NBC News - Six in 10 adults who died of Covid in August were vaccinated or boosted

False. They work extremeley against the varants they were designed against, and somehwhat against others.

No, they don't. The mRNA tells the cell to make copies of this deadly spike protein. There's a reason that millions have died and have been injured from this dangerous injection.
Actually, the death jabs have been discovered to pull apart cell structures.
These pieces of cells have nowhere to go, so they fill up the bloodstream with too many flushed out pieces of cells.
All these pieces of cells don't have anywhere to go, so they clog up the bloodworks.

Like someone flushing a diaper down the toilet..............it ain't gonna fit, and it's gonna cause some hefty damage.

Some of the clots that medical examiners have examined are several feet long.
Some of the clots that medical examiners have examined are several feet long.
This clot-producing capability as a host symptom also occurs via infection with sandfly-vectored viruses such as Phleboviruses. Lutzomiya is a New World sandfly that vectors VSV Rhabdovirus, the basis for ebola vaccine. VSV links precisely to the D614G mutation of SARS2 for an (increase in VSV pseudoparticles [italics]). This is the mutation Fau Chi gets backwards in his video, which was likely a freudian slip.

Fau Chi won't be addressing this video mistake any time soon in the media. duh
This clot-producing capability as a host symptom also occurs via infection with sandfly-vectored viruses such as Phleboviruses. Lutzomiya is a New World sandfly that vectors VSV Rhabdovirus, the basis for ebola vaccine. VSV links precisely to the D614G mutation of SARS2 for an (increase in VSV pseudoparticles [italics]). This is the mutation Fau Chi gets backwards in his video, which was likely a freudian slip.

Fau Chi won't be addressing this video mistake any time soon in the media. duh

Another reason to bring that killer in.
We'll continue the clot investigation for Baby Alex (Spokane's Sacred Heart Hospital) on the Biological Politics thread, because we want to compare some things already posted about coronaviruses, namely the vaccine-linked Omicron mutation at position 969 as well as the Beluga whale coronavirus link to snake venom and the furin cleavage site.
You read that right. NBC News.

The U.S. is currently recording around 430 Covid deaths per day, on average, according to NBC News’ tally. That includes many people who received at least two Covid shots: Six in 10 adults who died of Covid in August were vaccinated [sic] or boosted, according to a report by KFF, a nonprofit health think tank. And for the most part, vaccinated [sic] people don’t avoid infections or reinfections anymore.

It doesn't help people avoid infections or reinfections, and most of the people dying from Covid have been "vaccinated". How are they still getting away with calling it a vaccine?

That's impossible the vaxxxx is safe and 100% effective
They can't see truth right in front of them. Its mind boggling to watch this injection injure and kill millions and the numbers are climbing higher each day and yet they dig deeper into the sand.
In the meantime, evidence builds against the deliberate destruction of evidence-based medicine. This study proves that (an antibiotic [italics]) works against SARS2, the precise antibiotic that Raoult and Zelenko first used:

But few know that Raoult is a rickettsiologist, which is the tick link that we need to continue to connect the dots. The dots will include the tick that vectors Lyme disease, Ixodes scapularis.
In the meantime, evidence builds against the deliberate destruction of evidence-based medicine. This study proves that (an antibiotic [italics]) works against SARS2, the precise antibiotic that Raoult and Zelenko first used:

But few know that Raoult is a rickettsiologist, which is the tick link that we need to continue to connect the dots. The dots will include the tick that vectors Lyme disease, Ixodes scapularis.

My niece, mom, dad, sister, all took zpak the day they tested positive for covid and were over it in a day, 2 days later.
My niece, mom, dad, sister, all took zpak the day they tested positive for covid and were over it in a day, 2 days later.
Can you please break down the pharma for zpak for us? The "golden window" for treatment is not what Dr. McCullough claims: 3 days, but 1-12 hours. That is the most potent "golden window," which is based on disturbing the virus via pH.
Can you please break down the pharma for zpak for us? The "golden window" for treatment is not what Dr. McCullough claims: 3 days, but 1-12 hours. That is the most potent "golden window," which is based on disturbing the virus via pH.

Its for secondary bacteria that arise from the initial virus. Many of the secondary bacteria are the cause for such complications.
Its for secondary bacteria that arise from the initial virus. Many of the secondary bacteria are the cause for such complications.
Zpak binds to the furin cleavage site of SARS2 making it a directly antiviral antibiotic. That is why it links well to Beluga whale disintegrin, which is the first disintegrin we've seen that is cleaved by furin, unlike the snake or tick disintegrins.
Zpak binds to the furin cleavage site of SARS2 making it a directly antiviral antibiotic. That is why it links well to Beluga whale disintegrin, which is the first disintegrin we've seen that is cleaved by furin, unlike the snake or tick disintegrins.

Thanks, badger. I did not know that.
There are many more vaccinated people than there are unvaccinated people, and vaccinated and boosted people are, on average, older and more likely to have underlying health conditions that put them at risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes. That’s why, when CDC adjusts for some of these factors (age and population size), we still see that unvaccinated people are at much greater risk of death and other severe outcomes than people the same age who have stayed up-to-date on boosters.

The rest of the story
You read that right. NBC News.

The U.S. is currently recording around 430 Covid deaths per day, on average, according to NBC News’ tally. That includes many people who received at least two Covid shots: Six in 10 adults who died of Covid in August were vaccinated [sic] or boosted, according to a report by KFF, a nonprofit health think tank. And for the most part, vaccinated [sic] people don’t avoid infections or reinfections anymore.

It doesn't help people avoid infections or reinfections, and most of the people dying from Covid have been "vaccinated". How are they still getting away with calling it a vaccine?

Still those stats are from one month in August. You would need to look at total stats for the past 2 years. It goes up and down. The same thing happen when the delta variant hit.

Also you would have to look at age. A lot of those dying are elderly people who may have the immune system of a youngster.
Most of the ppl dying from covid are old or immuno compromised or both. Those ppl are in the 95 percentile who are vaccinated. It's no shock that 60% of those dying would include them. What's more telling is that the 5% of ppl who are unvaccinated at all, in that same category are dying at a 40% clip. It's time to get vaccinated and get your boosters.

Quote from the article. Thank you OP for linking this

Covid vaccines prevented more than 3.2 million deaths and 18.5 million hospitalizations in the U.S. from December 2020 through November 2022, according to an analysis published Tuesday by the Commonwealth Fund and Yale School of Public Health.

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