Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

Let me guess..."working for myself" is what you call working for someone else? If you don't own the business, Pogo then you aren't working for're working for someone else!

Wrong. I see people who don't own a business that work for themselves everyday. They labor at the end of highway get off ramps.

View attachment 250485

In fairness, there are people who work as independent contractors, which the IRS lists as "self-employed", but who do not formally have "their own business". My husband does that, as a legal transcriber.

Just a joke really. But it strikes me funny at how many on the left claim to be independently wealthy, have their own business, work from home, or retired early from a business they previously owned. That must be it because they are all here posting during normal working hours.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What's more peculiar than that is how they all have this empathy for people who don't work or didn't do anything to improve their worth to employers. None of these well-to-do libs ever suggest that these poor people should do what they did. The only people that suggest that are people on the right who claim they too are either doing very well financially or wealthy themselves.

How much would your company make if you didn't do your job?

I can answer that. They'd make the same amount, because they'd hire someone else.

Really? I thought you did the work of three people.
Wrong. I see people who don't own a business that work for themselves everyday. They labor at the end of highway get off ramps.

View attachment 250485

In fairness, there are people who work as independent contractors, which the IRS lists as "self-employed", but who do not formally have "their own business". My husband does that, as a legal transcriber.

Just a joke really. But it strikes me funny at how many on the left claim to be independently wealthy, have their own business, work from home, or retired early from a business they previously owned. That must be it because they are all here posting during normal working hours.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What's more peculiar than that is how they all have this empathy for people who don't work or didn't do anything to improve their worth to employers. None of these well-to-do libs ever suggest that these poor people should do what they did. The only people that suggest that are people on the right who claim they too are either doing very well financially or wealthy themselves.

How much would your company make if you didn't do your job?

I can answer that. They'd make the same amount, because they'd hire someone else.

Really? I thought you did the work of three people.

Your question was directed at Ray. While I'm sure he's an excellent truck driver, and it's certainly not a job that just anyone can do, there are still a lot of good/excellent truck drivers in the world, and people who could learn to be. So if he wasn't there to do his job, they'd hire someone else to do it.

I'm a fairly special case, because I'm an unusual person. So it would cost my company a lot more to replace me, since they'd likely have to hire more than one person to do it. That being said, I am still replaceable. My basic job skills as listed on my resume are far from uncommon.
Let me guess..."working for myself" is what you call working for someone else? If you don't own the business, Pogo then you aren't working for're working for someone else!

Wrong. I see people who don't own a business that work for themselves everyday. They labor at the end of highway get off ramps.

View attachment 250485

In fairness, there are people who work as independent contractors, which the IRS lists as "self-employed", but who do not formally have "their own business". My husband does that, as a legal transcriber.

Just a joke really. But it strikes me funny at how many on the left claim to be independently wealthy, have their own business, work from home, or retired early from a business they previously owned. That must be it because they are all here posting during normal working hours.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What's more peculiar than that is how they all have this empathy for people who don't work or didn't do anything to improve their worth to employers. None of these well-to-do libs ever suggest that these poor people should do what they did. The only people that suggest that are people on the right who claim they too are either doing very well financially or wealthy themselves.

How much would your company make if you didn't do your job?

How much would I make if I didn't have a company to work for?

It's not about YOU! How much would YOUR COMPANY THAT YOU WORK make if YOU didn't do your job?
It is the moral responsibility of employers to pay a living wage.

Who determines what a "living wage" consists of, 1%er? You?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% for rent variances.

I'm curious to hear why you think that people who don't have job skills that warrant a higher wage should be given one simply because you think it's a "moral responsibility" of employers to do so?

Why would you think that workers don't have job skills? All of the 450 employees that I have today have job skills. All of the 10's of thousands that I employed in the last 40 years had job skills. Why would you think that workers don't have job skills?

People of character (like me) take into account their moral obligations to their employees because employees make them all of their money.

That's how we know you're a phony. If you actually did own a business and were paying people whatever your "moral obligation" was, and your competitors were paying their employees what they were worth, you would be out of business.

You're writing that employers without character don't pay a living wage to their employees that make them all of their money?
Wrong. I see people who don't own a business that work for themselves everyday. They labor at the end of highway get off ramps.

View attachment 250485

In fairness, there are people who work as independent contractors, which the IRS lists as "self-employed", but who do not formally have "their own business". My husband does that, as a legal transcriber.

Just a joke really. But it strikes me funny at how many on the left claim to be independently wealthy, have their own business, work from home, or retired early from a business they previously owned. That must be it because they are all here posting during normal working hours.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What's more peculiar than that is how they all have this empathy for people who don't work or didn't do anything to improve their worth to employers. None of these well-to-do libs ever suggest that these poor people should do what they did. The only people that suggest that are people on the right who claim they too are either doing very well financially or wealthy themselves.

