too, including Iran, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, Syria, Afghanistan etc. etc.

Yet, there's a lot of Catholic nations with very few Nazis, like Poland, Czech Rep, France, Belgium, Ireland, etc.

Yeah, also some Protestant nations also have very few Nazis, like Norway, Denmark, UK, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

So, at least in today's European Christians, it seems Eastern Orthodox Christians are the worst Nazi supporters, and NOT Catholics.

has anyone in the whole wide world claimed that Catholics have a
monopoly on Nazism? Your statement is evidence of Paranoia.

Hmm, and yet you've mostly blame Catholics, and Poles for such on this forum.

It's pretty funny, that you tend to treat Austrians, Germans, and Ukrainians better than Poles, even though each of these countries WERE & ARE more responsible for Nazism, both Paleo & Neo.

you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

Hmm, and yet I can name more Jewish Nazi collaborators by name, than Polish Catholic ones.

Eliezer Gruenbaum - Wikipedia
Józef Szeryński - Wikipedia
Berthold Epstein - Wikipedia
Miklós Nyiszli - Wikipedia
Abraham Gancwajch - Wikipedia
Chaim Rumkowski - Wikipedia
Alfred Nossig - Wikipedia
Henryk Mandelbaum - Wikipedia
Filip Müller - Wikipedia
Stella Kübler - Wikipedia

of course you can-----you come pre-armed with polish catholic
cooked up propaganda shit

So, now Wikipedia is a Polish Catholic cooked up propaganda shit???????????????
has anyone in the whole wide world claimed that Catholics have a
monopoly on Nazism? Your statement is evidence of Paranoia.

Hmm, and yet you've mostly blame Catholics, and Poles for such on this forum.

It's pretty funny, that you tend to treat Austrians, Germans, and Ukrainians better than Poles, even though each of these countries WERE & ARE more responsible for Nazism, both Paleo & Neo.

you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

Hmm, and yet I can name more Jewish Nazi collaborators by name, than Polish Catholic ones.

Eliezer Gruenbaum - Wikipedia
Józef Szeryński - Wikipedia
Berthold Epstein - Wikipedia
Miklós Nyiszli - Wikipedia
Abraham Gancwajch - Wikipedia
Chaim Rumkowski - Wikipedia
Alfred Nossig - Wikipedia
Henryk Mandelbaum - Wikipedia
Filip Müller - Wikipedia
Stella Kübler - Wikipedia

of course you can-----you come pre-armed with polish catholic
cooked up propaganda shit

So, now Wikipedia is a Polish Catholic cooked up propaganda shit???????????????

Wiki consists of the writings of CONTRIBUTORS-----anyone can insert shit
into Wiki--------and---it happens that Wiki is full of shit of all kinds. Only the
most discerning reader can use Wiki with any level of credibility
Hmm, and yet you've mostly blame Catholics, and Poles for such on this forum.

It's pretty funny, that you tend to treat Austrians, Germans, and Ukrainians better than Poles, even though each of these countries WERE & ARE more responsible for Nazism, both Paleo & Neo.

you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

Hmm, and yet I can name more Jewish Nazi collaborators by name, than Polish Catholic ones.

Eliezer Gruenbaum - Wikipedia
Józef Szeryński - Wikipedia
Berthold Epstein - Wikipedia
Miklós Nyiszli - Wikipedia
Abraham Gancwajch - Wikipedia
Chaim Rumkowski - Wikipedia
Alfred Nossig - Wikipedia
Henryk Mandelbaum - Wikipedia
Filip Müller - Wikipedia
Stella Kübler - Wikipedia

of course you can-----you come pre-armed with polish catholic
cooked up propaganda shit

So, now Wikipedia is a Polish Catholic cooked up propaganda shit???????????????

Wiki consists of the writings of CONTRIBUTORS-----anyone can insert shit
into Wiki--------and---it happens that Wiki is full of shit of all kinds. Only the
most discerning reader can use Wiki with any level of credibility

LOL, Because everything's propaganda, except Irosie's feral Chimp panic attacks, about a Polish Pogrom in Krakow in 1875 which can't be Googled, or a Polish Catholic inspired Holocaust, which was done by Germans.
you are getting very confused. you are confusing the SPECIFIC event
of genocide of jews IN POLAND with Nazism in general. The genocide
of Polish jews ----IMO ---was German, Nazi, Polish, Catholic event.
Nazism itself------it not an entirely catholic ideology

Hmm, and yet I can name more Jewish Nazi collaborators by name, than Polish Catholic ones.

