need to close border

......plain and simple--tell them you're not coming in ..this shit is totally RIDICULOUS...that's why Trump was good--he didn't fk around
...these countries will continue to have problems until we say NO!!!!!!!!!! their problems will CONTINUE!! help them, we need to say's like giving free stuff to lazy jackasses
1. we don't have the $$$$$ for this crap !!! plain and simple
2. plus it's a national security issue
3. plus Covid problem
..need cut the the numbers allowed for all the shit:asylum [ bullshit] refugees/immigrants ]
That is already the policy. However, by law, anyone can enter and apply for asylum. So you would have to change the law.

As I am sure your white wing bloggers didn't tell you this, Biden is fighting to have the Trump order reinstated that prevents people from entering to seek asylum.
'Unkotare' is like a lot of far left Marxists.....
WRONG. I am a REAL, adult conservative HUMAN BEING. Thoughtless punks like you are just interested in wearing team jerseys. You're too stupid to represent any real political orientation because you can't understand it.
They most certainly DO qualify under TPS.

I have had a great, great many immigrants in my "domicile." I am not in the habit of asking the legal status of those I invite into my home.
How many illegals are currently sheltered in your private domicile? Those who have illegally hopped the border that is. Stop with the obfuscation. You know damn well what I am asking and from your evasive replies I would say the answer is a solid 0.
WRONG. I am a REAL, adult conservative HUMAN BEING. Thoughtless punks like you are just interested in wearing team jerseys. You're too stupid to represent any real political orientation because you can't understand it.
right, you are talking to one of America's resident failed human right wingers, who have conflated "conservativism" with xenophobia, cruelty, and aggressive ignorance and stupidity.
'Unkotare' is like a lot of far left Marxists, he talks a good game but when it comes to actually backing up his mouth, he would prefer to shift responsibility and blame onto everyone but himself.
good call--he constantly insults people---he's a HYPOCRITE
How many illegals are currently sheltered in your private domicile? Those who have illegally hopped the border that is. Stop with the obfuscation. You know damn well what I am asking and from your evasive replies I would say the answer is a solid 0.
WTF is a "private domicile"? Are you Gay?
right, you are talking to one of America's resident failed human right wingers, who have conflated "conservativism" with xenophobia, cruelty, and aggressive ignorance and stupidity.
That is most certainly NOT what conservatism means or represents.
How many illegals are currently sheltered in your private domicile? Those who have illegally hopped the border that is. Stop with the obfuscation. You know damn well what I am asking and from your evasive replies I would say the answer is a solid 0.
What part of " I am not in the habit of asking the legal status of those I invite into my home" do you not understand?
Are you an immigration judge? It is highly unlikely you can tie your own shoes.

I most certainly did, brainless.
why have a border if idiots like you want anyone and everyone to just COME ON IN???!!

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