I heard that. I'm apparently rare and shocking because I actually tell people I'm a mid-level administrator for a small business.

SOMEONE in this country has to work and pay the bills. Being an Internet "billionaire" isn't actually all that useful to anyone.

Being a "mid-level administrator for a small business" my bet is that you aren't being paid your worth to the company.

In my very particular case, probably not. When I was hired, I took the place of the three people who were doing my job before me. On the other hand, when they realized that they didn't have to hire anyone to replace those people because I was able to do it all myself, they did give me a raise that puts me at about a dollar an hour short of what my supervisor makes, and which puts me well above what I could command at another company were I to look for another job. And they afford me a level of freedom and autonomy in my work that is virtually unheard-of in office work, not to mention that I have job security normally only found in civil service.

Your supervisor needs a raise in pay.
Who determines what a "living wage" consists of, 1%er? You?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% for rent variances.

You want a living wage? Adjust your skillset, and make yourself useful.

Leftist don't believe in that. They believe that you should pay a worker more than you can sell your workers labor for.

If your worker makes six widgets an hour in your widget factory, and you can only sell those widgets for two dollars each, you should pay your worker $15.00 an hour to produce $12.00 worth of product, and you'll just have to do with one less yacht.

Your math is screwed-up as usual. It's $100.00 worth of product that the now $8.75/hr worker produces.

It all depends on the product. If the product is created through automation, all the worker does is press buttons. That's hardly worth anything. They may help in some of the packaging processes depending on the device. However it's a low skill talentless job that an employer can get anybody to do.

If nobody pressed the button, the company wouldn't make any money. So the button pusher is key to the success of the company. How much do you pay a key success?
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.
/——/ Corporate America enables you to post your stupidity for the world to see.
It is the moral responsibility of employers to pay a living wage.

Who determines what a "living wage" consists of, 1%er? You?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% for rent variances.

You want a living wage? Adjust your skillset, and make yourself useful.

So you earn an advanced degree and have to compete with 2.4M foreigners in this country (H-1B holders who make significantly less than Americans) which was signed into law by Bush and now tRump wants to make them US citizens. WTF? Americans aren't good enough for Republicans?

It's Republicans who are trying to keep them out. The Democrats are stopping the wall and various other attempts Trump is trying to keep them out. If they can't accomplish that themselves, their activist judges try.

No, Republicans dodge the problem with the wall. The real problem is employers like tRump that hire illegal aliens. Obama went after those employers, why not tRump?

It's bush that signed the H-1B visa law that allows foreigners to take Americans jobs, and tRump now touts the law as a means for citizenship. Republicans brought in 2.4M H-1B foreigners to take Americans jobs.
It is the moral responsibility of employers to pay a living wage.

Who determines what a "living wage" consists of, 1%er? You?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% for rent variances.

I'm curious to hear why you think that people who don't have job skills that warrant a higher wage should be given one simply because you think it's a "moral responsibility" of employers to do so?

Why would you think that workers don't have job skills? All of the 450 employees that I have today have job skills. All of the 10's of thousands that I employed in the last 40 years had job skills. Why would you think that workers don't have job skills?

People of character (like me) take into account their moral obligations to their employees because employees make them all of their money.

Are you really claiming to be a wealthy business owner? I love it when you progressives think you can lend credence to your ridiculous claims by pretending to be successful! It's so cute...

I find it amusing and a little sad that you don't have the thought process to answer my post, but instead go to attack mode.
In fairness, there are people who work as independent contractors, which the IRS lists as "self-employed", but who do not formally have "their own business". My husband does that, as a legal transcriber.

Just a joke really. But it strikes me funny at how many on the left claim to be independently wealthy, have their own business, work from home, or retired early from a business they previously owned. That must be it because they are all here posting during normal working hours.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What's more peculiar than that is how they all have this empathy for people who don't work or didn't do anything to improve their worth to employers. None of these well-to-do libs ever suggest that these poor people should do what they did. The only people that suggest that are people on the right who claim they too are either doing very well financially or wealthy themselves.

How much would your company make if you didn't do your job?

I can answer that. They'd make the same amount, because they'd hire someone else.

Really? I thought you did the work of three people.

Your question was directed at Ray. While I'm sure he's an excellent truck driver, and it's certainly not a job that just anyone can do, there are still a lot of good/excellent truck drivers in the world, and people who could learn to be. So if he wasn't there to do his job, they'd hire someone else to do it.

