NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

It's not the fact that she is democratic, it's that she's from N. Carolina.

How about for omce in your life knoiw something about what you're talking about.
She's from Virigina went to college at the University of Kentucky and Florida. She is a big support of obama. That right there was her problem you stupid fuck.
Yet she is the Governor of NC.

The stupid comment was that she was from North Carolina, no she is not from North Carolina, She is not a native born citizen of this state, any type of thought process she may have was not taught here in North Carolina.
Dems = Party> Country and Constitution

Funny that you say that, Projector Frank.

Senate Majoriy Leader Mitch McConnell (KY-R) said:
The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

When you have agendas that are failures and will bring the country down obama should be a one termer, when obama's polices are harmful to the country yes obama should be a one termer.
Dems = Party> Country and Constitution

Funny that you say that, Projector Frank.

Senate Majoriy Leader Mitch McConnell (KY-R) said:
The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
What's the problem? Keeping Dear Reader to one term would be best for the nation.

The problem is the people who hear a statement like that and say shit like "Keeping Dear Reader to one term would be best for the nation" when in order for that to happen the economy would have to stay in the shitter and when you have no idea who he would be replaced with.

You are cheerleading people who are doing everything they can to keep the economy down so you can have "anybody but Obama."

It's pathetic.

Party over country.
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We held Election during the Civil War, We held Election during the Great Depression and WWII. Anyone who thinks the current crisis Merits suspending Elections is out of their ever loving minds.
Apparently, those are trivial compared to Democrats getting trounced at the polls. :cool:

They may be,when people don't have money to buy food they will do stupid things. People back then could adapt back easlier to live off the land today not so much.
Funny that you say that, Projector Frank.
What's the problem? Keeping Dear Reader to one term would be best for the nation.

The problem is the people who hear a statement like that and say shit like "Keeping Dear Reader to one term would be best for the nation" when in order for that to happen the economy would have to stay in the shitter and when you have no idea who he would be replaced with.

You are cheerleading people who are doing everything than can to keep the economy down so you can have "anybody but Obama."

It's pathetic.

Party over country.

You were told 3 years ago about this but you still wanted obama.
What's the problem? Keeping Dear Reader to one term would be best for the nation.

The problem is the people who hear a statement like that and say shit like "Keeping Dear Reader to one term would be best for the nation" when in order for that to happen the economy would have to stay in the shitter and when you have no idea who he would be replaced with.

You are cheerleading people who are doing everything than can to keep the economy down so you can have "anybody but Obama."

It's pathetic.

Party over country.

You were told 3 years ago about this but you still wanted obama.


"we warned you back before he was elected that we would burn the country down to get the White House back but you went and did it anyway"
CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

Yeah, right. The fact that Democrats are going to get slaughtered in the next election wouldn't have anything to do with it, do you suppose?

Beverly Perdue appears to be little more than a goose stepping fascist who wants to impose a dictatorship on this country.

Where do Dims find these despicable weasels?

Purdue owes obama because if it wasn't for obama winning and the fact most democrats vote straight ticket that's why she won. However she will not be re-elected in 2012 that you can take to the bank.

Republicans are as scarce as the proverbial "Snowball in Hell" in Raleigh, Reb.
Its sort of like the Ronald Reagan joke about the California Republican, while out campaigning, meeting the male farmer in one of the interior valleys. "Let me go call Maw. She's never seen a Republican before."
The Governor of NC a democrat has suggested we suspend Congressional elections. The reason is to somehow address the deficit spending her party supports.

She is a die hard Obama supporter and one can easily speculate that Obama had her float this idea.

Where are all those democrats that whined about Republicans wanting IDs and claiming that was denying Americans the right to vote? Your party suggests NO voting and total silence on your part

merged- del
CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

Rush Limbaugh... back in March, 2010.....

Alan Keyes really dished it out....2009...

Former presidential candidate Alan Keyes has given perhaps his most dire warning yet, saying that the Obama administration is preparing to stage terror attacks, declare martial law and cancel the 2012 elections, which is why they are demonizing their political enemies as criminals and terrorists.
“The minute they think they can get away with it, they will end this system of government and that is their intention,” added Keyes, noting that everyone acting as if the time we are in was just “business as usual” reminds him of the attitude of politicians in the Weimar Republic when Hitler was rising to power or eastern Europe when the Communists were taking over after the second world war.

Keyes said that because the majority of people are decent-minded, they believe others will play by the rules when this simply isn’t the case, warning that this attitude will allow evil to take over before we can do anything about it.

Obama may stage terror attacks and cancel 2012 elections

I can remember when Obama was elected that they were building detention camps for conservatives. Anymore false rumors?

Go Fuck yourself, Moonbat
(Couple this with North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue's remarks yesterday in Cary, NC that the United States should suspend Democratic elections until America's economic problems are solved and you should start to be alarmed at what some Democrats have in mind. The New York Times has an accompanying article on the declining worth of elections in the modern world as well, so the Democrat's Media full court press has also swung into action on this.

Paraphrasing Eric at's answer to Bev Perdue, the United States did not suspend Democratic elections for WWI, WWII, or the Great Depression, so why would the presence of a mere nine per cent unemployment rate warrant suspension of America's Constitutional rights and obligations now?

