Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can you understand that the country was populated with both the Jewish people and Arabs? And can you understand that the Jewish people were RE-CREATING their Nation -- in which they were expelled, oppressed, invaded, murdered, conquered and settled by foreigners? And can you understand that there is plenty of room for both peoples -- as evidenced by the 10-fold increase in population since the 1920s?

Why can't the Arab Muslims live next to Jews? Sheesh.

There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.

Another one of Your amusing 'facts'?
With such wild imagination I could find You enough evidence that Cows are aliens.
Try a library, a real one in a building.

Of course these facts come from historical treatises and are based on events that actually happened. Your propaganda is not based on facts. There is even documentary film evidence for morons like you that have difficulty reading historical texts.

Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can you understand that the country was populated with both the Jewish people and Arabs? And can you understand that the Jewish people were RE-CREATING their Nation -- in which they were expelled, oppressed, invaded, murdered, conquered and settled by foreigners? And can you understand that there is plenty of room for both peoples -- as evidenced by the 10-fold increase in population since the 1920s?

Why can't the Arab Muslims live next to Jews? Sheesh.

There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.

Another one of Your amusing 'facts'?
With such wild imagination I could find You enough evidence that Cows are aliens.
Try a library, a real one in a building.

Of course these facts come from historical treatises and are based on events that actually happened. Your propaganda is not based on facts. There is even documentary film evidence for morons like you that have difficulty reading historical texts.

That's wonderful. You get your hysterical facts from a two minute long YouTube video.
Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can you understand that the country was populated with both the Jewish people and Arabs? And can you understand that the Jewish people were RE-CREATING their Nation -- in which they were expelled, oppressed, invaded, murdered, conquered and settled by foreigners? And can you understand that there is plenty of room for both peoples -- as evidenced by the 10-fold increase in population since the 1920s?

Why can't the Arab Muslims live next to Jews? Sheesh.

There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.

Another one of Your amusing 'facts'?
With such wild imagination I could find You enough evidence that Cows are aliens.
Try a library, a real one in a building.

Of course these facts come from historical treatises and are based on events that actually happened. Your propaganda is not based on facts. There is even documentary film evidence for morons like you that have difficulty reading historical texts.

So this proves that real Jews are of Arab origin and Palestinians are of Jewish?
What minute?
What it means, and what anyone that has studied the subject knows, is that the people of Palestine are descendants of the people that had always lived in Palestine. That they converted for convenience or by law did not change the genetics of the people. Non Christians were banned from Palestine from 380 AD until the Muslim conquest, so those of other religions that wanted to remain residents of Palestine converted to Christianity.

Arab is a cultural and linguistic designation. Moroccans have very little (if any) Arabian genetic heritage, but they are considered Arabs. Arabians are the people of the Arabian peninsula. Most Palestinians today are Christians or Muslims, so are not Jewish. Many of their ancestors practiced Judaism, so many of their ancestors were Jewish, but many of their ancestors also practiced the Samaritan religion, the Roman religions etc.
What it means, and what anyone that has studied the subject knows, is that the people of Palestine are descendants of the people that had always lived in Palestine. That they converted for convenience or by law did not change the genetics of the people. Non Christians were banned from Palestine from 380 AD until the Muslim conquest, so those of other religions that wanted to remain residents of Palestine converted to Christianity.

Arab is a cultural and linguistic designation. Moroccans have very little (if any) Arabian genetic heritage, but they are considered Arabs. Arabians are the people of the Arabian peninsula. Most Palestinians today are Christians or Muslims, so are not Jewish. Many of their ancestors practiced Judaism, so many of their ancestors were Jewish, but many of their ancestors also practiced the Samaritan religion, the Roman religions etc.

Ah, the "everyone knows" meme.

That's interesting because the Mongol invasion of the area of Pal'istan as well as the history of other invaders would refute your silly claim "the people of Palestine are descendants of the people that had always lived in Palestine."

Obviously, you have not studied the matter. There is wiki, of course.
What it means, and what anyone that has studied the subject knows, is that the people of Palestine are descendants of the people that had always lived in Palestine. That they converted for convenience or by law did not change the genetics of the people. Non Christians were banned from Palestine from 380 AD until the Muslim conquest, so those of other religions that wanted to remain residents of Palestine converted to Christianity.

Arab is a cultural and linguistic designation. Moroccans have very little (if any) Arabian genetic heritage, but they are considered Arabs. Arabians are the people of the Arabian peninsula. Most Palestinians today are Christians or Muslims, so are not Jewish. Many of their ancestors practiced Judaism, so many of their ancestors were Jewish, but many of their ancestors also practiced the Samaritan religion, the Roman religions etc.