I'm a fairly special case, because I'm an unusual person. So it would cost my company a lot more to replace me, since they'd likely have to hire more than one person to do it. That being said, I am still replaceable. My basic job skills as listed on my resume are far from uncommon.

If there wasn't anyone to do Ray's job the company would make no money. His job is more important to the financial health of the company than almost anyone else.

You say you are replaceable, but multiple people would have to do the job that you currently perform. So it stands to believe that you should be making as much as those multiple people.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.
/——/ Corporate America enables you to post your stupidity for the world to see.

But the government runs the internet.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.
All that employment and prosperity is ruining it
Who determines what a "living wage" consists of, 1%er? You?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% for rent variances.

I'm curious to hear why you think that people who don't have job skills that warrant a higher wage should be given one simply because you think it's a "moral responsibility" of employers to do so?

Why would you think that workers don't have job skills? All of the 450 employees that I have today have job skills. All of the 10's of thousands that I employed in the last 40 years had job skills. Why would you think that workers don't have job skills?

People of character (like me) take into account their moral obligations to their employees because employees make them all of their money.

That's how we know you're a phony. If you actually did own a business and were paying people whatever your "moral obligation" was, and your competitors were paying their employees what they were worth, you would be out of business.

You're writing that employers without character don't pay a living wage to their employees that make them all of their money?

Employers do not give a damn about subjective BS like "living wage". What you need to run your life is YOUR problem. They're your boss, not your mother or your babysitter.

Sack the fuck up and act like a man. Or at least an adult.
Who determines what a "living wage" consists of, 1%er? You?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% for rent variances.

You want a living wage? Adjust your skillset, and make yourself useful.

So you earn an advanced degree and have to compete with 2.4M foreigners in this country (H-1B holders who make significantly less than Americans) which was signed into law by Bush and now tRump wants to make them US citizens. WTF? Americans aren't good enough for Republicans?

It's Republicans who are trying to keep them out. The Democrats are stopping the wall and various other attempts Trump is trying to keep them out. If they can't accomplish that themselves, their activist judges try.

No, Republicans dodge the problem with the wall. The real problem is employers like tRump that hire illegal aliens. Obama went after those employers, why not tRump?

It's bush that signed the H-1B visa law that allows foreigners to take Americans jobs, and tRump now touts the law as a means for citizenship. Republicans brought in 2.4M H-1B foreigners to take Americans jobs.

I was only a Bush fan up to the point of beating the Democrat. Bush is hardly a conservative. And remember his sister-in-law is a Mexican immigrant so him taking a tough stand on immigration makes for a not so comfortable Christmas.

Trump hires legal immigrants. The wives tale about him hiring illegals was just another liberal lie. Trump hired a demolition company to clear the area where Trump Tower stands today, and it was that demolition company that was found to have illegals working for them. Trump had no idea nor control over who the company hires, and it's not up to the customer to check the employment status of the employees of who he hires.

But of course as usual, the Democrats lied about it and now it's internet propaganda.
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In fairness, there are people who work as independent contractors, which the IRS lists as "self-employed", but who do not formally have "their own business". My husband does that, as a legal transcriber.

Just a joke really. But it strikes me funny at how many on the left claim to be independently wealthy, have their own business, work from home, or retired early from a business they previously owned. That must be it because they are all here posting during normal working hours.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What's more peculiar than that is how they all have this empathy for people who don't work or didn't do anything to improve their worth to employers. None of these well-to-do libs ever suggest that these poor people should do what they did. The only people that suggest that are people on the right who claim they too are either doing very well financially or wealthy themselves.

I heard that. I'm apparently rare and shocking because I actually tell people I'm a mid-level administrator for a small business.

SOMEONE in this country has to work and pay the bills. Being an Internet "billionaire" isn't actually all that useful to anyone.

Being a "mid-level administrator for a small business" my bet is that you aren't being paid your worth to the company.

In my very particular case, probably not. When I was hired, I took the place of the three people who were doing my job before me. On the other hand, when they realized that they didn't have to hire anyone to replace those people because I was able to do it all myself, they did give me a raise that puts me at about a dollar an hour short of what my supervisor makes, and which puts me well above what I could command at another company were I to look for another job. And they afford me a level of freedom and autonomy in my work that is virtually unheard-of in office work, not to mention that I have job security normally only found in civil service.

Your supervisor needs a raise in pay.

No, my supervisor, while a very nice woman and quite competent at her job, makes slightly above the going rate for her job in this city.
Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% for rent variances.

You want a living wage? Adjust your skillset, and make yourself useful.

