Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

Annoying, greedy, cheap, sensitive blunt, rude and accusing people of being anti semetic just for not agreeing.
If Jesus is so revered by Islam, why have Muslims committed a genocide of Christians in the Middle East, in our own day and age? In fact, every 30 minutes a Christian is killed by Muslims in the ME. Yes, the Muslims who have Jesus as a saint.

Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood...
On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving spies, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.

Not yet. It will be soon enough. The Liberated lands must be recognized as ours by Israeli law.
If Jesus is so revered by Islam, why have Muslims committed a genocide of Christians in the Middle East, in our own day and age? In fact, every 30 minutes a Christian is killed by Muslims in the ME. Yes, the Muslims who have Jesus as a saint.

Christians and Muslims lived in peace in the ME, till the "Jewish state" was created. And Mossad or other Secret Services of Zionists were caught red handed many times, planning or perpetrating "false flag" operations that would instigate hate between different religious groups. Here is only one example from many:

As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood...
On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving spies, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

Spies, that planted bombs in American property and tried to kill Americans (to blame the "false-flag_attack" on Muslims) were honoured in Israel in 2005 by Israeli President.

And what was the response of the USA?
Well, more support for Israel!

In fact, Israel, including Judea and Samaria, is pretty much the most peaceful place in the ME, and it is mind boggling that you blame the slaughter of Arabs by Arabs on Israel.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
Judea and Samaria are effectively part of Israel, but at this time Israel has only taken the formal step of annexing Jerusalem.
The world sees the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as Occupied Palestinian Territory.

1.4 million Arabs live in Israel. Why are they not considered an obstacle to peace? Why is the mere presence of Jews an "obstacle to peace"?

It's the presence of militarized citadels that prevent sovereignty and a contiguous state that is the problem.
Actually, it's the presence of Islamic terrorists whose fascist ideology knows no passage of time or geographic boundaries and who are equipped and maintained with a dedicated UN funded welfare fraud that is the problem.

You are too one sided to see anything the other side is saying. We can't have you or Hamas deciding what is the best thing to do because neither of you are reasonable. That's why we have things like the UN.

You are one sided as well. You seems to think Palestinians have no hands in this and it is all the evil Israelis' doing.

At least, that is the impression you convey in your posts.
Not true at all. If I had to assign blame ID give you 30%.

What you people are doing is some what similar to how we treat poor blacks here in america. Poor Blacks need to clean up their act but have you seen those pbs documentaries of how the cops rough up random people just walking down the street?

I think you treat Palestinians worse. We have been carson and condi rice and colon Powell. Do Palestinians stand a chance in Israeli society?

You want us to accept and love the people who stab us on the streets?

You must be delusional.
My question is, what is life for a Palestinian like? Can he become a lawyer or teacher or police or engineer in Israel? Or is he treated like a second class citizen.

We do this to black people here. Some employers won't hire blacks. Is that what it's like in Israel?

Palestinians and Israelis live separately. Is that a concept too complicated to understand? They are lawyers at the PA and there are workers ast the PA. They have certain work certificated they can use here to work in whatev er they want, though. But do we trust them when they're here? most will tell you "no". and with a fucking good reason.

Yesterday it was published that two Arab dudes, who faught for the "Palestinian cause", gathered weapons to hurt civilians and soldiers. Two of them live 20 minutes from my house. One of them a manager in an Arab store I used to visit regularly, because the crew is friendly and the prices are cheap.

So the new hint I get is that the "friendly" is all a mask while they planned to hurt my people. Hell I don't know if once or twice while we went there they didn't plan us to get out alive. And those are Arab Israelis. Blue IDs. So you tell me, why we should blindly trust them?!
Annoying, greedy, cheap, sensitive blunt, rude and accusing people

Yea ... isn't it a bitch we own everything?

So the new hint I get is that the "friendly" is all a mask while they planned to hurt my people.
And those are Arab Israelis. Blue IDs. So you tell me, why we should blindly trust them?!

So Arab Israelis are not your people, though they are Israeli citizens?

Can you imagine a white American saying that Black Americans or American Jews are not his people, that they cannot be trusted and that they should live separately from white Americans?

American Jews would scream "racism", and there would be no end of it. White Americans have to tolerate hate groups, like BLM, if they do not want to be called names.

American Jews push "open boarders", "equal rights" and "race mixing" for the USA, but they support an ethnocentric "Jewish state" with "Jews only" citizenship and migration laws. 99,9% of all migrants to Israel, who get Israeli citizenship, are Jews.
In the USA Zionist Jews demand measures, when they think that a town is "too white".

