Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

So the people at the UN didn't look at the facts? The White House didn't look at the facts?

Some 570,000 Israelis live in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, in settlements that most countries consider to be illegal and the United States terms illegitimate. Israel disputes that, citing historical, political and Biblical links to the areas, as well as security concerns.

Most countries think what you are doing is illegal. Maybe if most countries saw things exactly like the Jews see things we'd all agree. But then we would all be jews.

Oh, they looked at the facts - they just chose to ignore them. It is the politically expedient thing to do. And, why do you suppose that would be? Think it might have anything to do with spreading democracy in the Middle East? Think it might have anything to do with upsetting the oil producers? Think it might have anything to do with the duplicity of the US? Can any country afford to have the Arab countries rise up in protest to supporting Israel?

By what stretch of imagination do you honestly believe that the land doesn't belong to Israel? No because somebody else said it doesn't - but what is the proof that makes you comfortable with your version of the truth?

As you say, Israel cites historical, political, and Biblical proofs ---- are they wrong? Where? What's wrong with their proofs?

I would hate to live where Jews are the majority.

We would hate it if you lived here, too.


But it would improve the smell. No way these guys don't smell

How old are you, really?...

Because this is just embarrassing.

No this is

26 Billion Bucks: The Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered

I was listening to a jew on tv talk about how we need to feed starving jews in Isreal. What fucking fool is sending Israel money? Why can't they feed their own people? You people disgust me.

Are You a Watchman over Israel?
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority

We all knew Jews are unreasonable and this is just illustrating it.

And I'm not happy how we're going back to another Republican president and all of the sudden we are talking about war with Iran and Israel again. It was a nice 8 years during Obama when we didn't to worry about Israel.

Republicans always want to bring up Soros but they never mention this hymie bastard who will tell the USA what to do when it comes to Israel & the ME.

We get it: you hate Jews but you have no idea why.

I think we all know why people don't like jews.
No, people who claim not to like Jews or other ethnic groups are not thinkers and have no idea why they hold these prejudices.
I have ideas why. And I don't hate jews the same way I don't hate blacks. But do I like the black community as a group? No I do not. But I don't hate blacks or think I'm better than them. Just as a group or as a whole I think they suck major balls.

Jews in America are alright other than being a little annoying. If you disagree with their politics, which usually I do, they are sooo stubborn and they/you don't even see that your loyalty is not with the USA it's with Israel. If not why do you think you always see things the Israel's way and I don't? For years I took the Jews side but the more I learned the more I realize you guys are horrible people. You almost deserve the level of respect you get from the Arabs. You get what you give.

Do you love the black community? If not, does that make you a racist? Do you agree with the arab community? Does that make you anti arab? Are you evil? Are you ignorant for not agreeing 100% with blacks and arabs? Then why am I anti semetic for not agreeing with Jews or thinking you guys are the bad actors in this?

The UN says you are wrong. How else am I supposed to judge you? You don't like their decision but that's what I would expect from a jew.

So if you can realize that you are not racist just because you don't always agree with the black community, you can then see how people who don't agree with Israel aren't automatically anti semetic.
What is clear is that you are so profoundly racist you are incapable of seeing every post you put up says nothing but that you are a racist.
Oh, they looked at the facts - they just chose to ignore them. It is the politically expedient thing to do. And, why do you suppose that would be? Think it might have anything to do with spreading democracy in the Middle East? Think it might have anything to do with upsetting the oil producers? Think it might have anything to do with the duplicity of the US? Can any country afford to have the Arab countries rise up in protest to supporting Israel?

By what stretch of imagination do you honestly believe that the land doesn't belong to Israel? No because somebody else said it doesn't - but what is the proof that makes you comfortable with your version of the truth?

As you say, Israel cites historical, political, and Biblical proofs ---- are they wrong? Where? What's wrong with their proofs?

I would hate to live where Jews are the majority.

We would hate it if you lived here, too.


But it would improve the smell. No way these guys don't smell

How old are you, really?...

Because this is just embarrassing.

No this is

26 Billion Bucks: The Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered

I was listening to a jew on tv talk about how we need to feed starving jews in Isreal. What fucking fool is sending Israel money? Why can't they feed their own people? You people disgust me.

Are You a Watchman over Israel?

Are you for real? Every state in the world has starvation and poverty.

If that Tzaddik wished not see Jews starve, that is blesed.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority

We all knew Jews are unreasonable and this is just illustrating it.

And I'm not happy how we're going back to another Republican president and all of the sudden we are talking about war with Iran and Israel again. It was a nice 8 years during Obama when we didn't to worry about Israel.

Republicans always want to bring up Soros but they never mention this hymie bastard who will tell the USA what to do when it comes to Israel & the ME.

We get it: you hate Jews but you have no idea why.
And I don't hate anyone. I don't like you, trust you, I don't think you care about anyone but yourselves and I think you guys are hypocrites. Most jews have a huge chip on their shoulders. Blacks do it too. They say, "it's because I'm black". Well Jews have the same attitude.

