
Kindly refrain from calling left-wingers "imbeciles." It is unfairly insulting to imbeciles.

Same song, slightly modified lyrics.

How's the "song" now, pussyeundratze00?

Kindly refrain from calling right-wingers Neandertals. It is unfair to the Neandertals.

whats a Neandertal?......most right wingers and left wingers "except TM" knows how to at least spell the fucking you feel stupid now?.....

:lol: You're behind the times, Neandertal IS the correct spelling. I don't like it either, that's why I'm going old school and calling you "King of the Neanderthals". :clap2:

i just looked it dont say that....but in one of the definitions it said accepted.....but in the 8 definitions i looked at it was spelled Neanderthal.....
whats a Neandertal?......most right wingers and left wingers "except TM" knows how to at least spell the fucking you feel stupid now?.....

:lol: You're behind the times, Neandertal IS the correct spelling. I don't like it either, that's why I'm going old school and calling you "King of the Neanderthals". :clap2:

i just looked it dont say that....but in one of the definitions it said accepted.....but in the 8 definitions i looked at it was spelled Neanderthal.....

Yeah. But it's pronounced without the "h," so certain lib elitist snob types automatically demand that the spelling correspond.

DOWN with the Silent H!
:lol: You're behind the times, Neandertal IS the correct spelling. I don't like it either, that's why I'm going old school and calling you "King of the Neanderthals". :clap2:

i just looked it dont say that....but in one of the definitions it said accepted.....but in the 8 definitions i looked at it was spelled Neanderthal.....

Yeah. But it's pronounced without the "h," so certain lib elitist snob types automatically demand that the spelling correspond.

DOWN with the Silent H!

Yeah, and Pluto isn't a planet, either! :eusa_boohoo:

Kindly refrain from calling right-wingers Neandertals. It is unfair to the Neandertals.

Besides, according to right wingers, neanderthals never existed. The earth is only 6,000 years old. you go again....we went through this already in another thread....WERE YOU LEFT.....the other thread was about how old the Earth was.....not how old Civilization was......YOU said that the Republicans say it,the Earth, is 6,000 years old.....i said NO...they say Civilization is ...even though im sure some real Religious out there think the Earth is only 6,000 years old....but most know it is much much older than after you told me how stupid i am for not looking this stuff proceeded to show a few links showing how old Civilization is.....i then said Dean the thread is about how old the Earth is,not Civilization......where is your link saying they believe the Earth is 6,000 years old?.....of course since you thought you showed everyone how stupid we are and how smart you thought you of course left never to be seen fucked up were posting the wrong info saying you were right......we played a complete game of Monopoly waiting for you to come back......things like this is why you have very little credibility start things and leave when the Questions about some of the shit you say start coming in....

Kindly refrain from calling right-wingers Neandertals. It is unfair to the Neandertals.

Besides, according to right wingers, neanderthals never existed. The earth is only 6,000 years old. you go again....we went through this already in another thread....WERE YOU LEFT.....the other thread was about how old the Earth was.....not how old Civilization was......YOU said that the Republicans say it,the Earth, is 6,000 years old.....i said NO...they say Civilization is ...even though im sure some real Religious out there think the Earth is only 6,000 years old....but most know it is much much older than after you told me how stupid i am for not looking this stuff proceeded to show a few links showing how old Civilization is.....i then said Dean the thread is about how old the Earth is,not Civilization......where is your link saying they believe the Earth is 6,000 years old?.....of course since you thought you showed everyone how stupid we are and how smart you thought you of course left never to be seen fucked up were posting the wrong info saying you were right......we played a complete game of Monopoly waiting for you to come back......things like this is why you have very little credibility start things and leave when the Questions about some of the shit you say start coming in....'s an example where a preacher thinks that the earth is only 6,000 years old and that dinosaurs and mankind co-existed. Fucker even turned his whackadoodle beliefs into a theme park.

Dinosaur Adventure Land (DAL) is a Young Earth Creationist theme park located at 5800 Old Palafox Road. It was created in 2001 by evangelist Kent Hovind, in whose back yard the park sits, as part of his Christian Science Evangelism ministry. Hailing itself as "the place where dinosaurs and the Bible meet," the park presents a number of science exhibits and activities that depict dinosaurs and men living together and attempt to disprove evolution and other scientific concepts that conflict with a literal interpretation of the Bible.

The park's legal troubles have been tied to those of Hovind himself, who failed to obtain proper permits during construction and was convicted of tax fraud for deliberately circumventing the law regarding the reporting of revenue and payment of employees. The park is still operated by other members of the Hovind family and their ministry, though several of the buildings have been shut down by Escambia County authorities.

And here's a church based on those beliefs........

The young earth creation perspective is the result of a literal interpretation of the description of creation in Genesis 1. The Bible says that the world was created in 6 days with the many life forms required have a functional ecosystem. Subsequently a genealogy from Adam to Jesus can be used to easily calculate the age of the world. According to this Biblical chronology, the universe and the earth were created approximately 6000 years ago.

The language of the Bible is quite specific about the age of the world. We must also remember that God created time and language, and described the creation period in terms we could correlate to our definitions of time. The description of the creation very specifically defines the work performed during the length of time we equate to a solar day, and confirms the amount of elapsed time on each occasion with the phrase "And there was evening, and there was morning--the first day".

Biblical Young Earth Creationism

Google "new creation theory" sometime and look at how many Christian whackjobs believe that stuff.
Neanderthals were the ultimate conservatives, they existed for 300,000 years and never progressed culturally or technologically only to be out-competed and absorbed into an upstart race with the ability to adapt to a changing world. They say that their brains were large enough and that they were smart as we were. What happened to make them so static and rigid that they could not adapt to a post ice age world? Had to be a conservative streak that never allowed the new or unfamiliar to be tolerated.

Neanderthals tend to have a very unfair rap by most people.

Kindly refrain from calling right-wingers Neandertals. It is unfair to the Neandertals.

It's not about right wing or left wing. It's about the wing nuts on either side.

Have to spread some rep around.

Neanderthals were the ultimate conservatives, they existed for 300,000 years and never progressed culturally or technologically only to be out-competed and absorbed into an upstart race with the ability to adapt to a changing world. They say that their brains were large enough and that they were smart as we were. What happened to make them so static and rigid that they could not adapt to a post ice age world? Had to be a conservative streak that never allowed the new or unfamiliar to be tolerated.

Neanderthals tend to have a very unfair rap by most people.

Yeah, blame that on GEICO. ;)

Governor defends tax incentives for religious theme park

By Shawntaye Hopkins — [email protected]

Posted: 12:00am on Dec 2, 2010; Modified: 6:40pm on Feb 16, 2012

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FRANKFORT — Gov. Steve Beshear defended state tax incentives that could surpass $37 million for a religious theme park in Northern Kentucky, saying Wednesday he's happy to lend state support to a business that will bring hundreds of jobs.

State involvement in the $150 million project brought outrage from groups focused on the separation of church and state, but Beshear said there was nothing "remotely unconstitutional" about the proposal.

Governor defends tax incentives for religious theme park | Politics and Government |

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