Need a Jew to Explain This

I think the OP got the answer of how some jews are utter morons and who are just left wing lapdogs, and jump when their democrat leaders tell them to. (need a barfing icon)

Amazing, Biden and Hillary, make a public hissy fit about Israel putting up a building in their own capital, and that is an insult to them - twettle dee and twettle dumb.

As Netyanyahu said jerusalem is not a settlement it's the nation's capital.
It is so obvious Obama shares the Jeremiah Wright view on Israel, and is far more comfortable appeasing Iranians and Arab dictators.

But what I don't get is why a Jew would work for this guy - Axelrod and Emanuel look like such tools.

I've often wondered that myself. The majority of Jewish people vote Democratic, yet prominent Democrats are not as supportive of Israel as most of their Republican counterparts. The only explanation I've been able to come up with is that the Jews who vote for Democrats are either deluding themselves or don't care about Israel. I've met several Jews that have told me that they are Jewish by birth, but more Atheistic in their beliefs. I guess some Jews can only wait so long for their promised Messiah.

CMike's credibility:

They don't just work for him, they also voted in droves form him. Simple answer is my Jews are brain dead liberals. Take my dad for instances. He hasn't made less than $250K in over 30 years, including this year! Yet he gets chill in his leg when he hears Obama speak. He was a firm support of Obamination Care Bill. Yet he will vote again for him.

I think years of victimization, discrimination, pograms, mass-murders and scapegoats make Jews overtly liberal! I call it collective stupidity. But throughout history Jews have been their own worst enemies.

You think Bush's policies actually helped Israel? *shakes head*

All the Obama supporters playbook. First, say your a racist. If that fails blame Bush. Bush blew.
I've often wondered that myself. The majority of Jewish people vote Democratic, yet prominent Democrats are not as supportive of Israel as most of their Republican counterparts. The only explanation I've been able to come up with is that the Jews who vote for Democrats are either deluding themselves or don't care about Israel. I've met several Jews that have told me that they are Jewish by birth, but more Atheistic in their beliefs. I guess some Jews can only wait so long for their promised Messiah.

Must Repub supporters are either warmongers, or a bible thumpers who see the Jews as the chosen people....
It is so obvious Obama shares the Jeremiah Wright view on Israel, and is far more comfortable appeasing Iranians and Arab dictators.

But what I don't get is why a Jew would work for this guy - Axelrod and Emanuel look like such tools.

I've often wondered that myself. The majority of Jewish people vote Democratic, yet prominent Democrats are not as supportive of Israel as most of their Republican counterparts. The only explanation I've been able to come up with is that the Jews who vote for Democrats are either deluding themselves or don't care about Israel. I've met several Jews that have told me that they are Jewish by birth, but more Atheistic in their beliefs. I guess some Jews can only wait so long for their promised Messiah.

Or it could be that Jewish Americans loyalty lies mostly with America. That we are not one issue voters, unlike Blacks and Mexicans. Rather the rap that we are more loyal to Israel then our home country is utter bullshit!

I personally vote conservative, because I like lower taxation, less spending and less entitlements and a hope of ending illegal immigration.
I've often wondered that myself. The majority of Jewish people vote Democratic, yet prominent Democrats are not as supportive of Israel as most of their Republican counterparts. The only explanation I've been able to come up with is that the Jews who vote for Democrats are either deluding themselves or don't care about Israel. I've met several Jews that have told me that they are Jewish by birth, but more Atheistic in their beliefs. I guess some Jews can only wait so long for their promised Messiah.

Must Repub supporters are either warmongers, or a bible thumpers who see the Jews as the chosen people....

What bullshit! Obama just escalated Afghanistan and entered Pakistan.

I personally prefer bible thumpers over brain dead hippies. Thumpers at least work for a living and give to charity. Hippies don't work and ask for charity.
Must Repub supporters are either warmongers, or a bible thumpers who see the Jews as the chosen people....

What bullshit! Obama just escalated Afghanistan and entered Pakistan.

I personally prefer bible thumpers over brain dead hippies. Thumpers at least work for a living and give to charity. Hippies don't work and ask for charity.

He needed to escalate Afghanistan to get an 'out' solution (which will probably never happen)

Fuck Pakistan...the regions he's gone into are not controlled by the govt in Islamabad...stop putting Western geopolitical norms on a headcase that is Pakistan..

What hippies?
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It is so obvious Obama shares the Jeremiah Wright view on Israel, and is far more comfortable appeasing Iranians and Arab dictators.

But what I don't get is why a Jew would work for this guy - Axelrod and Emanuel look like such tools.

I've often wondered that myself. The majority of Jewish people vote Democratic, yet prominent Democrats are not as supportive of Israel as most of their Republican counterparts. The only explanation I've been able to come up with is that the Jews who vote for Democrats are either deluding themselves or don't care about Israel. I've met several Jews that have told me that they are Jewish by birth, but more Atheistic in their beliefs. I guess some Jews can only wait so long for their promised Messiah.

Or it could be that Jewish Americans loyalty lies mostly with America. That we are not one issue voters, unlike Blacks and Mexicans. Rather the rap that we are more loyal to Israel then our home country is utter bullshit!

I personally vote conservative, because I like lower taxation, less spending and less entitlements and a hope of ending illegal immigration.

