Never Forget: Communists Chant Hail Satan over Amazing Grace.

That is the antichrist spirit, according to the bible. It also says that in the last days, lawlessness will increase, and there will be many "antichrists", which of course is different than THE antichrist.

Yes and we are in THAT time NOW, this is the beginning of it. We are foretold that the forces of Satan on this earth WILL take over, there is ZERO we can do to STOP this, it is not in our control but it is in the Plan of Our Lord, He is allowing it to happen. He is doing this because the result of them being allowed to take control will be the ONLY thing that is going to wake up ALL the crowd who are not paying attention, our Bible says they are asleep, not asleep in the literal sense, but asleep as in tuned out and not paying attention. We can NOT stop the demons taking control as it is Prophecy, but what we CAN do is try and wake up as many peoples as possible BEFORE the demons are allowed to take control, we can do our best to SAVE as MANY souls as possible during this time.

When these demons in human form aka Leftists aka Communists are allowed to take over, we already have been foretold that the result will be HORRIFIC, the most EXTREME HORROR in human history, our Bible tells us this and it ALSO tells us that their TIME will be VERY BRIEF approx three and a half years and that is WHEN the forces who are with Our Lord take the measures which begins the whole thing that then leads up to the forces of Satan being DESTROYED by an Act of God.

I do not myself think that Our Lord will literally reappear on the earth again as a physical entity, I believe His Second Coming will be an Act of God a massive Act of Nature and Spirit, what form it will take I don't know, but it WILL happen and because our Bible foretold this we should NOT fear, we should keep the ending in our minds at ALL times and know that OUR best days are STILL ahead of us, when we can rebuild this world free of the spirit of evil, free of the forces of Satan, this is when EVERYONE can then come together and live in a world devoid of division and hatred and war, a world run FOREVER by Our Lord....because let's face it Our Lord is NOT the ruler of THIS world we have now, Satan has ALWAYS been the ruler of THIS world BUT with him and his followers permanently removed and defeated The New World WILL be Our Lord's Kingdom on earth.

All virtuous.....but.....
at the end of the day....

"All that was required for evil to prevail was for good men to do nothing"

These are glorious days for the wicked and evil.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.
I'm sure they where doing this to troll Christians. I bet most of these twerps sleep with a nightlight in mom & dads basement. Don't take these chumps seriously.

They are not trolling Christians just like they are not trolling us by burning Bibles and trashing the MOST sacred of our Christian statues - for desecrating Our Lady's statues for example they should personally be met by SOMEONE with a fucking CHAINSAW.

They should also remember that when the FULL-ON SHTF that Christians throughout OUR history have been the MOST BRUTAL POS in HISTORY. These filthy Jesus Christ Rejecting and God Hating POS should remember that 24/7 because IT'S coming from Christians to them ONE LAST TIME, this will be THE END for them THIS TIME. Deus Vult.
They are not trolling Christians just like they are not trolling us by burning Bibles and trashing the MOST sacred of our Christian statues - for desecrating Our Lady's statues for example they should personally be met by SOMEONE with a fucking CHAINSAW.

Now now....Jesus would say love thy enemy
That is the antichrist spirit, according to the bible. It also says that in the last days, lawlessness will increase, and there will be many "antichrists", which of course is different than THE antichrist.

Yes and we are in THAT time NOW, this is the beginning of it. We are foretold that the forces of Satan on this earth WILL take over, there is ZERO we can do to STOP this, it is not in our control but it is in the Plan of Our Lord, He is allowing it to happen. He is doing this because the result of them being allowed to take control will be the ONLY thing that is going to wake up ALL the crowd who are not paying attention, our Bible says they are asleep, not asleep in the literal sense, but asleep as in tuned out and not paying attention. We can NOT stop the demons taking control as it is Prophecy, but what we CAN do is try and wake up as many peoples as possible BEFORE the demons are allowed to take control, we can do our best to SAVE as MANY souls as possible during this time.

When these demons in human form aka Leftists aka Communists are allowed to take over, we already have been foretold that the result will be HORRIFIC, the most EXTREME HORROR in human history, our Bible tells us this and it ALSO tells us that their TIME will be VERY BRIEF approx three and a half years and that is WHEN the forces who are with Our Lord take the measures which begins the whole thing that then leads up to the forces of Satan being DESTROYED by an Act of God.