And I have yet to meet one jew who was capable of having any empathy for the other side. So you are impossible to talk to unless you agree of course then you are cool but the minute you disagree you are labeled anti semetic. Well guess what? I'm anti semetic.
You are anti semitic because it is your nature to be. Clearly, you are not capable of rational thought on this subject.

I love that term being tossed about. Anti Semitic. Sure, just because I think you are wrong in this case that makes me anti semitic? You jews are as bad as black americans. Every criminal black cries when they get shot that they were shot because the cop was a racist. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with how you treat the arabs in Palestine.

I have no skin in the game. If I had to pick jew or arab I would pick the jews every day of the week. You are much better people than the arabs. But that doesn't mean I think you are right here.
The point that you continue to make clear is that you don't think.
So wait, do I have this right?

Arabs are better than blacks. And Jews are better than Arabs. But Jews still suck balls. Hmmmm. I wonder how he feels about women?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority
Nonsense. Since 1995 decisions on water resources have been made by the Joint Water Committee which has equal representation of Israel and the PA. However, the PA refuses to recognize the Joint Water Committee as legitimate now, and so no new decisions can be made to adjust the water supply for the Palestinians. The absurdity of the PA's position was recently demonstrated when the new Palestinian cite of Rawabi needed a water supply to be built, but the PA refused to meet with Israeli representative, so it lay idle until the Israeli Defense Minister declared an emergency and ordered the pipes be laid for Rawabi. So the PA complains about water but prefers conflict with Israel over water for its people.
The Israelis have no business parceling-out Palestinian water to illegal settlements with the dregs for the indigenous Palestinian people.
Where is the birth place of Christianity?

In Palestine.

Jesus Christ was the first Palestinian Christian, and Palestinians with a Christin background stem from the first Christian community, created by the first Christians.

Later many Palestinian Christians converted to Islam, in Islam Jesus Christ and his mother are saints.

But there is a huge gulf between Christians and Jews, the term "Judeo-Christinity" is a fake term, created by Zionist nutters.

If Jesus is so revered by Islam, why have Muslims committed a genocide of Christians in the Middle East, in our own day and age? In fact, every 30 minutes a Christian is killed by Muslims in the ME. Yes, the Muslims who have Jesus as a saint.
Last edited:
Oh wait. I'm wrong. Its the blacks who suck balls. Jews are horrible people. My mistake.
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.

Jews will continue to build in Jerusalem. Because it is forever Jewish. It's ours and if the UN doesn't like it they can just F### OFF!

It is that uncompromising (and irrational) position that will result in the Jewish colonial project to end in tears. It is truly unbelievable that these people won't accept that the land was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the hordes of people that happened to practice Judaism, from other continents, invaded the land and expropriated, evicted and now rule over the native people they were unable to evict. If you people don't compromise and accept the reality that you took the land from the existing inhabitants, the future is not bright.

When, exactly, did this purported "invasion" happen?

Let's get all the facts out ...

Our gal Monty is a Revisionist.
Just ask her about the Roman conquest of Jerusalem; she says it never happened.
Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.

Jews will continue to build in Jerusalem. Because it is forever Jewish. It's ours and if the UN doesn't like it they can just F### OFF!

It is that uncompromising (and irrational) position that will result in the Jewish colonial project to end in tears. It is truly unbelievable that these people won't accept that the land was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the hordes of people that happened to practice Judaism, from other continents, invaded the land and expropriated, evicted and now rule over the native people they were unable to evict. If you people don't compromise and accept the reality that you took the land from the existing inhabitants, the future is not bright.

When, exactly, did this purported "invasion" happen?

Let's get all the facts out ...

Our gal Monty is a Revisionist.
Just ask her about the Roman conquest of Jerusalem; she says it never happened.

monte is a guy.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.

Jews will continue to build in Jerusalem. Because it is forever Jewish. It's ours and if the UN doesn't like it they can just F### OFF!

It is that uncompromising (and irrational) position that will result in the Jewish colonial project to end in tears. It is truly unbelievable that these people won't accept that the land was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the hordes of people that happened to practice Judaism, from other continents, invaded the land and expropriated, evicted and now rule over the native people they were unable to evict. If you people don't compromise and accept the reality that you took the land from the existing inhabitants, the future is not bright.

When, exactly, did this purported "invasion" happen?

Let's get all the facts out ...

Our gal Monty is a Revisionist.
Just ask her about the Roman conquest of Jerusalem; she says it never happened.

monte is a guy.

Monty is sharing a username with someone as Monty changes genders every now and then.
Monty posted about a year ago she's a female.
Monty posted about 2 years ago he's a male.
Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority
Nonsense. Since 1995 decisions on water resources have been made by the Joint Water Committee which has equal representation of Israel and the PA. However, the PA refuses to recognize the Joint Water Committee as legitimate now, and so no new decisions can be made to adjust the water supply for the Palestinians. The absurdity of the PA's position was recently demonstrated when the new Palestinian cite of Rawabi needed a water supply to be built, but the PA refused to meet with Israeli representative, so it lay idle until the Israeli Defense Minister declared an emergency and ordered the pipes be laid for Rawabi. So the PA complains about water but prefers conflict with Israel over water for its people.
The Israelis have no business parceling-out Palestinian water to illegal settlements with the dregs for the indigenous Palestinian people.
In fact, they do have the right to determine infrastructure decisions as a matter of international law and according to the Oslo agreements, but they don't. Israel and the Palestinian Authority have equal representation on the Joint Water Committee which is empowered to make all water decisions, but since the Palestinian Authority so often refuses to meet, few decisions can be taken.

