Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

I am saying that it is NOT EXCLUSIVELY Jewish Land

That makes a world of difference. You should be more explicit when you post. We agree then. Both peoples have claims to the land.
That means that the Palestinians have the right to return to their homes.

Are you not aware, Tinmore, that the people you think should return to their homes are mostly dead? Are you trying to tell us that their children and grandchildren, such as you, should be allowed to return? Why is it that there were millions and millions of displaced people after World War II who were able to get on with their lives, many very successfully, and their descendents are certainly not whining about being able to go back to the old homestead? The only reason for all this whining is the hope that millions of younger Palestinians around the world will return and their numbers will overwhelm the Jews so that they will be able to take over.

Why is it OK for the Zionists to overwhelm the Palestinians but not vice-versa?

Because Simon sez. Didn't you know that?
I'm going to assume you are not actually denying the history of the Jewish people in Israel, so why, do you think, it isn't their land? And their Temple?

Some of the inhabitants of ancient Palestine were monotheists, but most of them were pagans.

I am reading at the moment "The Bible Unearthed" by Israel Finkelstein, he does not use the word "Jews", he uses the word Judahites, and he explicitly says that these Judahites were the predecessors of Christians, Jews and Muslims.

The Judahite Temple was just another pagan Temple, the King David was just a local war lord that controlled only a little village.

Israel and Judah were two separated Kingdoms, and Israel was a pagan Kingdom.

Judah was an insignificant piece of land, nobody bothered to conquer it.

Israel was prosperous, but it was a pagan Kingdom.

After Israel was destroyed in 720 BCE by Assyrians, Judah was flooded by refugees from the North, and only after that the priests of Jerusalem began to promote the Yahweh-based monolatry cult.

They supported the King Hetzekiha, and Hetzekiha tried to ban the pagan cults. At this time, in order to support Hetzekiha and unite the people, the priests invented the legends about Israel and Judah being one people with common roots.

There were already a lot if legends, and some of these folklore became the "common history" of the conquest of Canaan and the supposed Kingdom of David, that never existed, because David only controlled a small village, according to archeologists.

The king of Judah Josiah also promoted monotheism, and he even tried to conquer Israel at the end of the 7th century BCE, when Assyrian Empire collapsed.

And at this time Josiah's court promoted the idea that people of Israel and Judah were of the same origin, but Israel was presumably punished by Yahweh, because they abandoned monotheism.

In reality Israel was a totally different pagan state, populated by totally different people, there was no common history with Judah.

The efforts of Josiah were not successfully, because the Egyptian King Necho decided to support Assyrians.

Josiah was killed, and Judah became a province of Egypt.

But the invented common history of Israel and Judah were already put into writings, that was the beginning of the Bible, a book of oriental fairy tales.

The Assyrian war was eventually won by the Babylonian faction.

In 597 BCE Jerusalem was plundered, ten years later it was totally destroyed and the priests and other members of the monotheistic elite were deported to Babylon.

In Babylon the expelled priests went on writing fiction stories about the monotheistic and Yahweh chosen people of Israel, but the majority of Palestinians remained pagans.

Monotheism became popular in Palestine after the split in the original monotheistic dogma, speak after the birth of Christianity. Many Palestinians became Christians, and later most of them converted to Islam.

What to today Jews - they are mostly descendants of Pagans (Berbers, Yemenite Arabs, Khazars, Slavs, etc) who converted to Judaism in the Muddle Ages.

Ergo: The "Jewish people" is an invention of Zionists, most of the real descendants of Judahites never left Palestine, though they changed their religion to Christianity and later to Islam.
Of course it is. It's called the Jewish state, after all and even its claim to the land is religious.

Only a white Rabbi can decide who is a Jew, and 99,99% of migrants to Israel, who get the Israeli citizenship, are Jews.

But modern Judaism is not an "open club" everybody can join, like it is the case with other Abrahamitic cults (Islam, Christianity).

Jews also used to proselytize (Berbers, Khazars, Slavs, Arabs in today Yemen, etc), most today Jews stem from pagans, who converted to Judaism in the early Middle Ages.

But the white Zionist Rabbies believe in special "Jewish genes/blood", that is why the Black Hebrew Israelites, who stick to the Jewish Law, do not get Israeli citizenship (they cannot prove that their bloodline is Jewish).

On the other hand white Atheists from Russia, who had a Jewish grandmother, get Israeli citizenship.

Judaism is inheritable, Rabbis believe in the existence of "Jewish blood", so Israel is not just a Theocracy, it is quasi a "racial Theocracy", and in this Theocracy an Atheist with a "right bloodline" (speak white skin) has more privileges, than an observant Jew with the "wrong" skin colour, like the black Jews from Chicago, who do not get Israeli citizenship, or black Ethiopian Jews, whose fertility rate was reduced to a minimum in Israel due to the treatment with Depo-Provera, enforced by white Jewish doctors.

Yes You call Rabbis 'white' now, but 40-60 years ago Jews were prosecuted on a daily basis for merely being Jews, even when fully assimilated.

Judaism never was a religion. Religion is a Greco-Roman term.

Total ignorance and disregard of history and Judaism.
A Jew is forbidden from converting a person, he's to spread the knowledge of G-d by giving the 7 Noahide laws.

The Hebrew Israelites have a large community in South of Israel.
They also tend to perform well in the IDF.

Yes that grandma, even if she was fully atheist aka 'assimilated'- would be prosecuted for merely being a Jew.
Jews have dealt with that question for centuries, leave it to Maimonides.

