Never Forget! Ashli Babbit Died For Their Freedom To Trample On Our Right To Have Our Votes Count

Context matters. You can’t ignore relevant details of the situation they were in.

The law enforcement had plenty of justification to feel their lives were in danger.
Seems like only one thought their life was in danger. The DEI hire.
Whether she "died for freedom" is debatable but the fact is that she was murdered and the prevailing opinion on the left seems to be that an unarmed (white) woman who posed no threat somehow deserved it.
I`ve toured the Whitehouse and the Capitol after getting a pass to do so and undergoing a background check. She chose suicide and her gender and color had nothing to do with it.
Rachel Powell is a single mother of 8 with no job or husband but she found the time to try to overthrow the government that feeds her and her brood. She`s one of my favorite rioters :)
Whether she "died for freedom" is debatable but the fact is that she was murdered and the prevailing opinion on the left seems to be that an unarmed (white) woman who posed no threat somehow deserved it.
Ashli Babbit died due to Trump's desire to see our democracy overthrown. Her blood is on HIS hands.

You fucktards will NEVER hold him accountable and that's what makes you so despicable.

If you join in a riot in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected government, and are breaching the last barricade between the mob and members of the House of Representatives, and you ignore several warnings from a cop pointing a gun at you, try not to die with a surprised look on your Q-tarded face.
It’s hardly surprising that someone was shot. People trapped inside the Capitol certainly had a reasonable belief that they were in imminent danger.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump jerked off for over THREE HOURS while his family, his staff, his media partners in crime, and his lickspittles in Congress were all BEGGING him to DO SOMETHING.


"Someone is going to get killed."

The four dumbasses who died were sacrificed on the altar of Traitor Trump's Big Lie. Their blood is on Traitor Trump's hands.

Q-tard Ashli Babbitt was shot by a cop who had been listening for over three hours as his fellow officers were being mauled and sending out their final messages to their families. I'd have shot her right smack in her retarded face. I hope she didn't die with a surprised look on her dumb creduloid face. She fucked around and found out.

Babbitt was part of the blood-drenched mob and got what was coming to her.

The terrorists are lucky there weren't more of them shot. They certainly deserved it.
If you think it’s a good idea, then I encourage you to try the same bullshit the next time the election is “stolen“. You up for it?

The truth of the matter is that the entire situation was complete chaos. The police officer could not afford to let the mob through that door to get to our elected officials. You can bitch and moan about it all you like, but that cop is a hero and Ashli Dumbbitch learned a lesson that hard way.

The truth of the matter is he was the only one who felt the need to open fire the whole day, and he shot an unarmed woman hanging through a doorway.
Don’t try to twist what I said.

The intent behind the shot wasn’t to set an example. The intent was to take out the immediate threat if the mob broke through.

The rest of the retards, however, did natural back up as a result of the dead retard.

No twisting, dipshit. You are getting called out for your statement and now you are walking it back because you know it vindicates my point.


Fuck yourself. I win on both you twats.
Nice attempt to dodge, mouthbreather, fail as usual.
It’s not a dodge, dipshit. It’s straightforward, which you fail to understand because your broken brain can’t ever be wrong.

The purpose was to neutralize the threat. That also had the effect of stopping others from crawling through the window because they didn’t want to get shot either. This answers your idiotic question as to why no one else got shot.

This isn’t difficult. Even a broken brain like yourself can understand.
It’s not a dodge, dipshit. It’s straightforward, which you fail to understand because your broken brain can’t ever be wrong.

The purpose was to neutralize the threat. That also had the effect of stopping others from crawling through the window because they didn’t want to get shot either. This answers your idiotic question as to why no one else got shot.

This isn’t difficult. Even a broken brain like yourself can understand.

The purpose was one guy panicked and opened fire on an unarmed woman hanging through a window.
The purpose was one guy panicked and opened fire on an unarmed woman hanging through a window.
That’s not a “purpose”.

Even if he did “panic“, the reason he did so was because he feared for his safety. Lots of people did in the Capitol that day.
That’s not a “purpose”.

Even if he did “panic“, the reason he did so was because he feared for his safety. Lots of people did in the Capitol that day.

That's what happened. How do you fear for your safety over a woman yards away from you hanging through a window?

If his fear was of the guys actually trying to break down the door, why didn't he shoot them?

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