Ah, the "everyone knows" meme.

That's interesting because the Mongol invasion of the area of Pal'istan as well as the history of other invaders would refute your silly claim "the people of Palestine are descendants of the people that had always lived in Palestine."

Obviously, you have not studied the matter. There is wiki, of course.

The way I have figured it, Hollie, is that we have a Palestinian and his assistant posting, we have a convert to Islam posting, and some of the other posters are just two-bit anti-Semites who use the Jews as their scapegoats. There is so much more going on in the Middle East that is so horrendous, yet they are obsessed with one tiny bit of land only because the Jews are involved. If it happened to be the Hindus or Buddhists governing that area, these clowns would crawl back into the woodwork. Does anyone in their right mind think that those crying here about the poor Palestinians have any compassion for these people?

It was a deception: Ex-Somali refugees regret coming home
Just facts MJ, just facts that you just can't accept. Now, if you want to discuss the Middle East in general, there is a section for just that. This is the I/P section.
Are you that befuddled, Monte, that you don't know to whom you are responding? Maybe you need a little rest from this forum. In fact, maybe you need shock treatments since evidently you are so obsessed that you have no life. You can pick up your demonizing the Jews afterward.. Meanwhile, did anyone see Monte make a comment to the poster who happened to bring up North Korea recently on this forum, telling him there was a forum for that?

In ending, since Monte puts in his best effort to prove that the Jews don't belong to Israel, others think differently than he does. Monte will call it all propaganda as he usually does, but I think a lot of the readers will see that the author studied his subject and will roll their eyes at Monte's input.

The Arabs in the Holy Land – Natives or Immigrants?
Listen dingleberry

the problem is that the Zionists decided to create a country in AN AREA THAT WAS ALREADY POPULATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Can you understand that the country was populated with both the Jewish people and Arabs? And can you understand that the Jewish people were RE-CREATING their Nation -- in which they were expelled, oppressed, invaded, murdered, conquered and settled by foreigners? And can you understand that there is plenty of room for both peoples -- as evidenced by the 10-fold increase in population since the 1920s?

Why can't the Arab Muslims live next to Jews? Sheesh.

There were a small number of Arab Jews in Palestine before the European Zionist invasion. They were culturally Arabs, like the Christians and the Muslims. Nearly all of the people that practiced Judaism or other religions in Roman Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion. The current day Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.

Another one of Your amusing 'facts'?
With such wild imagination I could find You enough evidence that Cows are aliens.
Try a library, a real one in a building.

Of course these facts come from historical treatises and are based on events that actually happened. Your propaganda is not based on facts. There is even documentary film evidence for morons like you that have difficulty reading historical texts.

Thank you for posting the video - I have never seen it - it provides excellent evidence that Palestinian Arabs had accepted the Jews,

The Palestinians attacked the Jews when the Zionists decided to create Israel and disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary.

The goal of "disappearing" the
indigenous Arab population
points to a virtual truism buried
beneath a mountain of
apologetic Zionist literature:
what spurred Palestinians'
opposition to Zionism was not
anti-Semitism in the sense of
an irrational hatred of Jews
but rather the prospect -
very real - of their expulsion.

Norman G Finkelstein
Renown American Historian

Just facts MJ, just facts that you just can't accept. Now, if you want to discuss the Middle East in general, there is a section for just that. This is the I/P section.
Are you that befuddled, Monte, that you don't know to whom you are responding? Maybe you need a little rest from this forum. In fact, maybe you need shock treatments since evidently you are so obsessed that you have no life. You can pick up your demonizing the Jews afterward.. Meanwhile, did anyone see Monte make a comment to the poster who happened to bring up North Korea recently on this forum, telling him there was a forum for that?

In ending, since Monte puts in his best effort to prove that the Jews don't belong to Israel, others think differently than he does. Monte will call it all propaganda as he usually does, but I think a lot of the readers will see that the author studied his subject and will roll their eyes at Monte's input.

The Arabs in the Holy Land – Natives or Immigrants?

He is not saying that Jews do not belong in PALESTINE

He is saying that ISRAEL does not belong in Palestine.

Just facts MJ, just facts that you just can't accept. Now, if you want to discuss the Middle East in general, there is a section for just that. This is the I/P section.
The ARTI-facts that no one but a demented soul can accept.

You are a zionist

So you stupid fucks love Orwellian double talk in order to rationalize taking over Palestine.

So by "demented" you mean, of course: sane

Got you.

