Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

If Jesus is so revered by Islam, why have Muslims committed a genocide of Christians in the Middle East, in our own day and age? In fact, every 30 minutes a Christian is killed by Muslims in the ME. Yes, the Muslims who have Jesus as a saint.

Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood...
On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving spies, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority
Nonsense. Since 1995 decisions on water resources have been made by the Joint Water Committee which has equal representation of Israel and the PA. However, the PA refuses to recognize the Joint Water Committee as legitimate now, and so no new decisions can be made to adjust the water supply for the Palestinians. The absurdity of the PA's position was recently demonstrated when the new Palestinian cite of Rawabi needed a water supply to be built, but the PA refused to meet with Israeli representative, so it lay idle until the Israeli Defense Minister declared an emergency and ordered the pipes be laid for Rawabi. So the PA complains about water but prefers conflict with Israel over water for its people.
The Israelis have no business parceling-out Palestinian water to illegal settlements with the dregs for the indigenous Palestinian people.
In fact, they do have the right to determine infrastructure decisions as a matter of international law and according to the Oslo agreements, but they don't. Israel and the Palestinian Authority have equal representation on the Joint Water Committee which is empowered to make all water decisions, but since the Palestinian Authority so often refuses to meet, few decisions can be taken.

Israelis in Judea and Samaria don't suffer water shortages like the Palestinians do because most of their agricultural water comes from reprocessed sewerage. The Civil Administration has invited the Palestinians to send their sewerage to these plants and draw out reprocessed water for agricultural use, but the Palestinians refuse, probably for political reasons, and since the PA refuses to meet with Israelis on the Joint Water Committee, probably for political reasons, new decisions that would allow new infrastructure to alleviate water problems cannot be taken.

The water in Israel isn't that great. I have gotten diarrhea there a few times.
Sorry to hear that.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority
Nonsense. Since 1995 decisions on water resources have been made by the Joint Water Committee which has equal representation of Israel and the PA. However, the PA refuses to recognize the Joint Water Committee as legitimate now, and so no new decisions can be made to adjust the water supply for the Palestinians. The absurdity of the PA's position was recently demonstrated when the new Palestinian cite of Rawabi needed a water supply to be built, but the PA refused to meet with Israeli representative, so it lay idle until the Israeli Defense Minister declared an emergency and ordered the pipes be laid for Rawabi. So the PA complains about water but prefers conflict with Israel over water for its people.
The Israelis have no business parceling-out Palestinian water to illegal settlements with the dregs for the indigenous Palestinian people.
In fact, they do have the right to determine infrastructure decisions as a matter of international law and according to the Oslo agreements, but they don't. Israel and the Palestinian Authority have equal representation on the Joint Water Committee which is empowered to make all water decisions, but since the Palestinian Authority so often refuses to meet, few decisions can be taken.

Israelis in Judea and Samaria don't suffer water shortages like the Palestinians do because most of their agricultural water comes from reprocessed sewerage. The Civil Administration has invited the Palestinians to send their sewerage to these plants and draw out reprocessed water for agricultural use, but the Palestinians refuse, probably for political reasons, and since the PA refuses to meet with Israelis on the Joint Water Committee, probably for political reasons, new decisions that would allow new infrastructure to alleviate water problems cannot be taken.
The reason the Israelis have no business controlling water in the Occupied Territory of Palestine is because they ought to be back in their own country.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.

Jews will continue to build in Jerusalem. Because it is forever Jewish. It's ours and if the UN doesn't like it they can just F### OFF!

It is that uncompromising (and irrational) position that will result in the Jewish colonial project to end in tears. It is truly unbelievable that these people won't accept that the land was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the hordes of people that happened to practice Judaism, from other continents, invaded the land and expropriated, evicted and now rule over the native people they were unable to evict. If you people don't compromise and accept the reality that you took the land from the existing inhabitants, the future is not bright.

When, exactly, did this purported "invasion" happen?

Let's get all the facts out ...

Our gal Monty is a Revisionist.
Just ask her about the Roman conquest of Jerusalem; she says it never happened.

I present facts from source documents. You make things up based on Zionist propaganda. And yes, of course Pompey conquered Jerusalem.
You are admitting the Romans conquered Jerusalem and exiled millions of Jews into their Empire?
When any criticism pointed at you is "nothing more than anti Israel propaganda" then fuck you guys. You're on your own.

Its not just nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. We think you guys are assholes. It's why a lot of people don't like jews.
No, you don't like Jews because you are a simple minded racist.

