Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

Isn't it more a Jewish fascination with the Germans?

I cannot say that all Jews were fascinated with all Germans, but Zionists and National Socialists were fascinated with each others, they learned from each others, they cooperated, and they supported each other.

Judenpolizei and Judenräte were responsible for sending Jews to the camps:

Judenräte were responsible for the internal administration of ghettos, standing between the Nazi occupiers and their Jewish communities. In general, the Judenräte represented the elite from their Jewish communities. Often, a Judenrat had a group for internal security and control, a Jewish Ordnungspolizei. They also attempted to manage the government services normally found in a city such as those named above. However, the requirements of the Nazis to deliver community members to forced labor, deportation or Nazi concentration camps placed them in the position of helping the occupiers.

Judenrat - Wikipedia

Today Zionists accuse the descendants of German Normies of collaboration with the NS-Regime, because they did not risk their lives and did not stop the deportation of Jews. Well, most Normies did not know about this.

But the Jewish elite and their descendants, who were directly responsible for this deportation, was never accused of any crimes, the "collective responsibility" only applies to Germans, but not to the Zionists.

Lenni Brenner wrote a book about it, and some radical Zionists were ready to fight against the GB on the side of the Third Reich.

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia
The rules of FIFA, the international body that runs the game, forbid any member nation from including teams whose home stadiums are outside its national territory without agreement from the recognized authority in that territory. Two years ago, that statute was used to block Russia—under threat of suspension and therefore of losing the right to host the 2018 World Cup—from incorporating Crimean teams in its leagues after taking control of the territory from Ukraine. The Palestinian Football Association, also a member of FIFA, has since made a similar complaint, citing the involvement of teams based in settlements in Israel’s domestic leagues as grounds for suspension.

The international body is due to respond in January. Israel could dodge the issue by simply moving those teams inside the 1967 lines, but that would fly in the face of the government’s efforts to normalize the settlements. And Israel’s argument to FIFA that the status of the settlements was a matter of dispute becomes even less tenable in the face of Resolution 2334.

Suspension would exclude Israel’s national team from international competition and its professional teams from European leagues, striking a significant psychological blow for ordinary Israeli soccer fans. And that may be the first of many.

In a world that has rejected Netanyahu’s invitation to ignore the plight of the Palestinians, he may come to miss the protective shield offered by the peace process—and even the outgoing US president against whom he now directs so much ire.
The world has finally called Israel’s bluff on its non-existent Palestinian peace process
Isn't it more a Jewish fascination with the Germans?

I cannot say that all Jews were fascinated with all Germans, but Zionists and National Socialists were fascinated with each others, they learned from each others, they cooperated, and they supported each other.

Judenpolizei and Judenräte were responsible for sending Jews to the camps:

Judenräte were responsible for the internal administration of ghettos, standing between the Nazi occupiers and their Jewish communities. In general, the Judenräte represented the elite from their Jewish communities. Often, a Judenrat had a group for internal security and control, a Jewish Ordnungspolizei. They also attempted to manage the government services normally found in a city such as those named above. However, the requirements of the Nazis to deliver community members to forced labor, deportation or Nazi concentration camps placed them in the position of helping the occupiers.

Judenrat - Wikipedia

Today Zionists accuse the descendants of German Normies of collaboration with the NS-Regime, because they did not risk their lives and did not stop the deportation of Jews. Well, most Normies did not know about this.

But the Jewish elite and their descendants, who were directly responsible for this deportation, was never accused of any crimes, the "collective responsibility" only applies to Germans, but not to the Zionists.

Lenni Brenner wrote a book about it, and some radical Zionists were ready to fight against the GB on the side of the Third Reich.

