NBC omits "under God"

During sunday's US Open golf tournament, NBC ran a segment where they showed kids reciting the pledge of allegiance, which was great. But they edited out the "under God" words, similar to what president Obama himself did awhile back in a speech I think. They got a lot of blowback from irrate viewers complaining about the omission, so they apologized saying it was not done to upset anyone.

Well I'm not sure about that, but I am sure it was done intentionally, as did Obama. I have to question why, surely they know this is going to inflame a lot of people. And for what? You know what, I think it comes down to arrogance, an eliteist position of gov't over God. It's deliberately done with condescension and shows a lack of respect for any other view but thir own. It's like we don't care what you think, if you don't agree then you're wrong and should be ignored or at least discounted.

Of course it was done intentionally. We wouldn't want to upset the big-government types who believe the government is above God.
They left out 'indivisible' as well, so it looks like the mistake of the editor of the piece.

Judging by the response of some in this thread, it appears many have very thin skins and are easy to offend.

If you believe that this was a simple editing mistake, you have absolutely no idea of the people running NBC--for that matter television in general. These people openly admit there hostility for religion.
I never said it once I was old enough to think

I'm not suggesting that said decision on your part was not thought out, but I wonder if you are aware that the anti-religion movement, the French Revolution, is the source of a number of your views, i.e., the Leftist thought and movements?

1. For the origins of fascism, we should search through the Romantic nationalism of the 18th century, and the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who might even be called the ‘Father of Modern Fascism.’

a. The French Revolution was the first totalitarian revolution: a nationalist, populist uprising, led and manipulated by an intellectual vanguard determined to replace Christianity with a political religion.
Rousseau: Political Economy

2. In fact, Rousseau has been called the precursor of the modern pseudo-democrats such as Stalin and Hitler and the "people's democracies." His call for the "sovereign" to force men to be free if necessary in the interests of the "General Will" harks back to the Lycurgus of Sparta instead of to the pluralism of Athens; the legacy of Rousseau is Robespierre and the radical Jacobins of the Terror who followed and worshipped him passionately. In the 20th century, his influence is further felt by tyrants who would arouse the egalitarian passions of the masses not so much in the interests of social justice as social control.French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

3. So, investing nationalism with the idea of the general will created a secular, if circular, religion: the people worshipped themselves! Thus the primacy of the collective, directly from Rousseau.

` a. Rousseau points out, in ‘The Social Contract,’ that a weakness of Christianity was that “men have never known whether they ought to obey the civil ruler or priest” (God or Caesar), so it would be better for all to have a society were religion and politics were one.
b. Revolutionary descendents of Rousseau knew that they had to exterminate every trace of Christianity from the public agenda. Mussolini wrote in 1919 “Two religions are today contending…for sway in the world- the black and the red.”

c. In the Papal Encyclical “Non Abbiamo Bisogno,” the Vatican accused the fascists of organizing a state religion, “to monopolize completely the young, …for the exclusive advantage of a party and of a regime based on an ideology which clearly resolves itself into a true, a real pagan worship of the State.” Pius XI, Non abbiamo bisogno (29/06/1931)
They left out 'indivisible' as well, so it looks like the mistake of the editor of the piece.

Judging by the response of some in this thread, it appears many have very thin skins and are easy to offend.

If you believe that this was a simple editing mistake, you have absolutely no idea of the people running NBC--for that matter television in general. These people openly admit there hostility for religion.

They also left out indivisible. Does this mean NBC is promoting secession?
Maybe some of the kids would have liked to have said "under God"?

I think they did say it, but the assholes at NBC edited it out.

Who was hurt by this exactly?

More than likely nobody was HURT by it...but it just shows what NCB will stoop to. Just kinda shows us that they can't be trusted reporting anything, how many other times have they cut out "parts" of something just so we don't hear it???
I think they did say it, but the assholes at NBC edited it out.

Who was hurt by this exactly?

More than likely nobody was HURT by it...but it just shows what NCB will stoop to. Just kinda shows us that they can't be trusted reporting anything, how many other times have they cut out "parts" of something just so we don't hear it???

I think we're all hurt by this, when a major TV network uses a national sports event watched by millions to show what amounts to political propaganda, that ain't good. The American people do not trust the media, and with good reason judging by stuff like this. Those who bitch about Fox News oughta be realizing they do not have the moral high ground.
The left's religious bigotry and hatred is not something that the majority of Americans agree with.

NBC capitulated and apologized.

The majority of Americans, even after decades of relentless leftist propaganda, do not share the left's morals and values. They do not share your abhorrence, hatred, disdain for religion that you, and those on the left, constantly espouse.