Israelis in Judea and Samaria don't suffer water shortages like the Palestinians do because most of their agricultural water comes from reprocessed sewerage. The Civil Administration has invited the Palestinians to send their sewerage to these plants and draw out reprocessed water for agricultural use, but the Palestinians refuse, probably for political reasons, and since the PA refuses to meet with Israelis on the Joint Water Committee, probably for political reasons, new decisions that would allow new infrastructure to alleviate water problems cannot be taken.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.

When any criticism pointed at you is "nothing more than anti Israel propaganda" then fuck you guys. You're on your own.

Its not just nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. We think you guys are assholes. It's why a lot of people don't like jews.
No, you don't like Jews because you are a simple minded racist.

Or you are all just annoying

Peace cannot exist without justice. A future peace cannot exist without recognizing factual history. The irony is only two types of people will ignore the above guidance — “heartless Zionists” and “Hamas terrorists.”

Hopefully the majority of us can build a strong enough middle ground to neutralize both extremes and finally get what we all want — peace.

Justice is subjective. It's not absolute. Justice for the Arab wouldn't be justice for the Jew. So who will decide what is "Justice", exactly?
International law as formulated by the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court decides what justice is and with regularity Israelis are found to be violators.
If Jesus is so revered by Islam, why have Muslims committed a genocide of Christians in the Middle East, in our own day and age? In fact, every 30 minutes a Christian is killed by Muslims in the ME. Yes, the Muslims who have Jesus as a saint.

Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood...
On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving spies, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority
Nonsense. Since 1995 decisions on water resources have been made by the Joint Water Committee which has equal representation of Israel and the PA. However, the PA refuses to recognize the Joint Water Committee as legitimate now, and so no new decisions can be made to adjust the water supply for the Palestinians. The absurdity of the PA's position was recently demonstrated when the new Palestinian cite of Rawabi needed a water supply to be built, but the PA refused to meet with Israeli representative, so it lay idle until the Israeli Defense Minister declared an emergency and ordered the pipes be laid for Rawabi. So the PA complains about water but prefers conflict with Israel over water for its people.
The Israelis have no business parceling-out Palestinian water to illegal settlements with the dregs for the indigenous Palestinian people.
In fact, they do have the right to determine infrastructure decisions as a matter of international law and according to the Oslo agreements, but they don't. Israel and the Palestinian Authority have equal representation on the Joint Water Committee which is empowered to make all water decisions, but since the Palestinian Authority so often refuses to meet, few decisions can be taken.

Israelis in Judea and Samaria don't suffer water shortages like the Palestinians do because most of their agricultural water comes from reprocessed sewerage. The Civil Administration has invited the Palestinians to send their sewerage to these plants and draw out reprocessed water for agricultural use, but the Palestinians refuse, probably for political reasons, and since the PA refuses to meet with Israelis on the Joint Water Committee, probably for political reasons, new decisions that would allow new infrastructure to alleviate water problems cannot be taken.

The water in Israel isn't that great. I have gotten diarrhea there a few times.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.

When any criticism pointed at you is "nothing more than anti Israel propaganda" then fuck you guys. You're on your own.

Its not just nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. We think you guys are assholes. It's why a lot of people don't like jews.
No, you don't like Jews because you are a simple minded racist.

Or you are all just annoying

Peace cannot exist without justice. A future peace cannot exist without recognizing factual history. The irony is only two types of people will ignore the above guidance — “heartless Zionists” and “Hamas terrorists.”

Hopefully the majority of us can build a strong enough middle ground to neutralize both extremes and finally get what we all want — peace.

Justice is subjective. It's not absolute. Justice for the Arab wouldn't be justice for the Jew. So who will decide what is "Justice", exactly?
International law as formulated by the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court decides what justice is and with regularity Israelis are found to be violators.
Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.

Jews will continue to build in Jerusalem. Because it is forever Jewish. It's ours and if the UN doesn't like it they can just F### OFF!

It is that uncompromising (and irrational) position that will result in the Jewish colonial project to end in tears. It is truly unbelievable that these people won't accept that the land was inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the hordes of people that happened to practice Judaism, from other continents, invaded the land and expropriated, evicted and now rule over the native people they were unable to evict. If you people don't compromise and accept the reality that you took the land from the existing inhabitants, the future is not bright.

When, exactly, did this purported "invasion" happen?

Let's get all the facts out ...

Our gal Monty is a Revisionist.
Just ask her about the Roman conquest of Jerusalem; she says it never happened.

I present facts from source documents. You make things up based on Zionist propaganda. And yes, of course Pompey conquered Jerusalem.

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