How long will Jewish Zionists get away with this duplicity?
Not yet. It will be soon enough. The Liberated lands must be recognized as ours by Israeli law.

Thank you for your honesty.
The stupid Goyim do not understand that Zionists do not care about non-Jewish laws, they only care about their own "god given" laws.

And according to these laws the borders of Israel are from Nile to Euphrates river.

According to these crazy laws Syrians live on "Jewish land" that must be redeemed.

That is probably the reason why they hate Assad and why Syrians are "transferred" to Western countries, which are controlled by Zionists.

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Not yet. It will be soon enough. The Liberated lands must be recognized as ours by Israeli law.

Thank you for your honesty.
The stupid Goyim do not understand that Zionists do not care about non-Jewish laws, they only care about their own "god given" laws.

And according to these laws the borders of Israel are from Nile to Euphrates river.

According to these crazy laws Syrians live on "Jewish land" that must be redeemed.

That is probably the reason why they hate Assad and why Syrians are "transferred" to Western countries, which are controlled by Zionists.


“An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law”

Martin Luther King Jr.
Not yet. It will be soon enough. The Liberated lands must be recognized as ours by Israeli law.

Thank you for your honesty.
The stupid Goyim do not understand that Zionists do not care about non-Jewish laws, they only care about their own "god given" laws.

And according to these laws the borders of Israel are from Nile to Euphrates river.

According to these crazy laws Syrians live on "Jewish land" that must be redeemed.

That is probably the reason why they hate Assad and why Syrians are "transferred" to Western countries, which are controlled by Zionists.


I wouldn't go as far as saying theborders of thecomplete land of Israel. That is not practical nowdays. But when Netanyahu does the best to protect Jerusalem from those denying it from the Jews, then- bless him.

And if it makes the haters cringe- double the joy.
Not yet. It will be soon enough. The Liberated lands must be recognized as ours by Israeli law.

Thank you for your honesty.
The stupid Goyim do not understand that Zionists do not care about non-Jewish laws, they only care about their own "god given" laws.

And according to these laws the borders of Israel are from Nile to Euphrates river.

According to these crazy laws Syrians live on "Jewish land" that must be redeemed.

That is probably the reason why they hate Assad and why Syrians are "transferred" to Western countries, which are controlled by Zionists.


If Western countries are "controlled by Zionists", then how did they all vote against Israel at the UN? As Christians are led to the slaughter by the Muslims, they will continue to shout against the Jews, while they thank their Muslim executioners for recognizing Jesus as a prophet.
So the new hint I get is that the "friendly" is all a mask while they planned to hurt my people.
And those are Arab Israelis. Blue IDs. So you tell me, why we should blindly trust them?!

So Arab Israelis are not your people, though they are Israeli citizens?

Can you imagine a white American saying that Black Americans or American Jews are not his people, that they cannot be trusted and that they should live separately from white Americans?

American Jews would scream "racism", and there would be no end of it. White Americans have to tolerate hate groups, like BLM, if they do not want to be called names.

American Jews push "open borders", "equal rights" and "race mixing" for the USA, but they support an ethnocentric "Jewish state" with "Jews only" citizenship and migration laws. 99,9% of all migrants to Israel, who get Israeli citizenship, are Jews.
In the USA Zionist Jews demand measures, when they think that a town is "too white".

How long will Jewish Zionists get away with this duplicity?

The people who plan to terrorise my ethinc group are not my people, by *their choice*.

They may have our same IDs but when they shoot and stab us, they turn away from "my people" to "my enemy".

And hatred of the enemy is not racism. It's a survival instinct.

If you do't get that simple logic, your either insane or a fool.

And it is not because they're Arabs, it is because they chose to not belong ro Israel by harming it.

Those Arab Israelis who are normal and peaceful I have nothing against. They're my brothers and fortht of protection and equal rights.

So you screaming "racism" is bullshit.
It's the presence of militarized citadels that prevent sovereignty and a contiguous state that is the problem.
Actually, it's the presence of Islamic terrorists whose fascist ideology knows no passage of time or geographic boundaries and who are equipped and maintained with a dedicated UN funded welfare fraud that is the problem.

You are too one sided to see anything the other side is saying. We can't have you or Hamas deciding what is the best thing to do because neither of you are reasonable. That's why we have things like the UN.

