NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

I supported the Democrats housing bubble?

Your housing bubble, not the Democrats. And if you're going to blame Democrats for the housing bubble, then you must give them credit for the economic gains from that bubble. So you've painted yourself into a rhetorical corner here. The only growth Bush had was because of the housing bubble, the same one you blame on the Democrats. Ergo, Democrats get credit for the gains from that bubble if you're also assigning them the blame.

Been to Iraq?

Are you still going to argue the Iraq War was a good thing?
I supported the Democrats housing bubble?

Your housing bubble, not the Democrats. And if you're going to blame Democrats for the housing bubble, then you must give them credit for the economic gains from that bubble. So you've painted yourself into a rhetorical corner here. The only growth Bush had was because of the housing bubble, the same one you blame on the Democrats. Ergo, Democrats get credit for the gains from that bubble if you're also assigning them the blame.

Been to Iraq?

Are you still going to argue the Iraq War was a good thing?
I agree, the Great Recession was caused by Democrats.

Iraq was a good thing poorly executed.

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

This much we pledge -- and more.”
President Kennedy
I supported the Democrats housing bubble?

Your housing bubble, not the Democrats. And if you're going to blame Democrats for the housing bubble, then you must give them credit for the economic gains from that bubble. So you've painted yourself into a rhetorical corner here. The only growth Bush had was because of the housing bubble, the same one you blame on the Democrats. Ergo, Democrats get credit for the gains from that bubble if you're also assigning them the blame.

Been to Iraq?

Are you still going to argue the Iraq War was a good thing?
It was until Obama fucked it up

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Been kicking your virtual ass for years. .

By consistently being on the wrong side of history?

You supported the Iraq War.
You supported the Housing Bubble.
You supported Bush the Dumber.

So that's "kicking ass", how?
I supported the Democrats housing bubble?

Been to Iraq?
LOL Repubtards had control of all branches of government that caused the housing bubble! Bush 2 caused 2 Jobs Killing Recessions, 2 Failed Wars & Failed to get Bin Laden or stop Al Qaeda!
The only celebrity I would ever vote for President would be Neil deGrasse Tyson and not because he's a celebrity, but because he's a scientist. We need a scientist as President. Someone who elevates facts and evidence above emotion and lies. Science doesn't lie.


We need a scientist as President. Someone who elevates facts and evidence above emotion and lies. Science doesn't lie.

That's why Michael Mann won the Nobel Prize.
I supported the Democrats housing bubble?

Your housing bubble, not the Democrats. And if you're going to blame Democrats for the housing bubble, then you must give them credit for the economic gains from that bubble. So you've painted yourself into a rhetorical corner here. The only growth Bush had was because of the housing bubble, the same one you blame on the Democrats. Ergo, Democrats get credit for the gains from that bubble if you're also assigning them the blame.

Been to Iraq?

Are you still going to argue the Iraq War was a good thing?
It was until Obama fucked it up

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Yep. Obama even declared Iraq was won. Then he went on a full out effort for his terrorist comrades.
I agree, the Great Recession was caused by Democrats.

So then Bush didn't produce any growth, Bush lost jobs, and trickle-down tax cuts didn't deliver on any of the promises made of them.

So since that's all true according to you, why the fuck would any of your policy have credibility today?

Iraq was a good thing poorly executed.

No, it wasn't. Not at all. It was executed exactly how Conservatives execute poorly conceived plans; poorly. It was never going to succeed because it was a fucking stupid idea in the first place. And you still refuse to admit that. It's sad.

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.This much we pledge -- and more.”President Kennedy

"Saddam is a threat to the United States" - George W. Bush
I'm a centrist, so no. However, the 1%'ers ARE clearly the enemies of the liberal left. That means you can't vote for Oprah. She is evil incarnate. :D Lol!
Don't try to wiggle out of it.

So where does the 1% stand with you, since you're a "centrist."

*snickering at the now self-proclaimed centrist*
How was ChrisL wrong?

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