Judaism is not inherited- being a Jew is.
What's the obsession with the skin color? ARE YOU BLIND?
All You did is show Your Racism- how You look at people.

I get it- a Greco-Roman European looks at the Jews and still doesn't get it- the recognition of the Jewish culture by his ancestors, that so much changed the world around us.
I'm going to assume you are not actually denying the history of the Jewish people in Israel, so why, do you think, it isn't their land? And their Temple?

Some of the inhabitants of ancient Palestine were monotheists, but most of them were pagans.

I am reading at the moment "The Bible Unearthed" by Israel Finkelstein, he does not use the word "Jews", he uses the word Judahites, and he explicitly says that these Judahites were the predecessors of Christians, Jews and Muslims.

The Judahite Temple was just another pagan Temple, the King David was just a local war lord that controlled only a little village.

Israel and Judah were two separated Kingdoms, and Israel was a pagan Kingdom.

Judah was an insignificant piece of land, nobody bothered to conquer it.

Israel was prosperous, but it was a pagan Kingdom.

After Israel was destroyed in 720 BCE by Assyrians, Judah was flooded by refugees from the North, and only after that the priests of Jerusalem began to promote the Yahweh-based monolatry cult.

They supported the King Hetzekiha, and Hetzekiha tried to ban the pagan cults. At this time, in order to support Hetzekiha and unite the people, the priests invented the legends about Israel and Judah being one people with common roots.

There were already a lot if legends, and some of these folklore became the "common history" of the conquest of Canaan and the supposed Kingdom of David, that never existed, because David only controlled a small village, according to archeologists.

The king of Judah Josiah also promoted monotheism, and he even tried to conquer Israel at the end of the 7th century BCE, when Assyrian Empire collapsed.

And at this time Josiah's court promoted the idea that people of Israel and Judah were of the same origin, but Israel was presumably punished by Yahweh, because they abandoned monotheism.

In reality Israel was a totally different pagan state, populated by totally different people, there was no common history with Judah.

The efforts of Josiah were not successfully, because the Egyptian King Necho decided to support Assyrians.

Josiah was killed, and Judah became a province of Egypt.

But the invented common history of Israel and Judah were already put into writings, that was the beginning of the Bible, a book of oriental fairy tales.

The Assyrian war was eventually won by the Babylonian faction.

In 597 BCE Jerusalem was plundered, ten years later it was totally destroyed and the priests and other members of the monotheistic elite were deported to Babylon.

In Babylon the expelled priests went on writing fiction stories about the monotheistic and Yahweh chosen people of Israel, but the majority of Palestinians remained pagans.

Monotheism became popular in Palestine after the split in the original monotheistic dogma, speak after the birth of Christianity. Many Palestinians became Christians, and later most of them converted to Islam.

What to today Jews - they are mostly descendants of Pagans (Berbers, Yemenite Arabs, Khazars, Slavs, etc) who converted to Judaism in the Muddle Ages.

Ergo: The "Jewish people" is an invention of Zionists, most of the real descendants of Judahites never left Palestine, though they changed their religion to Christianity and later to Islam.

So much effort, so little sense.

Many Jews wrote influential works on many subjects 'based on scientific data'. Some even got medals for it. But still didn't make their theories correct. Marxism/Communism comes to mind.

The Jewish people were described in many of Your ancestors' works, centuries before Zionism.

Now please tell, have You ever opened a real Jewish book on a serious subject? Why all the effort to read the most anti-Israeli authors?
Yes You call Rabbis 'white' now....

I call white Rabbis white, and I call a spade a spade.

Moses Maimonides called black Africans "apes" that looked like humans (see "The Guide for the Perplexed") , and he is still honoured as one of the most important authorities in Judaism.

...but 40-60 years ago Jews were prosecuted on a daily basis for merely being Jews, even when fully assimilated.

Collective punishment was not unusual back then.

Germans in the Soviet Union or in Poland were persecuted on a daily basis merely for being German, even when fully assimilated.

Japanese were persecuted in the USA merely for being Japanese, etc.

Today collective punishment is outlawed, but Israel still uses collective punishment.

A home of a supposed "terrorist" is destroyed, speak the entire family is punished merely for being related to the suspected "terrorist".

Judaism never was a religion. Religion is a Greco-Roman term.



Sorry, but I do not have time to discuss on such a primitive level.

The Hebrew Israelites have a large community in South of Israel.
They also tend to perform well in the IDF.

Yes, they are used as "cannon fodder", but they do not get Israeli citizenship.

Yes that grandma, even if she was fully atheist aka 'assimilated'- would be prosecuted for merely being a Jew.
Jews have dealt with that question for centuries...

Jews were expelled from about 100 countries.

And if somebody questions the narrative about Jews being in every single case totally innocent, and the non-Jews being in every single case irrational haters who just hated Jews for no reason, because Jews never did nothing bad for the people in the host countries, he will be called a "wicked Anti-Semite".

Just forget about the conflict of interests between Jews and non-Jews, if you do not believe that Jews cared more about the non-Jews, than about their own tribe, then you are an "irrational Jew-Hater" that just atavistically hates these innocent and powerless Jews.

I get it- a Greco-Roman European looks at the Jews and still doesn't get it- the recognition of the Jewish culture by his ancestors, that so much changed the world around us.

There was no common "Jewish culture".

Even East- and West Ashkenazi had different cultures.

The German Jew Walter Rathenau called the Jews from Russia "Asiatische Horde" (Asian Horde), a totally alien people to him.

