Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

How dare Israel be criticised.

"All the American presidents after Carter have stood by the US promise not to allow the UN to force Israel to do anything."

...yet they've forced other countries to do things (that's ok apparently)...

Not to mention Obama gave Israel a $31 billion dollar aid package over the next 10 years. He clearly hates Israel.

You seem to think that will make it any better. This is like trying to kiss a boo-boo that is a stab wound in the back. Typical behavior.
Lock "Crooked Benji" up

Now I can see why trump likes Benji

Israel's attorney-general orders criminal probe against PM Netanyahu: TV
Source: Reuters

WORLD NEWS | Wed Dec 28, 2016 | 4:33pm EST

Israel's attorney-general orders criminal probe against PM Netanyahu: TV

Israel's attorney-general has ordered police to open a criminal investigation in two unspecified matters involving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Channel 10 television said on Wednesday.

A Justice Ministry spokeswoman said in a statement that checks in the matter "are still ongoing and this is neither confirmation or denial of what has been alleged".

"The attorney-general, the police and prosecutors are working in close cooperation and a public announcement will be made in due course about the investigation," she said.

There was no immediate response from Netanyahu's office to a Reuters query on the report.


Read more: Israel's attorney-general orders criminal probe against PM Netanyahu: TV
Netanyahu release a statemenet to the press, earlier, regarding the UN's decision yesterday. Here's the full speech.

"Citizens of Israel, I want you to calm you down. The decision reached yesterday in the UN is distorted, is shameful, but we shall overcome it.

The decision makes the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City 'occupied' territory - that's delusional. It says that the Western Wall, the Kotel, is 'occupied' territory - that's just as delusional.There is nothing more absurd than calling the Western Wall and Jewish Quarter occupied territory.

This is a failed attempt to force the conditions of a final agreement on Israel. Their last attempt to accomplish this was led by President Carter, who was totally hostile to Israel and just recently said that Hamas is not a terror group. Carter passed anti-Israel resolutions in the UN, similar to these resolutions, but he did not succeed. We opposed his resolutions and nothing happened.

All the American presidents after Carter have stood by the US promise not to allow the UN to force Israel to do anything. Yesterday, US President Barack Obama violated this promise - as well as his own promise from 2011, when he did not use his veto power and stood behind this shameful move in the UN.

Not only does this decision not bring peace closer, it in fact pushes peace farther away. It is an affront to justice, to truth. Think about how absurd it is. Half a million people slaughtered in Syria, tens of thousands in Sudan, the entire Middle East is in flames and Obama's government and the Security Council decide to attack the only democracy in the Middle Est - Israel. How shameful.

My friends, on this first night of Hanukkah, I want to tell you that it will do them no good. We will completely oppose this resolution, as we did when the UN decided that 'Zionism is Racism.' That decision was revoked and so will this one be. It just takes time. And it won't be revoked by our giving in, but by our standing strong with our allies at our side. I remind you that we left Gaza, destroyed communities, removed people from their graves. Did that help us at the UN in any way? Did it improve the UN's attitude to us? We got thousand of rockets on our heads from Gaza and the Goldstone Report from the UN.

So I state the obvious, and I say, as the majority of Israel knows by now- We learned our lesson. This is where we're not headed. But I want to say another thing. We're not alone. I spoke with American leaders yesterday. I was glad to hear that congress members, democrats and republicans alike, are going to fight this resolution by any means possible. They told me clearly- "We've had enough of this. We will allow nobody to harm the state of Israel."

On my last speech at the UN, September, I've said that a storm is expected before things improve. We knew of the possibility, and have accepted it. The UN's decision yesterday is just a part of the 'Swan's song', of the old, biased world against Israel, but friends, we're facing a new era. And like elected president Trump said, it's going to be much sooner than they think. In this new era, the price for those who hurt Israel is much higher, and shall be claimed not only by the United States, but Israel as well. Two states which are in good diplomatic relations with us supported and stood behind this resolution, which is why I order the diplomats and embassadors to return from Sengal and New Zealand immediately. I orders to stop any aid being sent to Senegal, and it's only the beginning. Finally, I ordered the ministry of foreign affairs to reexamine our connection with the UN's institutes and the staying of their people in Israel.

