Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

UNSC Resolutions, unlike GA Resolutions, have the force of law.
Only Chapter 7 resolutions have the force of law.

No, but the resolution does fall under Chapter 7, to wit:

"Chapter 7

Article 40
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures."
Sure is gonna be a hoot when Trump woops Venezuela's ass in 3 weeks.

Venezuela? Are you on the juice? I know it's the Christmas season, but isn't it early in the day?
Try watching some news once in a while, snowflake.

The UNSC vote for the resolution was 14 for and one abstention, the U.S. Why would Venezuela be singled out?

Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal, Venezuela, New Zealand and Malaysia
No, every nation except Israel and Palau or some other island. With its abstention, even the U.S. agrees.
You mean every shithole on earth.

So, only Israel is not a shit hole, in your opinion. Figures.
Those nations that bow to their fear of Islam are shitholes.

I see. Very cogent.
We all know you love Islamic Terrorists.

Why would I "love" anything Islamic? I see you realize you have lost and are now making irrational accusations. I disapprove of the precepts of Islam about as much as those of Judaism as far as religions go.
Only Chapter 7 resolutions have the force of law.

No, but the resolution does fall under Chapter 7, to wit:

"Chapter 7

Article 40
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures."
Sure is gonna be a hoot when Trump woops Venezuela's ass in 3 weeks.

Venezuela? Are you on the juice? I know it's the Christmas season, but isn't it early in the day?
Try watching some news once in a while, snowflake.

The UNSC vote for the resolution was 14 for and one abstention, the U.S. Why would Venezuela be singled out?

Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal, Venezuela, New Zealand and Malaysia

Shitholes...Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal, Venezuela, New Zealand and Malaysia.
And France and Britain are almost just about becoming Muslim nations.
For sure Russia and China will never impose economic sanctions on Israel.
You mean every shithole on earth.

So, only Israel is not a shit hole, in your opinion. Figures.
Those nations that bow to their fear of Islam are shitholes.

I see. Very cogent.
We all know you love Islamic Terrorists.

Why would I "love" anything Islamic? I see you realize you have lost and are now making irrational accusations. I disapprove of the precepts of Islam about as much as those of Judaism as far as religions go.
Quite simple, my dear, as you have NEVER criticized ANYTHING Muslim despite their countless atrocities,
So, only Israel is not a shit hole, in your opinion. Figures.
Those nations that bow to their fear of Islam are shitholes.

I see. Very cogent.
We all know you love Islamic Terrorists.

Why would I "love" anything Islamic? I see you realize you have lost and are now making irrational accusations. I disapprove of the precepts of Islam about as much as those of Judaism as far as religions go.
Quite simple, my dear, as you have NEVER criticized ANYTHING Muslim despite their countless atrocities,

Just go to the Europe or Middle East folder, where it is relevant. This is the I/P folder.
Only Chapter 7 resolutions have the force of law.

No, but the resolution does fall under Chapter 7, to wit:

"Chapter 7

Article 40
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures."
Sure is gonna be a hoot when Trump woops Venezuela's ass in 3 weeks.

Venezuela? Are you on the juice? I know it's the Christmas season, but isn't it early in the day?
Try watching some news once in a while, snowflake.

The UNSC vote for the resolution was 14 for and one abstention, the U.S. Why would Venezuela be singled out?

Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal, Venezuela, New Zealand and Malaysia
It is reported in THE TIMES today that Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled a scheduled meeting with Britain's prime minister, Theresa May, over her support for Resolution 2334. Only two weeks ago, May spoke of Israel as "a remarkable country" and a "beacon of tolerance". Well, Theresa May spoke too soon.


Theresa May identifies with Jews.
No, but the resolution does fall under Chapter 7, to wit:

"Chapter 7

Article 40
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures."
Sure is gonna be a hoot when Trump woops Venezuela's ass in 3 weeks.

Venezuela? Are you on the juice? I know it's the Christmas season, but isn't it early in the day?
Try watching some news once in a while, snowflake.

The UNSC vote for the resolution was 14 for and one abstention, the U.S. Why would Venezuela be singled out?

Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal, Venezuela, New Zealand and Malaysia

Shitholes...Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal, Venezuela, New Zealand and Malaysia.
And France and Britain are almost just about becoming Muslim nations.
For sure Russia and China will never impose economic sanctions on Israel.

Have you been to any of those countries. Spain, Uruguay and New Zealand shit holes? LOL
Sure is gonna be a hoot when Trump woops Venezuela's ass in 3 weeks.

Venezuela? Are you on the juice? I know it's the Christmas season, but isn't it early in the day?
Try watching some news once in a while, snowflake.

The UNSC vote for the resolution was 14 for and one abstention, the U.S. Why would Venezuela be singled out?

Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal, Venezuela, New Zealand and Malaysia

Shitholes...Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal, Venezuela, New Zealand and Malaysia.
And France and Britain are almost just about becoming Muslim nations.
For sure Russia and China will never impose economic sanctions on Israel.

Have you been to any of those countries. Spain, Uruguay and New Zealand shit holes? LOL
I know many people who have been to Spain...they say it's filthy and there are no public toilets and people piss in the streets.
And yes, I trust these people more than I trust you.
Uruguay and New Zealand are sucking up to Islamic terrorism.
Can't wait for Jan 20.
Those nations that bow to their fear of Islam are shitholes.