And today Russian Jews refuse to live in Israel in the neighborhood with Oriental Jews or Ethiopian Jews, they openly say that their cultures are totally incompatible.

Oriental Jews have still polygamy and they practice children marriage and female genital mutilation, they are, culturally, like backward Arabs.

There were Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities in western Europe in the past, but they historically were fully isolated from each others.

They had different ghettoes, dufferent Synagogues and even different graveyards. They never intermixed before the creation of Israel, and even in Israel they are still segregated (separate scools, etc).

So how can anybody in his right mind say that a black Ethiopian Jew and a white Russian Jew have the same culture?


No, they only have a similar religion, they all believe that they are "chosen", speak "special", speak "more equal" than non-Jews.

But if you try to explain the hate against the Jews with their religion, that maybe has something to do with their behaviour in the countries they were expelled from, then you are a "wicked Jew-Hater", even if you yourself are of Jewish ancestry.
Yes You call Rabbis 'white' now....

I call white Rabbis white, and I call a spade a spade.

Moses Maimonides called black Africans "apes" that looked like humans (see "The Guide for the Perplexed") , and he is still honoured as one of the most important authorities in Judaism.

...but 40-60 years ago Jews were prosecuted on a daily basis for merely being Jews, even when fully assimilated.

Collective punishment was not unusual back then.

Germans in the Soviet Union or in Poland were persecuted on a daily basis merely for being German, even when fully assimilated.

Japanese were persecuted in the USA merely for being Japanese, etc.

Today collective punishment is outlawed, but Israel still uses collective punishment.

A home of a supposed "terrorist" is destroyed, speak the entire family is punished merely for being related to the suspected "terrorist".

Judaism never was a religion. Religion is a Greco-Roman term.



Sorry, but I do not have time to discuss on such a primitive level.

The Hebrew Israelites have a large community in South of Israel.
They also tend to perform well in the IDF.

Yes, they are used as "cannon fodder", but they do not get Israeli citizenship.

Yes that grandma, even if she was fully atheist aka 'assimilated'- would be prosecuted for merely being a Jew.
Jews have dealt with that question for centuries...

Jews were expelled from about 100 countries.

And if somebody questions the narrative about Jews being in every single case totally innocent, and the non-Jews being in every single case irrational haters who just hated Jews for no reason, because Jews never did nothing bad for the people in the host countries, he will be called a "wicked Anti-Semite".

Just forget about the conflict of interests between Jews and non-Jews, if you do not believe that Jews cared more about the non-Jews, than about their own tribe, then you are an "irrational Jew-Hater" that just atavistically hates these innocent and powerless Jews.

I get it- a Greco-Roman European looks at the Jews and still doesn't get it- the recognition of the Jewish culture by his ancestors, that so much changed the world around us.

There was no common "Jewish culture".

Even East- and West Ashkenazi had different cultures.

The German Jew Walter Rathenau called the Jews from Russia "Asiatische Horde" (Asian Horde), a totally alien people to him.

And today Russian Jews refuse to live in Israel in the neighborhood with Oriental Jews or Ethiopian Jews, they openly say that their cultures are totally incompatible.

Oriental Jews have still polygamy and they practice children marriage and female genital mutilation, they are, culturally, like backward Arabs.

There were Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities in western Europe in the past, but they historically were fully isolated from each others.

They had different ghettoes, dufferent Synagogues and even different graveyards. They never intermixed before the creation of Israel, and even in Israel they are still segregated (separate scools, etc).

So how can anybody in his right mind say that a black Ethiopian Jew and a white Russian Jew have the same culture?


No, they only have a similar religion, they all believe that they are "chosen", speak "special", speak "more equal" than non-Jews.

But if you try to explain the hate against the Jews with their religion, that maybe has something to do with their behaviour in the countries they were expelled from, then you are a "wicked Jew-Hater", even if you yourself are of Jewish ancestry.

Well, if Jews believe they're "chosen", "special", and are "more equal" than non-Jews, what does that say about Christians and Muslims? At least Jews believe that any upright and moral person, whether Jew or non-Jew, gets to go to Heaven. What about Christians or the "elect of god"? They believe that all who are not "saved" by Jesus go to Hell. And how about Muslims or the "true believers"? Their idea of Heaven is too stupid for words, with their 72 virgins for bloody murderer "martyrs", and the unbelievers going into a lake of fire. Why do all Jew-haters, like Art and Penelope, have a fascination with Jews and Judaism? And with all their research and studies about their obsession, they still get it all wrong. Art's avatar of that cold, smirking, pale-faced Nazi is probably a self-portrait. How much Jewish blood is on your Nazi, German hands? You'll never be able to wash it off.
Yes You call Rabbis 'white' now....

I call white Rabbis white, and I call a spade a spade.

Moses Maimonides called black Africans "apes" that looked like humans (see "The Guide for the Perplexed") , and he is still honoured as one of the most important authorities in Judaism.

...but 40-60 years ago Jews were prosecuted on a daily basis for merely being Jews, even when fully assimilated.

Collective punishment was not unusual back then.

Germans in the Soviet Union or in Poland were persecuted on a daily basis merely for being German, even when fully assimilated.

Japanese were persecuted in the USA merely for being Japanese, etc.

Today collective punishment is outlawed, but Israel still uses collective punishment.

A home of a supposed "terrorist" is destroyed, speak the entire family is punished merely for being related to the suspected "terrorist".