I want to say another thing, and pay attantion to my next words. The decision will come against them, and this is the straw which broke the camel's back. The decion yesterday calls the immediate reaction of our friends in the United State and worldwide. Our friends who are tired of the UN's hostility towards Israel,and are ready to bring forth the change. Therefore I quote our scriptures- "Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet." The one entering the door to curse, shall exit, leaving behind his blessing.

On this Hanukkah Eve, I stand next to the modern Maccabis, The soldiers and injured of the IDF, our everyday heros, I salute you, and tell you, the light shall scare of the darkness, and the Maccabis' spirit shall win. Happy Hannukah."


Good Speech.

Wow, he's really thrown his teddy out of his pram. Nutandyahoo meltdown if ever there was one.
No one has a problem with how you deal with terrorists. It's innocent Palestinians we worry about.

Yep, collective punishment is a crime, but Israel gets away with intentionally killing entire families and intentionally destroying the homes or entire villages.
Zionist = a convenient throwaway word for Jew.

Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews.

There are a lot of fake Christians who call themselves Zionists.

And Zionists accuse decent and honest Jews of "self-hate" or even "anti- Semitism", which deconstructs the formula Zionists=Semites=Jews.

White European Jews are wanna-be-Semites or fake Semites, who hate the native Semites of Palestine.
Zionist = a convenient throwaway word for Jew.

Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews.

There are a lot of fake Christians who call themselves Zionists.

And Zionists accuse decent and honest Jews of "self-hate" or even "anti- Semitism", which deconstructs the formula Zionists=Semites=Jews.

White European Jews are wanna-be-Semites or fake Semites, who hate the native Semites of Palestine.
I talked to a British bloke who seems to know the background on this Israel/Palestinian conflict. It is a very complicated issue. When I hear about what the Israeli's have to put up with, I sort of feel for their side too.

Will the Palestinians recognize Israel? For example. Will the Palestinians stop terrorizing?

My Brit buddy pointed out how the NRA stopped being terrorists after 9-11. Have the Palestinians abandoned violence? They may have to take a lesson from MLK. Stop provoking the Jews.

What do I know.
Will the Palestinians recognize Israel? For example. Will the Palestinians stop terrorizing?

What would you do, if you were a Palestinian?

"There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"
-- David Ben Gurion, Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp. 121-122.
Of course it is. It's called the Jewish state, after all and even its claim to the land is religious.

Only a white Rabbi can decide who is a Jew, and 99,99% of migrants to Israel, who get the Israeli citizenship, are Jews.

But modern Judaism is not an "open club" everybody can join, like it is the case with other Abrahamitic cults (Islam, Christianity).

Jews also used to proselytize (Berbers, Khazars, Slavs, Arabs in today Yemen, etc), most today Jews stem from pagans, who converted to Judaism in the early Middle Ages.

But the white Zionist Rabbies believe in special "Jewish genes/blood", that is why the Black Hebrew Israelites, who stick to the Jewish Law, do not get Israeli citizenship (they cannot prove that their bloodline is Jewish).

On the other hand white Atheists from Russia, who had a Jewish grandmother, get Israeli citizenship.

Judaism is inheritable, Rabbis believe in the existence of "Jewish blood", so Israel is not just a Theocracy, it is quasi a "racial Theocracy", and in this Theocracy an Atheist with a "right bloodline" (speak white skin) has more privileges, than an observant Jew with the "wrong" skin colour, like the black Jews from Chicago, who do not get Israeli citizenship, or black Ethiopian Jews, whose fertility rate was reduced to a minimum in Israel due to the treatment with Depo-Provera, enforced by white Jewish doctors.
For the Jews it is a democracy.

For the Palestinians it is a Jewish state.

I think that black and swarthy Jews are not happy with this "Jewish democracy".

The interior Minister of Israel, Eli Yishai, even made an open declaration, in which he stated, that Israel belongs to the "White Man".

