Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?
I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?

Yes, let's talk about it. With the exception of the PLO leadership, none.
I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?

Yes, let's talk about it. With the exception of the PLO leadership, none.

I have zero interest in talking about anything with you. Not even the weather.
If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?

Yes, let's talk about it. With the exception of the PLO leadership, none.

I have zero interest in talking about anything with you. Not even the weather.

Of course not, I have the facts.
Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?

Yes, let's talk about it. With the exception of the PLO leadership, none.

I have zero interest in talking about anything with you. Not even the weather.

Of course not, I have the facts.

Still not interested.
I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?

Let's talk about Palestinians not having to seek refuge in Jordan because PALESTINE - IN ITS ENTIRETY - belong to them.

Shall we?

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Once again you have interrupted a conversation that I was having with German Art. You don't know what he said many times in this forum about Jews. He has said, for instance, that he likes Muslims because Jesus is a prophet in Islam, whereas some rude things were said about Jesus in the Talmud. (BTW Yeshu, the Hebrew form of that name, was popular in Talmudic times, and so the Talmud could've been referring to different Yeshus.) I am trying to make him understand who is the true enemy of Christendom in this day and age. As for your points, I also don't approve of the money that Israel takes from America, but what can I do about it as a regular citizen?

Also, there has never been a Palestinian "genocide". They have multiplied many times over.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”

If anyone refers to Arab refugees as "Palestinians" after reading this link, they are in deep denial and can't be rehabilitated. Hopefully nobody minds if I put an article here.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?

Yes, let's talk about it. With the exception of the PLO leadership, none.

I have zero interest in talking about anything with you. Not even the weather.

Of course not, I have the facts.

Still not interested.

Of course you're not interested in the facts. None of you are.
Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Once again you have interrupted a conversation that I was having with German Art. You don't know what he said many times in this forum about Jews. He has said, for instance, that he likes Muslims because Jesus is a prophet in Islam, whereas some rude things were said about Jesus in the Talmud. (BTW Yeshu, the Hebrew form of that name, was popular in Talmudic times, and so the Talmud could've been referring to different Yeshus.) I am trying to make him understand who is the true enemy of Christendom in this day and age. As for your points, I also don't approve of the money that Israel takes from America, but what can I do about it as a regular citizen?

Also, there has never been a Palestinian "genocide". They have multiplied many times over.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”

If anyone refers to Arab refugees as "Palestinians" after reading this link, they are in deep denial and can't be rehabilitated. Hopefully nobody minds if I put an article here.


Anyone that believes and then posts links to Zionist propaganda sites is in very deep denial. You just don't get it do you. Everyone has access to the facts now, these propaganda websites don't work anymore.
I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?

Yes, let's talk about it. With the exception of the PLO leadership, none.
Let's talk about it. Jordan learned a painful lesson in dealing with the Pal'istanian terrorists. It took the Jordanians a heaping stack of dead bodies to learn that lessin. Jordan has since built happy-fun walled encampments for their unwanted guests.
Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Once again you have interrupted a conversation that I was having with German Art. You don't know what he said many times in this forum about Jews. He has said, for instance, that he likes Muslims because Jesus is a prophet in Islam, whereas some rude things were said about Jesus in the Talmud. (BTW Yeshu, the Hebrew form of that name, was popular in Talmudic times, and so the Talmud could've been referring to different Yeshus.) I am trying to make him understand who is the true enemy of Christendom in this day and age. As for your points, I also don't approve of the money that Israel takes from America, but what can I do about it as a regular citizen?

Also, there has never been a Palestinian "genocide". They have multiplied many times over.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”

If anyone refers to Arab refugees as "Palestinians" after reading this link, they are in deep denial and can't be rehabilitated. Hopefully nobody minds if I put an article here.


So much bullshit , so little time

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of *****Palestinian citizenship***** by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine."

I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?

Let's talk about Palestinians not having to seek refuge in Jordan because PALESTINE - IN ITS ENTIRETY - belong to them.

Shall we?


Nothing to talk about. What you say is pure fantasy.
Jordan kicked out how many Palestinians during Black September?

Let's talk about that. Shall we?

Yes, let's talk about it. With the exception of the PLO leadership, none.

I have zero interest in talking about anything with you. Not even the weather.

Of course not, I have the facts.

Still not interested.

Of course you're not interested in the facts. None of you are.

You don't talk facts. Merely obsessive delusions.
Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Once again you have interrupted a conversation that I was having with German Art. You don't know what he said many times in this forum about Jews. He has said, for instance, that he likes Muslims because Jesus is a prophet in Islam, whereas some rude things were said about Jesus in the Talmud. (BTW Yeshu, the Hebrew form of that name, was popular in Talmudic times, and so the Talmud could've been referring to different Yeshus.) I am trying to make him understand who is the true enemy of Christendom in this day and age. As for your points, I also don't approve of the money that Israel takes from America, but what can I do about it as a regular citizen?