Or you are all just annoying

Peace cannot exist without justice. A future peace cannot exist without recognizing factual history. The irony is only two types of people will ignore the above guidance — “heartless Zionists” and “Hamas terrorists.”

Hopefully the majority of us can build a strong enough middle ground to neutralize both extremes and finally get what we all want — peace.

Justice is subjective. It's not absolute. Justice for the Arab wouldn't be justice for the Jew. So who will decide what is "Justice", exactly?
International law as formulated by the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court decides what justice is and with regularity Israelis are found to be violators.
Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
If Jesus is so revered by Islam, why have Muslims committed a genocide of Christians in the Middle East, in our own day and age? In fact, every 30 minutes a Christian is killed by Muslims in the ME. Yes, the Muslims who have Jesus as a saint.

Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood...
On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving spies, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
If Jesus is so revered by Islam, why have Muslims committed a genocide of Christians in the Middle East, in our own day and age? In fact, every 30 minutes a Christian is killed by Muslims in the ME. Yes, the Muslims who have Jesus as a saint.

Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood...
On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving spies, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
How young are you and where are you doing your research?
In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.

What are you talking about?
Was Lavon an Arab?
That was one incident three generations ago and the Arabs have been slaughtering each other about the succession to Muhammad for over a thousand years and have periodically been slaughtering Jews for over a thousand years.

While there have been periods of relative peace between Christians and Muslims in some parts of the ME, Christians as well as Jews have nearly always been subject discrimination under the law in Muslim controlled countries and from the Crusades through the Muslim conquest of the eastern Roman Empire right down to today, Christian Europe has more often been in armed conflict with Muslims than not.
You are admitting the Romans conquered Jerusalem and exiled millions of Jews into their Empire?

The province Palestine could never feed more than 300 000 inhabitants, the legends about millions of expelled Jews from Palestine do not have any scientific foundation.

Romans expelled maybe 20 000 Zealots (Terrorists, Trouble makers), but more than 90% of the inhabitants of Palestine remained where they lived from the time immemorial.

What happened to those Palestinians that never left their homeland?
Well, most of them became Christians. Christianity was in the very beginning a Hebrew Sect. Many Palestinian Christians later converted to Islam, that is why Jesus Christ and his mother are saints in Islam. Jesus was (according to Islam) a Muslim.

Today Jews are mainly descendants of non-Hebrew converts, like Berbers, Khazars or Slavs. The expelled Jewish Zealots married local women in Khazaria and other regions, proselytised pagans and founded the Jewish diaspora in the Middle Ages.

And most Palestinians are descendants of the Hebrews that accepted Christianity and later converted to Islam.
Some of them are still Christians.
If Jesus is so revered by Islam, why have Muslims committed a genocide of Christians in the Middle East, in our own day and age? In fact, every 30 minutes a Christian is killed by Muslims in the ME. Yes, the Muslims who have Jesus as a saint.

Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood...
On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving spies, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
Judea and Samaria are effectively part of Israel, but at this time Israel has only taken the formal step of annexing Jerusalem.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority
Nonsense. Since 1995 decisions on water resources have been made by the Joint Water Committee which has equal representation of Israel and the PA. However, the PA refuses to recognize the Joint Water Committee as legitimate now, and so no new decisions can be made to adjust the water supply for the Palestinians. The absurdity of the PA's position was recently demonstrated when the new Palestinian cite of Rawabi needed a water supply to be built, but the PA refused to meet with Israeli representative, so it lay idle until the Israeli Defense Minister declared an emergency and ordered the pipes be laid for Rawabi. So the PA complains about water but prefers conflict with Israel over water for its people.
The Israelis have no business parceling-out Palestinian water to illegal settlements with the dregs for the indigenous Palestinian people.
In fact, they do have the right to determine infrastructure decisions as a matter of international law and according to the Oslo agreements, but they don't. Israel and the Palestinian Authority have equal representation on the Joint Water Committee which is empowered to make all water decisions, but since the Palestinian Authority so often refuses to meet, few decisions can be taken.

Israelis in Judea and Samaria don't suffer water shortages like the Palestinians do because most of their agricultural water comes from reprocessed sewerage. The Civil Administration has invited the Palestinians to send their sewerage to these plants and draw out reprocessed water for agricultural use, but the Palestinians refuse, probably for political reasons, and since the PA refuses to meet with Israelis on the Joint Water Committee, probably for political reasons, new decisions that would allow new infrastructure to alleviate water problems cannot be taken.
The reason the Israelis have no business controlling water in the Occupied Territory of Palestine is because they ought to be back in their own country.
In other words, your ignorance of the situation is perfect yet you hold strong opinions; that is a definition of bigotry.
No, you don't like Jews because you are a simple minded racist.