I see. Very cogent.
We all know you love Islamic Terrorists.

Why would I "love" anything Islamic? I see you realize you have lost and are now making irrational accusations. I disapprove of the precepts of Islam about as much as those of Judaism as far as religions go.
Quite simple, my dear, as you have NEVER criticized ANYTHING Muslim despite their countless atrocities,

Just go to the Europe or Middle East folder, where it is relevant. This is the I/P folder.
Your obsession is relevant; it clouds your logic.
The international law you are referring to is the Fourth Geneva Conventions which address land conquered by one signatory of the Conventions by another, but Judea and Samaria were never legally part of Jordan, which conquered them in 1948, and were in turn captured by Israel when Jordan began shelling and bombing Israel in 1967. Since Judea and Samaria had no legal status in 1967, the Geneva Conventions do not apply.
According to you the condition is, land conquered by one signatory of the Conventions by another, which that land fits.
Israelis are often called violators, but there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for that charge, so what is wrong with institutions that level these charges with no facts to support them?
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.

Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.
You are mistaken. UN resolutions constitute international law.

YOU are mistaken. They are agreements by all signees --- nothing more, nothing less.
The international law you are referring to is the Fourth Geneva Conventions which address land conquered by one signatory of the Conventions by another, but Judea and Samaria were never legally part of Jordan, which conquered them in 1948, and were in turn captured by Israel when Jordan began shelling and bombing Israel in 1967. Since Judea and Samaria had no legal status in 1967, the Geneva Conventions do not apply.
According to you the condition is, land conquered by one signatory of the Conventions by another, which that land fits.

That's not true ... since Palestine is not a nation, it can't have signed the Geneva Convention.

Quit making stuff up.
The Israelis are habitual violators of international law which is why they are considered a bunch of shameless scofflaws.
But of course, there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for making that claim.
International law states that territory cannot be acquired through war. The targeting of civilians for wholesale slaughter is a violation of international law. And so on in a list as long as your arm. Hence, Israel is a criminal state.

Actually, that's not true .... International law does NOT say that .... a UN resolution says that ... and it is not considered international law, nor can it be pressed in the World Court.
Shhh...the retard might actually learn something and his head will hurt.
Your condescending mocking tone will get no more responses from me.

Things are looking up around here.
In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
How young are you and where are you doing your research?
My age is irrelevant and I read books.
Comic books? Mein Kampf?
A snide remark guarantees you will not hear from me again.
... REALLY looking up around here.
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority
Nonsense. Since 1995 decisions on water resources have been made by the Joint Water Committee which has equal representation of Israel and the PA. However, the PA refuses to recognize the Joint Water Committee as legitimate now, and so no new decisions can be made to adjust the water supply for the Palestinians. The absurdity of the PA's position was recently demonstrated when the new Palestinian cite of Rawabi needed a water supply to be built, but the PA refused to meet with Israeli representative, so it lay idle until the Israeli Defense Minister declared an emergency and ordered the pipes be laid for Rawabi. So the PA complains about water but prefers conflict with Israel over water for its people.
Bla bla bla the civilized world says you're wrong and being unfair.

No ones saying the Palestinians are right and the Jews are wrong but no ones saying you're right either.

And actually in this circumstance we are telling you you're wrong. If you can't be told you are wrong well, that's a stereotype most people believe about Jews.

So let's hear what you Jews are gonna do. What's the end game here? Doesn't matter what we think you do you. Same as we won't stop Russia from invading Crimea
So the people at the UN didn't look at the facts? The White House didn't look at the facts?

Some 570,000 Israelis live in East Jerusalem and the West Bank....

1.4 million Arabs live in Israel. Why are they not considered an obstacle to peace? Why is the mere presence of Jews an "obstacle to peace"?

It's the presence of militarized citadels that prevent sovereignty and a contiguous state that is the problem.
Actually, it's the presence of Islamic terrorists whose fascist ideology knows no passage of time or geographic boundaries and who are equipped and maintained with a dedicated UN funded welfare fraud that is the problem.
It's also the way Jews in Israel treat the Palestinians. I've seen videos and movies about the back and forth.

Ultimately you have the right to defend yourselves but so do they.

So why don't you expel them?
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority

We all knew Jews are unreasonable and this is just illustrating it.

And I'm not happy how we're going back to another Republican president and all of the sudden we are talking about war with Iran and Israel again. It was a nice 8 years during Obama when we didn't to worry about Israel.

Republicans always want to bring up Soros but they never mention this hymie bastard who will tell the USA what to do when it comes to Israel & the ME.

We get it: you hate Jews but you have no idea why.

I think we all know why people don't like jews.

Yeah. We do. For many reasons.

Good poeople are often hated.
I used to believe the Jews were completely innocent and being terrorized by Arabs. You guys love being the victims but we see you guys also know how to victimize and be unreasonable.

I see the Christian nuts in America and Israel want a full out war with the middle East. The Christian nutters believe it was proficized and I smell war with Iran coming.

Israelis no longer seem like a peaceful people. I know you are dealing with savages and maybe I don't know all the facts but what I do know is you can't seem to reason with Jews.

You remind me of black Americans. It's always whites fault. Nothing happening in their community is their fault. Victim mentality

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