Netanyahu Or Obama; Who Do YOU Trust?

Who do you trust?

  • Bibi

    Votes: 34 77.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 10 22.7%

  • Total voters
, and it's not the Islamist savages. That will never change. Get over it.
We did call Native American savages however it was the white man who was a savage.........
In “Audacity of Hope” he writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope.

Get on topic or get your nasty neocon self the fuck off this thread scumzo
They are called traitors.
We have a traitor in office.

No we don't.

Sure we do. His past and all his actions during his presidency allude to someone who has a deep dislike if not hatred for America and what it stands for.

You are a moron. He's done nothing that alludes to that. While I'm not a fan, he's done much better than bush. I think you are not sane.

Bush handed him victory and a stable Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama pissed all of it away, including all the American lives lost to gain all those cities now under ISIS control, moron. And let's not forget Obama's brilliant foreign policy and his "Arab Spring" where he was going to bring freedom and stability to all these US allies he helped destabilize which have now turned into Islamic shitholes. There is nothing this president has done that hasn't turned into shit, both internationally and domestically. All of our enemies including Russia and Islamic terrorists, are now emboldened and on the march. How someone can speak highly or Obama is beyond me.

So bush handed us a bill to forever pay for iraqs defense. What a victory. Very fiscally responsible too.
You know what "people actually think their vote counts" , and the people I know have no idea about how Israel controls us and gets us into their wars, if they did they would not go for it. We have 3 parties, the Gop, the Dem and the Jews. Since this is a Christian nation mainly ,they think it their holy duty to be on Israel's side, they just don't realize its all a lie.

You have no business living in America....GET OUT.

I was born here and I'll stay here and enlighten as many young people as I can about the Israel lobby and their lust for war and power. Many have watched Protective Edge and know how cruel Israelites are, so thank you but I only have one citizenship and that is the US unlike so many Jews with dual citizenship. You have no business in the US, since you love Israel so much your willing to have American men fight their wars.
you all want to follow warriors cause you can't stand up for yourselves against the injustices all around us coming from all sides, jews, muslim, athiest, christian, liars, politicians, lawyers, ceos, etc.., because be the time you stand up for yourselves you have to shoot and kill to save yourselves from these evil killers you worship. better run away from these warrior types or all will have hell to pay.

I flew in 47 air assaults/recon ops in '67-'68 Vietnam....speak for yourself, raghead.

I think there were many Americans today that wished Netanyahu could be our president, rather than this idiot we have in office.

They are called traitors.
We have a traitor in office.

We have lots of traitors in office.
Bibi-Oh is ready to confront Iran right down to the last US service man ....
You didn't really listen to the speech then. Bibi just informed the Congress that he's done waiting for Oblahblah buying more time for the Iranians. Israeli jets will be flying over Iranian nuke sites in the near future. This was just a heads up to the American people and congress, who despite the asshole we have in office, strongly support Israel. Israel doesn't play politics with it's national security or existential threats, nor does it ask permission.
They have to use our armaments and our funding .....and when Iran does something back to them they will cry for more help...move to Israel move now
” “On the core issue, which is how do we prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon which would make it far more dangerous and would give it scope further in the region, the Prime Minister didn’t offer any viable alternatives,” My President Obama
let's re-evaluate the relationship with Israel - who we protect against the UN Security Council and just about everyone else. What are WE getting out of this "special relationship"? Open disrespect of our president and our protocol. That's not a friend.
let's re-evaluate the relationship with Israel - who we protect against the UN Security Council and just about everyone else. What are WE getting out of this "special relationship"? Open disrespect of our president and our protocol. That's not a friend.

We get to send them lots of money.
In 200 years, no foreign leader has ever addressed Congress to denounce the President's policies
(AP) Given anywhere else, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech Tuesday wouldn't cause such a fuss. But a foreign leader denouncing U.S. policy from within the grand hall of American democracy upends nearly two centuries of tradition.
Well congratulations, you elected such a weak leader and liar. That you blindly follow, a foreign leader had to come and remind congress what leadership looks like. That's your fault for voting the dumbass in.
In 200 years, no foreign leader has ever addressed Congress to denounce the President's policies
(AP) Given anywhere else, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech Tuesday wouldn't cause such a fuss. But a foreign leader denouncing U.S. policy from within the grand hall of American democracy upends nearly two centuries of tradition.
Well congratulations, you elected such a weak leader and liar. That you blindly follow, a foreign leader had to come and remind congress what leadership looks like. That's your fault for voting the dumbass in.
If Bibi is what leadership looks like why can't he lead these guys
In 200 years, no foreign leader has ever addressed Congress to denounce the President's policies
(AP) Given anywhere else, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech Tuesday wouldn't cause such a fuss. But a foreign leader denouncing U.S. policy from within the grand hall of American democracy upends nearly two centuries of tradition.
Well congratulations, you elected such a weak leader and liar. That you blindly follow, a foreign leader had to come and remind congress what leadership looks like. That's your fault for voting the dumbass in.

congratulations republicans have shown they represent the best interests of Israel, not the USA.
In 200 years, no foreign leader has ever addressed Congress to denounce the President's policies
(AP) Given anywhere else, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech Tuesday wouldn't cause such a fuss. But a foreign leader denouncing U.S. policy from within the grand hall of American democracy upends nearly two centuries of tradition.
Well congratulations, you elected such a weak leader and liar. That you blindly follow, a foreign leader had to come and remind congress what leadership looks like. That's your fault for voting the dumbass in.
If Bibi is what leadership looks like why can't he lead these guys
His enemies?
In 200 years, no foreign leader has ever addressed Congress to denounce the President's policies
(AP) Given anywhere else, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech Tuesday wouldn't cause such a fuss. But a foreign leader denouncing U.S. policy from within the grand hall of American democracy upends nearly two centuries of tradition.
Well congratulations, you elected such a weak leader and liar. That you blindly follow, a foreign leader had to come and remind congress what leadership looks like. That's your fault for voting the dumbass in.
If Bibi is what leadership looks like why can't he lead these guys
His enemies?
His enemies are former officials in Israel State security ?

The people attacking Obama are neo Confederate white trash
In 200 years, no foreign leader has ever addressed Congress to denounce the President's policies
(AP) Given anywhere else, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech Tuesday wouldn't cause such a fuss. But a foreign leader denouncing U.S. policy from within the grand hall of American democracy upends nearly two centuries of tradition.
Well congratulations, you elected such a weak leader and liar. That you blindly follow, a foreign leader had to come and remind congress what leadership looks like. That's your fault for voting the dumbass in.

congratulations republicans have shown they represent the best interests of Israel, not the USA.
No, it's everyone's business that Iran doesn't get a nuclear bomb. Just because you're kind thinks they should doesn't make it so. It's been the same wether you were a democrat or a republican. Till this traitor in chief was elected.

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