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine is a book written by author Edwin Black, documenting the transfer agreement ("Haavara Agreement" in Hebrew) between Zionist organizations and Nazi Germany to transfer a number of Jews and their assets to Palestine. This agreement was partly inspired by a global boycott of Germany that had appeared to threaten the Reich.[1] Controversial as it may be seen in hindsight, it marked one of the few rescue of Jews and their assets during the Holocaust
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia

The Zionists were only interested in Rich Jews, the rest were left as a burnt offering
The rules of FIFA, the international body that runs the game, forbid any member nation from including teams whose home stadiums are outside its national territory without agreement from the recognized authority in that territory. Two years ago, that statute was used to block Russia—under threat of suspension and therefore of losing the right to host the 2018 World Cup—from incorporating Crimean teams in its leagues after taking control of the territory from Ukraine. The Palestinian Football Association, also a member of FIFA, has since made a similar complaint, citing the involvement of teams based in settlements in Israel’s domestic leagues as grounds for suspension.

The international body is due to respond in January. Israel could dodge the issue by simply moving those teams inside the 1967 lines, but that would fly in the face of the government’s efforts to normalize the settlements. And Israel’s argument to FIFA that the status of the settlements was a matter of dispute becomes even less tenable in the face of Resolution 2334.

Suspension would exclude Israel’s national team from international competition and its professional teams from European leagues, striking a significant psychological blow for ordinary Israeli soccer fans. And that may be the first of many.

In a world that has rejected Netanyahu’s invitation to ignore the plight of the Palestinians, he may come to miss the protective shield offered by the peace process—and even the outgoing US president against whom he now directs so much ire.
The world has finally called Israel’s bluff on its non-existent Palestinian peace process

Oh my. The Zionists™ have angered FIFA?

Oh heavens. What's next - censure by the International Ping Pong Federation?
There is no anger ( apart from the frustrated israeli firsters) Rules which apply to all will be implemented, much to the chagrin of the " God gave it to us" land grabbers
There is no anger ( apart from the frustrated israeli firsters) Rules which apply to all will be implemented, much to the chagrin of the " God gave it to us" land grabbers
I'm assigning you the task of scouring Juan Cole's blog for data on FIFA's rules concerning participation by Islamic terrorists.
There is no anger ( apart from the frustrated israeli firsters) Rules which apply to all will be implemented, much to the chagrin of the " God gave it to us" land grabbers
I'm assigning you the task of scouring Juan Cole's blog for data on FIFA's rules concerning participation by Islamic terrorists.
Meanwhile you can continue with your follie Hollie posting from Juan Kerr's blog
Last edited:
Isn't it more a Jewish fascination with the Germans?

I cannot say that all Jews were fascinated with all Germans, but Zionists and National Socialists were fascinated with each others, they learned from each others, they cooperated, and they supported each other.

Judenpolizei and Judenräte were responsible for sending Jews to the camps:

Judenräte were responsible for the internal administration of ghettos, standing between the Nazi occupiers and their Jewish communities. In general, the Judenräte represented the elite from their Jewish communities. Often, a Judenrat had a group for internal security and control, a Jewish Ordnungspolizei. They also attempted to manage the government services normally found in a city such as those named above. However, the requirements of the Nazis to deliver community members to forced labor, deportation or Nazi concentration camps placed them in the position of helping the occupiers.

Judenrat - Wikipedia

Today Zionists accuse the descendants of German Normies of collaboration with the NS-Regime, because they did not risk their lives and did not stop the deportation of Jews. Well, most Normies did not know about this.

But the Jewish elite and their descendants, who were directly responsible for this deportation, was never accused of any crimes, the "collective responsibility" only applies to Germans, but not to the Zionists.

Lenni Brenner wrote a book about it, and some radical Zionists were ready to fight against the GB on the side of the Third Reich.

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine is a book written by author Edwin Black, documenting the transfer agreement ("Haavara Agreement" in Hebrew) between Zionist organizations and Nazi Germany to transfer a number of Jews and their assets to Palestine. This agreement was partly inspired by a global boycott of Germany that had appeared to threaten the Reich.[1] Controversial as it may be seen in hindsight, it marked one of the few rescue of Jews and their assets during the Holocaust
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia

The Zionists were only interested in Rich Jews, the rest were left as a burnt offering

Isn't it strange that every time the Jew haters bring up the book The Transfer, they never mention Edwin Blacks following book? "The Farhud: Roots of an Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust"

Sieg Heil, Fanger.
Isn't it more a Jewish fascination with the Germans?

