Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.

Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.
Shhh...the retard might actually learn something and his head will hurt.
Your condescending mocking tone will get no more responses from me.
Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
How young are you and where are you doing your research?
My age is irrelevant and I read books.
Comic books? Mein Kampf?
A snide remark guarantees you will not hear from me again.
Justice is subjective. It's not absolute. Justice for the Arab wouldn't be justice for the Jew. So who will decide what is "Justice", exactly?
International law as formulated by the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court decides what justice is and with regularity Israelis are found to be violators.
Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.
The international law you are referring to is the Fourth Geneva Conventions which address land conquered by one signatory of the Conventions by another, but Judea and Samaria were never legally part of Jordan, which conquered them in 1948, and were in turn captured by Israel when Jordan began shelling and bombing Israel in 1967. Since Judea and Samaria had no legal status in 1967, the Geneva Conventions do not apply.

Israel has never targeted civilians and as a matter of fact has the best record of avoiding civilian casualties in asymmetric warfare of any modern military, including the US and NATO forces.

"Colonel Richard Kemp, former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan and adamant supporter of the IDF, spoke in 2011 about Israeli operations in the Gaza War. He said that a study published by the United Nations showed "that the ratio of civilian to combatant deaths in Gaza was by far the lowest in any asymmetric conflict in the history of warfare." He stated that this ratio was less than 1:1, and compared it favorably to the estimated ratios in NATO operations in Afghanistan (3:1), western campaigns in Iraq and Kosovo (believed to be 4:1), and the conflicts in Chechnya and Serbia (much higher than 4:1, according to anecdotal evidence).[49] Kemp argued that the low ratio was achieved through unprecedented measures by the IDF to minimize civilian casualties, which included providing warnings to the population via telephone calls, radio broadcasts and leaflets, as well as granting pilots the discretion to abort a strike if they perceived too great a risk of civilian casualties. He also stated that the civilian casualties that did occur could be seen in light of what he said was Hamas' tactical use of Gazan civilians "as human shields, to hide behind, to stand between Israeli forces and their own fighters" and strategic use of them for exploitation of their deaths in the media.[50]"

Civilian casualty ratio - Wikipedia
In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
How young are you and where are you doing your research?
My age is irrelevant and I read books.
Comic books? Mein Kampf?
A snide remark guarantees you will not hear from me again.
International law as formulated by the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court decides what justice is and with regularity Israelis are found to be violators.
Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.

Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.

UNSC Resolutions, unlike GA Resolutions, have the force of law.
Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.

Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.

UNSC Resolutions, unlike GA Resolutions, have the force of law.
Only Chapter 7 resolutions have the force of law.
International law as formulated by the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court decides what justice is and with regularity Israelis are found to be violators.
Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.
The international law you are referring to is the Fourth Geneva Conventions which address land conquered by one signatory of the Conventions by another, but Judea and Samaria were never legally part of Jordan, which conquered them in 1948, and were in turn captured by Israel when Jordan began shelling and bombing Israel in 1967. Since Judea and Samaria had no legal status in 1967, the Geneva Conventions do not apply.

Israel has never targeted civilians and as a matter of fact has the best record of avoiding civilian casualties in asymmetric warfare of any modern military, including the US and NATO forces.

"Colonel Richard Kemp, former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan and adamant supporter of the IDF, spoke in 2011 about Israeli operations in the Gaza War. He said that a study published by the United Nations showed "that the ratio of civilian to combatant deaths in Gaza was by far the lowest in any asymmetric conflict in the history of warfare." He stated that this ratio was less than 1:1, and compared it favorably to the estimated ratios in NATO operations in Afghanistan (3:1), western campaigns in Iraq and Kosovo (believed to be 4:1), and the conflicts in Chechnya and Serbia (much higher than 4:1, according to anecdotal evidence).[49] Kemp argued that the low ratio was achieved through unprecedented measures by the IDF to minimize civilian casualties, which included providing warnings to the population via telephone calls, radio broadcasts and leaflets, as well as granting pilots the discretion to abort a strike if they perceived too great a risk of civilian casualties. He also stated that the civilian casualties that did occur could be seen in light of what he said was Hamas' tactical use of Gazan civilians "as human shields, to hide behind, to stand between Israeli forces and their own fighters" and strategic use of them for exploitation of their deaths in the media.[50]"

Civilian casualty ratio - Wikipedia

Good lord. Grasping at straws now. Wiki and Col. Kemp. LOL
Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
Judea and Samaria are effectively part of Israel, but at this time Israel has only taken the formal step of annexing Jerusalem.
The world sees the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as Occupied Palestinian Territory.
You mean the Arab and African nations.

No, every nation except Israel and Palau or some other island. With its abstention, even the U.S. agrees.
Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.
The international law you are referring to is the Fourth Geneva Conventions which address land conquered by one signatory of the Conventions by another, but Judea and Samaria were never legally part of Jordan, which conquered them in 1948, and were in turn captured by Israel when Jordan began shelling and bombing Israel in 1967. Since Judea and Samaria had no legal status in 1967, the Geneva Conventions do not apply.

Israel has never targeted civilians and as a matter of fact has the best record of avoiding civilian casualties in asymmetric warfare of any modern military, including the US and NATO forces.