This post makes it sound like you hold absolutely no bigotry towards atheists.

None whatsoever.......................................

Whats the old line? " I dont care what you practice behind closed doors...."

Its less bigotry towards atheists and more of a backlash towards atheists who can't tolerate even the mention of religion, the uttering of the word "God", or symbols like a cross on some hilltop. Basically they want everyone to have to live by thier sterile view of no religion anywhere at anytime, and if they have even a sliver of legal standing, they will try to get said saying/symbol/utterance removed.

To me they just as bad as annoying evangelical christians, with more smugness.

As an atheist, I second this statement. Nothing is more annoying to me as an atheist trying to turn non-belief (NOT A RELIGION) into a religion. It costs me countless posts having to reiterate to zealots here that atheism is not a religion just because some people who claim to be atheists when they are actually atheist-theists.

I never said it once I was old enough to think

You seem to be mistaking your CHOICE to self-edit and a news stations choice of editing it out after you have chosen to say it. One is dishonest and pointless. The other is a personal choice.
They left out 'indivisible' as well, so it looks like the mistake of the editor of the piece.

Judging by the response of some in this thread, it appears many have very thin skins and are easy to offend.

If you believe that this was a simple editing mistake, you have absolutely no idea of the people running NBC--for that matter television in general. These people openly admit there hostility for religion.

They also left out indivisible. Does this mean NBC is promoting secession?

No, it is an editor that cut a little more than needed. How can you ‘accidently’ edit something out if you were not editing it at all. They had to have been purposefully editing something at that point and I doubt it was indivisible. I do wonder what they were trying to accomplish though. I cannot seem to think that anyone would knowingly do this as it gains them nothing and WILL be noticed. Apparently, there are millions of people out there that have nothing to do.
During sunday's US Open golf tournament, NBC ran a segment where they showed kids reciting the pledge of allegiance, which was great. But they edited out the "under God" words, similar to what president Obama himself did awhile back in a speech I think. They got a lot of blowback from irrate viewers complaining about the omission, so they apologized saying it was not done to upset anyone.

Well I'm not sure about that, but I am sure it was done intentionally, as did Obama. I have to question why, surely they know this is going to inflame a lot of people. And for what? You know what, I think it comes down to arrogance, an eliteist position of gov't over God. It's deliberately done with condescension and shows a lack of respect for any other view but thir own. It's like we don't care what you think, if you don't agree then you're wrong and should be ignored or at least discounted.

Disgusting. But you know what. Americans no longer care. And then we wonder why we have so many issues.

Apparently a fair number of Americans DO care and that is why NBC apologized. If they had an issue with the pledge they could have simply not included it in their coverage. By its inclusion, you can only conclude that NBC is seeking to support Obama's agenda and bastardization of our culture and history.
I will never watch NBC again....

Unless there is a football game on
Who was hurt by this exactly?

More than likely nobody was HURT by it...but it just shows what NCB will stoop to. Just kinda shows us that they can't be trusted reporting anything, how many other times have they cut out "parts" of something just so we don't hear it???

I think we're all hurt by this, when a major TV network uses a national sports event watched by millions to show what amounts to political propaganda, that ain't good. The American people do not trust the media, and with good reason judging by stuff like this. Those who bitch about Fox News oughta be realizing they do not have the moral high ground.

Yes...i see what you mean and i do agree with that, just didn't really think it through enough! Like i said, what else have they edited out? I think there's been quite alot.

Nothing like a non-issue to take your mind off the pressing issues of the day.
During sunday's US Open golf tournament, NBC ran a segment where they showed kids reciting the pledge of allegiance, which was great. But they edited out the "under God" words, similar to what president Obama himself did awhile back in a speech I think. They got a lot of blowback from irrate viewers complaining about the omission, so they apologized saying it was not done to upset anyone.

Well I'm not sure about that, but I am sure it was done intentionally, as did Obama. I have to question why, surely they know this is going to inflame a lot of people. And for what? You know what, I think it comes down to arrogance, an eliteist position of gov't over God. It's deliberately done with condescension and shows a lack of respect for any other view but thir own. It's like we don't care what you think, if you don't agree then you're wrong and should be ignored or at least discounted.

It's a typical left wing dishonest stealth mission to undermine American values. Nobody forces Americans to recite the "Pledge" or even say the right words. If NBC decided "Under God" wasn't appropriate why lie about it? If the left would be honest in their agenda things would be a lot easier. The problem is that he left isn't honest about anything. They can't tell the truth even if it would be easier than lying. Obama can't say he is pro-socialist because nobody but Stalinists would vote for him. NBC can't say they want to undermine American values and traditions because they would lose money.

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