I cannot say that all Jews were fascinated with all Germans, but Zionists and National Socialists were fascinated with each others, they learned from each others, they cooperated, and they supported each other.

Judenpolizei and Judenräte were responsible for sending Jews to the camps:

Judenräte were responsible for the internal administration of ghettos, standing between the Nazi occupiers and their Jewish communities. In general, the Judenräte represented the elite from their Jewish communities. Often, a Judenrat had a group for internal security and control, a Jewish Ordnungspolizei. They also attempted to manage the government services normally found in a city such as those named above. However, the requirements of the Nazis to deliver community members to forced labor, deportation or Nazi concentration camps placed them in the position of helping the occupiers.

Judenrat - Wikipedia

Today Zionists accuse the descendants of German Normies of collaboration with the NS-Regime, because they did not risk their lives and did not stop the deportation of Jews. Well, most Normies did not know about this.

But the Jewish elite and their descendants, who were directly responsible for this deportation, was never accused of any crimes, the "collective responsibility" only applies to Germans, but not to the Zionists.

Lenni Brenner wrote a book about it, and some radical Zionists were ready to fight against the GB on the side of the Third Reich.

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine is a book written by author Edwin Black, documenting the transfer agreement ("Haavara Agreement" in Hebrew) between Zionist organizations and Nazi Germany to transfer a number of Jews and their assets to Palestine. This agreement was partly inspired by a global boycott of Germany that had appeared to threaten the Reich.[1] Controversial as it may be seen in hindsight, it marked one of the few rescue of Jews and their assets during the Holocaust
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia

The Zionists were only interested in Rich Jews, the rest were left as a burnt offering

Isn't it strange that every time the Jew haters bring up the book The Transfer, they never mention Edwin Blacks following book? "The Farhud: Roots of an Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust"

Sieg Heil, Fanger.

Propaganda again. That's all you ever post.
Isn't it more a Jewish fascination with the Germans?

I cannot say that all Jews were fascinated with all Germans, but Zionists and National Socialists were fascinated with each others, they learned from each others, they cooperated, and they supported each other.

Judenpolizei and Judenräte were responsible for sending Jews to the camps:

Judenräte were responsible for the internal administration of ghettos, standing between the Nazi occupiers and their Jewish communities. In general, the Judenräte represented the elite from their Jewish communities. Often, a Judenrat had a group for internal security and control, a Jewish Ordnungspolizei. They also attempted to manage the government services normally found in a city such as those named above. However, the requirements of the Nazis to deliver community members to forced labor, deportation or Nazi concentration camps placed them in the position of helping the occupiers.

Judenrat - Wikipedia

Today Zionists accuse the descendants of German Normies of collaboration with the NS-Regime, because they did not risk their lives and did not stop the deportation of Jews. Well, most Normies did not know about this.

But the Jewish elite and their descendants, who were directly responsible for this deportation, was never accused of any crimes, the "collective responsibility" only applies to Germans, but not to the Zionists.

Lenni Brenner wrote a book about it, and some radical Zionists were ready to fight against the GB on the side of the Third Reich.

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine is a book written by author Edwin Black, documenting the transfer agreement ("Haavara Agreement" in Hebrew) between Zionist organizations and Nazi Germany to transfer a number of Jews and their assets to Palestine. This agreement was partly inspired by a global boycott of Germany that had appeared to threaten the Reich.[1] Controversial as it may be seen in hindsight, it marked one of the few rescue of Jews and their assets during the Holocaust
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia

The Zionists were only interested in Rich Jews, the rest were left as a burnt offering

Isn't it strange that every time the Jew haters bring up the book The Transfer, they never mention Edwin Blacks following book? "The Farhud: Roots of an Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust"

Sieg Heil, Fanger.

Propaganda again. That's all you ever post.
I see. You read one book by an author and call it gospel. Another of his books you call propaganda.
Well, you lied in an attempt to claim that Israel is not a theocracy.
It is not a theocracy.

Of course it is. It's called the Jewish state, after all and even its claim to the land is religious.

You prove once again your lack of knowledge. Judaism in its core is not a religion. It is an ethbic belonging. To this ethnic belonging there is history, geography, culture, language.

