Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

Likely most of these homeless were headed to Hawaii but the Pacific stopped them.
If you want to know what life is like under Democrat control, just look at California.

Four of the five American cities with the greatest incidences of unsheltered homelessness are in the once Golden State.

Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

Yeah - it makes sense to live somewhere that has good weather throughout the year if you're going to be living on the street.

I travel all over the united states for work probably about 6 months out of the year and I will tell you first hand that it doesn't matter whether it's a democratic or republican state, they both have homeless populations.

I was recently in Indiana and saw state notifications all over instructing people NOT to give handouts to the homeless or other peddlers. The signs also directed those who wanted to help with the homeless problem that they could give towards the state programs. There were machines stationed around the area where you could actually swipe your credit/debit card. I had never seen this before.

Very interesting approach. I would love to know whether it is a successful model for other states to adopt.
Bah Ha Ha HA HA

The poverty in Jackson, MI (Red State) made the Sackler family billionaires. Along with West Virginia, Louisiana Tennessee, Arkansas...
So you don't know or care about the difference between poverty and homelessness?

That's what makes you ignore worthy.

Sure, There are more homeless people with areas of very high cost of living. Seems that is just a byproduct of your prefered economic brand of capitalism.
Ah, the stupid is deep in you.

One wonders how high poverty red do it then.
California alone has half of the nation's homeless population and their welfare benefits are the most generous in the country.

Seems like ipso facto cause and effect to me.

You idiots know about poverty rates?

Why do red states have higher rates of poverty than California?



California's High Poverty Rates Continue To Lead The Nation
David Wagner | September 10, 2019
By some measures, California is the wealthiest state in the country. But new Census data released Tuesday shows the state continuing to lead the nation in poverty. When the state’s high cost of living is taken into consideration, 18.2% of Californians live in poverty.
California's High Poverty Rates Continue To Lead The Nation
Sure, There are more homeless people with areas of very high cost of living. Seems that is just a byproduct of your prefered [preferred] economic brand of capitalism.

What is a "prefered [preferred] economic brand of capitalism"?
Sure, There are more homeless people with areas of very high cost of living. Seems that is just a byproduct of your prefered economic brand of capitalism.
Tell it to the techno-crats in Silicon Valley. See if they'll live like Joe Middle Class in modest rent controlled homes in a managed socialist society so more people can affords homes in the shadow of the Kingdom of Google!
They don't need gated six figure plus estates! They just seem to like em'.
And they will probably all vote unironically for Bernie or Warren as they themselves
create a two tiered society more like Brazil than the rest of the USA. know homeless people don't have to live in hypodermic needle and shit infested squalor on the streets in a place they can never possibly afford to live. They could move to a place where the cost isn't obscenely high and get some sort of menial job (as befitting their high level of accomplishment in society :113:).

But...naaah! Better to sleep in the bushes, on busses and on cardboard and crap on the sidewalks after shooting up.
And tomorrow or the next day big fat welfare checks signed by Gavin Newsom will arrive from Sacramento and who needs the hassle of an actual job when you can live rent free, tax free, insurance free and responsibility free?

Jobs and homes are for suckers!
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Well... it is warm, it hardly rains... kind of makes sense doesn't it? Wouldn't be very smart to be homeless in North Dakota or Idaho would it?
how many are from California?......

If I was homeless, I'd go to California. They know how to take care of the homeless, they have change to spare, they the people crap in the streets.

Basically,a homeless utopia
Who the hell would want to be in a Republican state where you have to hide in sewers andGet chased around by the cops. no matter. No sacrifice is too great to save our greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share....
Sure, There are more homeless people with areas of very high cost of living. Seems that is just a byproduct of your prefered economic brand of capitalism.
Tell it to the techno-crats in Silicon Valley. See if they'll live like Joe Middle Class in modest rent controlled homes in a managed socialist society so more people can affords homes in the shadow of the Kingdom of Google!
They don't need gated six figure plus estates! They just like em'. know homeless people don't have to live in hypodermic needle and shit infested squalor on the streets in a place they can never possibly afford to live. They could move to a place where the cost isn't obscenely high and get some sort of menial job (as befitting their high level of accomplishment in society :113:).

But...naaah! Better to sleep in the bushes, on busses and on cardboard and crap on the sidewalks after shooting up.
And tomorrow or the next day big fat welfare checks signed by Gavin Newsom will arrive from Sacramento and who needs the hassle of an actual job when you can live rent free, tax free, insurance free and responsibility free?

