NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

This is the kind of thing your hear happening in Banana Republics around the world. One party gets in power and declares an emergency and never gives up power again. This woman should be removed for Office, and barred from ever holding one again, for even suggesting this.
The proposed bill, which has received little mainstream media attention, appears designed to create the type of detention center that those concerned about use of the military in domestic affairs fear could be used as concentration camps for political dissidents, such as occurred in Nazi Germany.

Read more: Bill creates detention camps in U.S. for 'emergencies' Bill creates detention camps in U.S. for 'emergencies'

Never happen. To many privately owned guns in America for something like this to stand. Kinda why I am so for our right to bear arms. Besides if Obama tried to do this with Conservatives, it would only be a matter of time before we had a Military coup. After all the Military, especially the Brass Whole heatedly lean right and GOP.

Besides even if it were being Liberals detained in camps, the People and the Military would not stand for it.

Some in the military wouldn't stand for it. People just stand and watch two cops beat to death a man in Califorina. Why did they allow it?[/QUOTE]

2 cops beating someone is a far cry from the Government suspending elections or Interning political Dissidents.

Never happen. To many privately owned guns in America for something like this to stand. Kinda why I am so for our right to bear arms. Besides if Obama tried to do this with Conservatives, it would only be a matter of time before we had a Military coup. After all the Military, especially the Brass Whole heatedly lean right and GOP.

Besides even if it were being Liberals detained in camps, the People and the Military would not stand for it.

Some in the military wouldn't stand for it. People just stand and watch two cops beat to death a man in Califorina. Why did they allow it?

2 cops beating someone is a far cry from the Government suspending elections or Interning political Dissidents.[/QUOTE]

Beating a man to death? They may protest it but will they fight? I doubt because the government has the law on it's side and people think what the law does is ok no matter wat.
CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending congressional elections for the next couple of years.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members of Congress to focus on the economy. “You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said.

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

lol its Obama's only shot of staying in office at this point I'de bet he's for it if not behind it.
Gov. Bev is an idiot.

NC Gov. Bev Perdue “jokes”: Let’s cancel congressional elections for a few years so that we can focus on the economy « Hot Air
... if you believe, say, that Democrats vote their consciences on all things irrespective of the political consequences they might face — then Perdue’s plan would accomplish nothing. On the contrary, it would lock in the gridlocked Congress we have now instead of giving voters a chance to shake things loose next fall.

This is correct no?

And that's leaving aside that whole pesky Constitution thing.
The democrats lost a 140 year regin in the North Carolina state congress last year bev is scare shitless because it happen while she was govenor.
Never happen. To many privately owned guns in America for something like this to stand. Kinda why I am so for our right to bear arms. Besides if Obama tried to do this with Conservatives, it would only be a matter of time before we had a Military coup. After all the Military, especially the Brass Whole heatedly lean right and GOP.

Besides even if it were being Liberals detained in camps, the People and the Military would not stand for it.

Some in the military wouldn't stand for it. People just stand and watch two cops beat to death a man in Califorina. Why did they allow it?

2 cops beating someone is a far cry from the Government suspending elections or Interning political Dissidents.

Beating a man to death? They may protest it but will they fight? I doubt because the government has the law on it's side and people think what the law does is ok no matter wat.[/QUOTE]

Well I for one would not stand for it. If they try and take me to a camp, just because I don't bleed Liberal. Someone is getting a bullet right between the eyes.
We held Election during the Civil War, We held Election during the Great Depression and WWII. Anyone who thinks the current crisis Merits suspending Elections is out of their ever loving minds.
We held Election during the Civil War, We held Election during the Great Depression and WWII. Anyone who thinks the current crisis Merits suspending Elections is out of their ever loving minds.

right.....and they've had almost 3 years to "focus" on jobs......:lol:

Bammy's tactics aren't working......this is just another one floated out there....hope it sinks him in the polls another ten points....
The army knows it's role in a civil uprising, recruits are taught it in bootcamp (or at least used to be taught it) Stay in the barricks, the people will sort it out
We are having this impass for one simple reason. One party doesn't believe that 14T is a big enough number to worry about and the other is being taken over by people that do think it needs to be worried about.

The Government at this time is changing the way it does business, they are bucking that change and that is causing these stalls in Congress. The stalls in Congress are not made because the two parties can't agree, they can, them both like spending money. The stalls are being caused by the people that are fed up with the spending. They are being elected in larger and larger numbers and the sitting political leaders dont know how to handle the reins of power being yanked away.
No, I think the Democrats are just as concerned about the deficit as the Republicans. They differ as to the method of solving the problem. The Democrats want a balance approach and Republicans want to accomplish the task with just cuts in spending.

If we temper the spending cuts with some tax increases, we are far more likely to be successful because the spending cuts will have to be so drastic that voters will not support it. Voters do not support spending cuts without tax increase now and they certainly won't when those cuts cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of federal dollars flowing into state and local government.
I don't go along the governor's recommendation, however I can understand the frustration. Congress is doing nothing. Every proposal is blocked by the opposition with little regard for the content.

The Republicans have a single aim, winning in 2012. If the country goes to hell between now and then, they blame it on the Democrats.

Trouble is it could backfire on them. We already know that the vast majority of voters want to see taxes raised. Republicans will fight it all the way, even if it means losing the House in 2012, which could happen if Dems hammer them on the tax issue.
Where's truth don't matter and her "The gop is wanting to keep the poor from voting bullshit?"
This is the kind of thing your hear happening in Banana Republics around the world. One party gets in power and declares an emergency and never gives up power again. This woman should be removed for Office, and barred from ever holding one again, for even suggesting this.
Her opponent in the election is going to have awesome commercials. :clap2:
We held Election during the Civil War, We held Election during the Great Depression and WWII. Anyone who thinks the current crisis Merits suspending Elections is out of their ever loving minds.
Apparently, those are trivial compared to Democrats getting trounced at the polls. :cool:

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