Netanyahu presses U.S. to seek better deal on Iran: CNN


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Please keep showing us what quality leadership looks like Mr Netanyahu

We're listening


Netanyahu presses U.S. to seek better deal on Iran: CNN


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a statement to the media in Jerusalem April 1, 2015.

(Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the United States on Sunday to seek a better deal to curb Iran's nuclear program and said he would press American lawmakers not give Tehran "a free path to the bomb."

Netanyahu, in the first of several appearances on U.S. Sunday news programs, said he has spoken with both Democrats and Republicans in Congress - nearly two thirds of House of Representatives members and a similar number in the U.S. Senate - about the Iran nuclear issue.

The Israeli prime minister has been strongly critical of the framework agreement struck on Thursday between world powers and Iran, saying it does not do enough to protect Israel.

"This is not a partisan issue. This is not solely an Israeli issue," Netanyahu said on CNN's "State of the Union" program.

"This is a world issue because everyone is going to be threatened by the pre-eminent terrorist state of our time, keeping the infrastructure to produce not one nuclear bomb but many, many nuclear bombs down the line."

Netanyahu presses U.S. to seek better deal on Iran CNN Reuters
Geez a foreign power trying to interfere with US affairs?

Oh my! Where's the conservative outrage?
We support you Mr Netanyahu. The Jews are the chosen ones and the destruction of the Arab terrorist state is soon at hand.

Geez a foreign power trying to interfere with US affairs?

Oh my! Where's the conservative outrage?

Newsflash our representatives in Congress agree with Netanyahu, did you miss the standing ovations he received recently?
Newsflash our representatives in Congress agree with Netanyahu, did you miss the standing ovations he received recently?
Hoho, they agree with their campaign funding.

Oh Sheldon, yoo hoo Sheldon...
Its all good. This is DOA anyway in Congress

The deal can go on to the next roll


Operation Opera - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Operation Opera (Hebrew: אופרה‎),[1] also known asOperation Babylon,[2] was a surprise Israeli air strike carried out on 7 June 1981, which destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactorunder construction 17 kilometers (10.5 miles) southeast ofBaghdad.[3][4][5] The operation came after Iran's unsuccessfulOperation Scorch Sword operation had caused minor damage to the same nuclear facility the previous year, but had subsequently been repaired by French technicians. Operation Opera, and related Israeli government statements following it, established the Begin Doctrine, which explicitly stated the strike was not an anomaly, but instead “a precedent for every future government in Israel.” Israel's counter-proliferationpreventive strike added another dimension to their existingpolicy of deliberate ambiguity, as it related to the nuclear capability of other states in the region.[6]

In 1976, Iraq purchased an "Osiris"-class nuclear reactor from France.[7][8] While Iraq and France maintained that the reactor, named Osirak by the French, was intended for peaceful scientific research,[9] the Israelis viewed the reactor with suspicion, and said that it was designed to make nuclear weapons.[3] On 7 June 1981, a flight of Israeli Air Force F-16A fighter aircraft, with an escort of F-15As, bombed and heavily damaged the Osirakreactor.[10] Israel claimed it acted in self-defense, and that the reactor had "less than a month to go" before "it might have become critical."[11] Ten Iraqi soldiers and one French civilian were killed.[12] The attack took place about three weeks before the elections for the Knesset.[13]
Whatever that means, are you still hung over from last night?
It means they'll do anything for campaign money and to avoid a primary challenge.
I think you have it backwards. The liar in chief let 4 innocent American's die, then lied about it. Then rushed off to vegas to fund raise and play golf. This is the same person that will let Iran get a nuclear bomb. So yes we need to listen to Netanyahu.
This isn't just a US deal or Obama's deal.
This is a deal negotiated by the largest powers in the world.
Great Britain

NetanYAHOO makes himself and Isreal look like ridiculous losers. If they had any brains they would have added themselves to that list.
This isn't just a US deal or Obama's deal.
This is a deal negotiated by the largest powers in the world.
Great Britain

NetanYAHOO makes himself and Isreal look like ridiculous losers. If they had any brains they would have added themselves to that list.
They all left two days before John Kerry sat alone in a room and made it all up. Everyone will be back in June so that France can bitch slap Kerry one more time.

Why do you think obama insisted that this agreement which was never an agreement not be written?
Geez a foreign power trying to interfere with US affairs?

Oh my! Where's the conservative outrage?

I think Iran saying over and over they want to wipe Israel off the map and Iran now trying to
get nukes might just be of interest to Israel....
United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany

Fartinyouhoo better ask EVERYONE at the table ^^^^ for a better deal, the US isn't the only player in the game.... just the player that write him CHECKS !
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