Religion is another aspect. It is less than only a small part of that being a Jew is.

Wow. Learn about the people you hate. If you dislike something... At least know what it is about. Geez.
Of course it is. It's called the Jewish state, after all and even its claim to the land is religious.

Only a white Rabbi can decide who is a Jew, and 99,99% of migrants to Israel, who get the Israeli citizenship, are Jews.

But modern Judaism is not an "open club" everybody can join, like it is the case with other Abrahamitic cults (Islam, Christianity).

Jews also used to proselytize (Berbers, Khazars, Slavs, Arabs in today Yemen, etc), most today Jews stem from pagans, who converted to Judaism in the early Middle Ages.

But the white Zionist Rabbies believe in special "Jewish genes/blood", that is why the Black Hebrew Israelites, who stick to the Jewish Law, do not get Israeli citizenship (they cannot prove that their bloodline is Jewish).

On the other hand white Atheists from Russia, who had a Jewish grandmother, get Israeli citizenship.

Judaism is inheritable, Rabbis believe in the existence of "Jewish blood", so Israel is not just a Theocracy, it is quasi a "racial Theocracy", and in this Theocracy an Atheist with a "right bloodline" (speak white skin) has more privileges, than an observant Jew with the "wrong" skin colour, like the black Jews from Chicago, who do not get Israeli citizenship, or black Ethiopian Jews, whose fertility rate was reduced to a minimum in Israel due to the treatment with Depo-Provera, enforced by white Jewish doctors.

Wow. That is simply not true. Where do you people get all this nonsense..
Isn't it more a Jewish fascination with the Germans?

I cannot say that all Jews were fascinated with all Germans, but Zionists and National Socialists were fascinated with each others, they learned from each others, they cooperated, and they supported each other.

Judenpolizei and Judenräte were responsible for sending Jews to the camps:

Judenräte were responsible for the internal administration of ghettos, standing between the Nazi occupiers and their Jewish communities. In general, the Judenräte represented the elite from their Jewish communities. Often, a Judenrat had a group for internal security and control, a Jewish Ordnungspolizei. They also attempted to manage the government services normally found in a city such as those named above. However, the requirements of the Nazis to deliver community members to forced labor, deportation or Nazi concentration camps placed them in the position of helping the occupiers.

Judenrat - Wikipedia

Today Zionists accuse the descendants of German Normies of collaboration with the NS-Regime, because they did not risk their lives and did not stop the deportation of Jews. Well, most Normies did not know about this.

But the Jewish elite and their descendants, who were directly responsible for this deportation, was never accused of any crimes, the "collective responsibility" only applies to Germans, but not to the Zionists.

Lenni Brenner wrote a book about it, and some radical Zionists were ready to fight against the GB on the side of the Third Reich.

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine is a book written by author Edwin Black, documenting the transfer agreement ("Haavara Agreement" in Hebrew) between Zionist organizations and Nazi Germany to transfer a number of Jews and their assets to Palestine. This agreement was partly inspired by a global boycott of Germany that had appeared to threaten the Reich.[1] Controversial as it may be seen in hindsight, it marked one of the few rescue of Jews and their assets during the Holocaust
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia

The Zionists were only interested in Rich Jews, the rest were left as a burnt offering

Isn't it strange that every time the Jew haters bring up the book The Transfer, they never mention Edwin Blacks following book? "The Farhud: Roots of an Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust"

Sieg Heil, Fanger.

Propaganda again. That's all you ever post.
I see. You read one book by an author and call it gospel. Another of his books you call propaganda.

I use data from official source documents to make my points, not books or novels as you do.
Well, you lied in an attempt to claim that Israel is not a theocracy.
It is not a theocracy.

Of course it is. It's called the Jewish state, after all and even its claim to the land is religious.

You prove once again your lack of knowledge. Judaism in its core is not a religion. It is an ethbic belonging. To this ethnic belonging there is history, geography, culture, language.

Religion is another aspect. It is less than only a small part of that being a Jew is.

Wow. Learn about the people you hate. If you dislike something... At least know what it is about. Geez.

