NBC/WSJ Poll Shows 64% Dissatisfied With Economy, 79% Dissatisfied With Direction

Dad2three and Jakey, this is what's called a president "crashing and burning."

Like I said, there's malaise in the heartland.
Hey look, this poster suddenly likes the polls as an indicator. It's an overnight conversion!

SHAME ON YOU for presenting anti-Obama legitimate polls!

INTEGRITY and FACTS are Kryptonite to the left wingnuts.

You are a HATER, and a subversive element in our society! :D

LOL, Truthseeker, it's fun watching the levels of delusion coming from libs on this Board.

I can't stand watching MSNBC but as a good analyst, I take my info from many different sources, and I have to say it was comical beyond belief watching Chuck Todd - a Liberal Ring Leader - say the country is suffering from MALAISE.

I know it's hard for the cool-aid drinkers to accept. It's understandable....as I've tried to explain, this idiotic Keynsian economic theory libs follow has been discredited many times yet it's still what 95% of academia teaches to our country's budding leaders.

And the Ivy Leagues are the worst.

So with the idiot libs in the media, academia, and Hollywood telling them different, I can see why the delusion is so great.
Dad2three and Jakey, this is what's called a president "crashing and burning."

Like I said, there's malaise in the heartland.

President Obama 40% approval
Congress 14% approval

The Executive Branch is almost three times as popular as the Legislative Branch
Congress is up for election, the President isn't
Dad2three and Jakey, this is what's called a president "crashing and burning."

Like I said, there's malaise in the heartland.

President Obama 40% approval
Congress 14% approval

The Executive Branch is almost three times as popular as the Legislative Branch
Congress is up for election, the President isn't

Wow, now there's some genius.

So you think voters will not think about Obama's policies in the least when they go to the polls in November with this feeling of malaise they clearly have????????

As anyone knows, everyone claims they hate Congress except for THEIR Congressman or woman.

Sorry dude, it doesn't work the way you hope it works.
Dad2three and Jakey, this is what's called a president "crashing and burning."

Like I said, there's malaise in the heartland.

President Obama 40% approval
Congress 14% approval

The Executive Branch is almost three times as popular as the Legislative Branch
Congress is up for election, the President isn't

Wow, now there's some genius.

So you think voters will not think about Obama's policies in the least when they go to the polls in November with this feeling of malaise they clearly have????????

As anyone knows, everyone claims they hate Congress except for THEIR Congressman or woman.

Sorry dude, it doesn't work the way you hope it works.

Why aren't Republicans running on....We are going to take away your Obamacare?
Why aren't Republicans running on the shattered Obama economy?
Only 23% approve of the Republican leaders in Congress

Congress: Republicans

Almost twice as many approve of President Obama

Here we go again with liberal members of this board not understanding what's called "weighting." Or in math terms, instead of 2+2=4, life is more like algebra or an algorithm instead of linear math.

You keep not understanding that right now the word "Republicans" has no face to it while "President" does.

RW, let's just bet 100 bucks now if you want. This poll clearly shows that if election were today, Dems would lose the Senate for sure.

And I personally see the foreign policy AND economic situation getting worse as we get to Nov.
Dad2three and Jakey, this is what's called a president "crashing and burning."

Like I said, there's malaise in the heartland.

President Obama 40% approval
Congress 14% approval

The Executive Branch is almost three times as popular as the Legislative Branch
Congress is up for election, the President isn't
Do you want to know what the REAL congressional approval rate is?

Look at the percentage of incumbent returns. That will tell you how popular Congress is. Right now, I think it is close to 90% give or take a percentage point.
Only 23% approve of the Republican leaders in Congress

Congress: Republicans

Almost twice as many approve of President Obama

Here we go again with liberal members of this board not understanding what's called "weighting." Or in math terms, instead of 2+2=4, life is more like algebra or an algorithm instead of linear math.

You keep not understanding that right now the word "Republicans" has no face to it while "President" does.

RW, let's just bet 100 bucks now if you want. This poll clearly shows that if election were today, Dems would lose the Senate for sure.

And I personally see the foreign policy AND economic situation getting worse as we get to Nov.

Far from a "sure thing"

We have seen what has happened with Republican cockiness about winning the Senate in the last two elections

RealClearPolitics - 2014 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate
Only 23% approve of the Republican leaders in Congress

Congress: Republicans

Almost twice as many approve of President Obama

Here we go again with liberal members of this board not understanding what's called "weighting." Or in math terms, instead of 2+2=4, life is more like algebra or an algorithm instead of linear math.

You keep not understanding that right now the word "Republicans" has no face to it while "President" does.

RW, let's just bet 100 bucks now if you want. This poll clearly shows that if election were today, Dems would lose the Senate for sure.

And I personally see the foreign policy AND economic situation getting worse as we get to Nov.

Far from a "sure thing"

We have seen what has happened with Republican cockiness about winning the Senate in the last two elections

RealClearPolitics - 2014 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate

I have no problem predicting the Senate win for Republicans.
Here we go again with liberal members of this board not understanding what's called "weighting." Or in math terms, instead of 2+2=4, life is more like algebra or an algorithm instead of linear math.

You keep not understanding that right now the word "Republicans" has no face to it while "President" does.

RW, let's just bet 100 bucks now if you want. This poll clearly shows that if election were today, Dems would lose the Senate for sure.

And I personally see the foreign policy AND economic situation getting worse as we get to Nov.

Far from a "sure thing"

We have seen what has happened with Republican cockiness about winning the Senate in the last two elections

RealClearPolitics - 2014 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate

I have no problem predicting the Senate win for Republicans.

I wouldn't be so sure. You know how diabolical those Dems can be

You still need to factor in:

- Liberal Media
- Low information voters
- Voter fraud
- Free stuff

You know, all those things Dems use to win elections
Here we go again with liberal members of this board not understanding what's called "weighting." Or in math terms, instead of 2+2=4, life is more like algebra or an algorithm instead of linear math.

You keep not understanding that right now the word "Republicans" has no face to it while "President" does.

RW, let's just bet 100 bucks now if you want. This poll clearly shows that if election were today, Dems would lose the Senate for sure.

And I personally see the foreign policy AND economic situation getting worse as we get to Nov.

Far from a "sure thing"

We have seen what has happened with Republican cockiness about winning the Senate in the last two elections

RealClearPolitics - 2014 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate

I have no problem predicting the Senate win for Republicans.

God help us all if republicans take the senate.
Only 23% approve of the Republican leaders in Congress

Congress: Republicans

Almost twice as many approve of President Obama

Here we go again with liberal members of this board not understanding what's called "weighting." Or in math terms, instead of 2+2=4, life is more like algebra or an algorithm instead of linear math.

You keep not understanding that right now the word "Republicans" has no face to it while "President" does.

RW, let's just bet 100 bucks now if you want. This poll clearly shows that if election were today, Dems would lose the Senate for sure.

And I personally see the foreign policy AND economic situation getting worse as we get to Nov.

The fact that you just dismiss the poll RW provided shows how disingenuous you are about this subject.
As I have said before polls are just a snapshot of the moment as far as the right suddenly liking the polls I recall the left loving them as well when Obama had an approval rating in the 60s.
And the overwhelming majority of Americans in all political factions are disgusted with the Democratic Senate AND the Republican House.

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