Judaism never was a religion. Religion is a Greco-Roman term.



Sorry, but I do not have time to discuss on such a primitive level.

The Hebrew Israelites have a large community in South of Israel.
They also tend to perform well in the IDF.

Yes, they are used as "cannon fodder", but they do not get Israeli citizenship.

Yes that grandma, even if she was fully atheist aka 'assimilated'- would be prosecuted for merely being a Jew.
Jews have dealt with that question for centuries...

Jews were expelled from about 100 countries.

And if somebody questions the narrative about Jews being in every single case totally innocent, and the non-Jews being in every single case irrational haters who just hated Jews for no reason, because Jews never did nothing bad for the people in the host countries, he will be called a "wicked Anti-Semite".

Just forget about the conflict of interests between Jews and non-Jews, if you do not believe that Jews cared more about the non-Jews, than about their own tribe, then you are an "irrational Jew-Hater" that just atavistically hates these innocent and powerless Jews.

I get it- a Greco-Roman European looks at the Jews and still doesn't get it- the recognition of the Jewish culture by his ancestors, that so much changed the world around us.

There was no common "Jewish culture".

Even East- and West Ashkenazi had different cultures.

The German Jew Walter Rathenau called the Jews from Russia "Asiatische Horde" (Asian Horde), a totally alien people to him.

And today Russian Jews refuse to live in Israel in the neighborhood with Oriental Jews or Ethiopian Jews, they openly say that their cultures are totally incompatible.

Oriental Jews have still polygamy and they practice children marriage and female genital mutilation, they are, culturally, like backward Arabs.

There were Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities in western Europe in the past, but they historically were fully isolated from each others.

They had different ghettoes, dufferent Synagogues and even different graveyards. They never intermixed before the creation of Israel, and even in Israel they are still segregated (separate scools, etc).

So how can anybody in his right mind say that a black Ethiopian Jew and a white Russian Jew have the same culture?


No, they only have a similar religion, they all believe that they are "chosen", speak "special", speak "more equal" than non-Jews.

But if you try to explain the hate against the Jews with their religion, that maybe has something to do with their behaviour in the countries they were expelled from, then you are a "wicked Jew-Hater", even if you yourself are of Jewish ancestry.

Well, if Jews believe they're "chosen", "special", and are "more equal" than non-Jews, what does that say about Christians and Muslims? At least Jews believe that any upright and moral person, whether Jew or non-Jew, gets to go to Heaven. What about Christians or the "elect of god"? They believe that all who are not "saved" by Jesus go to Hell. And how about Muslims or the "true believers"? Their idea of Heaven is too stupid for words, with their 72 virgins for bloody murderer "martyrs", and the unbelievers going into a lake of fire. Why do all Jew-haters, like Art and Penelope, have a fascination with Jews and Judaism? And with all their research and studies about their obsession, they still get it all wrong. Art's avatar of that cold, smirking, pale-faced Nazi is probably a self-portrait. How much Jewish blood is on your Nazi, German hands? You'll never be able to wash it off.

Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes You call Rabbis 'white' now....

I call white Rabbis white, and I call a spade a spade.

Moses Maimonides called black Africans "apes" that looked like humans (see "The Guide for the Perplexed") , and he is still honoured as one of the most important authorities in Judaism.

...but 40-60 years ago Jews were prosecuted on a daily basis for merely being Jews, even when fully assimilated.

Collective punishment was not unusual back then.

Germans in the Soviet Union or in Poland were persecuted on a daily basis merely for being German, even when fully assimilated.

Japanese were persecuted in the USA merely for being Japanese, etc.

Today collective punishment is outlawed, but Israel still uses collective punishment.

A home of a supposed "terrorist" is destroyed, speak the entire family is punished merely for being related to the suspected "terrorist".

Judaism never was a religion. Religion is a Greco-Roman term.



Sorry, but I do not have time to discuss on such a primitive level.

The Hebrew Israelites have a large community in South of Israel.
They also tend to perform well in the IDF.

Yes, they are used as "cannon fodder", but they do not get Israeli citizenship.

Yes that grandma, even if she was fully atheist aka 'assimilated'- would be prosecuted for merely being a Jew.
Jews have dealt with that question for centuries...

Jews were expelled from about 100 countries.

And if somebody questions the narrative about Jews being in every single case totally innocent, and the non-Jews being in every single case irrational haters who just hated Jews for no reason, because Jews never did nothing bad for the people in the host countries, he will be called a "wicked Anti-Semite".

Just forget about the conflict of interests between Jews and non-Jews, if you do not believe that Jews cared more about the non-Jews, than about their own tribe, then you are an "irrational Jew-Hater" that just atavistically hates these innocent and powerless Jews.

I get it- a Greco-Roman European looks at the Jews and still doesn't get it- the recognition of the Jewish culture by his ancestors, that so much changed the world around us.

There was no common "Jewish culture".

Even East- and West Ashkenazi had different cultures.

The German Jew Walter Rathenau called the Jews from Russia "Asiatische Horde" (Asian Horde), a totally alien people to him.

And today Russian Jews refuse to live in Israel in the neighborhood with Oriental Jews or Ethiopian Jews, they openly say that their cultures are totally incompatible.

Oriental Jews have still polygamy and they practice children marriage and female genital mutilation, they are, culturally, like backward Arabs.

There were Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities in western Europe in the past, but they historically were fully isolated from each others.

They had different ghettoes, dufferent Synagogues and even different graveyards. They never intermixed before the creation of Israel, and even in Israel they are still segregated (separate scools, etc).