Jobs and homes are for suckers!
Like everything else this is a result of GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years and no investment in infrastructure or our people. Great job! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and anywhere mean something, super dupers.
Sure, There are more homeless people with areas of very high cost of living. Seems that is just a byproduct of your prefered economic brand of capitalism.
Tell it to the techno-crats in Silicon Valley. See if they'll live like Joe Middle Class in modest rent controlled homes in a managed socialist society so more people can affords homes in the shadow of the Kingdom of Google!
They don't need gated six figure plus estates! They just like em'. know homeless people don't have to live in hypodermic needle and shit infested squalor on the streets in a place they can never possibly afford to live. They could move to a place where the cost isn't obscenely high and get some sort of menial job (as befitting their high level of accomplishment in society :113:).

But...naaah! Better to sleep in the buses and on cardboard and crap on the sidewalks after shooting up.
And tomorrow or the next day big fat welfare checks signed by Gavin Newsom will arrive from Sacramento and
who needs the hassle of an actual job when you can live rent free, tax free, insurance free and responsibility free?

Jobs and homes are for suckers!

If only your diagnosis and cure could be that straight forward and simple.
If you want to know what life is like under Democrat control, just look at California.

Four of the five American cities with the greatest incidences of unsheltered homelessness are in the once Golden State.

Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

The ruling party in California is dedicated to finishing what they have started, making the state into a tiny elite with ALL the wealth, and dependent peasants in abject poverty. California is just like Venezuela. All wealth is transferred to the Silicone Valley Oligarchs and their pet democrats. The rest of the state is on the verge of starvation.

Who told you this fantasy ^^^, Limbaugh or Hannity or Fox and Friends - most likely. You are one easily led buffoon who is hell bent on continuing Trump's quest to Divide and Conquer the American People.

Why not admit you hate democracy, hate minorities, liberals, progressives, Democrats and MSM Journalists, not because you know all of us individually, but because you've been told to believe the bullshit that we are the enemy.

You and the set of others' like you support one thing, and one thing only, Trumpism; which when examined closely is anti-democratic and a planned strategy to destroy the principles of law and justice in support of trump's megalomania, and his desire for absolute power. And, you are so brainwashed to believe you will benefit from his internecine behavior.

The problem with you is that you're a Nazi. You were a petty little STASI thug who now stews in the bitterness of never becoming the SS thug you dreamed of being.

I was born in Sierra Madre when this was the greatest state in the nation. People flocked from far and wide to come here. By the 80's San Francisco was fucked up, but Los Angeles and Orange County were still bastions of freedom and prosperity.

And I've watched it all turn to shit, as the filthy democrats have destroyed the once golden state. We the people voted to stop the illegals, you the fucking Communist traitors over ruled the will of the people (prop 187) we the people voted to retake our educational system, you the fucking Communist traitors over ruled the will of the people (prop 93). We the people voted to defend marriage, you the fucking Communist traitors over ruled the will of the people (prop 22)

Don't pretend you fucking Communist traitors further the will of the people, you're petty dictators who shit all over the will of the people, every last time.

When I retire, I will abandon my home and go to free America, you traitors destroyed what once was great. I hope there is a hell, so that you and those like you will pay for the destruction you've left in your wake.
If you want to know what life is like under Democrat control, just look at California.

Four of the five American cities with the greatest incidences of unsheltered homelessness are in the once Golden State.

Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

The ruling party in California is dedicated to finishing what they have started, making the state into a tiny elite with ALL the wealth, and dependent peasants in abject poverty. California is just like Venezuela. All wealth is transferred to the Silicone Valley Oligarchs and their pet democrats. The rest of the state is on the verge of starvation.

Who told you this fantasy ^^^, Limbaugh or Hannity or Fox and Friends - most likely. You are one easily led buffoon who is hell bent on continuing Trump's quest to Divide and Conquer the American People.

Why not admit you hate democracy, hate minorities, liberals, progressives, Democrats and MSM Journalists, not because you know all of us individually, but because you've been told to believe the bullshit that we are the enemy.

You and the set of others' like you support one thing, and one thing only, Trumpism; which when examined closely is anti-democratic and a planned strategy to destroy the principles of law and justice in support of trump's megalomania, and his desire for absolute power. And, you are so brainwashed to believe you will benefit from his internecine behavior.
You cannot use a word like internecine with a Trumpist. They will not know what it means and are too lazy to look the meaning up.

