NBC goes full racist says the problem with America is white women

In your mind perhaps.

Patriotism and common sense isn't an ethnic or color of your skin issue.
So when the president said that a Federal judge was incapable of doing his job fairly because he was of Mexican heritage, that wasn't divisive? Do you think they are judges of Irish, German or Italian heritage who this also applies to? or just those "Hispanics"
Why did La Raza change its name?
Deflection noted...

This is why I have little respect for folks who themselves have ZERO problem with racism if they are the beneficiaries of that racism ...
No deflection to it and you failed to answer the question. That judge was/is a la raza and I do not have a problem with someone who is not a trained speaker who did not articulate words properly. If you cannot accept that too bad.
Care to tell me about Judge Curial's judicial record that supports him being ostracized for his heritage?? I know La Raza scares you, but I guarantee you that you have no problem with John Birch society members being in the judiciary...and that organization actually advanced "RACIST" policies...
He wasn't being "ostracized for his heritage". You are free to believe that and even promote that theory if you like. Personally I think it is bullshit on your part but hey that is just my personal opinion. LaRaza doesn't scare me but then I am not blinded into believing my own bullshit as you seem to possibly be.

A Tale of Two Judges
Should white women be worried?
Perhaps they should be a bit more cautious than previously.

I could feel the hatred coming from some gal parked by me down in a little college town near k.c. a few years back. My dog woofed and growled at her and her boyfriend. They had tons of places to park closer to the entry doors but chose right next to my car and then got all insulted when the dog grgrgr'd. I moved the car for the dog could eat in peace and not get all tweaked because of strangers so close to us.
Was she a white woman? ;)
No she wasn't but I do look pretty white when I don't getta go south for the winters...
NBC goes full RACIST, says the problem with America is “white women”
There isn’t a day that goes by when someone on the Left, be it a politician, a social or political commentator, an entertainer, or an academic doesn’t accuse someone on the right of being “racist,” a “bigot,” or a “-phobe” or an “-ist.”

Surprise, surprise, surprise blame it on whitey.......... Just like fronthole Obama trained them cause you know he's not got white in him either. Just like the loser blamed Bush for everything. This is what indoctrianted, brainwashed , parrot reading idiots really believe. WHITE PRIVELDGE this is the college mentality.
WTF is wrong with our conservative posters?
Can’t they read?

Nothing in the link says anything about NBC saying the problem with America is white women

What it says......In an op-ed for the network’s website, Sophia A. Nelson blames white Senate women for Kavanaugh’s confirmation,
NBC goes full RACIST, says the problem with America is “white women”
There isn’t a day that goes by when someone on the Left, be it a politician, a social or political commentator, an entertainer, or an academic doesn’t accuse someone on the right of being “racist,” a “bigot,” or a “-phobe” or an “-ist.”

Surprise, surprise, surprise blame it on whitey.......... Just like fronthole Obama trained them cause you know he's not got white in him either. Just like the loser blamed Bush for everything. This is what indoctrianted, brainwashed , parrot reading idiots really believe. WHITE PRIVELDGE this is the college mentality.
WTF is wrong with our conservative posters?
Can’t they read?

Nothing in the link says anything about NBC saying the problem with America is white women

What it says......In an op-ed for the network’s website, Sophia A. Nelson blames white Senate women for Kavanaugh’s confirmation,
Some chit just sticks on you if you try slinging it and it appears as though she's been slinging it so...

Former Republican insider Sophia Nelson is looking for a place for ...


Sep 7, 2017 - The GOP has become "terrible for people of color," said Sophia Nelson.

or how about

"Nancy you can help your fellow sisters by spreading the word. White women are not the enemy. They have to stop being complicit with the white male patriarchy when women of color need your support! P.S-loved your dad’s music. Was raised on it! #DearWhitewomen"

Start defining people by color and race and its likely gonna come back on you.

Personally I'm kinda like'n my white male hubby so she's preaching to the wrong person if she's addressing peeps such as myself.
NBC goes full RACIST, says the problem with America is “white women”
There isn’t a day that goes by when someone on the Left, be it a politician, a social or political commentator, an entertainer, or an academic doesn’t accuse someone on the right of being “racist,” a “bigot,” or a “-phobe” or an “-ist.”

Surprise, surprise, surprise blame it on whitey.......... Just like fronthole Obama trained them cause you know he's not got white in him either. Just like the loser blamed Bush for everything. This is what indoctrianted, brainwashed , parrot reading idiots really believe. WHITE PRIVELDGE this is the college mentality.
WTF is wrong with our conservative posters?
Can’t they read?

Nothing in the link says anything about NBC saying the problem with America is white women

What it says......In an op-ed for the network’s website, Sophia A. Nelson blames white Senate women for Kavanaugh’s confirmation,
Some chit just sticks on you if you try slinging it and it appears as though she's been slinging it so...

Former Republican insider Sophia Nelson is looking for a place for ...


Sep 7, 2017 - The GOP has become "terrible for people of color," said Sophia Nelson.

or how about

"Nancy you can help your fellow sisters by spreading the word. White women are not the enemy. They have to stop being complicit with the white male patriarchy when women of color need your support! P.S-loved your dad’s music. Was raised on it! #DearWhitewomen"

Start defining people by color and race and its likely gonna come back on you.

Personally I'm kinda like'n my white male hubby so she's preaching to the wrong person if she's addressing peeps such as myself.
Still looking for where anyone said the problem with America is white women

NBC goes full RACIST, says the problem with America is “white women”
There isn’t a day that goes by when someone on the Left, be it a politician, a social or political commentator, an entertainer, or an academic doesn’t accuse someone on the right of being “racist,” a “bigot,” or a “-phobe” or an “-ist.”