So how can anybody in his right mind say that a black Ethiopian Jew and a white Russian Jew have the same culture?


No, they only have a similar religion, they all believe that they are "chosen", speak "special", speak "more equal" than non-Jews.

But if you try to explain the hate against the Jews with their religion, that maybe has something to do with their behaviour in the countries they were expelled from, then you are a "wicked Jew-Hater", even if you yourself are of Jewish ancestry.

Well, if Jews believe they're "chosen", "special", and are "more equal" than non-Jews, what does that say about Christians and Muslims? At least Jews believe that any upright and moral person, whether Jew or non-Jew, gets to go to Heaven. What about Christians or the "elect of god"? They believe that all who are not "saved" by Jesus go to Hell. And how about Muslims or the "true believers"? Their idea of Heaven is too stupid for words, with their 72 virgins for bloody murderer "martyrs", and the unbelievers going into a lake of fire. Why do all Jew-haters, like Art and Penelope, have a fascination with Jews and Judaism? And with all their research and studies about their obsession, they still get it all wrong. Art's avatar of that cold, smirking, pale-faced Nazi is probably a self-portrait. How much Jewish blood is on your Nazi, German hands? You'll never be able to wash it off.

Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Like the US?
Who needed France's money to win the war against Great Britain.
Yes You call Rabbis 'white' now....

I call white Rabbis white, and I call a spade a spade.

Moses Maimonides called black Africans "apes" that looked like humans (see "The Guide for the Perplexed") , and he is still honoured as one of the most important authorities in Judaism.

...but 40-60 years ago Jews were prosecuted on a daily basis for merely being Jews, even when fully assimilated.

Collective punishment was not unusual back then.

Germans in the Soviet Union or in Poland were persecuted on a daily basis merely for being German, even when fully assimilated.

Japanese were persecuted in the USA merely for being Japanese, etc.

Today collective punishment is outlawed, but Israel still uses collective punishment.

A home of a supposed "terrorist" is destroyed, speak the entire family is punished merely for being related to the suspected "terrorist".

Judaism never was a religion. Religion is a Greco-Roman term.



Sorry, but I do not have time to discuss on such a primitive level.

The Hebrew Israelites have a large community in South of Israel.
They also tend to perform well in the IDF.

Yes, they are used as "cannon fodder", but they do not get Israeli citizenship.

Yes that grandma, even if she was fully atheist aka 'assimilated'- would be prosecuted for merely being a Jew.
Jews have dealt with that question for centuries...

Jews were expelled from about 100 countries.

And if somebody questions the narrative about Jews being in every single case totally innocent, and the non-Jews being in every single case irrational haters who just hated Jews for no reason, because Jews never did nothing bad for the people in the host countries, he will be called a "wicked Anti-Semite".

Just forget about the conflict of interests between Jews and non-Jews, if you do not believe that Jews cared more about the non-Jews, than about their own tribe, then you are an "irrational Jew-Hater" that just atavistically hates these innocent and powerless Jews.

I get it- a Greco-Roman European looks at the Jews and still doesn't get it- the recognition of the Jewish culture by his ancestors, that so much changed the world around us.

There was no common "Jewish culture".

Even East- and West Ashkenazi had different cultures.

The German Jew Walter Rathenau called the Jews from Russia "Asiatische Horde" (Asian Horde), a totally alien people to him.

And today Russian Jews refuse to live in Israel in the neighborhood with Oriental Jews or Ethiopian Jews, they openly say that their cultures are totally incompatible.

Oriental Jews have still polygamy and they practice children marriage and female genital mutilation, they are, culturally, like backward Arabs.

There were Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities in western Europe in the past, but they historically were fully isolated from each others.

They had different ghettoes, dufferent Synagogues and even different graveyards. They never intermixed before the creation of Israel, and even in Israel they are still segregated (separate scools, etc).

So how can anybody in his right mind say that a black Ethiopian Jew and a white Russian Jew have the same culture?


No, they only have a similar religion, they all believe that they are "chosen", speak "special", speak "more equal" than non-Jews.

But if you try to explain the hate against the Jews with their religion, that maybe has something to do with their behaviour in the countries they were expelled from, then you are a "wicked Jew-Hater", even if you yourself are of Jewish ancestry.

Well, if Jews believe they're "chosen", "special", and are "more equal" than non-Jews, what does that say about Christians and Muslims? At least Jews believe that any upright and moral person, whether Jew or non-Jew, gets to go to Heaven. What about Christians or the "elect of god"? They believe that all who are not "saved" by Jesus go to Hell. And how about Muslims or the "true believers"? Their idea of Heaven is too stupid for words, with their 72 virgins for bloody murderer "martyrs", and the unbelievers going into a lake of fire. Why do all Jew-haters, like Art and Penelope, have a fascination with Jews and Judaism? And with all their research and studies about their obsession, they still get it all wrong. Art's avatar of that cold, smirking, pale-faced Nazi is probably a self-portrait. How much Jewish blood is on your Nazi, German hands? You'll never be able to wash it off.

Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Like the US?
Who needed France's money to win the war against Great Britain.

In the first round of conquest,
the Zionist movement set its
sights on "the way of transfer."
For all the public rhetoric about
wanting to "live with the Arabs
in conditions of unity and
mutual honor and together
with them to turn the common
homeland into a flourishing land"
(Twelfth Zionist Congress, 1921),
the Zionists from early on were in
fact bent on expelling them. "

Norman G Finkelstein
American Historian.
I'm going to assume you are not actually denying the history of the Jewish people in Israel, so why, do you think, it isn't their land? And their Temple?
Ergo: The "Jewish people" is an invention of Zionists, most of the real descendants of Judahites never left Palestine, though they changed their religion to Christianity and later to Islam.