Camp, did you complete 3rd grade, or merely enter into it?
If only your diagnosis and cure could be that straight forward and simple.
If only you could drop your defensive fear filled bubble and see that it is.

The homeless flock to San Francisco, a city I have much familiarity with and a history in, because the city indulges them
and the State pays them to (not literally but in effect they do).

It's like Disneyland for vagrants and junkies. Why would they leave and why do they flock to a place that is very very expensive to live in?

My daughter and son in law (who had a very good job with Lucas Arts video games and then an independent video company) got tired of the high costs (despite the fact she also had a job, with a big legal firm processing immigration cases) and moved away.

And at the same time they were leaving town the homeless camps were getting bigger and bigger. Tell me what I am missing?
Sure, There are more homeless people with areas of very high cost of living. Seems that is just a byproduct of your prefered economic brand of capitalism.
Tell it to the techno-crats in Silicon Valley. See if they'll live like Joe Middle Class in modest rent controlled homes in a managed socialist society so more people can affords homes in the shadow of the Kingdom of Google!
They don't need gated six figure plus estates! They just seem to like em'.
And they will probably all vote unironically for Bernie or Warren as they themselves
create a two tiered society more like Brazil than the rest of the USA. know homeless people don't have to live in hypodermic needle and shit infested squalor on the streets in a place they can never possibly afford to live. They could move to a place where the cost isn't obscenely high and get some sort of menial job (as befitting their high level of accomplishment in society :113:).

But...naaah! Better to sleep in the bushes, on busses and on cardboard and crap on the sidewalks after shooting up.
And tomorrow or the next day big fat welfare checks signed by Gavin Newsom will arrive from Sacramento and who needs the hassle of an actual job when you can live rent free, tax free, insurance free and responsibility free?

Jobs and homes are for suckers!
You really have no clue about the people who are homeless. How does it feel to be so ignorant?
If only your diagnosis and cure could be that straight forward and simple.
If only you could drop your defensive fear filled bubble and see that it is.

The homeless flock to San Francisco, a city I have much familiarity with and a history in, because the city indulges them
and the State pays them to (not literally but in effect they do).

It's like Disneyland for vagrants and junkies. Why would they leave and why do they flock to a place that is very very expensive to live in?

My daughter and son in law (who had a very good job with Lucas Arts video games and then an independent video company) got tired of the high costs (despite the fact she also had a job, with a big legal firm processing immigration cases) and moved away.

And at the same time they were leaving town the homeless camps were getting bigger and bigger. Tell me what I am missing?
Well I am short on time so all I will say is you are missing a lot of information about the veterans and mentally impaired who are homeless.
Sure, There are more homeless people with areas of very high cost of living. Seems that is just a byproduct of your prefered economic brand of capitalism.
It's more a byproduct of your faulty prejudiced error filled thinking.
People don't move to San Francisco unless they can afford to live there and not that many can.

They go out into the suburbs or even into other states with more realistic economic conditions.

The homeless don't fill San Francisco's streets with hypodermic needles and shit because they failed to understand they couldn't afford to live there. They live there because it's a city that caters to vagrants and junkies. It's earned it's population of homeless people.
Well I am short on time so all I will say is you are missing a lot of information about the veterans and mentally impaired who are homeless.
Veterans and the mentally impaired don't make up all the population of San Francisco's homeless community.
Don't pretend it does. And don't pretend San Francisco itself isn't complicit in this epidemic.

Like overly permissive parents who can't understand why their kids are such little demons
San Francisco has greatly compounded this problem by failing to deal with it responsibly.
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If you want to know what life is like under Democrat control, just look at California.

Four of the five American cities with the greatest incidences of unsheltered homelessness are in the once Golden State.

Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

Yeah - it makes sense to live somewhere that has good weather throughout the year if you're going to be living on the street.

I travel all over the united states for work probably about 6 months out of the year and I will tell you first hand that it doesn't matter whether it's a democratic or republican state, they both have homeless populations.

I was recently in Indiana and saw state notifications all over instructing people NOT to give handouts to the homeless or other peddlers. The signs also directed those who wanted to help with the homeless problem that they could give towards the state programs. There were machines stationed around the area where you could actually swipe your credit/debit card. I had never seen this before.

Very interesting approach. I would love to know whether it is a successful model for other states to adopt.
Weather in California has been the same since 1849. Not until the Leftards took over did homelessness become a major problem.

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