I do not myself think that Our Lord will literally reappear on the earth again as a physical entity, I believe His Second Coming will be an Act of God a massive Act of Nature and Spirit, what form it will take I don't know, but it WILL happen and because our Bible foretold this we should NOT fear, we should keep the ending in our minds at ALL times and know that OUR best days are STILL ahead of us, when we can rebuild this world free of the spirit of evil, free of the forces of Satan, this is when EVERYONE can then come together and live in a world devoid of division and hatred and war, a world run FOREVER by Our Lord....because let's face it Our Lord is NOT the ruler of THIS world we have now, Satan has ALWAYS been the ruler of THIS world BUT with him and his followers permanently removed and defeated The New World WILL be Our Lord's Kingdom on earth.

All virtuous.....but.....
at the end of the day....

"All that was required for evil to prevail was for good men to do nothing"

These are glorious days for the wicked and evil.

They are NOT going to prevail, our SILENCE means ZERO, Our Lord is holding US back, our Bible foretold this and make NO mistake we Christians are ALREADY ready for when Our Lord let's loose on them and he knows he is going to count on His children to do the duty that our Bible foretold would be. And we will NOT fail Our Lord, we have Faith in Him and as such He has Faith in us.
They are not trolling Christians just like they are not trolling us by burning Bibles and trashing the MOST sacred of our Christian statues - for desecrating Our Lady's statues for example they should personally be met by SOMEONE with a fucking CHAINSAW.

Now now....Jesus would say love thy enemy

NOT when the enemy are Satan's children on earth. Jesus Christ would say sell your garment for a sword, Jesus Christ was NOT some Hippy Liberal, he was NOT opposed to violence when it was dealing with the forces of Satan:

Luke 22:36

"Then said He unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
That is the antichrist spirit, according to the bible. It also says that in the last days, lawlessness will increase, and there will be many "antichrists", which of course is different than THE antichrist.

Yes and we are in THAT time NOW, this is the beginning of it. We are foretold that the forces of Satan on this earth WILL take over, there is ZERO we can do to STOP this, it is not in our control but it is in the Plan of Our Lord, He is allowing it to happen. He is doing this because the result of them being allowed to take control will be the ONLY thing that is going to wake up ALL the crowd who are not paying attention, our Bible says they are asleep, not asleep in the literal sense, but asleep as in tuned out and not paying attention. We can NOT stop the demons taking control as it is Prophecy, but what we CAN do is try and wake up as many peoples as possible BEFORE the demons are allowed to take control, we can do our best to SAVE as MANY souls as possible during this time.

When these demons in human form aka Leftists aka Communists are allowed to take over, we already have been foretold that the result will be HORRIFIC, the most EXTREME HORROR in human history, our Bible tells us this and it ALSO tells us that their TIME will be VERY BRIEF approx three and a half years and that is WHEN the forces who are with Our Lord take the measures which begins the whole thing that then leads up to the forces of Satan being DESTROYED by an Act of God.

I do not myself think that Our Lord will literally reappear on the earth again as a physical entity, I believe His Second Coming will be an Act of God a massive Act of Nature and Spirit, what form it will take I don't know, but it WILL happen and because our Bible foretold this we should NOT fear, we should keep the ending in our minds at ALL times and know that OUR best days are STILL ahead of us, when we can rebuild this world free of the spirit of evil, free of the forces of Satan, this is when EVERYONE can then come together and live in a world devoid of division and hatred and war, a world run FOREVER by Our Lord....because let's face it Our Lord is NOT the ruler of THIS world we have now, Satan has ALWAYS been the ruler of THIS world BUT with him and his followers permanently removed and defeated The New World WILL be Our Lord's Kingdom on earth.

All virtuous.....but.....
at the end of the day....

"All that was required for evil to prevail was for good men to do nothing"

These are glorious days for the wicked and evil.

They are NOT going to prevail, our SILENCE means ZERO, Our Lord is holding US back, our Bible foretold this and make NO mistake we Christians are ALREADY ready for when Our Lord let's loose on them and he knows he is going to count on His children to do the duty that our Bible foretold would be. And we will NOT fail Our Lord, we have Faith in Him and as such He has Faith in us.

No problem......
But exactly WHEN is this supposed to occur?

None of us will be around to see it or benefit from it. 1000 years of darkness is a long time.

Keep in mind, God did NOT spare Christians during the great flood. Surely you cannot think Noah was the ONLY faithful Christian on
Earth at the time?

Let me put it like this.....
Definitely keep the faith.....but if you don't pick up the sword you still perish
That is the antichrist spirit, according to the bible. It also says that in the last days, lawlessness will increase, and there will be many "antichrists", which of course is different than THE antichrist.