"Colonel Richard Kemp, former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan and adamant supporter of the IDF, spoke in 2011 about Israeli operations in the Gaza War. He said that a study published by the United Nations showed "that the ratio of civilian to combatant deaths in Gaza was by far the lowest in any asymmetric conflict in the history of warfare." He stated that this ratio was less than 1:1, and compared it favorably to the estimated ratios in NATO operations in Afghanistan (3:1), western campaigns in Iraq and Kosovo (believed to be 4:1), and the conflicts in Chechnya and Serbia (much higher than 4:1, according to anecdotal evidence).[49] Kemp argued that the low ratio was achieved through unprecedented measures by the IDF to minimize civilian casualties, which included providing warnings to the population via telephone calls, radio broadcasts and leaflets, as well as granting pilots the discretion to abort a strike if they perceived too great a risk of civilian casualties. He also stated that the civilian casualties that did occur could be seen in light of what he said was Hamas' tactical use of Gazan civilians "as human shields, to hide behind, to stand between Israeli forces and their own fighters" and strategic use of them for exploitation of their deaths in the media.[50]"

Civilian casualty ratio - Wikipedia

Good lord. Grasping at straws now. Wiki and Col. Kemp. LOL
In other words, you've got nothing to say.
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.

Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.
Shhh...the retard might actually learn something and his head will hurt.
Your condescending mocking tone will get no more responses from me.
Excuse me, but if want to learn about having an attitude try reading your posts before judging anybody else.
You style BREEDS contempt.
In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
Judea and Samaria are effectively part of Israel, but at this time Israel has only taken the formal step of annexing Jerusalem.
The world sees the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as Occupied Palestinian Territory.
You mean the Arab and African nations.

No, every nation except Israel and Palau or some other island. With its abstention, even the U.S. agrees.
With its abstention, Obama agrees, but the outrage in the US shows America doesn't.
In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
Judea and Samaria are effectively part of Israel, but at this time Israel has only taken the formal step of annexing Jerusalem.
The world sees the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as Occupied Palestinian Territory.
You mean the Arab and African nations.

No, every nation except Israel and Palau or some other island. With its abstention, even the U.S. agrees.
You mean every shithole on earth.
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.

Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.

UNSC Resolutions, unlike GA Resolutions, have the force of law.
Only Chapter 7 resolutions have the force of law.

No, but the resolution does fall under Chapter 7, to wit:

"Chapter 7

Article 40
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures."
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.

Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.

UNSC Resolutions, unlike GA Resolutions, have the force of law.
Only Chapter 7 resolutions have the force of law.

No, but the resolution does fall under Chapter 7, to wit:

"Chapter 7

Article 40
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures."
Sure is gonna be a hoot when Trump woops Venezuela's ass in 3 weeks.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
Judea and Samaria are effectively part of Israel, but at this time Israel has only taken the formal step of annexing Jerusalem.
The world sees the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as Occupied Palestinian Territory.
You mean the Arab and African nations.

No, every nation except Israel and Palau or some other island. With its abstention, even the U.S. agrees.
You mean every shithole on earth.

So, only Israel is not a shit hole, in your opinion. Figures.
Judea and Samaria are effectively part of Israel, but at this time Israel has only taken the formal step of annexing Jerusalem.
The world sees the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as Occupied Palestinian Territory.
You mean the Arab and African nations.

No, every nation except Israel and Palau or some other island. With its abstention, even the U.S. agrees.
You mean every shithole on earth.

So, only Israel is not a shit hole, in your opinion. Figures.
Those nations that bow to their fear of Islam are shitholes.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.

Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.

UNSC Resolutions, unlike GA Resolutions, have the force of law.
Only Chapter 7 resolutions have the force of law.

No, but the resolution does fall under Chapter 7, to wit:

"Chapter 7

Article 40
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures."
Sure is gonna be a hoot when Trump woops Venezuela's ass in 3 weeks.

Venezuela? Are you on the juice? I know it's the Christmas season, but isn't it early in the day?
The world sees the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as Occupied Palestinian Territory.
You mean the Arab and African nations.

No, every nation except Israel and Palau or some other island. With its abstention, even the U.S. agrees.
You mean every shithole on earth.

So, only Israel is not a shit hole, in your opinion. Figures.
Those nations that bow to their fear of Islam are shitholes.

I see. Very cogent.
Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.

UNSC Resolutions, unlike GA Resolutions, have the force of law.
Only Chapter 7 resolutions have the force of law.

No, but the resolution does fall under Chapter 7, to wit:

"Chapter 7

Article 40
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures."
Sure is gonna be a hoot when Trump woops Venezuela's ass in 3 weeks.

Venezuela? Are you on the juice? I know it's the Christmas season, but isn't it early in the day?
Try watching some news once in a while, snowflake.
You mean the Arab and African nations.

No, every nation except Israel and Palau or some other island. With its abstention, even the U.S. agrees.
You mean every shithole on earth.

So, only Israel is not a shit hole, in your opinion. Figures.
Those nations that bow to their fear of Islam are shitholes.

I see. Very cogent.
We all know you love Islamic Terrorists.

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