Nazism Is Taking Over America

He did that to the Marxists, not all socialists. Most of the Marxists in Germany and all their leadership were Jewish. Hitler was a nationalist-socialist (i.e. National Socialism). He was a socialist, keeping the capitalist under his heel, making industry serve the nation, and its people rather than capitalists and their insatiable pursuit of profits. Capitalism under National Socialism, must primarily, above all, serve the public good. The Nation. Hitler was a socialist, he just wasn't a Marxist-atheist-materialist socialist, who believed the family is an impediment to human evolution and progress..etc.

He was more of a socialist-social conservative. Similar to Stalin, who banned abortion, criminalized open homosexuality, and enacted the "Soviet Family" policies. Hitler got greedy and wanted all of Russia's natural resources under Germany's control, that's what did him in—his lust for power.
All those Christians and Jews in concentration camps were Marxists!

What a hoot!
Your lies are pathetic.
You don't believe many Jewish students are protesting in Colombia University? I've met them, I live a few blocks away from Colombia University, here on the West Side of Manhattan.

All of those anti-Zionist Jews are protesting Israel, at Colombia University. You're delusional if you think there aren't any Jews protesting against Israel's actions in Gaza.
Tell Hamas to surrender and return their kidnap victims if you’re concerned, NAZI.
Tell the Israeli government to release the thousands of Palestinians being held in "administrative detention" without charges in Israeli dungeons. It's the Israelis who started all of this by isolating Gaza for over ten years and dehumanizing the Palestinians. It all blew up in their faces on October 7th.
Tell the Israeli government to release the thousands of Palestinians being held in "administrative detention" without charges in Israeli dungeons. It's the Israelis who started all of this by isolating Gaza for over ten years and dehumanizing the Palestinians. It all blew up in their faces on October 7th.
you've inspected those DUNGEONS? From what are Gazans "isolated"?
How are "palestinians" dehumanized in Israel?
You don't believe many Jewish students are protesting in Colombia University? I've met them, I live a few blocks away from Colombia University, here on the West Side of Manhattan.

All of those anti-Zionist Jews are protesting Israel, at Colombia University. You're delusional if you think there aren't any Jews protesting against Israel's actions in Gaza.

I own 3 yamakas, doesn’t mean I’m Jewish.
Tell the Israeli government to release the thousands of Palestinians being held in "administrative detention" without charges in Israeli dungeons. It's the Israelis who started all of this by isolating Gaza for over ten years and dehumanizing the Palestinians. It all blew up in their faces on October 7th.
Hilarious you support cutting heads off babies.

What a NAZI you are!
All of those anti-Zionist Jews are protesting Israel, at Colombia University. You're delusional if you think there aren't any Jews protesting against Israel's actions in Gaza.
The Zions will forever and a day equate themselves to Judaism for the benefit of cloaking their political agenda under the guise of racism
. It's the Israelis who started all of this by isolating Gaza for over ten years and dehumanizing the Palestinians. It all blew up in their faces on October 7th.
They counted on it.....

Tell the Israeli government to release the thousands of Palestinians being held in "administrative detention" without charges in Israeli dungeons. It's the Israelis who started all of this by isolating Gaza for over ten years and dehumanizing the Palestinians. It all blew up in their faces on October 7th.
Gaza has a border with Egypt, NAZI.
Like people who would beat you in an election so you illegally keep them off the ballot.
Nope. Hitler took their property, jobs, citizenship and human rights. You should study. Fascism is racist, autocratic, aggressive and nationalistic. Trump is a self designated nationalist. I hope you are a patriot.
The Zions will forever and a day equate themselves to Judaism for the benefit of cloaking their political agenda under the guise of racism

They counted on it.....

counted on what? sorta like da jews orchestrated the THING SOME PEOPLE DID on September 11 ? and on October 7 ? and the HOLAHOAX?
Hitler kept socialism in the name, but he split with the socialists in 1926. He purged them from government in 1933 and put them in concentration camps.
He purged the Marxist Socialists and appropriated Socialism and Nationalism into a hybrid that was a marvel to take Germany from an economy equal to Uruguay and got it on a war footing in under 5 years .

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