Yes and we are in THAT time NOW, this is the beginning of it. We are foretold that the forces of Satan on this earth WILL take over, there is ZERO we can do to STOP this, it is not in our control but it is in the Plan of Our Lord, He is allowing it to happen. He is doing this because the result of them being allowed to take control will be the ONLY thing that is going to wake up ALL the crowd who are not paying attention, our Bible says they are asleep, not asleep in the literal sense, but asleep as in tuned out and not paying attention. We can NOT stop the demons taking control as it is Prophecy, but what we CAN do is try and wake up as many peoples as possible BEFORE the demons are allowed to take control, we can do our best to SAVE as MANY souls as possible during this time.

When these demons in human form aka Leftists aka Communists are allowed to take over, we already have been foretold that the result will be HORRIFIC, the most EXTREME HORROR in human history, our Bible tells us this and it ALSO tells us that their TIME will be VERY BRIEF approx three and a half years and that is WHEN the forces who are with Our Lord take the measures which begins the whole thing that then leads up to the forces of Satan being DESTROYED by an Act of God.

I do not myself think that Our Lord will literally reappear on the earth again as a physical entity, I believe His Second Coming will be an Act of God a massive Act of Nature and Spirit, what form it will take I don't know, but it WILL happen and because our Bible foretold this we should NOT fear, we should keep the ending in our minds at ALL times and know that OUR best days are STILL ahead of us, when we can rebuild this world free of the spirit of evil, free of the forces of Satan, this is when EVERYONE can then come together and live in a world devoid of division and hatred and war, a world run FOREVER by Our Lord....because let's face it Our Lord is NOT the ruler of THIS world we have now, Satan has ALWAYS been the ruler of THIS world BUT with him and his followers permanently removed and defeated The New World WILL be Our Lord's Kingdom on earth.

All virtuous.....but.....
at the end of the day....

"All that was required for evil to prevail was for good men to do nothing"

These are glorious days for the wicked and evil.

They are NOT going to prevail, our SILENCE means ZERO, Our Lord is holding US back, our Bible foretold this and make NO mistake we Christians are ALREADY ready for when Our Lord let's loose on them and he knows he is going to count on His children to do the duty that our Bible foretold would be. And we will NOT fail Our Lord, we have Faith in Him and as such He has Faith in us.

No problem......
But exactly WHEN is this supposed to occur?

None of us will be around to see it or benefit from it. 1000 years of darkness is a long time.

Keep in mind, God did NOT spare Christians during the great flood.

1.000 years of darkness. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and His Resurrection and as I'm a believer I should have Eternal Life, DEATH is NOT the end, you cannot DESTROY pure energy, our brains are made up of neutrons - ENERGY - and Quantum Physics proves you cannot destroy energy you can only destroy the vessel it is carried in and so our human body rots and is destroyed BUT the energy in our brains lives on forever and this is what the Soul is, it's who you are, what you think, what you feel and your entire personality THAT comprises the Soul.

What was the reason FOR The Great Flood? It was because the world at that time had become like THIS world now and God decided to cleanse it and return it to it's pre-Creation state and then REBUILD it ALL AGAIN. Those who had not turned bad were allowed on the Ark and we can see this The Ark as a form of Salvation THROUGH Jesus Christ. I could elaborate but I suspect I am dealing with a Non-Believe in Jesus Christ here so why waste my time? I shouldn't.
Not one of those "brave leftists" would dare to ridicule muslims during their time of prayer.

They are so brave.

They would NEVER do ANYTHING to upset Muslims because the Leftists SUPPORT Islam, we see this every time there is an Islamic Terrorist attack the Leftists do EVERYTHING possible to DEFEND the Islamists.
That is the antichrist spirit, according to the bible. It also says that in the last days, lawlessness will increase, and there will be many "antichrists", which of course is different than THE antichrist.

Yes and we are in THAT time NOW, this is the beginning of it. We are foretold that the forces of Satan on this earth WILL take over, there is ZERO we can do to STOP this, it is not in our control but it is in the Plan of Our Lord, He is allowing it to happen. He is doing this because the result of them being allowed to take control will be the ONLY thing that is going to wake up ALL the crowd who are not paying attention, our Bible says they are asleep, not asleep in the literal sense, but asleep as in tuned out and not paying attention. We can NOT stop the demons taking control as it is Prophecy, but what we CAN do is try and wake up as many peoples as possible BEFORE the demons are allowed to take control, we can do our best to SAVE as MANY souls as possible during this time.