Ah. So you ARE actually going to deny the history of the Jewish people in Israel.
Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can you understand that the country was populated with both the Jewish people and Arabs? And can you understand that the Jewish people were RE-CREATING their Nation -- in which they were expelled, oppressed, invaded, murdered, conquered and settled by foreigners? And can you understand that there is plenty of room for both peoples -- as evidenced by the 10-fold increase in population since the 1920s?

Why can't the Arab Muslims live next to Jews? Sheesh.
Yes You call Rabbis 'white' now....

I call white Rabbis white, and I call a spade a spade.

Moses Maimonides called black Africans "apes" that looked like humans (see "The Guide for the Perplexed") , and he is still honoured as one of the most important authorities in Judaism.

...but 40-60 years ago Jews were prosecuted on a daily basis for merely being Jews, even when fully assimilated.

Collective punishment was not unusual back then.

Germans in the Soviet Union or in Poland were persecuted on a daily basis merely for being German, even when fully assimilated.

Japanese were persecuted in the USA merely for being Japanese, etc.

Today collective punishment is outlawed, but Israel still uses collective punishment.

A home of a supposed "terrorist" is destroyed, speak the entire family is punished merely for being related to the suspected "terrorist".

Judaism never was a religion. Religion is a Greco-Roman term.



Sorry, but I do not have time to discuss on such a primitive level.

The Hebrew Israelites have a large community in South of Israel.
They also tend to perform well in the IDF.

Yes, they are used as "cannon fodder", but they do not get Israeli citizenship.

Yes that grandma, even if she was fully atheist aka 'assimilated'- would be prosecuted for merely being a Jew.
Jews have dealt with that question for centuries...

Jews were expelled from about 100 countries.

And if somebody questions the narrative about Jews being in every single case totally innocent, and the non-Jews being in every single case irrational haters who just hated Jews for no reason, because Jews never did nothing bad for the people in the host countries, he will be called a "wicked Anti-Semite".

Just forget about the conflict of interests between Jews and non-Jews, if you do not believe that Jews cared more about the non-Jews, than about their own tribe, then you are an "irrational Jew-Hater" that just atavistically hates these innocent and powerless Jews.

I get it- a Greco-Roman European looks at the Jews and still doesn't get it- the recognition of the Jewish culture by his ancestors, that so much changed the world around us.

There was no common "Jewish culture".

Even East- and West Ashkenazi had different cultures.

The German Jew Walter Rathenau called the Jews from Russia "Asiatische Horde" (Asian Horde), a totally alien people to him.

And today Russian Jews refuse to live in Israel in the neighborhood with Oriental Jews or Ethiopian Jews, they openly say that their cultures are totally incompatible.

Oriental Jews have still polygamy and they practice children marriage and female genital mutilation, they are, culturally, like backward Arabs.

There were Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities in western Europe in the past, but they historically were fully isolated from each others.

They had different ghettoes, dufferent Synagogues and even different graveyards. They never intermixed before the creation of Israel, and even in Israel they are still segregated (separate scools, etc).

So how can anybody in his right mind say that a black Ethiopian Jew and a white Russian Jew have the same culture?


No, they only have a similar religion, they all believe that they are "chosen", speak "special", speak "more equal" than non-Jews.

But if you try to explain the hate against the Jews with their religion, that maybe has something to do with their behaviour in the countries they were expelled from, then you are a "wicked Jew-Hater", even if you yourself are of Jewish ancestry.

Well, if Jews believe they're "chosen", "special", and are "more equal" than non-Jews, what does that say about Christians and Muslims? At least Jews believe that any upright and moral person, whether Jew or non-Jew, gets to go to Heaven. What about Christians or the "elect of god"? They believe that all who are not "saved" by Jesus go to Hell. And how about Muslims or the "true believers"? Their idea of Heaven is too stupid for words, with their 72 virgins for bloody murderer "martyrs", and the unbelievers going into a lake of fire. Why do all Jew-haters, like Art and Penelope, have a fascination with Jews and Judaism? And with all their research and studies about their obsession, they still get it all wrong. Art's avatar of that cold, smirking, pale-faced Nazi is probably a self-portrait. How much Jewish blood is on your Nazi, German hands? You'll never be able to wash it off.

Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives. Much of his posts aren't about the I/P conflict at all, but are pure anti-Jewish diatribes, so I countered his arguments on those issues.
Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can you understand that the country was populated with both the Jewish people and Arabs? And can you understand that the Jewish people were RE-CREATING their Nation -- in which they were expelled, oppressed, invaded, murdered, conquered and settled by foreigners? And can you understand that there is plenty of room for both peoples -- as evidenced by the 10-fold increase in population since the 1920s?

Why can't the Arab Muslims live next to Jews? Sheesh.

There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.
Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can you understand that the country was populated with both the Jewish people and Arabs? And can you understand that the Jewish people were RE-CREATING their Nation -- in which they were expelled, oppressed, invaded, murdered, conquered and settled by foreigners? And can you understand that there is plenty of room for both peoples -- as evidenced by the 10-fold increase in population since the 1920s?

Why can't the Arab Muslims live next to Jews? Sheesh.

