Neal degrasse Tyson...

Billy K. wrote: Carl Sagan would slap him silly.

Looks like somebody already beat him to it.

The great Dr Tyson 's twitter account is Neil deGrasse Tyson where deGrasse is one word.

You posted, obviously on purpose, the work of a fraud.

The only question now is whether you can summon the manhood to apologize.
I liked Tyson a lot until he started essentially trolling Christians.

That really isn't necessary.

He definitely has a nasty, hateful streak in him.
I liked Tyson a lot until he started essentially trolling Christians.

That really isn't necessary.

He definitely has a nasty, hateful streak in him.
Is he trolling REAL Christians or the fake ones who hate the poor, the pregnant teenagers, homosexuals, etc.?
I know the churches aren`t full of hypocrites, there is always room for more.
I liked Tyson a lot until he started essentially trolling Christians.

That really isn't necessary.

He definitely has a nasty, hateful streak in him.
Is he trolling REAL Christians or the fake ones who hate the poor, the pregnant teenagers, homosexuals, etc.?
I know the churches aren`t full of hypocrites, there is always room for more.
Doesn't matter to me. Trolling is trolling, and it certainly isn't going to change hearts and minds.

Don't you think we have enough trolling as it is right now?
Oh my goodness:

Folks, Dr. Tyson never said (and never would say) such a thing. Please stop being stupid. Here is the cut and paste from the OP:

Here is an actual quote from the Dr.:


See the blue check mark dipshits?
People that go after Neil deGrasse Tyson are frauds. They don't have the knowledge or skills to refute what he says so, instead, they have chosen to make a bunch of shit up. Looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
People that go after Neil deGrasse Tyson are frauds. They don't have the knowledge or skills to refute what he says so, instead, they have chosen to make a bunch of shit up. Looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

I don't think Tyson would want to wade into the same water as most of the conservative posters here...sure you win but it's not as if there are any deep pockets you can go after from skuzzy posters on a message board.

EVERYONE on Twitter except those who signed up in the last 96 hours or so knows that the celebs and notables have the blue check next to their name.... but that doesn't stop conservatives from going after Tyson.

The irony is that if you listen to Tyson long enough, you actually hear a lot of Eisenhower-ish sentiment which is pretty conservative from a NYC Black to be parroting.

doesnt this dweeb buy into man made global warming --LOL

one could say

its not man made global warming -its faked papers -bitch -consensus is not science
Ah, who to believe on this issue. Scientists that have spent decades of study on the issue, or willfully ignorant know nothing 'Conservatives'? I think the world decided who to believe in Paris this month. Such butthurt losers, these 'Conservates'.

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