NBC News Reports 10 People Indicted

Welcome to post-constitutional America, folks. No more pesky rule of law, it's a free for all! Wheee!! :spinner:

I guess they don't have jurisdiction in D.C. but maybe some federal grand jury could consider the smoking gun that caught Al Gore soliciting donations from illegal doners. The media laughed about it at the time.
Huh. I always smile when America is winning. 🤷🏼‍♂️
America hasn't won. Communism has fulfilled it's promise.

"We can't expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.

"We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within."
I watched about 2 minutes of each commie channel, CNN and MSDNC just minutes ago and it was better than Pornhub. Each show had about 15 panelists and they were all grinning like apes, high fiving and fist bumping one another and going bananas. All of them were sexually aroused and I think Madcow had half a dozen orgasms and at least 4 marriage proposals from the other rug munchers. All of them acted as if they had opened their Christmas stockings and found 16 inch strawberry flavored dildos. I switched off those channels pretty damn quick. Never seen anything like that since I was in Juarez about 40 years ago where they had 3 girls, 4 goats, a snake and a parrot..... but that's another story for later.
Anyhow, they got Trump now and I'm going to go pack up a goody box to send him in Rikers Island with the really bad guys.
Leftards are scummy, petty human beings.

The world's largest collection of misfits.
Well...clearly you haven't read the indictment....so nobody really knows what this cock&bull shit is going to be about.
Seems the Democrats want to make it illegal for anyone to say outloud that the election was rigged.
So we should just shoot anyone who does in the future I guess.

In a nutshell it does boil down to he disparaged the election results.

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