In any case, black and swarthy Jews believe that there is supremacism of white (mostly Ashkenazi) Jews in Israel.

Have you seen any black Jew in the leadership of Israel?
For the Jews it is a democracy.

For the Palestinians it is a Jewish state.

I think that black and swarthy Jews are not happy with this "Jewish democracy".

The interior Minister of Israel, Eli Yishai, even made an open declaration, in which he stated, that Israel belongs to the "White Man".

In any case, black and swarthy Jews believe that there is supremacism of white (mostly Ashkenazi) Jews in Israel.

Have you seen any black Jew in the leadership of Israel?

Well, if anyone would know about the specifics of racial purity, it would be you Art and your German people. You are also following in your people's ways by having a strange fascination with the Jews.
For the Jews it is a democracy.

For the Palestinians it is a Jewish state.

I think that black and swarthy Jews are not happy with this "Jewish democracy".

The interior Minister of Israel, Eli Yishai, even made an open declaration, in which he stated, that Israel belongs to the "White Man".

In any case, black and swarthy Jews believe that there is supremacism of white (mostly Ashkenazi) Jews in Israel.

Have you seen any black Jew in the leadership of Israel?

Well, if anyone would know about the specifics of racial purity, it would be you Art and your German people. You are also following in your people's ways by having a strange fascination with the Jews.

Isn't it more a Jewish fascination with the Germans? It often happens that the oppressed end up admiring and imitating their oppressors.

"General Ya’ir Golan, the deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, made a speech on Holocaust Memorial Day. Wearing his uniform, he read a prepared, well-considered text that triggered an uproar which has not yet died down.

The main sentence was: “If there is something that frightens me about the memories of the Holocaust, it is the knowledge of the awful processes which happened in Europe in general, and in Germany in particular, 70, 80, 90 years ago, and finding traces of them here in our midst, today, in 2016.”


The 4th Media » General Ya’ir Golan, Deputy Chief of Staff of Israeli Army: Traces of NAZISM in Israel
Well, you lied in an attempt to claim that Israel is not a theocracy.
It is not a theocracy.

Of course it is. It's called the Jewish state, after all and even its claim to the land is religious.
You might want to take a few minutes and look for the definition of Parliamentary Republic.

I know, right? You have that blank, koranified stare, like a deer caught in the headlights.
Just remember in 2002 Republicans were lying us into Iraq. The rest of the world objected except Israel. Israel and guys like Joe Lieberman and adelson were 100% defenders of George Bush. Turns out bush and joe Lieberman were fucking idiots, agreed?

Today the world is telling Israel they are wrong and the Republicans are on your side.

Can you see why we don't trust you?
Well, if anyone would know about the specifics of racial purity, it would be you Art and your German people.

The usual old and boring Hasbara tactics: Ignore the message, ignore the arguments in the message, and try to attack the messenger personally.

Are you trying to play the old and tired "Nazi-Card"?


Im my case "guilt by association" does not work, my ancestors did not live in the Third Reich, they were victims of the Jewish Bolsheviks.

You are also following in your people's ways by having a strange fascination with the Jews.

Our politicians have a strange fascination with Jews, we have to face the reality, and react to this sick fascination.

If every Western politicians has to kiss the ass of the Israel Lobby (Trump is no exception), how can we ignore the JQ?

If our government says that Germany’s support for Israel’s security is part of our national ethos, our raison d’être, that we cannot be neutral, speak objective in this conflict, does that meant that we, the German citizens, have to blindly follow our new female Führer again?

Well, if we blindly follow our German Führer again, then we will be blamed by the Palestinians for supporting the crimes of Zionists.

Today Jews have more influence, that the Palestinians, but who knows what will be in 10 years?

Do we have to pay compensations to Palestinians, because we supported the crimes of Zionists, and therefore are co-responsible for the Nakba?

