Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

Where ever you are is a shithole. California is not one. I been here 70 some years and it is getting better now that the reukes have been gone and vanquished into history.






Taxman, this is how bad folks want to leave the formerly great state of California.

Well... it is warm, it hardly rains... kind of makes sense doesn't it? Wouldn't be very smart to be homeless in North Dakota or Idaho would it?
California became a State in 1849. Homeless did not become an issue until Leftards took control just a couple of decades ago.

Your sense of history must have come from the Ministry of Truth. I've noticed you've not posted where you live today. Embarrassed? I suppose so.

You work in the mental health field correct? Why don't you let these guys know what happened in the 80's.

Like how Rikers Island and the LA County Jail are the two largest mental health facilities in the U.S. today...

But they think homelessness is caused by Democrats in California. This is why shit doesn't get done in politics today, so many people that don't have a clue what they are talking about.
You think THAT was what caused the sharp spike in the homeless? Thanks for proving my point. You don't know shit about one of the main causes, and it has nothing to do with Democrats.

I despise the Democratic party now, we need to focus on fixing the party and take it out of the hands of demagogues. They will pander to anything now. Satanist blood drinking infant sacrifice, if it meant getting into orifice, err office. Its no surprise that Democratically controlled cities are shanty towns for folks that have been betrayed & disenfranchised by the very party that supposed to represent them. There is a backlash brewing and the seeds of revolution against these democrat traitors, it's a matter of time when it happens.
Don’t think it’s salvageable. I think after a few decades of losing a new replacement party will step forward.
Call me a romantic, I want to see the phoenix rise from the ashes. I think the democratic party is worth salvaging. Maybe a little worse for the wear, we need to take back the party from the assholes that cooped it at took it away from US Americans. I want my party BACK.
LOL. Don't try to bullshit those of us who saw history as current events.

That is a typical response of someone proven to be ignorant of the subject. Try again.

Are you going to plead ignorance to the fact that failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's Stimulus Package also halted the use of School Vouchers in any district that accepted Obama cash?
The stimulus sure made a big difference here. Maybe it is the shithole where you live that was refusing the money.

i just moved next door to Nevada.....quite a difference....
I did the same with Oregon. Oregon is California-lite in some ways but it's still decades away from becoming half as loony as California.
lots of ex californians here,but talking to them they left because of the living conditions.....basically to many dam people and tired of being taxed to death....first thing i noticed here...a lot less people....
Well... it is warm, it hardly rains... kind of makes sense doesn't it? Wouldn't be very smart to be homeless in North Dakota or Idaho would it?
California became a State in 1849. Homeless did not become an issue until Leftards took control just a couple of decades ago.

Your sense of history must have come from the Ministry of Truth. I've noticed you've not posted where you live today. Embarrassed? I suppose so.

You work in the mental health field correct? Why don't you let these guys know what happened in the 80's.

Like how Rikers Island and the LA County Jail are the two largest mental health facilities in the U.S. today...

But they think homelessness is caused by Democrats in California. This is why shit doesn't get done in politics today, so many people that don't have a clue what they are talking about.

I worked with mental health agencies, when I was managing two VAWA Grants issued by the Federal DOJ.

In that capacity we worked with Battered Women's groups and CPS along with agencies which providing court appointed group counseling for men convicted of Domestic Violence. One of these therapist accompanied me to our jail where we prepared those convicted and sentenced for at least 60 days and up to one year in custody, who would later be placed on probation and ordered to attend one year in violence abatement training.

But to your question, mental health, probation and social service were all cut to the bone by the Republican Governors in CA, as the Republican legislature refused to raise taxes, and the state raided local revenue.
Well... it is warm, it hardly rains... kind of makes sense doesn't it? Wouldn't be very smart to be homeless in North Dakota or Idaho would it?
California became a State in 1849. Homeless did not become an issue until Leftards took control just a couple of decades ago.

Your sense of history must have come from the Ministry of Truth. I've noticed you've not posted where you live today. Embarrassed? I suppose so.

You work in the mental health field correct? Why don't you let these guys know what happened in the 80's.

Like how Rikers Island and the LA County Jail are the two largest mental health facilities in the U.S. today...

But they think homelessness is caused by Democrats in California. This is why shit doesn't get done in politics today, so many people that don't have a clue what they are talking about.

I worked with mental health agencies, when I was managing two VAWA Grants issued by the Federal DOJ.

In that capacity we worked with Battered Women's groups and CPS along with agencies which providing court appointed group counseling for men convicted of Domestic Violence. One of these therapist accompanied me to our jail where we prepared those convicted and sentenced for at least 60 days and up to one year in custody, who would later be placed on probation and ordered to attend one year in violence abatement training.

But to your question, mental health, probation and social service were all cut to the bone by the Republican Governors in CA, as the Republican legislature refused to raise taxes, and the state raided local revenue.

