NBC omits "under God"

Who was hurt by this exactly?

More than likely nobody was HURT by it...but it just shows what NCB will stoop to. Just kinda shows us that they can't be trusted reporting anything, how many other times have they cut out "parts" of something just so we don't hear it???

I think we're all hurt by this, when a major TV network uses a national sports event watched by millions to show what amounts to political propaganda, that ain't good. The American people do not trust the media, and with good reason judging by stuff like this. Those who bitch about Fox News oughta be realizing they do not have the moral high ground.

I do wonder how surprised NBC was by the audience reaction, and if it's a matter of propaganda or an attempt at distraction....look over there at those crazy Christians making such a scene.
All the network news programs including msnbc have become obsolete because of the agendas they push. Their ratings continue to decline yet they do dumbshit like this. Clueless

Network news continues to draw much higher ratings than the cable news shows (yes...even Fox News)
It's high time we remove the "under God" bastardization from the pledge anyway.

Thanks a lot Dwight D (for Douchewagon) Eisenhower. :thup:
All the network news

programs including msnbc have become obsolete because of the agendas they push. Their ratings continue to decline yet they do dumbshit like this. Clueless

Network news continues to draw much higher ratings than the cable news shows (yes...even Fox News)

Considering they don't require you to think its no surprise the masses at times watch them report on the latest Barbie doll to stir up controversy. You don't get news on the networks you get 2 minute fluff stories to keep your mind focussed off of what really matters. Ie the latest fashion craze of what Palin is wearing and who paid for it or whos giving who leg tingles.
It's high time we remove the "under God" bastardization from the pledge anyway.

Thanks a lot Dwight D (for Douchewagon) Eisenhower. :thup:

You're so right...we have to take God out of everything because of the "minority" of people that want it done (the majority doesn't matter!)...look how great our schools are since they removed God from our schools! We may not have had so many school shootings if we'd kept Him there! The kids might have learned some RESPECT for their teachers and other adults, wouldn't want that!

(just in case - yes, I was being sarcastic!!)
It's high time we remove the "under God" bastardization from the pledge anyway.

Thanks a lot Dwight D (for Douchewagon) Eisenhower. :thup:

You're so right...we have to take God out of everything because of the "minority" of people that want it done (the majority doesn't matter!)...look how great our schools are since they removed God from our schools! We may not have had so many school shootings if we'd kept Him there! The kids might have learned some RESPECT for their teachers and other adults, wouldn't want that!

(just in case - yes, I was being sarcastic!!)

Nice rant. :thup:

We should still go back to the original version of the pledge IMO. Patriotism does not require faith.
We should still go back to the original version of the pledge IMO. Patriotism does not require faith.

I pledge allegiance, to the United States Constitution, to the principles and ideals it represents and defines. Many states, individual with sovereignty and liberty not derived of a central power; and to the Republic, from them created by them empowered with the consent of the states and the people therein, for only this can establish liberty and justice for all.

Nothing like a non-issue to take your mind off the pressing issues of the day.

What's a little censorship between comrades, eh?

NBC is free to air what it wants too. Or is it your position to force NBC to air the "Under God, indivisable.." verse/line.

Nothing like a good "God" distraction to get people emotionally involved....
Who was hurt by this exactly?

More than likely nobody was HURT by it...but it just shows what NCB will stoop to. Just kinda shows us that they can't be trusted reporting anything, how many other times have they cut out "parts" of something just so we don't hear it???

I think we're all hurt by this, when a major TV network uses a national sports event watched by millions to show what amounts to political propaganda, that ain't good. The American people do not trust the media, and with good reason judging by stuff like this. Those who bitch about Fox News oughta be realizing they do not have the moral high ground.

Awwe those poor golf fans. Hey I know they could just tune into one of the hundreds of baseball games during the 7th inning stretch and catch a stunning rendition of "God Bless America".
Actually, I have added, "for those who can afford it", to the end a few times.
I like it. Separation of Church and State. But then again, I don't really care if you leave it in. One way or another it means nothing.
Jeffery Immelt is the most political (left) and ineffective CEO of our times!!!
I like it. Separation of Church and State. But then again, I don't really care if you leave it in. One way or another it means nothing.

I don't think it's really about separation of church and state, it's about retraining most Americans to believe their basic human rights come from the gov't. It's the progressive liberal pov, we gave you those rights and we can take 'em away.

Even if you do not believe in God, your basic rights are not derived from the gov't, they are your birthright.
We should still go back to the original version of the pledge IMO. Patriotism does not require faith.

I pledge allegiance, to the United States Constitution, to the principles and ideals it represents and defines. Many states, individual with sovereignty and liberty not derived of a central power; and to the Republic, from them created by them empowered with the consent of the states and the people therein, for only this can establish liberty and justice for all.

If you believe that this was a simple editing mistake, you have absolutely no idea of the people running NBC--for that matter television in general. These people openly admit there hostility for religion.

They also left out indivisible. Does this mean NBC is promoting secession?

No, it is an editor that cut a little more than needed. How can you ‘accidently’ edit something out if you were not editing it at all. They had to have been purposefully editing something at that point and I doubt it was indivisible. I do wonder what they were trying to accomplish though. I cannot seem to think that anyone would knowingly do this as it gains them nothing and WILL be noticed. Apparently, there are millions of people out there that have nothing to do.

You can accidentally edit something out, because that bit with the pledge they ran didn't just assemble (i.e., edit) itself magically. Someone (an editor) had to put all the video, and the audio. The intro had a lot of shots of stuff to include, as well as the patriotic music, the pledge and the narration for the golf tournament intro. Not to mention, they were splitting up the pledge for other stuff in between. There's a solider giving some shout or order where the missing part of the pledge should be. Editing this stuff ain't easy.

I should think more people would be angry over indivisible getting edited out accidentally. But I guess some people are okay with us being divisible.

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