You are one sided as well. You seems to think Palestinians have no hands in this and it is all the evil Israelis' doing.

At least, that is the impression you convey in your posts.
Not true at all. If I had to assign blame ID give you 30%.

What you people are doing is some what similar to how we treat poor blacks here in america. Poor Blacks need to clean up their act but have you seen those pbs documentaries of how the cops rough up random people just walking down the street?

I think you treat Palestinians worse. We have been carson and condi rice and colon Powell. Do Palestinians stand a chance in Israeli society?

You want us to accept and love the people who stab us on the streets?

You must be delusional.
No. Accept and love the 99% who aren't stabbing you
My question is, what is life for a Palestinian like? Can he become a lawyer or teacher or police or engineer in Israel? Or is he treated like a second class citizen.

We do this to black people here. Some employers won't hire blacks. Is that what it's like in Israel?

Palestinians and Israelis live separately. Is that a concept too complicated to understand? They are lawyers at the PA and there are workers ast the PA. They have certain work certificated they can use here to work in whatev er they want, though. But do we trust them when they're here? most will tell you "no". and with a fucking good reason.

Yesterday it was published that two Arab dudes, who faught for the "Palestinian cause", gathered weapons to hurt civilians and soldiers. Two of them live 20 minutes from my house. One of them a manager in an Arab store I used to visit regularly, because the crew is friendly and the prices are cheap.

So the new hint I get is that the "friendly" is all a mask while they planned to hurt my people. Hell I don't know if once or twice while we went there they didn't plan us to get out alive. And those are Arab Israelis. Blue IDs. So you tell me, why we should blindly trust them?!
You shouldn't. 2 state solution
While there have been periods of relative peace between Christians and Muslims in some parts of the ME, Christians as well as Jews have nearly always been subject discrimination under the law in Muslim controlled countries and from the Crusades through the Muslim conquest of the eastern Roman Empire right down to today, Christian Europe has more often been in armed conflict with Muslims than not.

Jews and Muslims were allies in the medieval Spain (Andalusia).

According to Judaism, Islam is better for Jews, than Christianity.

A Jew can enter a Mosque and pray there, but a Jews cannot enter a Church, because a Church is (according to Judaism) unclean.

And in Europe Jews and Muslims are allies, too.

Jews and Muslims have similar cultures. A German court tried to prohibit the genitale mutilation of small children in Germany, but Jews supported the Muslims, they said that circumcision is part of Muslim and Jewish culture, and they immediately invoked Hitler to promote their agenda.

The same with the ritual slaughter of animals, Jews support Muslims and claim that this is their culture, though from the point of view of Europeans it is torture of animals.

Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, believes that the Islamization of Europe is actually a good thing.
The theological reason, according to Rabbi Efrati, is that Christianity – which he sees as idolatry – has a tendency to "destroy normal life and abstain from it on the one hand, while losing modesty on the other hand," as it "ranges between radical monasticism to radical Western licentiousness."

Islam, the rabbi added, is "a religion which misjudges its prophets but is relatively honest. It educates a bit more for a stable life of marriage and creation, where there is certain modesty and respect for God."

Ynetnews Jewish Scene - 'Islamization of Europe a good thing'

As we see, in Europe Jews and Muslims are natural allies.
Zionists want us to hate the Muslims that live in their Muslim countries, like Palestine, in this case Christians have to support Zionists.

But when these Muslims are displaced from their homes and flee to Europe, commit crimes there, we are supposed to love them, and Zionist Jews always support Muslims that live in Europe or other Western countries.

Is this not strange?


It's not because a church is "unclean", but because Christians believe in the Trinity, which isn't strict monotheism. That said, Jews are more in alignment with Christians than with Muslims these days. That's because Christians don't act like savages the way Muslims do these days.
The Occupied Territory of Palestine is not part of Israel.
How young are you and where are you doing your research?
My age is irrelevant and I read books.
Comic books? Mein Kampf?
A snide remark guarantees you will not hear from me again.
... REALLY looking up around here.
Your repetitious wisecrack has earned you a place on my ignore list.
Those nations that bow to their fear of Islam are shitholes.

Netanyahu accused Trump of "Islamophobia", this hypocrite said that in Israel Muslims and Jews have equal rights.

Well, they do. Have you ever been to Israel? Arab doctors and nurses treated my grandmother in Haifa. My cousins sit in University classes with Arabs. There are Arab chefs, lawyers, taxi-drivers, etc.

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