Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

I am sorry you saying the emancipation proclamation doesn't exist?

It was a speech.. not an action of government....

The slaves were freed AFTER Lincoln's death
December 6, 1865

Game, set, match, championship

Go fuck yourself
A speech?
No, It was an Executive Order. [EO #95 to be exact)

It did have the effect of immediately freeing thousands of slaves.

It was also a brilliant tactical move in that at that point, it became a war about slavery for the Union, made it more difficult for England to recognize the Confederacy (no country had recognized the CSA), and gave major incentives for blacks to escape and fight for the Union, announcing they would be accepted into the ranks of Army and Navy (by the end of the war, hundreds of thousands of Colored Troops fought for the Union)...

and it completely transformed the character of the war.

It was a hella more than "a speech."

Lincoln was sworn to uphold a constitution that allowed slavery in any state that wanted it.. he did not wield constitutional power to overturn this.. the constitution was amended to end the horrid practice and it was enacted on the date I gave....

His EP, was in fact more rhetoric than anything legally binding.. and yes, it was good PR and a good ploy
What makes it fucked up, is that Lincoln could have helped end slavery without slaying 600,000 Americans. But his goal wasn't to free slaves. It was to consolidate federal government power and authority. That same consolidation can be felt in the halls of DC today.

He was a tyrant who abused his power and would have sent every slave to the tropics or Africa if he could have.

But go ahead and idolize the guy.......
When the facts don't fit your agenda - just make up new ones.

Freaking neo-confederates. They read one revisionist version of history and they think they know something.
When the facts don't fit your agenda - just make up new ones.

Freaking neo-confederates. They read one revisionist version of history and they think they know something.

I actually gave you all facts.. I was the one exposing the myths...

Yeah ... sure you did.

All according to that one revisionist history book you read (with someone helping you with the big words).

No one is buying your bill of goods.

I don't seem to remember anyone complaining about the closing of the Rand Paul monument.
When the facts don't fit your agenda - just make up new ones.

Freaking neo-confederates. They read one revisionist version of history and they think they know something.

I actually gave you all facts.. I was the one exposing the myths...

Yeah ... sure you did.

All according to that one revisionist history book you read (with someone helping you with the big words).

No one is buying your bill of goods.

I don't seem to remember anyone complaining about the closing of the Rand Paul monument.

Uh huh.. the constitutional amendment was not ratified on the date I gave and Lincoln was not bound by the constitution he swore to uphold (which allowed slavery to any state that wanted it)?? And Lincoln had the power to change the constitution all by himself??


In reading the Constitutional ratifying proclamation of the state of New York, I noted some proposed amendments that people would find especially worthy today:

That the Congress do not impose any Excise on any Article (except Ardent Spirits) of the Growth Production or Manufacture of the United States, or any of them.

That the Congress do not grant Monopolies or erect any Company with exclusive Advantages of Commerce.

That no standing Army or regular Troops shall be raised or kept up in time of peace, without the consent of two-thirds of the Senators and Representatives present, in each House.

That no Money be borrowed on the Credit of the United States without the Assent of two-thirds of the Senators and Representatives present in each House.

That the Congress shall not declare War Without the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senators and Representatives present in each House.

That the Right of exclusive Legislation with respect to such places as may be purchased for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dockyards and other needful Buildings, shall not authorize the Congress to make any Law to prevent the Laws of the States respectively in which they may be, from extending to such places in ail civil and Criminal Matters except as to such Persons as shall be in the Service of the United States; nor to them witl respect to Crimes committed without such Places.

That the Compensation for the Senators and Representatives be ascertained by standing Laws; and that no alteration of the existing rate of Compensation shall operate for the Benefit of the Representatives, until after a subsequent Election shall have been had.

That no Person be eligible as a Senator for more than six years in any term of twelve years; and that the Legislatures of the respective States may recal their Senators or either of them, and ["to" stricken out] elect others in their stead, to serve the remainder of the time for which the Senators so recalled were appointed.

That no Person shall be eligible to the Office of President of the United States a third time.

I like all of those, actually.
It was a speech.. not an action of government....

The slaves were freed AFTER Lincoln's death
December 6, 1865

Game, set, match, championship

Go fuck yourself
A speech?
No, It was an Executive Order. [EO #95 to be exact)

It did have the effect of immediately freeing thousands of slaves.

It was also a brilliant tactical move in that at that point, it became a war about slavery for the Union, made it more difficult for England to recognize the Confederacy (no country had recognized the CSA), and gave major incentives for blacks to escape and fight for the Union, announcing they would be accepted into the ranks of Army and Navy (by the end of the war, hundreds of thousands of Colored Troops fought for the Union)...

and it completely transformed the character of the war.

It was a hella more than "a speech."

Lincoln was sworn to uphold a constitution that allowed slavery in any state that wanted it.. he did not wield constitutional power to overturn this.. the constitution was amended to end the horrid practice and it was enacted on the date I gave....

His EP, was in fact more rhetoric than anything legally binding.. and yes, it was good PR and a good ploy
Where in the constitution does it deny the president the power to free slaves?
What makes it fucked up, is that Lincoln could have helped end slavery without slaying 600,000 Americans. But his goal wasn't to free slaves. It was to consolidate federal government power and authority. That same consolidation can be felt in the halls of DC today.

