Never Forget! Ashli Babbit Died For Their Freedom To Trample On Our Right To Have Our Votes Count

I didn’t say she injured anyone. I said the violent mob behind her did.

Wasn’t necessary. One stupid retard learned the lesson and then the rest stopped trying to break through. Imagine that.

No. That wasn’t what happened here. They broke through the rest of the crowd control and this was the last line of defense to protect our elected officials.

They were breaking a door, with heavily armed swat type cops around them.

That isn't allowed under deadly force guidelines for police officers.

None of whom were anywhere near the door or under any actual threat.
I've pointed out many problems with the shooting, you just choose to ignore them.
You’ve made some points that I addressed. You keep making a straw man argument about "Pour encouragement lest autres", which is irrelevant because no one thinks she was shot as an example to the rest of the rioters.

She was shot because she made herself an immediate threat by coming through the window.
You’ve made some points that I addressed. You keep making a straw man argument about "Pour encouragement lest autres", which is irrelevant because no one thinks she was shot as an example to the rest of the rioters.

She was shot because she made herself an immediate threat by coming through the window.

Oh really?

XponentialChaos said:
I didn’t say she injured anyone. I said the violent mob behind her did.

Wasn’t necessary. One stupid retard learned the lesson and then the rest stopped trying to break through. Imagine that.

No. That wasn’t what happened here. They broke through the rest of the crowd control and this was the last line of defense to protect our elected officials.
They were breaking a door, with heavily armed swat type cops around them.

That isn't allowed under deadly force guidelines for police officers.

None of whom were anywhere near the door or under any actual threat.
If you think it’s a good idea, then I encourage you to try the same bullshit the next time the election is “stolen“. You up for it?

The truth of the matter is that the entire situation was complete chaos. The police officer could not afford to let the mob through that door to get to our elected officials. You can bitch and moan about it all you like, but that cop is a hero and Ashli Dumbbitch learned a lesson that hard way.
Oh really?
Don’t try to twist what I said.

The intent behind the shot wasn’t to set an example. The intent was to take out the immediate threat if the mob broke through.

The rest of the retards, however, did natural back up as a result of the dead retard.
The purpose of her being shot and the effect of her being shot are two different things.
No they are not. She was shot for intimidation purposes and that has been the effect. Coerced guilty pleas and families threatened by our Gestapo known as the DOJ.
Don’t try to twist what I said.

The intent behind the shot wasn’t to set an example. The intent was to take out the immediate threat if the mob broke through.

The rest of the retards, however, did natural back up as a result of the dead retard.
How does "oh really" twist anything? Paranoid?
No they are not. She was shot for intimidation purposes and that has been the effect. Coerced guilty pleas and families threatened by our Gestapo known as the DOJ.
They absolutely are.

She was shot because she stormed the capitol with a violent mob and smashed through a window to get to members of Congress.

Anyone with a lick of common sense knows how stupid and dangerous that is.
Whether she "died for freedom" is debatable but the fact is that she was murdered and the prevailing opinion on the left seems to be that an unarmed (white) woman who posed no threat somehow deserved it.
If a policeman who is authorized to use deadly force tells you to stop while in the commission of a crime or they will fire and you do not stop, you were most ASSUREDLY not murdered.
If a policeman who is authorized to use deadly force tells you to stop while in the commission of a crime or they will fire and you do not stop, you were most ASSUREDLY not murdered.
No one heard him. Not the officers next to him. How the fuck did Babbitt hear it? Murder for intimidation purposes.
Just when you think the lefties here can't get any lower, they show that they truly are lower than whale shit.
Ashli died because the DEI hire didn’t know what to do. He’s the only officer that discharged his weapon that night.
Had she not been in a place she should not have been engaging in behavior she shouldn’t have been doing she may still be alive today. Her poor choices cost her life she has no one to blame but herself.
It’s hardly surprising that someone was shot. People trapped inside the Capitol certainly had a reasonable belief that they were in imminent danger.
Yes! AOC almost died that night and she was a mile away!

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