When these demons in human form aka Leftists aka Communists are allowed to take over, we already have been foretold that the result will be HORRIFIC, the most EXTREME HORROR in human history, our Bible tells us this and it ALSO tells us that their TIME will be VERY BRIEF approx three and a half years and that is WHEN the forces who are with Our Lord take the measures which begins the whole thing that then leads up to the forces of Satan being DESTROYED by an Act of God.

I do not myself think that Our Lord will literally reappear on the earth again as a physical entity, I believe His Second Coming will be an Act of God a massive Act of Nature and Spirit, what form it will take I don't know, but it WILL happen and because our Bible foretold this we should NOT fear, we should keep the ending in our minds at ALL times and know that OUR best days are STILL ahead of us, when we can rebuild this world free of the spirit of evil, free of the forces of Satan, this is when EVERYONE can then come together and live in a world devoid of division and hatred and war, a world run FOREVER by Our Lord....because let's face it Our Lord is NOT the ruler of THIS world we have now, Satan has ALWAYS been the ruler of THIS world BUT with him and his followers permanently removed and defeated The New World WILL be Our Lord's Kingdom on earth.

All virtuous.....but.....
at the end of the day....

"All that was required for evil to prevail was for good men to do nothing"

These are glorious days for the wicked and evil.

They are NOT going to prevail, our SILENCE means ZERO, Our Lord is holding US back, our Bible foretold this and make NO mistake we Christians are ALREADY ready for when Our Lord let's loose on them and he knows he is going to count on His children to do the duty that our Bible foretold would be. And we will NOT fail Our Lord, we have Faith in Him and as such He has Faith in us.

No problem......
But exactly WHEN is this supposed to occur?

None of us will be around to see it or benefit from it. 1000 years of darkness is a long time.

Keep in mind, God did NOT spare Christians during the great flood. Surely you cannot think Noah was the ONLY faithful Christian on
Earth at the time?

Let me put it like this.....
Definitely keep the faith.....but if you don't pick up the sword you still perish

"But exactly WHEN is this supposed to occur?"

Our Bible does not give specific DATES on ANYTHING, all it does is give clues WHAT to watch for and like others I agree that THIS time we now have nearly ALL the clues that were given are HAPPENING or have even ALREADY HAPPENED, we only wait now for a few more things before it ALL kicks off as foretold.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

How can you tell they're communists?
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

A. Most black people are Christians. Lots of white Christians get abortions too.

B. There are a lot of capitalists who yell hail Satan too. I’m one of them. It’s funny. Socialists do it too. Don’t pick on communists who do it when we all do it. America is secular right?

" Most black people are Christians."

Yes and this is why we have to get away from the colour of skin thing and instead embrace the Christian thing which we have IN common. As Blacks and Whites based only on skin colour we have ZERO in common and Leftists being vile POS are EXPLOITING this to the levels of total wickedness and this is why NOBODY should take the bait from those Race Baiters and instead starting thinking of each other as just Christians regardless of skin colour and I add I would say that ZERO members of BLM are Christian, their actions illustrate BLM are of The Devil which is why they are DEMANDING Marxism which also is of The Devil.


Yeah, she drank all the koolaide.
That is the antichrist spirit, according to the bible. It also says that in the last days, lawlessness will increase, and there will be many "antichrists", which of course is different than THE antichrist.

Yes and we are in THAT time NOW, this is the beginning of it. We are foretold that the forces of Satan on this earth WILL take over, there is ZERO we can do to STOP this, it is not in our control but it is in the Plan of Our Lord, He is allowing it to happen. He is doing this because the result of them being allowed to take control will be the ONLY thing that is going to wake up ALL the crowd who are not paying attention, our Bible says they are asleep, not asleep in the literal sense, but asleep as in tuned out and not paying attention. We can NOT stop the demons taking control as it is Prophecy, but what we CAN do is try and wake up as many peoples as possible BEFORE the demons are allowed to take control, we can do our best to SAVE as MANY souls as possible during this time.

When these demons in human form aka Leftists aka Communists are allowed to take over, we already have been foretold that the result will be HORRIFIC, the most EXTREME HORROR in human history, our Bible tells us this and it ALSO tells us that their TIME will be VERY BRIEF approx three and a half years and that is WHEN the forces who are with Our Lord take the measures which begins the whole thing that then leads up to the forces of Satan being DESTROYED by an Act of God.