Eliezer Gruenbaum - Wikipedia
Józef Szeryński - Wikipedia
Berthold Epstein - Wikipedia
Miklós Nyiszli - Wikipedia
Abraham Gancwajch - Wikipedia
Chaim Rumkowski - Wikipedia
Alfred Nossig - Wikipedia
Henryk Mandelbaum - Wikipedia
Filip Müller - Wikipedia
Stella Kübler - Wikipedia

of course you can-----you come pre-armed with polish catholic
cooked up propaganda shit

So, now Wikipedia is a Polish Catholic cooked up propaganda shit???????????????

Wiki consists of the writings of CONTRIBUTORS-----anyone can insert shit
into Wiki--------and---it happens that Wiki is full of shit of all kinds. Only the
most discerning reader can use Wiki with any level of credibility

LOL, Because everything's propaganda, except Irosie's feral Chimp panic attacks, about a Polish Pogrom in Krakow in 1875 which can't be Googled, or a Polish Catholic inspired Holocaust, which was done by Germans.

sobie continues to lie-------at NO TIME did I suggest that there was a Polish
Pogrom in Krakow in 1875. He is using a well known polish catholic technique taught by catechism whores------aka THE SHIT MOUTH LIE

So, now Wikipedia is a Polish Catholic cooked up propaganda shit???????????????

Wiki consists of the writings of CONTRIBUTORS-----anyone can insert shit
into Wiki--------and---it happens that Wiki is full of shit of all kinds. Only the
most discerning reader can use Wiki with any level of credibility

LOL, Because everything's propaganda, except Irosie's feral Chimp panic attacks, about a Polish Pogrom in Krakow in 1875 which can't be Googled, or a Polish Catholic inspired Holocaust, which was done by Germans.

sobie continues to lie-------at NO TIME did I suggest that there was a Polish
Pogrom in Krakow in 1875. He is using a well known polish catholic technique taught by catechism whores------aka THE SHIT MOUTH LIE

You surely suggested a Pogrom in Krakow in 1875.

In comment #85 of this thread, see below.

Nazis were Catholic?
of course you can-----you come pre-armed with polish catholic
cooked up propaganda shit

So, now Wikipedia is a Polish Catholic cooked up propaganda shit???????????????

Wiki consists of the writings of CONTRIBUTORS-----anyone can insert shit
into Wiki--------and---it happens that Wiki is full of shit of all kinds. Only the
most discerning reader can use Wiki with any level of credibility

LOL, Because everything's propaganda, except Irosie's feral Chimp panic attacks, about a Polish Pogrom in Krakow in 1875 which can't be Googled, or a Polish Catholic inspired Holocaust, which was done by Germans.

sobie continues to lie-------at NO TIME did I suggest that there was a Polish
Pogrom in Krakow in 1875. He is using a well known polish catholic technique taught by catechism whores------aka THE SHIT MOUTH LIE

You surely suggested a Pogrom in Krakow in 1875.

In comment #85 of this thread, see below.

Nazis were Catholic?

oh gee-----sobie lied on the second day of Christmas-----spit in the face of
poor baby jesus and his catechism whore laughed. My post does not even
include the word pogrom and makes no suggestion of that a pogrom
took place in the shit city of Krakow in 1875. I asked the lying dog to comment on the issue of EQUITY AND JUSTICE in the polish cesspit during a random
year----in the late 1800s-----"1875" being a random pick------poor clueless
So, now Wikipedia is a Polish Catholic cooked up propaganda shit???????????????

Wiki consists of the writings of CONTRIBUTORS-----anyone can insert shit
into Wiki--------and---it happens that Wiki is full of shit of all kinds. Only the
most discerning reader can use Wiki with any level of credibility

LOL, Because everything's propaganda, except Irosie's feral Chimp panic attacks, about a Polish Pogrom in Krakow in 1875 which can't be Googled, or a Polish Catholic inspired Holocaust, which was done by Germans.

sobie continues to lie-------at NO TIME did I suggest that there was a Polish
Pogrom in Krakow in 1875. He is using a well known polish catholic technique taught by catechism whores------aka THE SHIT MOUTH LIE

You surely suggested a Pogrom in Krakow in 1875.

In comment #85 of this thread, see below.

Nazis were Catholic?

oh gee-----sobie lied on the second day of Christmas-----spit in the face of
poor baby jesus and his catechism whore laughed. My post does not even
include the word pogrom and makes no suggestion of that a pogrom
took place in the shit city of Krakow in 1875. I asked the lying dog to comment on the issue of EQUITY AND JUSTICE in the polish cesspit during a random
year----in the late 1800s-----"1875" being a random pick------poor clueless

Google finds you no late 1800's Krakow Pogrom.

You're clearly a liar.

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