Surprise, surprise, surprise blame it on whitey.......... Just like fronthole Obama trained them cause you know he's not got white in him either. Just like the loser blamed Bush for everything. This is what indoctrianted, brainwashed , parrot reading idiots really believe. WHITE PRIVELDGE this is the college mentality.
WTF is wrong with our conservative posters?
Can’t they read?

Nothing in the link says anything about NBC saying the problem with America is white women

What it says......In an op-ed for the network’s website, Sophia A. Nelson blames white Senate women for Kavanaugh’s confirmation,
Some chit just sticks on you if you try slinging it and it appears as though she's been slinging it so...

Former Republican insider Sophia Nelson is looking for a place for ...


Sep 7, 2017 - The GOP has become "terrible for people of color," said Sophia Nelson.

or how about

"Nancy you can help your fellow sisters by spreading the word. White women are not the enemy. They have to stop being complicit with the white male patriarchy when women of color need your support! P.S-loved your dad’s music. Was raised on it! #DearWhitewomen"

Start defining people by color and race and its likely gonna come back on you.

Personally I'm kinda like'n my white male hubby so she's preaching to the wrong person if she's addressing peeps such as myself.
Still looking for where anyone said the problem with America is white women

Your gal already defined and boxed herself in as a racist. She is the one who is defining by color and making the implications. Is she jealous cause she didn't get that dream of being part of SCOTUS or what?
NBC goes full RACIST, says the problem with America is “white women”
There isn’t a day that goes by when someone on the Left, be it a politician, a social or political commentator, an entertainer, or an academic doesn’t accuse someone on the right of being “racist,” a “bigot,” or a “-phobe” or an “-ist.”

Surprise, surprise, surprise blame it on whitey.......... Just like fronthole Obama trained them cause you know he's not got white in him either. Just like the loser blamed Bush for everything. This is what indoctrianted, brainwashed , parrot reading idiots really believe. WHITE PRIVELDGE this is the college mentality.
WTF is wrong with our conservative posters?
Can’t they read?

Nothing in the link says anything about NBC saying the problem with America is white women

What it says......In an op-ed for the network’s website, Sophia A. Nelson blames white Senate women for Kavanaugh’s confirmation,
Some chit just sticks on you if you try slinging it and it appears as though she's been slinging it so...

Former Republican insider Sophia Nelson is looking for a place for ...


Sep 7, 2017 - The GOP has become "terrible for people of color," said Sophia Nelson.

or how about

"Nancy you can help your fellow sisters by spreading the word. White women are not the enemy. They have to stop being complicit with the white male patriarchy when women of color need your support! P.S-loved your dad’s music. Was raised on it! #DearWhitewomen"

Start defining people by color and race and its likely gonna come back on you.

Personally I'm kinda like'n my white male hubby so she's preaching to the wrong person if she's addressing peeps such as myself.
Still looking for where anyone said the problem with America is white women

Your gal already defined and boxed herself in as a racist. She is the one who is defining by color and making the implications. Is she jealous cause she didn't get that dream of being part of SCOTUS or what?
Still doesn’t say anything about the problem with America is white women
Where exactly does NBC say that?
Yup says nbc,

In your mind perhaps.

Patriotism and common sense isn't an ethnic or color of your skin issue.
So when the president said that a Federal judge was incapable of doing his job fairly because he was of Mexican heritage, that wasn't divisive? Do you think they are judges of Irish, German or Italian heritage who this also applies to? or just those "Hispanics"
Why did La Raza change its name?
Deflection noted...

This is why I have little respect for folks who themselves have ZERO problem with racism if they are the beneficiaries of that racism ...
No deflection to it and you failed to answer the question. That judge was/is a la raza and I do not have a problem with someone who is not a trained speaker who did not articulate words properly. If you cannot accept that too bad.
Care to tell me about Judge Curial's judicial record that supports him being ostracized for his heritage?? I know La Raza scares you, but I guarantee you that you have no problem with John Birch society members being in the judiciary...and that organization actually advanced "RACIST" policies...

La Raza is a racist organization. It’s that simple.
Damn MW - NewsTarget made it into both the Conspiracy (rated one step from Tinfoil ) AND Pseudoscience (rated Quackery ) realm .. no small task even for you!


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Notes: News Target produces mostly right wing biased propaganda, but also publishes a good deal of unproven pseudosciences. The right wing conspiracy and pseudoscience website Natural News was formally News Target, which is now a separate website. Essentially, New Target publishes identical content as can be found on Natural News. They do publish some legitimate news, so beware when using them as a source. (2/4/2017)​

News Target - Media Bias/Fact Check

You obvioulsy didn't scroll down past the headlines to see the video dip shit.
Damn MW - NewsTarget made it into both the Conspiracy (rated one step from Tinfoil ) AND Pseudoscience (rated Quackery ) realm .. no small task even for you!


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Notes: News Target produces mostly right wing biased propaganda, but also publishes a good deal of unproven pseudosciences. The right wing conspiracy and pseudoscience website Natural News was formally News Target, which is now a separate website. Essentially, New Target publishes identical content as can be found on Natural News. They do publish some legitimate news, so beware when using them as a source. (2/4/2017)​

News Target - Media Bias/Fact Check

You obvioulsy didn't scroll down past the headlines to see the video dip shit.

You and your ALWAYS dubious sources take absolutely everything out of context.
Give yourself a double wrap on the foil :)


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