Leftist don't believe in that. They believe that you should pay a worker more than you can sell your workers labor for.

If your worker makes six widgets an hour in your widget factory, and you can only sell those widgets for two dollars each, you should pay your worker $15.00 an hour to produce $12.00 worth of product, and you'll just have to do with one less yacht.

Your math is screwed-up as usual. It's $100.00 worth of product that the now $8.75/hr worker produces.

It all depends on the product. If the product is created through automation, all the worker does is press buttons. That's hardly worth anything. They may help in some of the packaging processes depending on the device. However it's a low skill talentless job that an employer can get anybody to do.

If nobody pressed the button, the company wouldn't make any money. So the button pusher is key to the success of the company. How much do you pay a key success?

All they do is the job they are getting paid for. The employee needs the employer more than the other way around. That's why the employee is not in the position to ask for a resume from the employer or tell the employer what he or she must pay. The employer picks the worker, the employer interviews the worker, the employer decides what the wages will pay.
Who determines what a "living wage" consists of, 1%er? You?

Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% for rent variances.

I'm curious to hear why you think that people who don't have job skills that warrant a higher wage should be given one simply because you think it's a "moral responsibility" of employers to do so?

Why would you think that workers don't have job skills? All of the 450 employees that I have today have job skills. All of the 10's of thousands that I employed in the last 40 years had job skills. Why would you think that workers don't have job skills?

People of character (like me) take into account their moral obligations to their employees because employees make them all of their money.

That's how we know you're a phony. If you actually did own a business and were paying people whatever your "moral obligation" was, and your competitors were paying their employees what they were worth, you would be out of business.

You're writing that employers without character don't pay a living wage to their employees that make them all of their money?

Yes, that's the way it works. Just because an employer is not paying what an employee would like does not mean they lack character. If whatever pay they are offering is not attracting workers, then they need to increase their offer. If they find people for the wages and benefits offered, then there is no reason to pay any more.

We non-employers do this in our lives. If you get three estimates from lawn care companies to take care of your yard, you choose the lowest bid. If you get three bids to have your transmission rebuilt in your car, you take the lowest price. We all do it, not just businesses.
Wrong. I see people who don't own a business that work for themselves everyday. They labor at the end of highway get off ramps.

View attachment 250485

In fairness, there are people who work as independent contractors, which the IRS lists as "self-employed", but who do not formally have "their own business". My husband does that, as a legal transcriber.

Just a joke really. But it strikes me funny at how many on the left claim to be independently wealthy, have their own business, work from home, or retired early from a business they previously owned. That must be it because they are all here posting during normal working hours.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What's more peculiar than that is how they all have this empathy for people who don't work or didn't do anything to improve their worth to employers. None of these well-to-do libs ever suggest that these poor people should do what they did. The only people that suggest that are people on the right who claim they too are either doing very well financially or wealthy themselves.

How much would your company make if you didn't do your job?

How much would I make if I didn't have a company to work for?

It's not about YOU! How much would YOUR COMPANY THAT YOU WORK make if YOU didn't do your job?

Your argument is ridiculous.

Let's say that I was selling a car that you wanted to buy. We agree to meet and do the sale. You can't claim that I'm in any better of a position because I have your money for the car. Nor can I claim you are in a better position because if for not me selling you the car, you'd have no transportation.

It was a mutual agreement. I wanted X for my car, and you agreed to buy the car for X money. We both benefited equally.

It's the same thing in the employer/ employee world. The employer offers X money and benefits to do a job, and you agree to work for X benefits and money to do a job. Me having a job and my employer having a good worker benefits us both.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.
All that employment and prosperity is ruining it

We have 8.8M working class poor in America. Who do you think is responsible for that?
Living Wage Calculator

Add 20% for rent variances.

I'm curious to hear why you think that people who don't have job skills that warrant a higher wage should be given one simply because you think it's a "moral responsibility" of employers to do so?

Why would you think that workers don't have job skills? All of the 450 employees that I have today have job skills. All of the 10's of thousands that I employed in the last 40 years had job skills. Why would you think that workers don't have job skills?

People of character (like me) take into account their moral obligations to their employees because employees make them all of their money.

That's how we know you're a phony. If you actually did own a business and were paying people whatever your "moral obligation" was, and your competitors were paying their employees what they were worth, you would be out of business.

You're writing that employers without character don't pay a living wage to their employees that make them all of their money?

Employers do not give a damn about subjective BS like "living wage". What you need to run your life is YOUR problem. They're your boss, not your mother or your babysitter.

Sack the fuck up and act like a man. Or at least an adult.

There you have it; Employers don't give a damn. Thank You!!!!

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