He was a tyrant who abused his power and would have sent every slave to the tropics or Africa if he could have.

But go ahead and idolize the guy.......

Again you stupid fuck He didn't start the war the CSA did.
I actually gave you all facts.. I was the one exposing the myths...

Yeah ... sure you did.

All according to that one revisionist history book you read (with someone helping you with the big words).

No one is buying your bill of goods.

I don't seem to remember anyone complaining about the closing of the Rand Paul monument.

Uh huh.. the constitutional amendment was not ratified on the date I gave and Lincoln was not bound by the constitution he swore to uphold (which allowed slavery to any state that wanted it)?? And Lincoln had the power to change the constitution all by himself??


The 13th amendment was ratified in 1865. What does that have to do with anything? The constitution does not deny the president from freeing Americans in bondage.
What makes it fucked up, is that Lincoln could have helped end slavery without slaying 600,000 Americans. But his goal wasn't to free slaves. It was to consolidate federal government power and authority. That same consolidation can be felt in the halls of DC today.

He was a tyrant who abused his power and would have sent every slave to the tropics or Africa if he could have.

But go ahead and idolize the guy.......

Again you stupid fuck He didn't start the war the CSA did.

Yes, you've made that assertion before. But can't prove it. All you have is the repetition of a lie, Cork.

A speech?
No, It was an Executive Order. [EO #95 to be exact)

It did have the effect of immediately freeing thousands of slaves.

It was also a brilliant tactical move in that at that point, it became a war about slavery for the Union, made it more difficult for England to recognize the Confederacy (no country had recognized the CSA), and gave major incentives for blacks to escape and fight for the Union, announcing they would be accepted into the ranks of Army and Navy (by the end of the war, hundreds of thousands of Colored Troops fought for the Union)...

and it completely transformed the character of the war.

It was a hella more than "a speech."

Lincoln was sworn to uphold a constitution that allowed slavery in any state that wanted it.. he did not wield constitutional power to overturn this.. the constitution was amended to end the horrid practice and it was enacted on the date I gave....

His EP, was in fact more rhetoric than anything legally binding.. and yes, it was good PR and a good ploy
Where in the constitution does it deny the president the power to free slaves?

It's the part that says Congress will make the laws, not the president, you stupid nimrod.

It's truly scary that idiots like you can vote,

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What makes it fucked up, is that Lincoln could have helped end slavery without slaying 600,000 Americans. But his goal wasn't to free slaves. It was to consolidate federal government power and authority. That same consolidation can be felt in the halls of DC today.

He was a tyrant who abused his power and would have sent every slave to the tropics or Africa if he could have.

But go ahead and idolize the guy.......

Again you stupid fuck He didn't start the war the CSA did.

Wrong. Lincoln started the war.

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"I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution—which amendment, however, I have not seen—has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service....holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable."

Lincoln in his first inaugural address.

"No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State."

Text of the Corwin Amendment which passed both houses of congress with the required 2/3 number of votes, but without the votes of the 7 secessionist states that had formed the CSA.

Were the protection of slavery the prime issue in the minds of Southrons, simply adopting this amendment would wipe the slate clean.
What makes it fucked up, is that Lincoln could have helped end slavery without slaying 600,000 Americans. But his goal wasn't to free slaves. It was to consolidate federal government power and authority. That same consolidation can be felt in the halls of DC today.

He was a tyrant who abused his power and would have sent every slave to the tropics or Africa if he could have.

But go ahead and idolize the guy.......

Again you stupid fuck He didn't start the war the CSA did.

Wrong. Lincoln started the war.

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Meh, thanatoast is a barely literate moron, with approaching middle age he has risen to the vaunted level of convenience store counter clerk and like many stopped bothering to learn any additional history beyond elementary school. Considering the source, he is worthy of nothing more than ridicule.
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"I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution—which amendment, however, I have not seen—has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service....holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable."

Lincoln in his first inaugural address.

"No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State."

Text of the Corwin Amendment which passed both houses of congress with the required 2/3 number of votes, but without the votes of the 7 secessionist states that had formed the CSA.

Were the protection of slavery the prime issue in the minds of Southrons, simply adopting this amendment would wipe the slate clean.
The Corwin Amendment was a last ditch effort, which most all knew stood no chance of survival.

Lincoln had nothing to do with its passage. By the time he addressed it, most states had already seceded. It was a futility, and most all saw it as such.

Note, too, at that point, the south had already commenced hostilities. They were bound and determined to go to war and nothing was going to stop them.

The Southrons made it clear in their many declarations of independence and in a boatload of other statements, actions, laws and their own written constitution, the protection of Slavery was at the base of all.

It was the lifeblood (literally) of their economy, and they knew it.
Cocksure, undermanned, underarmed, lacking infrastructure and integrity for an honorable cause, the confederacy died, as Jeff Davis said, of a theory.
Note, too, at that point, the south had already commenced hostilities. They were bound and determined to go to war and nothing was going to stop them.

yes, hostile towards northern aggressions of/for war.

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