I was also referring to the cuts made by Reagan in the 80's as President, and that he moved funding of mental health hospitals to block grants which increased paperwork and bureaucracy, causing them almost all to eventually close, throwing all those people out onto the street with no where to go, and the only time they were getting help was when they would get arrested... where they would have no where to go for follow-ups to continue filling their medication, until they eventually got arrested again.
If you want to know what life is like under Democrat control, just look at California.

Four of the five American cities with the greatest incidences of unsheltered homelessness are in the once Golden State.

Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

The ruling party in California is dedicated to finishing what they have started, making the state into a tiny elite with ALL the wealth, and dependent peasants in abject poverty. California is just like Venezuela. All wealth is transferred to the Silicone Valley Oligarchs and their pet democrats. The rest of the state is on the verge of starvation.
Well... it is warm, it hardly rains... kind of makes sense doesn't it? Wouldn't be very smart to be homeless in North Dakota or Idaho would it?

Besides, the ruling democrats went to war on the middle class and drove all the good paying jobs out of the state. What fun is it to be rich if all the interlopers are getting in the way? Mark Zuckerberg wants the enslaved masses homeless and in camps on the verge of starvation. It's the Communist dream! :thup:
Well... it is warm, it hardly rains... kind of makes sense doesn't it? Wouldn't be very smart to be homeless in North Dakota or Idaho would it?
California became a State in 1849. Homeless did not become an issue until Leftards took control just a couple of decades ago.

Your sense of history must have come from the Ministry of Truth. I've noticed you've not posted where you live today. Embarrassed? I suppose so.

You work in the mental health field correct? Why don't you let these guys know what happened in the 80's.

Like how Rikers Island and the LA County Jail are the two largest mental health facilities in the U.S. today...

But they think homelessness is caused by Democrats in California. This is why shit doesn't get done in politics today, so many people that don't have a clue what they are talking about.

I worked with mental health agencies, when I was managing two VAWA Grants issued by the Federal DOJ.

In that capacity we worked with Battered Women's groups and CPS along with agencies which providing court appointed group counseling for men convicted of Domestic Violence. One of these therapist accompanied me to our jail where we prepared those convicted and sentenced for at least 60 days and up to one year in custody, who would later be placed on probation and ordered to attend one year in violence abatement training.

But to your question, mental health, probation and social service were all cut to the bone by the Republican Governors in CA, as the Republican legislature refused to raise taxes, and the state raided local revenue.

I was also referring to the cuts made by Reagan in the 80's as President, and that he moved funding of mental health hospitals to block grants which increased paperwork and bureaucracy, causing them almost all to eventually close, throwing all those people out onto the street with no where to go, and the only time they were getting help was when they would get arrested... where they would have no where to go for follow-ups to continue filling their medication, until they eventually got arrested again.

That's also true, and Reagan as Governor closed many of the State Hospitals using the excuse the mentally ill needed to be seen in their home community, and be close to their relatives. Then, he cut funding local mental health and social services. Then the county jail hired two mental health therapists to council the mentally ill jailed.
Well... it is warm, it hardly rains... kind of makes sense doesn't it? Wouldn't be very smart to be homeless in North Dakota or Idaho would it?

Besides, the ruling democrats went to war on the middle class and drove all the good paying jobs out of the state. What fun is it to be rich if all the interlopers are getting in the way? Mark Zuckerberg wants the enslaved masses homeless and in camps on the verge of starvation. It's the Communist dream! :thup:

You're full of bullshit, you echo Limbaugh and other college dropouts like him who use the AM Radio to convince biddable fools like you with this type of propaganda.
Well... it is warm, it hardly rains... kind of makes sense doesn't it? Wouldn't be very smart to be homeless in North Dakota or Idaho would it?

Besides, the ruling democrats went to war on the middle class and drove all the good paying jobs out of the state. What fun is it to be rich if all the interlopers are getting in the way? Mark Zuckerberg wants the enslaved masses homeless and in camps on the verge of starvation. It's the Communist dream! :thup:

You're full of bullshit, you echo Limbaugh and other college dropouts like him who use the AM Radio to convince biddable fools like you with this type of propaganda.


It's the fact, California is at war to end the middle class. It started under that fucker Brown, and is waged with a vengeance under our current Fuhrer Newsom.

General Fremont, where are you? The State you established has been overthrown by those of the most low character.
Maybe the homeless in California are just smarter than the homeless in colder states. They had the brains to get out of the cold.

On a per-capita basis, DC has 3 x the rate per-capita of homelessness than CA.

Oregon is higher per-capita than CA with people who don't have the brains to get out of the cold.

Hawaii is 50% higher per-capita than CA.

NY is 50% higher than CA per-capita.
Well... it is warm, it hardly rains... kind of makes sense doesn't it? Wouldn't be very smart to be homeless in North Dakota or Idaho would it?
The highest concentration of illegal immigrants
and the highest concentration of wealth...
kind of makes sense doesn’t it

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