There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.
As the history of the geographic area you falsely believe is the "country of Pal'istan" has been the target of multiple invasions and conquests, your nonsense claim "the current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine." Is clearly false.

You might want to re-focus your wiki searches.
Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can you understand that the country was populated with both the Jewish people and Arabs? And can you understand that the Jewish people were RE-CREATING their Nation -- in which they were expelled, oppressed, invaded, murdered, conquered and settled by foreigners? And can you understand that there is plenty of room for both peoples -- as evidenced by the 10-fold increase in population since the 1920s?

Why can't the Arab Muslims live next to Jews? Sheesh.

There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.
Sure, snowflake.
There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.

They were culturally Arab because the Jewish lands were invaded, conquered and culturally overtaken.

If you have no problem with the Jewish people in the land being invaded, conquered and converted culturally from Jews to Arab Muslims, surely you can have no moral problem with the Jewish people returning and converting everyone back to being Jewish, now, can you?
Yes You call Rabbis 'white' now....

I call white Rabbis white, and I call a spade a spade.

Moses Maimonides called black Africans "apes" that looked like humans (see "The Guide for the Perplexed") , and he is still honoured as one of the most important authorities in Judaism.

...but 40-60 years ago Jews were prosecuted on a daily basis for merely being Jews, even when fully assimilated.

Collective punishment was not unusual back then.

Germans in the Soviet Union or in Poland were persecuted on a daily basis merely for being German, even when fully assimilated.

Japanese were persecuted in the USA merely for being Japanese, etc.

Today collective punishment is outlawed, but Israel still uses collective punishment.

A home of a supposed "terrorist" is destroyed, speak the entire family is punished merely for being related to the suspected "terrorist".

Judaism never was a religion. Religion is a Greco-Roman term.



Sorry, but I do not have time to discuss on such a primitive level.

The Hebrew Israelites have a large community in South of Israel.
They also tend to perform well in the IDF.

Yes, they are used as "cannon fodder", but they do not get Israeli citizenship.

Yes that grandma, even if she was fully atheist aka 'assimilated'- would be prosecuted for merely being a Jew.
Jews have dealt with that question for centuries...

Jews were expelled from about 100 countries.

And if somebody questions the narrative about Jews being in every single case totally innocent, and the non-Jews being in every single case irrational haters who just hated Jews for no reason, because Jews never did nothing bad for the people in the host countries, he will be called a "wicked Anti-Semite".

Just forget about the conflict of interests between Jews and non-Jews, if you do not believe that Jews cared more about the non-Jews, than about their own tribe, then you are an "irrational Jew-Hater" that just atavistically hates these innocent and powerless Jews.

I get it- a Greco-Roman European looks at the Jews and still doesn't get it- the recognition of the Jewish culture by his ancestors, that so much changed the world around us.

There was no common "Jewish culture".

Even East- and West Ashkenazi had different cultures.

The German Jew Walter Rathenau called the Jews from Russia "Asiatische Horde" (Asian Horde), a totally alien people to him.

And today Russian Jews refuse to live in Israel in the neighborhood with Oriental Jews or Ethiopian Jews, they openly say that their cultures are totally incompatible.

Oriental Jews have still polygamy and they practice children marriage and female genital mutilation, they are, culturally, like backward Arabs.

There were Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities in western Europe in the past, but they historically were fully isolated from each others.

They had different ghettoes, dufferent Synagogues and even different graveyards. They never intermixed before the creation of Israel, and even in Israel they are still segregated (separate scools, etc).

So how can anybody in his right mind say that a black Ethiopian Jew and a white Russian Jew have the same culture?


No, they only have a similar religion, they all believe that they are "chosen", speak "special", speak "more equal" than non-Jews.

But if you try to explain the hate against the Jews with their religion, that maybe has something to do with their behaviour in the countries they were expelled from, then you are a "wicked Jew-Hater", even if you yourself are of Jewish ancestry.

1. Thomas Jefferson who wrote "All men were created equal" , owned 200 slaves. Does it make him a racist?

That's exactly why Maimonides is considered to be a genius and an authority among philosophers, physicians, theologians and even commanders.
While You have no clue and try to argue on such an infantile shallow level...actually shows the point Maimonides made about the Cushites. A point You'll never get looking through modern Euro-American eyes.

2. Prosecution of Jews and inner European struggles are oranges and apples. Basically You're claiming that because You ancestors used to hate each other it was acceptable for them to unify around their hate towards the Jews.
Where is Your liberal freedom loving democratic righteousness?

Demolition of terrorists' house is the most precise way to destroy an enemy military object, remind You Arab Palestinian declaration of war is still in force. It's also used as a deter, helps many teenagers solve this simple equation, and just go study instead of...

Just in perspective- the Americans use drones. The Russians once sent the terrorists a couple of bags with their family members in them and a note. The Chechens released the kidnapped soldiers and it never reoccurred.

3. Of course this is a common misconception even among many Jews.
There's Jewish culture and heritage, it's a body of knowledge.
Religions deal with beliefs, Jews deal with the life here on earth, very practical.

4. IDF is one of the most technologically developed armies. It's called a 'startup nation' for a reason. It employs Arabs, Druze, Lebanese, Russians, Ukrainians, Americans and Jews.
Do You think it would miss a practical quality in a soldier, or is it just what You would do in such a position (misuse soldiers)?

5. Well but that's not what You or me actually said. You actually tried to justify the expulsion of Jews from Judea Samaria.
Nothing rational in this response. It's a fallacy, You invent new narratives and project them.