I do not myself think that Our Lord will literally reappear on the earth again as a physical entity, I believe His Second Coming will be an Act of God a massive Act of Nature and Spirit, what form it will take I don't know, but it WILL happen and because our Bible foretold this we should NOT fear, we should keep the ending in our minds at ALL times and know that OUR best days are STILL ahead of us, when we can rebuild this world free of the spirit of evil, free of the forces of Satan, this is when EVERYONE can then come together and live in a world devoid of division and hatred and war, a world run FOREVER by Our Lord....because let's face it Our Lord is NOT the ruler of THIS world we have now, Satan has ALWAYS been the ruler of THIS world BUT with him and his followers permanently removed and defeated The New World WILL be Our Lord's Kingdom on earth.

All virtuous.....but.....
at the end of the day....

"All that was required for evil to prevail was for good men to do nothing"

These are glorious days for the wicked and evil.

They are NOT going to prevail, our SILENCE means ZERO, Our Lord is holding US back, our Bible foretold this and make NO mistake we Christians are ALREADY ready for when Our Lord let's loose on them and he knows he is going to count on His children to do the duty that our Bible foretold would be. And we will NOT fail Our Lord, we have Faith in Him and as such He has Faith in us.

No problem......
But exactly WHEN is this supposed to occur?

None of us will be around to see it or benefit from it. 1000 years of darkness is a long time.

Keep in mind, God did NOT spare Christians during the great flood.

1.000 years of darkness. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and His Resurrection and as I'm a believer I should have Eternal Life, DEATH is NOT the end, you cannot DESTROY pure energy, our brains are made up of neutrons - ENERGY - and Quantum Physics proves you cannot destroy energy you can only destroy the vessel it is carried in and so our human body rots and is destroyed BUT the energy in our brains lives on forever and this is what the Soul is, it's who you are, what you think, what you feel and your entire personality THAT comprises the Soul.

What was the reason FOR The Great Flood? It was because the world at that time had become like THIS world now and God decided to cleanse it and return it to it's pre-Creation state and then REBUILD it ALL AGAIN. Those who had not turned bad were allowed on the Ark and we can see this The Ark as a form of Salvation THROUGH Jesus Christ. I could elaborate but I suspect I am dealing with a Non-Believe in Jesus Christ here so why waste my time? I shouldn't.

I'm a "troubled" believer. I question. I seek answers.

Please explain how there were so few faithful Christians at the time that they could all fit on the Ark. The purpose of the Ark was
to save Noah, his wife and immediate family and very few others. ANIMALS were th main purpose of Noah's Ark.
As I recall, the number of humans on the Ark was VERY small.

Was Jesus only able to save a few dozen humans out of the entire human race?

You post as if you know, I am curious.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

A. Most black people are Christians. Lots of white Christians get abortions too.

B. There are a lot of capitalists who yell hail Satan too. I’m one of them. It’s funny. Socialists do it too. Don’t pick on communists who do it when we all do it. America is secular right?

" Most black people are Christians."

Yes and this is why we have to get away from the colour of skin thing and instead embrace the Christian thing which we have IN common. As Blacks and Whites based only on skin colour we have ZERO in common and Leftists being vile POS are EXPLOITING this to the levels of total wickedness and this is why NOBODY should take the bait from those Race Baiters and instead starting thinking of each other as just Christians regardless of skin colour and I add I would say that ZERO members of BLM are Christian, their actions illustrate BLM are of The Devil which is why they are DEMANDING Marxism which also is of The Devil.


Yeah, she drank all the koolaide.

^^^^ STFU you Commie Mega Troll Soy Boi Bot.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

A. Most black people are Christians. Lots of white Christians get abortions too.

B. There are a lot of capitalists who yell hail Satan too. I’m one of them. It’s funny. Socialists do it too. Don’t pick on communists who do it when we all do it. America is secular right?

" Most black people are Christians."

Yes and this is why we have to get away from the colour of skin thing and instead embrace the Christian thing which we have IN common. As Blacks and Whites based only on skin colour we have ZERO in common and Leftists being vile POS are EXPLOITING this to the levels of total wickedness and this is why NOBODY should take the bait from those Race Baiters and instead starting thinking of each other as just Christians regardless of skin colour and I add I would say that ZERO members of BLM are Christian, their actions illustrate BLM are of The Devil which is why they are DEMANDING Marxism which also is of The Devil.


Yeah, she drank all the koolaide.