That's amazing, so as soon as an Inuit converts to Judaism he/she becomes ethnically and culturally different from being an Inuit. You people are hilarious, you are a ridiculous bunch of pompous asses.
Well, you lied in an attempt to claim that Israel is not a theocracy.
It is not a theocracy.

Of course it is. It's called the Jewish state, after all and even its claim to the land is religious.

You prove once again your lack of knowledge. Judaism in its core is not a religion. It is an ethbic belonging. To this ethnic belonging there is history, geography, culture, language.

Religion is another aspect. It is less than only a small part of that being a Jew is.

Wow. Learn about the people you hate. If you dislike something... At least know what it is about. Geez.

That's amazing, so as soon as an Inuit converts to Judaism he/she becomes ethnically and culturally different from being an Inuit. You people are hilarious, you are a ridiculous bunch of pompous asses.

Converting is possible bit it is difficult.

And better be pompous asses than being a Jew hating cult which you seem to admire.
It is not a theocracy.

Of course it is. It's called the Jewish state, after all and even its claim to the land is religious.

You prove once again your lack of knowledge. Judaism in its core is not a religion. It is an ethbic belonging. To this ethnic belonging there is history, geography, culture, language.

Religion is another aspect. It is less than only a small part of that being a Jew is.

Wow. Learn about the people you hate. If you dislike something... At least know what it is about. Geez.
Your'e not an Ethnic jew, rather a child adopted by a jewish family, so an "accidental jew"

And you're accidentally born.

Se I can go disgustingly personal, too.

Now sod off.
No My birth was planned by my real Parents, they wanted me born, raised and cared for Me, unlike some parents
Did you steal that from Juan Coles' blog?
I cannot say that all Jews were fascinated with all Germans, but Zionists and National Socialists were fascinated with each others, they learned from each others, they cooperated, and they supported each other.

Judenpolizei and Judenräte were responsible for sending Jews to the camps:

Today Zionists accuse the descendants of German Normies of collaboration with the NS-Regime, because they did not risk their lives and did not stop the deportation of Jews. Well, most Normies did not know about this.

But the Jewish elite and their descendants, who were directly responsible for this deportation, was never accused of any crimes, the "collective responsibility" only applies to Germans, but not to the Zionists.

Lenni Brenner wrote a book about it, and some radical Zionists were ready to fight against the GB on the side of the Third Reich.
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine is a book written by author Edwin Black, documenting the transfer agreement ("Haavara Agreement" in Hebrew) between Zionist organizations and Nazi Germany to transfer a number of Jews and their assets to Palestine. This agreement was partly inspired by a global boycott of Germany that had appeared to threaten the Reich.[1] Controversial as it may be seen in hindsight, it marked one of the few rescue of Jews and their assets during the Holocaust
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia

The Zionists were only interested in Rich Jews, the rest were left as a burnt offering

Isn't it strange that every time the Jew haters bring up the book The Transfer, they never mention Edwin Blacks following book? "The Farhud: Roots of an Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust"

Sieg Heil, Fanger.

Propaganda again. That's all you ever post.
I see. You read one book by an author and call it gospel. Another of his books you call propaganda.

I use data from official source documents to make my points, not books or novels as you do.
Yeah, sure, Next you will be telling us that you used official documents to inform Edwin Black that he was all wrong about the Nazis and the Arabs and that his book is all propaganda I have a great idea for you since you are so wrapped up with your obsession with the Jews and nothing else that it appears that you have no life.. Why not give this forum a rest this weekend and concentrate on other forums? This way your rest from this forum would have energized you to come back like a tiger spewing out the same nonsense.
Why don't you take a break to peruse the official data from the source documents so when you return you will be able to debate with something other than propaganda.
Look at you. The one who needs a break is you. In your deluded mind I guess you don't think that Edwin Black did a lot of research to write his book about the Nazis and the Arabs. People here have your number, and the only ones who are cheering you while reading this forum are anti-Semites just like you.

It looks like Monte doesn't want to have any kind of life. Whatever organization is behind him supplies him with packages of Depends to demonize Israel night and day on his computer. Does anyone think he cares about all those Muslims who sadly have killed each other in other parts of the Middle East? The Jews didn't do this so mum's the word.

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