NBC News Reports 10 People Indicted

If a republican wins the White House in 2024; they will pardon Trump. "For the good of the nation." I think there is a three out of four chance Biden will do it too. Just to put it behind us.

Its time to put the spectacle behind us either with a conviction or a thud of a pardon. The State cases can be settled.

Nobody wants to see a former president and nearly all have had the good sense to stay out of the limelight as much as they can when it comes to policy. For damn sure nobody wants to see an incarcerated former President. Ironically the only person who may want this is the blob himself...it keeps his name in the newspapers. That seems to be all he truly cares about.
Don't commit crimes trying to overturn election votes.
‘A grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, has indicted former President Donald Trump and more than a dozen of his associates with election fraud, racketeering and other charges related to alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

The indictment names Trump as the top defendant and 18 others, including Rudy Giuliani, his former lawyer; John Eastman, a conservative lawyer; and Mark Meadows, former White House chief of staff. Other co-defendants include Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department official; and Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis, conservative lawyers who pushed baseless claims of voter fraud.

The filing lists 41 total counts, and the grand jury charges the defendants with "the offense of violation of the Georgia RICO Act for the said accused."

The indictment describes the group as "a criminal organization whose members and associates engaged in various related criminal activities including, but not limited to, false statements and writings, impersonating a public officer, forgery, filing false documents, influencing witnesses, computer theft, computer trespass, computer invasion of privacy, conspiracy to defraud the state, acts involving theft, and perjury."’

The Trump Crime Organization, in fact.
How soon before I can’t vote for him?
I’m mean,
Let’s get to the bottom line
Except for Hunter Biden
Irrelevant to the persons and matters under indictment..
But not including Hillary Clinton.
Irrelevant to the persons and matters under indictment.
No shit, Sherlock. Did you just get off the boat?
Irrelevant to the persons and matters under indictment.
For that to happen He has to get rid of the leftards first.
Irrelevant to the persons and matters under indictment.

Oh, and... BTW... he will never again have that opportunity. Your modern-day Benedict Arnold is now "toast". Sit back and enjoy the show.
According to Georgia law - a convicted criminal cannot receive a pardon until serving the full sentence - and can only request a pardon five years after serving the sentence - and even that is subject to good behavior.
Yes, special news reports this evening handed out that pleasant piece of information. It gives real Americans a feeling similar to that on Christmas morning. Of course, the trump Nazis are fit to be tied.

As stated in the other thread, Al Gore took similar actions as did Donald Trump in 2000. Neither of them use military, or forced to remain in power or to gain power. That’s all we need to know.

the whole thing is a nothing burger… our economy is in shambles and who is going to be fooled by the stuff. Certainly not working class people. It’s just BLM people and those living in the suburbs who already have homes while huge numbers of Americans can’t afford a home.

With all of these fake indictments against Trump, you would think that he killed somebody. Or you would think that he rob the bank or something.
I give you all credit
No bitter name calling from me
At what point will Americans be unable to vote for Trump ?
"Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis leveled the state-law charges Monday night after a two-year investigation. In addition to Trump, Willis charged former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and attorneys Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Jeff Clark, Ken Chesebro and Jenna Ellis, key figures in Trump’s bid to subvert the 2020 election."

Well, we've seen and talked about some of those characters on this venue. A lot.

Giuliani, Eastman, Meadows, Powell, Clark Ellis, Chesebro, and a whole bunch of others.

This is gonna be an epic and fascinating goat-ropin' for months to come.

Watch for reportage on the bios of all of these characters so indicted. A number of which we likely have never discussed on this chatroom.

America has never been so interesting a place to live in.

I would too. But I'd much rather see the blob put out to pasture and reduced to a pathetic figure who is just pitied for being a cautionary tale of having plenty of dollars but no sense.
An example must be made to anyone who would try this again.
I think the example will be delivered in the 2024 election when he loses. I think it was already delivered in November of 2020 when he lost by 8M votes.
And letting him off just ensures that he's out there running his mouth, an enemy of the nation spreading his lies and unrest.
I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately we don't have laws against enemies of the nation from within spreading lies and unrest. As Mac has pointed out time and again...this is about us--the people of the united states. It illustrates that a great many should take their responsibility as voters more seriously.
For damn sure nobody wants to see an incarcerated former President
But an incarcerated former President would be a clear and resounding reaffirmation of the fact that no one is above the law and a clear and resounding reaffirmation of the rule of law itself.

The ‘get it behind us for the good of the country’ mistake Ford made shouldn’t be repeated; indeed, we likely wouldn’t find ourselves here today had Ford not made that mistake.

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