Neighbor (the pole smoker with the Prius) Took His Obama Yard Signs Down Today


Your posts have an eerily lame resemblance to a poster named Lumpy.

Time to do the sock laundry.
Guess the queer sees the writing on the wall.

Why are you obsessed with your neighbor's sex life?

My bet is it's because pole smoker probably doesn't keep in his own bedroom, what's supposed to be kept in his own bedroom. But, instead, is flaunted about like it's supposed to be everyone else's business.

Again, why should anyone care?

warrior seems to spend a lot of time obsessing about gays, which seems to include anyone who disagrees with his 16th century mindset.
Why are you obsessed with your neighbor's sex life?

My bet is it's because pole smoker probably doesn't keep in his own bedroom, what's supposed to be kept in his own bedroom. But, instead, is flaunted about like it's supposed to be everyone else's business.

Again, why should anyone care?

warrior seems to spend a lot of time obsessing about gays, which seems to include anyone who disagrees with his 16th century mindset.

Just had to see what he was saying and wondering why you were hiding it?
Del has more brains in his thumb than you and LGS have in your craniums combined.

Your fantasies are quite irrelevant here.

You haven't noticed it, but you're quite irrelevant here, aside from slapping you around.

Yeah, you haven't noticed it, but I didn't expect anything less than for someone who's clearly leftist to surmise I'm irrelevant. But, it isn't like it really matters to me whether I'm irrelevant to a leftist...though.
My bet is it's because pole smoker probably doesn't keep in his own bedroom, what's supposed to be kept in his own bedroom. But, instead, is flaunted about like it's supposed to be everyone else's business.

Again, why should anyone care?

warrior seems to spend a lot of time obsessing about gays, which seems to include anyone who disagrees with his 16th century mindset.

Just had to see what he was saying and wondering why you were hiding it?

I guess so...

So why does that have you upset? If it doesn't effect you, why should you care?
Why are you obsessed with your neighbor's sex life?

My bet is it's because pole smoker probably doesn't keep in his own bedroom, what's supposed to be kept in his own bedroom. But, instead, is flaunted about like it's supposed to be everyone else's business.

Again, why should anyone care?

warrior seems to spend a lot of time obsessing about gays, which seems to include anyone who disagrees with his 16th century mindset.

Exactly...why should anyone care? So, why do pole smokers seem to harbor such an overwhelming need to flaunt their gayness, rather than keep it in their own bedroom? I mean, it's just like these movie stars who are gay. Every time we turn around the media is harping about some homo movie star coming out of the closet. Why should anyone care? Do we hear announcements from the media any time someone announces they're heterosexual? No. So, why do they feel such a need to tell us some stupid movie star is gay? And, why does the movie star have such an overwhelming need to let the media know about it, so the media can tell us about it? Why should anyone care?
Again, why should anyone care?

warrior seems to spend a lot of time obsessing about gays, which seems to include anyone who disagrees with his 16th century mindset.

Just had to see what he was saying and wondering why you were hiding it?

I guess so...

So why does that have you upset? If it doesn't effect you, why should you care?
Seeing someone flaunting abnormal shit makes me sick.
Exactly...why should anyone care? So, why do pole smokers seem to harbor such an overwhelming need to flaunt their gayness, rather than keep it in their own bedroom? I mean, it's just like these movie stars who are gay. Every time we turn around the media is harping about some homo movie star coming out of the closet. Why should anyone care? Do we hear announcements from the media any time someone announces they're heterosexual? No. So, why do they feel such a need to tell us some stupid movie star is gay? And, why does the movie star have such an overwhelming need to let the media know about it, so the media can tell us about it? Why should anyone care?

Quick, make a list of all the actors who "came out of the closet"...

Um.. there's Ellen.

And , Um... Rosie O'Donnell

And George Takai... (who came out after anyone cared about Star Trek anymore.)

And, ummmm... that's kind of it.

In fact, I suspect most gay actors (and Talk Radio Hosts) keep their sexuality under wraps becuase they know that homophobes won't patronize their movies.

Frankly, I don't care about the sexual orientation or the religion or even the political views of a movie star.

Did I enjoy the movie he made. Only important thing.

If he wants to talk about his love life or his political views or his special relationship with Space Lord Zenu, that's his thing. I don't obsess.

Not sure why you are.
Just had to see what he was saying and wondering why you were hiding it?

I guess so...

So why does that have you upset? If it doesn't effect you, why should you care?
Seeing someone flaunting abnormal shit makes me sick.

Why would you care?

Frankly, there's a whole lot of shit I think is kind of bizarre.

I don't understand guys who have foot fetishes... Seriously. The foot is like the dirtiest part of the body, I really don't understand why guys like Dick Morris like to suck toes, but some guys are into that.

My last boss was a gay woman. Didn't realize it until I had worked for her for a year, and found out about it indirectly.

Did it make a difference? Nope. She was a great professional who respected the work I did, and provided effective leadership of my team.
I guess so...

So why does that have you upset? If it doesn't effect you, why should you care?
Seeing someone flaunting abnormal shit makes me sick.

Why would you care?

Frankly, there's a whole lot of shit I think is kind of bizarre.

I don't understand guys who have foot fetishes... Seriously. The foot is like the dirtiest part of the body, I really don't understand why guys like Dick Morris like to suck toes, but some guys are into that.

My last boss was a gay woman. Didn't realize it until I had worked for her for a year, and found out about it indirectly.

Did it make a difference? Nope. She was a great professional who respected the work I did, and provided effective leadership of my team.

Why would I care when it makes me sick? I don't know maybe because it makes me sick.

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