I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.
I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Yeah, my relatives weren't "parasites" either. My paternal grandfather was a dairyman, and my maternal grandfather was a butcher. I once went to a seamstress to fix some pants. She told me that in "the old country" Jews were often called lazy and parasitical.
I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.
The rabbi President-elect Donald Trump appointed to participate in his inauguration ceremony heads the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which claims the United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlements is the most “anti-Semitic/anti-Israel” event of 2016.

Rabbi Marvin Hier founded the center, named for the legendary Nazi hunter who died in 2005.

“The most stunning 2016 UN attack on Israel was facilitated by President Obama,” the Center wrote in a list of “The top ten worst global anti-Semitic/anti-Israel incidents.”

Other offenders include UK British Labour Leaders, Baroness Jenny Tongue, France, the BDS movement and a local branch of the German Teacher’s Union. After these the Center listed white supremacist Richard Spencer.

The Rabbi Blessing Trump is Thrashing Obama on Israel
I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.

I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Once again you have interrupted a conversation that I was having with German Art. You don't know what he said many times in this forum about Jews. He has said, for instance, that he likes Muslims because Jesus is a prophet in Islam, whereas some rude things were said about Jesus in the Talmud. (BTW Yeshu, the Hebrew form of that name, was popular in Talmudic times, and so the Talmud could've been referring to different Yeshus.) I am trying to make him understand who is the true enemy of Christendom in this day and age. As for your points, I also don't approve of the money that Israel takes from America, but what can I do about it as a regular citizen?
I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Once again you have interrupted a conversation that I was having with German Art. You don't know what he said many times in this forum about Jews. He has said, for instance, that he likes Muslims because Jesus is a prophet in Islam, whereas some rude things were said about Jesus in the Talmud. (BTW Yeshu, the Hebrew form of that name, was popular in Talmudic times, and so the Talmud could've been referring to different Yeshus.) I am trying to make him understand who is the true enemy of Christendom in this day and age. As for your points, I also don't approve of the money that Israel takes from America, but what can I do about it as a regular citizen?

Also, there has never been a Palestinian "genocide". They have multiplied many times over.
I wasn't even talking to you Newbie. I was talking to Art whose German relatives killed my relatives.

If you are referring to me - my German relatives did not kill any Jews.

They were honest and decent people who worked hard, they were not parasites, and I am very proud of my German ancestors.

I have already told that many times, but you desperately try to play the old and tired "Collective-Eternal-German-Guilt-Card", and hope that this will work.


In fact my German relatives were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions and millions of Christians.

The Bolsheviks killed more innocent civilians than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, but who cares about the feeling of Christians?

Marxism is still "kosher", you can call yourself a proud Marxist, you can be violent and be proud of the mass murders, committed by Bolsheviks against Christians, this is not outlawed.

I do not know for sure if these Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed my German relatives, were your relatives, and I will never play the "Jewish-Bolshevik-Guilt-Card", because I do not believe in collective responsibility.

Everybody should be responsible and ashamed only for his own actions.

I am not interested in what your Jewish relatives did, you are not responsible for that, I only care about what you yourself do in this forum.

You seem to support the crimes of Zionists, you seem to think that Nakba was not bad for the cause of Zionism, and you should be ashamed of what you personally do.

Anyway, you are a hypocrite when you say that you don't believe in collective responsibility, especially from a long time ago. Just this week, a Muslim attacked a nightclub in Turkey because "they were celebrating a pagan Christian holiday", and a few weeks before that a Muslim truck rammed into Christmas shoppers in your Fatherland, the accursed Germany. Yet you love Muslims because many centuries ago they wrote that Jesus was a prophet in the Quran. Yet we Jews, who get along famously with Christians these days, are blamed collectively by you yourself because my ancestors supposedly killed your god, or because of some obscure references to him in the Talmud.

Is it "foreveryoung" or foreverstupid"

In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus when he made them foreigners in their own land - he gave Palestine to the Zionists.

Since 1949 the US has given Israel 125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to conduct the Palestinian genocide.

From 1925 to 1949 Menachem Begin and the Irgun Terrorist Zionist gang terrorized the Palestinians and the British,

Let's talk about that for a while.


Once again you have interrupted a conversation that I was having with German Art. You don't know what he said many times in this forum about Jews. He has said, for instance, that he likes Muslims because Jesus is a prophet in Islam, whereas some rude things were said about Jesus in the Talmud. (BTW Yeshu, the Hebrew form of that name, was popular in Talmudic times, and so the Talmud could've been referring to different Yeshus.) I am trying to make him understand who is the true enemy of Christendom in this day and age. As for your points, I also don't approve of the money that Israel takes from America, but what can I do about it as a regular citizen?

Also, there has never been a Palestinian "genocide". They have multiplied many times over.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, “The Catastrophe.”


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