6. Fact is ALL new Jewish writings had to be accepted by all communities in Judea and in diaspora.
The Jerusalem Talmud was written in correlation with the Babylonian Talmud, so as the works of Rashbi, Maimonides or Baal Shem Tov.
Another fact is Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews came to Israel with same exact Torah scrolls, same exact practices, measures and tools. The differences were minor.


So as a specialist, what Jewish writing have You read full?
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Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can you understand that the country was populated with both the Jewish people and Arabs? And can you understand that the Jewish people were RE-CREATING their Nation -- in which they were expelled, oppressed, invaded, murdered, conquered and settled by foreigners? And can you understand that there is plenty of room for both peoples -- as evidenced by the 10-fold increase in population since the 1920s?

Why can't the Arab Muslims live next to Jews? Sheesh.

There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.

Another one of Your amusing 'facts'?
With such wild imagination I could find You enough evidence that Cows are aliens.
Try a library, a real one in a building.
Yes You call Rabbis 'white' now....

I call white Rabbis white, and I call a spade a spade.

Moses Maimonides called black Africans "apes" that looked like humans (see "The Guide for the Perplexed") , and he is still honoured as one of the most important authorities in Judaism.

...but 40-60 years ago Jews were prosecuted on a daily basis for merely being Jews, even when fully assimilated.

Collective punishment was not unusual back then.

Germans in the Soviet Union or in Poland were persecuted on a daily basis merely for being German, even when fully assimilated.

Japanese were persecuted in the USA merely for being Japanese, etc.

Today collective punishment is outlawed, but Israel still uses collective punishment.

A home of a supposed "terrorist" is destroyed, speak the entire family is punished merely for being related to the suspected "terrorist".

Judaism never was a religion. Religion is a Greco-Roman term.



Sorry, but I do not have time to discuss on such a primitive level.

The Hebrew Israelites have a large community in South of Israel.
They also tend to perform well in the IDF.

Yes, they are used as "cannon fodder", but they do not get Israeli citizenship.

Yes that grandma, even if she was fully atheist aka 'assimilated'- would be prosecuted for merely being a Jew.
Jews have dealt with that question for centuries...

Jews were expelled from about 100 countries.

And if somebody questions the narrative about Jews being in every single case totally innocent, and the non-Jews being in every single case irrational haters who just hated Jews for no reason, because Jews never did nothing bad for the people in the host countries, he will be called a "wicked Anti-Semite".

Just forget about the conflict of interests between Jews and non-Jews, if you do not believe that Jews cared more about the non-Jews, than about their own tribe, then you are an "irrational Jew-Hater" that just atavistically hates these innocent and powerless Jews.

I get it- a Greco-Roman European looks at the Jews and still doesn't get it- the recognition of the Jewish culture by his ancestors, that so much changed the world around us.

There was no common "Jewish culture".

Even East- and West Ashkenazi had different cultures.

The German Jew Walter Rathenau called the Jews from Russia "Asiatische Horde" (Asian Horde), a totally alien people to him.

And today Russian Jews refuse to live in Israel in the neighborhood with Oriental Jews or Ethiopian Jews, they openly say that their cultures are totally incompatible.

Oriental Jews have still polygamy and they practice children marriage and female genital mutilation, they are, culturally, like backward Arabs.

There were Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities in western Europe in the past, but they historically were fully isolated from each others.

They had different ghettoes, dufferent Synagogues and even different graveyards. They never intermixed before the creation of Israel, and even in Israel they are still segregated (separate scools, etc).

So how can anybody in his right mind say that a black Ethiopian Jew and a white Russian Jew have the same culture?


No, they only have a similar religion, they all believe that they are "chosen", speak "special", speak "more equal" than non-Jews.

But if you try to explain the hate against the Jews with their religion, that maybe has something to do with their behaviour in the countries they were expelled from, then you are a "wicked Jew-Hater", even if you yourself are of Jewish ancestry.

Well, if Jews believe they're "chosen", "special", and are "more equal" than non-Jews, what does that say about Christians and Muslims? At least Jews believe that any upright and moral person, whether Jew or non-Jew, gets to go to Heaven. What about Christians or the "elect of god"? They believe that all who are not "saved" by Jesus go to Hell. And how about Muslims or the "true believers"? Their idea of Heaven is too stupid for words, with their 72 virgins for bloody murderer "martyrs", and the unbelievers going into a lake of fire. Why do all Jew-haters, like Art and Penelope, have a fascination with Jews and Judaism? And with all their research and studies about their obsession, they still get it all wrong. Art's avatar of that cold, smirking, pale-faced Nazi is probably a self-portrait. How much Jewish blood is on your Nazi, German hands? You'll never be able to wash it off.

Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



And as many other people they were ruled by others who decided their destiny.
There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.

They were culturally Arab because the Jewish lands were invaded, conquered and culturally overtaken.

If you have no problem with the Jewish people in the land being invaded, conquered and converted culturally from Jews to Arab Muslims, surely you can have no moral problem with the Jewish people returning and converting everyone back to being Jewish, now, can you?

No, the few Jews that were in Palestine before the Zionist invasion were culturally Arab because they were Sephardic Jews from Spain who had to leave or convert when the Christians evicted the Arab rulers from Al-Andalus (Andalusia) the last Muslim holding in Spain. The people of Palestine, those of the Jewish faith and others had converted to Christianity, long before. The Christian faith was indigenous to Palestine, so it wasn't an invasive religion.

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