Never Forget: Communists Chant Hail Satan over Amazing Grace.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

Stunningly fucked up. Still, I am not shocked. Surprised, perhaps, but never shocked—not in this day and Age. Honestly? I wouldn't be shocked either if a flaming Hollywood CGI demon leaped out from the underbrush on my daily walk along the Bay. What a marvelous time to be alive.
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Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

My Dad, God rest his soul, said to me one time while we were talking about occasionally having to listen to a democrat on TV, "don't you wish you could reach into the TV and slap 'em?" Well, yes, I do, and the little bitch at the end of that video, I was thinking exactly what Dad said years ago, I wish I could have reached into the TV and slapped her, and I mean one damn good bitch slap, so hard her fuckin' mother would have had a black eye.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

My Dad, God rest his soul, told me one time while we were talking about occasionally having to listen to a democrat on TV, "don't you wish you could reach into the TV and slap 'em?" Well, yes, I do, and the little bitch at the end of that video, I was thinking exactly what Dad said years ago, I wish I could have reached into the TV and slapped her, and I mean one damn good bitch slap, so hard her fuckin' mother would have had a black eye.

Honestly, a couple of times I spoke at the church, I said imagine that girl watched an uncensored video of of a late term abortion...she would get on her knees and beg for forgiveness before the Lord.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

My Dad, God rest his soul, told me one time while we were talking about occasionally having to listen to a democrat on TV, "don't you wish you could reach into the TV and slap 'em?" Well, yes, I do, and the little bitch at the end of that video, I was thinking exactly what Dad said years ago, I wish I could have reached into the TV and slapped her, and I mean one damn good bitch slap, so hard her fuckin' mother would have had a black eye.

Honestly, a couple of times I spoke at the church, I said imagine that girl watched an uncensored video of of a late term abortion...she would get on her knees and beg for forgiveness before the Lord.

IDK brother... ya never know... maybe she does abortions, or helps do them. Maybe she's the creature that cuts them up to harvest body parts.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

My Dad, God rest his soul, told me one time while we were talking about occasionally having to listen to a democrat on TV, "don't you wish you could reach into the TV and slap 'em?" Well, yes, I do, and the little bitch at the end of that video, I was thinking exactly what Dad said years ago, I wish I could have reached into the TV and slapped her, and I mean one damn good bitch slap, so hard her fuckin' mother would have had a black eye.

Honestly, a couple of times I spoke at the church, I said imagine that girl watched an uncensored video of of a late term abortion...she would get on her knees and beg for forgiveness before the Lord.

Many of these young cool internet kids are soul taken; their souls, minds and bodies have been taken by whatever evil you want to name it by. They've been deracinated from Christianity and patriotism by propaganda, and something very dark indwells within them.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

My Dad, God rest his soul, told me one time while we were talking about occasionally having to listen to a democrat on TV, "don't you wish you could reach into the TV and slap 'em?" Well, yes, I do, and the little bitch at the end of that video, I was thinking exactly what Dad said years ago, I wish I could have reached into the TV and slapped her, and I mean one damn good bitch slap, so hard her fuckin' mother would have had a black eye.

Honestly, a couple of times I spoke at the church, I said imagine that girl watched an uncensored video of of a late term abortion...she would get on her knees and beg for forgiveness before the Lord.

IDK brother... ya never know... maybe she does abortions, or helps do them. Maybe she's the creature that cuts them up to harvest body parts.

Nah, she was a trendie liberal who "joined in the fun."

There are very few truly evil people in this world, most of whom never even committed a crime. A good fictional example of such a character is "Uncle Vernon" from Harry Potter. He unleashed all his rage and hatred on the boy, just short of illegality.

The law is what restrains most of these evil people; the most successful among them write the laws so the evil they do is considered lawful, or "above the law." The reason most of these wicked people abide by the law is because they like to maintain a false image of "goodness" amongst their peers/neighbors, again, just like the Dudleys in Harry Potter.

I can tell that girl would break down crying. She wouldn't get through the first minute of the video.

She's like "Draco Malfoy" thinking its all cool and trendie to be a straight commie/liberal, but the moment she saw what it really

She's a useful idiot.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

...I wish I could have reached into the TV and slapped her, ...

....imagine that girl watched an uncensored video of of a late term abortion...she would get on her knees and beg for forgiveness before the Lord.

No, not. That kind of scum is not repenant.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

Stunningly fucked up. Still, I am not shocked. Surprised, perhaps, but never shocked—not in this day and Age. Honestly? I wouldn't be shocked either if a flaming Hollywood CGI demon leaped out from the underbrush on my daily walk along the Bay. What a marvelous time to be alive.

Of Main Stream Media clipped off that particular segment and praised the Wendy Davis Abortion effort in Texas.

Here's the full video of what MSM left out:

At around 5:20 you can hear the beginnings of "Hail Satan" as the speaker begins talking about the "butchering of women and fetuses, and deaths thousands of woman in Planned Parenthood clinics."
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

The left is totally insane

they burn Bibles, defund the police, and then tell citizens to give up their money when a robber demands it

what the person is a woman and the criminal wants more than just her money?
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

We already knew years ago this crowd were Satanic, that they are The Devil's Children, it was always denied and laughed at of course by The Usual Suspects, but now we have them OPENLY revealing themselves to be what we ALWAYS knew they were.

They are the modern Canaanites and their god as ever is Ba'al/Molech/Moloch. They are demons in human form and they will eventually be destroyed, our Bible tells us how all of this ends for them and how this all ends for those who are AGAINST them. We will prevail. Deus Vult.

Pro-Murdering the most innocent as they slumber in the womb = Modern Canaanites. Abortion = Modern Child Sacrifice to Ba'al/Molech/Moloch, just like it always was:



Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

The left is totally insane

they burn Bibles, defund the police, and then tell citizens to give up their money when a robber demands it

what the person is a woman and the criminal wants more than just her money?

"The left is totally insane"

Whoever the God's want to destroy, they FIRST make insane....this IS something we should always keep in mind. They WILL be destroyed, not this year or next year or the year after that BUT it IS coming for them and we WILL live to witness their destruction.
The peaceful Portland protestors gathered around and burned an American flag and Christian bible while celebrating this weekend.
The left is totally insane
they burn Bibles, defund the police, and then tell citizens to give up their money when a robber demands it
what the person is a woman and the criminal wants more than just her money?

YES, they are. But they have the Rights approval because Silence is violence and the right is consistently Silent.

"All that is required for evil men to whoop good's ass is for good men to do nothing"

I forgot it's also the anniversary of the disclosure of the Obama judiciary permitting Pepsi to continue using the remains of aborted human fetuses in Pepsi.

Response of the Office of Chief Counsel Division of CorDoration Finance Re: PepsiCo, Inc. Incoming letter dated January 3, 2012

The proposal requests that the board adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreement.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

The left is totally insane

they burn Bibles, defund the police, and then tell citizens to give up their money when a robber demands it

what the person is a woman and the criminal wants more than just her money?

"The left is totally insane"

Whoever the God's want to destroy, they FIRST make insane....this IS something we should always keep in mind. They WILL be destroyed, not this year or next year or the year after that BUT it IS coming for them and we WILL live to witness their destruction.

I agree

but I suspect they will take us down with them

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