Also, there has never been a Palestinian "genocide". They have multiplied many times over.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”

If anyone refers to Arab refugees as "Palestinians" after reading this link, they are in deep denial and can't be rehabilitated. Hopefully nobody minds if I put an article here.


Let's just take one of the propaganda lies that this idiot spouts. that fact that the propaganda blogger that set up this Think-Israel Hasbara site can't even spell "fictitious" (spells it wrong two ways, LOL) should tell you the kind of sources the moron Hossfly relies on.

"The Arabs who adopted the name 'Palestinians' did so some 17 years after the termination of the Palestine Mandate, a name that the Arabs had always condemned as a foreign Zionist/British implant. It is a ficticious name for a ficiticious nationality that never existed."

From 1922. What do you suppose the self-described people of Palestine call themselves. Scots?

"If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration."
Yes, let's talk about it. With the exception of the PLO leadership, none.

I have zero interest in talking about anything with you. Not even the weather.

Of course not, I have the facts.

Still not interested.

Of course you're not interested in the facts. None of you are.

You don't talk facts. Merely obsessive delusions.

I only post fact, as everyone knows. The only problem with you people is that the facts don't align with the propaganda you have been brainwashed with.
I have zero interest in talking about anything with you. Not even the weather.

Of course not, I have the facts.

Still not interested.

Of course you're not interested in the facts. None of you are.

You don't talk facts. Merely obsessive delusions.

I only post fact, as everyone knows. The only problem with you people is that the facts don't align with the propaganda you have been brainwashed with.

You seem to want to engage with me, nevertheless.
Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Once again you have interrupted a conversation that I was having with German Art. You don't know what he said many times in this forum about Jews. He has said, for instance, that he likes Muslims because Jesus is a prophet in Islam, whereas some rude things were said about Jesus in the Talmud. (BTW Yeshu, the Hebrew form of that name, was popular in Talmudic times, and so the Talmud could've been referring to different Yeshus.) I am trying to make him understand who is the true enemy of Christendom in this day and age. As for your points, I also don't approve of the money that Israel takes from America, but what can I do about it as a regular citizen?

Also, there has never been a Palestinian "genocide". They have multiplied many times over.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”

If anyone refers to Arab refugees as "Palestinians" after reading this link, they are in deep denial and can't be rehabilitated. Hopefully nobody minds if I put an article here.


So much bullshit , so little time

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of *****Palestinian citizenship***** by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine."

I believe that "Palestine" referred to the land itself. Jews wanted to be Israeli, not Palestinian. The Arabs could name the land allotted to them as Palestine but they never did. Don't forget, I was in school during that time and I remember the names and terms used. We studied the events because we lived in a time when history was being made.
Once again you have interrupted a conversation that I was having with German Art. You don't know what he said many times in this forum about Jews. He has said, for instance, that he likes Muslims because Jesus is a prophet in Islam, whereas some rude things were said about Jesus in the Talmud. (BTW Yeshu, the Hebrew form of that name, was popular in Talmudic times, and so the Talmud could've been referring to different Yeshus.) I am trying to make him understand who is the true enemy of Christendom in this day and age. As for your points, I also don't approve of the money that Israel takes from America, but what can I do about it as a regular citizen?

Also, there has never been a Palestinian "genocide". They have multiplied many times over.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”

If anyone refers to Arab refugees as "Palestinians" after reading this link, they are in deep denial and can't be rehabilitated. Hopefully nobody minds if I put an article here.


So much bullshit , so little time

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of *****Palestinian citizenship***** by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine."

I believe that "Palestine" referred to the land itself. Jews wanted to be Israeli, not Palestinian. The Arabs could name the land allotted to them as Palestine but they never did. Don't forget, I was in school during that time and I remember the names and terms used. We studied the events because we lived in a time when history was being made.

They named it Palestine you moron, or they wouldn't have called themselves the people of Palestine.
Also, there has never been a Palestinian "genocide". They have multiplied many times over.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”

If anyone refers to Arab refugees as "Palestinians" after reading this link, they are in deep denial and can't be rehabilitated. Hopefully nobody minds if I put an article here.


So much bullshit , so little time

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of *****Palestinian citizenship***** by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine."

I believe that "Palestine" referred to the land itself. Jews wanted to be Israeli, not Palestinian. The Arabs could name the land allotted to them as Palestine but they never did. Don't forget, I was in school during that time and I remember the names and terms used. We studied the events because we lived in a time when history was being made.

They named it Palestine you moron, or they wouldn't have called themselves the people of Palestine.
Whatever you say, Ethel. They were Palestinians in Israel. Got it!
There was no Israel in 1922. Why do you bother posting, you consistently make a fool of yourself.

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