No, she is correct. Or at least she was. Times are changing.
If you knew ANYTHING about slavery and early America you would know that blacks
became very religious as often happens when people are facing severe conditions.

It is only recently that blacks (and whites) are turning away from Christ
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

A. Most black people are Christians. Lots of white Christians get abortions too.

B. There are a lot of capitalists who yell hail Satan too. I’m one of them. It’s funny. Socialists do it too. Don’t pick on communists who do it when we all do it. America is secular right?

" Most black people are Christians."

Yes and this is why we have to get away from the colour of skin thing and instead embrace the Christian thing which we have IN common. As Blacks and Whites based only on skin colour we have ZERO in common and Leftists being vile POS are EXPLOITING this to the levels of total wickedness and this is why NOBODY should take the bait from those Race Baiters and instead starting thinking of each other as just Christians regardless of skin colour and I add I would say that ZERO members of BLM are Christian, their actions illustrate BLM are of The Devil which is why they are DEMANDING Marxism which also is of The Devil.


Yeah, she drank all the koolaide.

^^^^ STFU you Commie Mega Troll Soy Boi Bot.

Thanks for making my point.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

A. Most black people are Christians. Lots of white Christians get abortions too.

B. There are a lot of capitalists who yell hail Satan too. I’m one of them. It’s funny. Socialists do it too. Don’t pick on communists who do it when we all do it. America is secular right?

" Most black people are Christians."

Yes and this is why we have to get away from the colour of skin thing and instead embrace the Christian thing which we have IN common. As Blacks and Whites based only on skin colour we have ZERO in common and Leftists being vile POS are EXPLOITING this to the levels of total wickedness and this is why NOBODY should take the bait from those Race Baiters and instead starting thinking of each other as just Christians regardless of skin colour and I add I would say that ZERO members of BLM are Christian, their actions illustrate BLM are of The Devil which is why they are DEMANDING Marxism which also is of The Devil.


Yeah, she drank all the koolaide.

No, she is correct. Or at least she was. Times are changing.
If you knew ANYTHING about slavery and early America you would know that blacks
became very religious as often happens when people are facing severe conditions.

It is only recently that blacks (and whites) are turning away from Christ

That wasn't the part I was referring to.
No, she is correct. Or at least she was. Times are changing.
If you knew ANYTHING about slavery and early America you would know that blacks
became very religious as often happens when people are facing severe conditions.

It is only recently that blacks (and whites) are turning away from Christ

I disagree:

I'm rewriting my letter to Weston Priory in Vermont. I was originally planning to go there after I finished I parole. However, after watching Dr. Immanuel, God told me that my future is in her ministry.
Every year I make a new thread at the end of July on the anniversary of this event. I was bit late this year, my bad.

Also, as of 2020, the number of black babies in the United States aborted since Roe v Wade has now exceeded 50% the living population of blacks in the United States.

A. Most black people are Christians. Lots of white Christians get abortions too.

B. There are a lot of capitalists who yell hail Satan too. I’m one of them. It’s funny. Socialists do it too. Don’t pick on communists who do it when we all do it. America is secular right?

" Most black people are Christians."

Yes and this is why we have to get away from the colour of skin thing and instead embrace the Christian thing which we have IN common. As Blacks and Whites based only on skin colour we have ZERO in common and Leftists being vile POS are EXPLOITING this to the levels of total wickedness and this is why NOBODY should take the bait from those Race Baiters and instead starting thinking of each other as just Christians regardless of skin colour and I add I would say that ZERO members of BLM are Christian, their actions illustrate BLM are of The Devil which is why they are DEMANDING Marxism which also is of The Devil.


Yeah, she drank all the koolaide.

No, she is correct. Or at least she was. Times are changing.
If you knew ANYTHING about slavery and early America you would know that blacks
became very religious as often happens when people are facing severe conditions.

It is only recently that blacks (and whites) are turning away from Christ

That wasn't the part I was referring to.

You were wrong about all of it
No, she is correct. Or at least she was. Times are changing.
If you knew ANYTHING about slavery and early America you would know that blacks
became very religious as often happens when people are facing severe conditions.

It is only recently that blacks (and whites) are turning away from Christ

I disagree:

I'm rewriting my letter to Weston Priory in Vermont. I was originally planning to go there after I finished I parole. However, after watching Dr. Immanuel, God told me that my future is in her ministry.

Then you have never spent time in rural black America

Reverend Martin Luther King Jr
Reverend Jesse Jackson

You also don't know that the church was the center of the Civil Rights movement

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