If Germans learned something from history, then they should not blindly follow their leaders, they should use their own heads and think.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long based his settlement strategy on the assumption that the international community will ignore the plight of the Palestinians. But the United Nations proved him wrong on Dec. 23, passing Security Council resolution 2334, which reaffirms the longstanding UN ruling that all Israeli settlements built outside Israel’s pre-1967 borders violate international law.

Israel has reacted with predictable fury to the UN resolution, with Netanyahu engaging in theatrical attempts to humiliate the resolution’s supporters. Netanyahu has also jousted verbally with US secretary of state John Kerry over the Obama administration’s reasons for withholding its veto, presumably hoping to impress his domestic political audience with an almost comical display of assumed international authority.

But even though Israel has made it clear that the non-binding resolution won’t restrain its continued settlement construction on the ground, the tone of its response reflects a well-grounded anxiety over the potential consequences of renewed international engagement on the conflict.

Despite Netanyahu’s confidence that the incoming Trump administration will back Israel on its settlement enterprise, the fact that not a single Israeli ally voted against the resolution deals a staggering blow to the prime minister’s core belief that Israel can normalize its international standing while denying the rights of millions of Palestinians. Netanyahu frequently boasts of Israel’s diplomatic gains, claiming it has made common cause with Sunni Arab states against Iran. But these statements are based on the unspoken assumption that amid more dramatic developments elsewhere, the world will simply forget about the Palestinians’ plight.

Netanyahu’s outrage over the UN vote was clearly a response to being proved embarrassingly wrong on that count. Not that it should have come as a surprise: Israel’s international standing has, in fact, always been premised on the achievement of Palestinian rights and sovereignty.

A little bit of history is important here. Israel first claimed and won recognition as a nation-state from the United Nations in 1949 as the partial fulfillment of 1947’s UN Resolution 181. That resolution proposed portioning historic Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. Israel was accepted into the community of nations as one part of a two-state solution.

Prospects for a two-state partition were reinvigorated in the late 1980s, when the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leadership embraced the goal of statehood in the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel during the 1967 war. At the same time, a combination of the first Palestinian intifada and the end of the Cold War prompted Washington to initiate the Madrid talks—precursor to the Oslo Peace Process in the 1990s.

Israel enjoyed unprecedented diplomatic rehabilitation as a result of Oslo and its implied promise of Palestinian statehood. Netanyahu and his Likud Party, however, have always ferociously opposed Oslo. Even when, in 2009, he was forced out of diplomatic necessity to rhetorically accept the principle of Palestinian statehood, Netanyahu hastened to make clear to the party faithful that he had no intention of ever implementing it. Six years later, he once again made the pledge to prevent a Palestinian state part of his campaign for reelection.

All along, Netanyahu has justified his opposition by promising that determined defiance would eventually convince the international community to accept Israel’s violation of UN rulings. Last week’s Security Council vote shows just how badly the Israeli leader misjudged international sentiment. Without the illusion of a “peace process,” Israel will likely face more international pressure over the occupation.

What US president Barack Obama did last week—and secretary of state John Kerry also emphasized in a pointed State address yesterday—was to call Israel’s bluff. There is no longer any process underway for ending the occupation and achieving a two-state solution based on the 1967 lines, as Israel’s continued settlement in occupied territory makes clear. And no credible process means no diplomatic shield protecting Israel from the consequences of its actions.

Meanwhile, despite the hawkish posture of the incoming administration, Donald Trump in fact offers Israel little protection. The positions taken by the president-elect on the issue are so far outside the international consensus that he won’t command the moral or diplomatic authority necessary to restrain others from acting against the occupation.

Senior Israeli leaders have, in recent years, warned that the occupation creates an apartheid situation similar to South Africa’s white minority regime in the 1980s. Activists favoring sanctions to punish Israel over the occupation welcomed last week’s vote, and Israel’s defiant response, because it makes their work so much easier.

Interestingly, one of the earliest consequences of the resolution may soon be felt on the soccer field.

The rules of FIFA, the international body that runs the game, forbid any member nation from including teams whose home stadiums are outside its national territory without agreement from the recognized authority in that territory.
The world has finally called Israel’s bluff on its non-existent Palestinian peace process

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