Bev Perdue and other Democrats are starting to feel the cold wind of an impending electoral catastrophe on their shoulders and the backs of their necks and are hoping against hope for some miracle to stave off this onrushing debacle. The Democrats have had too much fun apportioning out Ronald Reagan's "Shining City On The Hill" and the contents of the United States Treasury amongst and between themselves and their friends and, like obstinate, belligerant children, do not want to relinquish that fun. Jimmy Hoffa's Labor Day speech was a pledge to Barack Obama that labor stands ready to help Mr Obama maintain control of the levers of Government should the people of the United States decide to terminate Mr Obama's lease, November 6, 2012. The Great Unwashed mob, currently camped out on Wall Street that Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon, on her way to vacation in Italy, recently paid homage to, is another group that is offering assistance to Mr Obama should he choose to become a 'squatter' at the WhiteHouse in the event his lease be cancelled and the threat of eviction be raised.
Then there are the folks like Stephen Lerner, Andy Stern, and Van Jones, who, unfortunately, probably more resemble Joe Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao tse Tung, who once they got their hands on the reins of power let every one else around them know they would have to pry those reins out of their cold dead hands. We should be preparing to accomodate them now.)

""You woke the bears! Why did you do that?"

That's from one of my favorite scenes in "Anchorman." In the Oscar-robbed film, Ron Burgundy (played by Will Ferrell) loudly leaps into a bear pit to rescue his girlfriend and then falsely blames her for waking them up.

Watching President Obama these days reminds me of that scene.

In March 2010, liberal columnist Peter Beinart argued that, for decades, Democratic politicians treated America's innate conservatism like a slumbering bear: If you make no sudden moves and talk quietly, you can get a lot done. But if you wake the bear, as Democrats did in the late 1960s and early '70s, the ursine silent majority will punish you.

But Obama promised to change that. He was tired of the timid, almost apologetic talk. He was going to be an FDR, or at least a Reagan for liberalism. He was going to "fundamentally transform" the country. And to those who counseled that Democrats can't govern that way, Obama and his followers responded with shouts of "Yes, we can!"

You might think it was those shouts that woke the bear, but that's not what happened. After all, Obama enjoyed stunning popularity when he entered the Oval Office.

No, it wasn't words but deeds that roused the beast. The poorly crafted, deeply partisan stimulus was like a sharp stick to the bear's belly. But it was "Obamacare" that ended the hibernation.

Despite his deployment of every rhetorical weapon in the progressive arsenal, Obama could never make the thing popular. At town hall meetings, the bear growled and snorted, in a posture that the experienced psephological woodsman understands means "leave the bear alone." The Democratic response was to mock the grizzly. Nancy Pelosi even called the town hall protesters "un-American.""

Breaking News and Conservative Opinion on Politics - Townhall ... _for_obama
That is a frightening comment from a State Governor! VERY FRIGHTENING INDEED!

o get over perdue made this statements to the rotary club....she has a sense of humor...her bad

Exactly. And the fact that these morons took her seriously is very telling.

But let's assume for a minute that she was serious.

To translate her statement to "ALL democrats want to suspend elections" from one goofy statement is akin to saying that ALL republicans like to send secret signals to the guy in the next stall while sitting in public restrooms like Larry Craig did.

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Yeah, right. The fact that Democrats are going to get slaughtered in the next election wouldn't have anything to do with it, do you suppose?

Beverly Perdue appears to be little more than a goose stepping fascist who wants to impose a dictatorship on this country.

Where do Dims find these despicable weasels?

Purdue owes obama because if it wasn't for obama winning and the fact most democrats vote straight ticket that's why she won. However she will not be re-elected in 2012 that you can take to the bank.

Republicans are as scarce as the proverbial "Snowball in Hell" in Raleigh, Reb.
Its sort of like the Ronald Reagan joke about the California Republican, while out campaigning, meeting the male farmer in one of the interior valleys. "Let me go call Maw. She's never seen a Republican before."

Didn't North Carolina have an historical election back in 2010? Or did I miss something?
It shows how desperate the Dem's are.
They are so afraid that the Repubs might just get a majority in the house and senate with perhaps a Repub president and the policies that they would pass for growth in jobs would actually work.
It shows how desperate the Dem's are.
They are so afraid that the Repubs might just get a majority in the house and senate with perhaps a Repub president and the policies that they would pass for growth in jobs would actually work.

No, this thread shows how desperate the GOP is. Either they're the most gullible people on earth or unwitting liars. (I vote for both.)

It's like Adlai Stevenson said, " if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them".

It shows how desperate the Dem's are.
They are so afraid that the Repubs might just get a majority in the house and senate with perhaps a Repub president and the policies that they would pass for growth in jobs would actually work.

No, this thread shows how desperate the GOP is. Either they're the most gullible people on earth or unwitting liars. (I vote for both.)

It's like Adlai Stevenson said, " if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them".


How is that? When Repubs have been winning in the the states and the house of representatives?
The most recent one in N.Y. which has been democratic for 80 years.
How is big wins in the last 2010 and 2011 elections being desperate?
It's the Socialists Dems who are desperate.

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