Or you are all just annoying

Peace cannot exist without justice. A future peace cannot exist without recognizing factual history. The irony is only two types of people will ignore the above guidance — “heartless Zionists” and “Hamas terrorists.”

Hopefully the majority of us can build a strong enough middle ground to neutralize both extremes and finally get what we all want — peace.

Justice is subjective. It's not absolute. Justice for the Arab wouldn't be justice for the Jew. So who will decide what is "Justice", exactly?
International law as formulated by the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court decides what justice is and with regularity Israelis are found to be violators.
Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
You are admitting the Romans conquered Jerusalem and exiled millions of Jews into their Empire?

The province Palestine could never feed more than 300 000 inhabitants, the legends about millions of expelled Jews from Palestine do not have any scientific foundation.

Romans expelled maybe 20 000 Zealots (Terrorists, Trouble makers), but more than 90% of the inhabitants of Palestine remained where they lived from the time immemorial.

What happened to those Palestinians that never left their homeland?
Well, most of them became Christians. Christianity was in the very beginning a Hebrew Sect. Many Palestinian Christians later converted to Islam, that is why Jesus Christ and his mother are saints in Islam. Jesus was (according to Islam) a Muslim.

Today Jews are mainly descendants of non-Hebrew converts, like Berbers, Khazars or Slavs. The expelled Jewish Zealots married local women in Khazaria and other regions, proselytised pagans and founded the Jewish diaspora in the Middle Ages.

And most Palestinians are descendants of the Hebrews that accepted Christianity and later converted to Islam.
Some of them are still Christians.
And you are a revisionist.
By the way, The Romans took the elite and tried to exterminate the riff raff.
Of course, history has always proven that there are very few Jews who are riff raff...and that's what really pisses off Jew haters like you.
While there have been periods of relative peace between Christians and Muslims in some parts of the ME, Christians as well as Jews have nearly always been subject discrimination under the law in Muslim controlled countries and from the Crusades through the Muslim conquest of the eastern Roman Empire right down to today, Christian Europe has more often been in armed conflict with Muslims than not.

Jews and Muslims were allies in the medieval Spain (Andalusia).

According to Judaism, Islam is better for Jews, than Christianity.

A Jew can enter a Mosque and pray there, but a Jews cannot enter a Church, because a Church is (according to Judaism) unclean.

And in Europe Jews and Muslims are allies, too.

Jews and Muslims have similar cultures. A German court tried to prohibit the genitale mutilation of small children in Germany, but Jews supported the Muslims, they said that circumcision is part of Muslim and Jewish culture, and they immediately invoked Hitler to promote their agenda.

The same with the ritual slaughter of animals, Jews support Muslims and claim that this is their culture, though from the point of view of Europeans it is torture of animals.

Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, believes that the Islamization of Europe is actually a good thing.
The theological reason, according to Rabbi Efrati, is that Christianity – which he sees as idolatry – has a tendency to "destroy normal life and abstain from it on the one hand, while losing modesty on the other hand," as it "ranges between radical monasticism to radical Western licentiousness."

Islam, the rabbi added, is "a religion which misjudges its prophets but is relatively honest. It educates a bit more for a stable life of marriage and creation, where there is certain modesty and respect for God."

Ynetnews Jewish Scene - 'Islamization of Europe a good thing'

As we see, in Europe Jews and Muslims are natural allies.
Zionists want us to hate the Muslims that live in their Muslim countries, like Palestine, in this case Christians have to support Zionists.

But when these Muslims are displaced from their homes and flee to Europe, commit crimes there, we are supposed to love them, and Zionist Jews always support Muslims that live in Europe or other Western countries.

Is this not strange?

Jews will continue to build in Jerusalem. Because it is forever Jewish. It's ours and if the UN doesn't like it they can just F### OFF!

It is that uncompromising (and irrational) position that will result in the Jewish colonial project to end in tears. It is truly unbelievable that these people won't accept that the land was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the hordes of people that happened to practice Judaism, from other continents, invaded the land and expropriated, evicted and now rule over the native people they were unable to evict. If you people don't compromise and accept the reality that you took the land from the existing inhabitants, the future is not bright.

When, exactly, did this purported "invasion" happen?

Let's get all the facts out ...