Is that why Rahm went to IsNtReal to serve their military instead of joining yours ?


  • $emot-jerkit.gif
    1.9 KB · Views: 49
:eusa_eh:Oh PLEASSEEE don't go that far. I firmly believe Clinton's fiscal policies lead to the collaspe. However, it Bush's neglect that allowed it to come to fruition. He ignored the signs and did nothing to stop it.

He was neither a great man or great President!

Pres Bush is the greatest president of my lifetime.

Bush is the only president who had the balls to take the fight to where the terrorists were hiding, and their state sponsors. No other president ever did that.

Pres. Bush did what was right. Rather than just continuously wait for new Al Qaida terrorist attacks, he took the fight to them. Even Reagan never did anything like that.

As far as being pro Israel.

This is who Pres. Bush is:

[ame=]YouTube - Bush Emotional At Speech In Israel[/ame]

This is who Barak Hussein is:

[ame=]YouTube - GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama[/ame]

Why should we be surprised by his actions?

Obama would make his mentor proud.
I've often wondered that myself. The majority of Jewish people vote Democratic, yet prominent Democrats are not as supportive of Israel as most of their Republican counterparts. The only explanation I've been able to come up with is that the Jews who vote for Democrats are either deluding themselves or don't care about Israel. I've met several Jews that have told me that they are Jewish by birth, but more Atheistic in their beliefs. I guess some Jews can only wait so long for their promised Messiah.

Must Repub supporters are either warmongers, or a bible thumpers who see the Jews as the chosen people....

How do you know? You don't even live in the US.
Speaking as a WHITE CHRISTIAN, and one whose family actually started the reformation and Protestantism, I think you Jew Haters are a pathetic lot.

Now remember, I am not big fan of Isreal, but tmy attitude about that nation has not a thing to do with anti-semetism, and everything to do with geopolitics.

But youse NAZI are freakin' jerks.

We White (real) Christians kicked your sorry pagen brownshirt asses once, and we'll do it again, if needed.

Count on it.
:eusa_eh:Oh PLEASSEEE don't go that far. I firmly believe Clinton's fiscal policies lead to the collaspe. However, it Bush's neglect that allowed it to come to fruition. He ignored the signs and did nothing to stop it.

He was neither a great man or great President!

Pres Bush is the greatest president of my lifetime.

Bush is the only president who had the balls to take the fight to where the terrorists were hiding, and their state sponsors. No other president ever did that.

Pres. Bush did what was right. Rather than just continuously wait for new Al Qaida terrorist attacks, he took the fight to them. Even Reagan never did anything like that.

As far as being pro Israel.

This is who Pres. Bush is:

This is who Barak Hussein is:

Why should we be surprised by his actions?

Obama would make his mentor proud.

i knew there was an explanation for the overall quality of your posts.

i have to reevaluate my opinion of you in light of this.

one shouldn't have the same expectations for a nine year old as one has for an adult, after all.

nice going, kid.
I've often wondered that myself. The majority of Jewish people vote Democratic, yet prominent Democrats are not as supportive of Israel as most of their Republican counterparts. The only explanation I've been able to come up with is that the Jews who vote for Democrats are either deluding themselves or don't care about Israel. I've met several Jews that have told me that they are Jewish by birth, but more Atheistic in their beliefs. I guess some Jews can only wait so long for their promised Messiah.

Must Repub supporters are either warmongers, or a bible thumpers who see the Jews as the chosen people....

They could care less about Jews. What they care about is the land the Jews occupy which happens to be the landing strip for Jesus when he decides to come back.
:eusa_eh:Oh PLEASSEEE don't go that far. I firmly believe Clinton's fiscal policies lead to the collaspe. However, it Bush's neglect that allowed it to come to fruition. He ignored the signs and did nothing to stop it.

He was neither a great man or great President!

Pres Bush is the greatest president of my lifetime.

Bush is the only president who had the balls to take the fight to where the terrorists were hiding, and their state sponsors. No other president ever did that.

Pres. Bush did what was right. Rather than just continuously wait for new Al Qaida terrorist attacks, he took the fight to them. Even Reagan never did anything like that.

As far as being pro Israel.

This is who Pres. Bush is:

This is who Barak Hussein is:

Why should we be surprised by his actions?

Obama would make his mentor proud.

i knew there was an explanation for the overall quality of your posts.

i have to reevaluate my opinion of you in light of this.

one shouldn't have the same expectations for a nine year old as one has for an adult, after all.

nice going, kid.

You are a douche bag.

Thank you for your attention on this important matter.
Pres Bush is the greatest president of my lifetime.

Bush is the only president who had the balls to take the fight to where the terrorists were hiding, and their state sponsors. No other president ever did that.

Pres. Bush did what was right. Rather than just continuously wait for new Al Qaida terrorist attacks, he took the fight to them. Even Reagan never did anything like that.

As far as being pro Israel.

This is who Pres. Bush is:

This is who Barak Hussein is:

Why should we be surprised by his actions?

Obama would make his mentor proud.

i knew there was an explanation for the overall quality of your posts.

i have to reevaluate my opinion of you in light of this.

one shouldn't have the same expectations for a nine year old as one has for an adult, after all.

nice going, kid.

You are a douche bag.

Thank you for your attention on this important matter.

have a vinegar and water on the house


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