Our gal Monty is a Revisionist.
Just ask her about the Roman conquest of Jerusalem; she says it never happened.

I present facts from source documents. You make things up based on Zionist propaganda. And yes, of course Pompey conquered Jerusalem.
You are admitting the Romans conquered Jerusalem and exiled millions of Jews into their Empire?

The Romans conquered Jerusalem. Millions of Jews were not exiled. That's a myth, and hysterically funny. Josephus references 90,000 people being brought to Rome after the Great Jewish Revolt. During the war it's exceedingly likely that at least some people fled the conflict to more peaceful areas. There are references to some Sicarii (assassins) escaping to Egypt, for example. No one bothered to figure out how many, but some people were definitely displaced.

There wasn't an exile, since Jews were still allowed to live in Palestine. That's not really disputed by any historian. There were enough Jews in Palestine for yet another revolt in 135 AD. LOL

The Jews disappeared because many converted to Christianity over the years and more converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion in 380 AD. Non-Christians (Jews included) were not permitted to enter Jerusalem, much less live in Jerusalem until the Arab conquest when the Jews were again allowed to enter.

The people subsequently over the years converted to Islam, but Christians were still the majority, ruled by Muslims in Palestine when the Crusaders arrived and conquered Jerusalem. After Saladin defeated the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, slowly, the Christians began to convert to Islam and eventually became the 10-20% minority of 19th century Palestine.
Jews will continue to build in Jerusalem. Because it is forever Jewish. It's ours and if the UN doesn't like it they can just F### OFF!

It is that uncompromising (and irrational) position that will result in the Jewish colonial project to end in tears. It is truly unbelievable that these people won't accept that the land was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the hordes of people that happened to practice Judaism, from other continents, invaded the land and expropriated, evicted and now rule over the native people they were unable to evict. If you people don't compromise and accept the reality that you took the land from the existing inhabitants, the future is not bright.

When, exactly, did this purported "invasion" happen?

Let's get all the facts out ...

Our gal Monty is a Revisionist.
Just ask her about the Roman conquest of Jerusalem; she says it never happened.

I present facts from source documents. You make things up based on Zionist propaganda. And yes, of course Pompey conquered Jerusalem.
You are admitting the Romans conquered Jerusalem and exiled millions of Jews into their Empire?
Figures for the population of Jews in Palestine at the time of the destruction of the temple vary but to say that millions were dispersed throughout the Roman Empire sounds inflated. Perhaps there were no more than one million Jews in the province at that time. (Pastor, J. (1997). Land and economy in ancient Palestine. p. 6. London and New York: Routledge.)
And you are a revisionist.

I am an educated person who does not believe in crazy religious fairy tales.

By the way, The Romans took the elite and tried to exterminate the riff raff.
Of course, history has always proven that there are very few Jews who are riff raff...and that's what really pisses off Jew haters like you.

You seem to be a Goyim-Hater that ignores the scientific evidence and sticks to crazy religious dogmas about the "special Yahweh given rights" of Jews.
If Jesus is so revered by Islam, why have Muslims committed a genocide of Christians in the Middle East, in our own day and age? In fact, every 30 minutes a Christian is killed by Muslims in the ME. Yes, the Muslims who have Jesus as a saint.

Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood...
On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving spies, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
How young are you and where are you doing your research?
My age is irrelevant and I read books.
You are admitting the Romans conquered Jerusalem and exiled millions of Jews into their Empire?

The province Palestine could never feed more than 300 000 inhabitants, the legends about millions of expelled Jews from Palestine do not have any scientific foundation.

Romans expelled maybe 20 000 Zealots (Terrorists, Trouble makers), but more than 90% of the inhabitants of Palestine remained where they lived from the time immemorial.

What happened to those Palestinians that never left their homeland?
Well, most of them became Christians. Christianity was in the very beginning a Hebrew Sect. Many Palestinian Christians later converted to Islam, that is why Jesus Christ and his mother are saints in Islam. Jesus was (according to Islam) a Muslim.

Today Jews are mainly descendants of non-Hebrew converts, like Berbers, Khazars or Slavs. The expelled Jewish Zealots married local women in Khazaria and other regions, proselytised pagans and founded the Jewish diaspora in the Middle Ages.

And most Palestinians are descendants of the Hebrews that accepted Christianity and later converted to Islam.
Some of them are still Christians.

Let's forget about the ME for a moment. Does the fact that Jesus was a saint in Islam prevent ISIS from setting off bombs in Christian France, Germany or Belgium? Or ramming trucks into Christmas-shopping crowds?

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